Smack throws NullPointerException in Roster's presence listener - xmpp

I'm using Smack with android chatting applications and recently I have updated Smack to version to 4.3.0 and getting some error in fabric. It is a NullPointerException inside of Smack:
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Object.hashCode()' on a null object reference
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get (
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster.getPresencesInternal (
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster.getOrCreatePresencesInternal (
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster.access$1100 (
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster$PresencePacketListener$ (
org.jivesoftware.smack.AsyncButOrdered$ (
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ( (

"Use the source, Luke (and study the relevant open standard)" Obi-Wan Kenobi
Smack is open soure, so let us look at the source: One interesting part is
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster.getPresencesInternal (
which reads
Map<Resourcepart, Presence> entityPresences = presenceMap.get(entity);
We also find that presenceMap is declared as follows
private final Map<BareJid, Map<Resourcepart, Presence>> presenceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
So it is a ConcurrentHashMap, which matches with the stacktrace. It is obvous that entity above is null, which is the cause of the NullPointerException.
Now we need to walk the call stack up (or down, depening on your point of view), to determine where entity origins from. Here the interesting part is
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster$PresencePacketListener$ (
which reads
userPresences = getOrCreatePresencesInternal(key);
so enitty is key here. Which is declare and define just a few lines above
final BareJid key = from != null ? from.asBareJid() : null;
So in case from is null, keywill also be null. Which later causes theNullPointerException. Looking at the code, we find that this is caused by a presence XMPP stanza without a from` attribute set.
The question is now if those stanzas are legal in XMPP. To determine that, we need to have a look at the specification. The relevant part is [RFC 6120 § 4.],1, which states
When the server generates a stanza from the server for delivery
to the client on behalf of the account of the connected client
(e.g., in the context of data storage services provided by the
server on behalf of the client), the stanza MUST either (a) not
include a 'from' attribute or (b) include a 'from' attribute
whose value is the account's bare JID (localpart#domainpart).
So a missing 'from' attribute is generally allowed and is equal to the "account's bare JID".
Now the question is: Are there any presence stanzas specified send from the server to the client which do not have a 'from' attribute? I could not find any while reading the related RFC 6121. And I am not aware when this should ever happen (I possibly could be missing someting). But right now this appears to be a bug in the entity which creates those presence stanzas, which is the used XMPP server implementation.
(What XMPP server implementation do you use?).


Sccp layer problem during message transmission

I made a client-server association with ss7 but am receiving error of (Received SccpMessage for translation but no matching rule found )
INIT message and INIT-ACK have been exchange between client and server.
But onSending message i am receiving this error:
05:52:21,865 WARN [org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.sccp.impl.SccpRoutingControl] (SLEE-EventRouterExecutor-17-thread-1) Received SccpMessage for Translation but no matching Rule found for local routing
SccpMessage=Sccp Msg [Type=-1 networkId=0 sls=1 incomingOpc=-1 incomingDpc=-1 outgoingDpc=-1 CallingAddress(pc=0,ssn=146,AI=18,gt=GlobalTitle0100Impl [digits=0350102, natureOfAddress=INTERNATIONAL, numberingPlan=ISDN_TELEPHONY, translationType=0, encodingScheme=DefaultEncodingScheme[type=UNKNOWN, code=0]]) CalledParty(pc=0,ssn=146,AI=18,gt=GlobalTitle0100Impl [digits=0350101, natureOfAddress=INTERNATIONAL, numberingPlan=ISDN_TELEPHONY, translationType=0, encodingScheme=DefaultEncodingScheme[type=UNKNOWN, code=0]]) DataLen=103]
Can someone Help
Received SccpMessage for Translation but no matching Rule found
You need to create at least one sccp routing rule for the GT (Global Title) in the Called Party Address (0350101) and later you'll probably need another rule for the GT you've put in the Calling Party Address.
See 7.4.17. Create a new SCCP Rule and 7.4.13. Create a new Primary/Backup address
See also:

How call PUT through Jersy REST client with null entity

I want to call some "upgrade" REST API through Jersy client, which is declared as PUT and does not require any body content.
But when I request this API as below:
It gives error as below:
Entity must not be null for http method PUT.
So need to know, is there any way in jersy client to call PUT method with null Entity.
You can configure the client property
By default, Jersey client runtime performs certain HTTP compliance checks (such as which HTTP methods can facilitate non-empty request entities etc.) in order to fail fast with an exception when user tries to establish a communication non-compliant with HTTP specification. Users who need to override these compliance checks and avoid the exceptions being thrown by Jersey client runtime for some reason, can set this property to true. As a result, the compliance issues will be merely reported in a log and no exceptions will be thrown.
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();, true);
WebTarget target ="...");
Response response = target.request().put(Entity.json(null));
I ran into the same error, and solved it by using an empty text entity:
Entity<?> empty = Entity.text("");
You can use webTarget.request().put(Entity.json(""));
It works for me.

Implementation of IDNs in JIDs as specified in RFC 6122

I have added International Domain Name support to an XMPP client as specified in RFC 6122. In the RFC it states:
Although XMPP applications do not communicate the output of the
ToASCII operation (called an "ACE label") over the wire, it MUST be
possible to apply that operation without failing to each
internationalized label.
However, with the domain I have available for testing (running Prosody 0.9.4; working on getting feedback from someone else about how Ejabberd handles this), sending a Unicode name in the "to" field of an XMPP stanza causes them to immediately return an XMPP error stanza and terminate the stream. If I apply the toASCII operation before sending the stanza, the connection succeedes, and I can begin authentication with the server.
So sending:
<somestanza to="é"/>
Would cause an error, while:
<somestanza to=""/>
works fine.
Is it correct to send the ASCII representation (ACE label) of the domain like this? If so, what does the spec mean when it says that "XMPP applications do not communicate the output of the ToASCII operation ... over the wire"? If not, how can I ensure compatibility with misbehaving servers?

Proper way to convey error messages during calls to a REST service?

I'm writing a REST based web service, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle error conditions.
Currently the service is returning HTTP Errors, such as Bad Request, but how can I return extra information to give developers using the web service an idea what they're doing wrong?
For example: creating a user with a null username returns an error of Bad Request. How can I add that the error was caused by a null username parameter?
According to the HTTP spec, the text that comes after the three digit response code, the "Reason-Phrase", can only be replaced with a logical equivalent. So you can't respond with 400 null user and expect anything useful to happen. Indeed, The client is not required to examine or display the Reason- Phrase.
In general, the HTTP response entity (typically the page that accompanies the response) should contain information useful to the client to guide them forward, even when the response is an error. On the web, most such errors are HTML, and are devoid of machine readable information, but most browsers do show the error to the user (and SO's error page is pretty good!).
So for a primarily machine readable resource you have two options:
Pass a human readable message anyway. Return 400 Bad Request with a HTML response, which the client may opt to show to the user. It's dead easy but it's a bit like throwing an unchecked exception, it passes all the hard work to the client, or indeed the end user.
Allow clients to recover. Return 400 Bad Request with a machine readable response which is part of your API, so clients can recover from known error conditions. This is harder, like throwing a checked exception, it becomes part of the API, and it allows clients to recover gracefully if they want to.
You could even make the server support both scenarios by defining a media type for the machie readable error recovery document, and allow clients to "accept" them: Accept: application/atom+xml, application/my.proprietary.errors+json
Clients that forget the mandatory field can opt in to getting machine readable errors or human readable errors by choosing to Accepting the error media type.
It's stated in the HTTP spec that most error codes should return some basic text that gives a clarification of why the error is being returned. The basic Java Servlet Spec defines the HttpServletResponse.sendError(int Code, String message) for this purpose.
String desc = "my Description";
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(desc).type("text/plain").build());

BizTalk 2006 SOAP Adapter - Messaging only Web Service Call

In BizTalk 2006, I am trying to set up a messaging-only scenario whereby the recieved message (a string) is passed to a web service method that takes a single string parameter. In other words, the whole body of the BizTalk message should be passed as the parameter to the web service call.
The service method looks like this:
public void LogAuditEvent(string auditEventMessage)
I have set up the assembly with the proxy class in the SOAP adapter configuration as required, but I can't figure out how to get the message body to be passed as the parameter. Without doing anything special, I get the following error message:
Failed to serialize the message part
"auditEventMessage" into the type
"String" using namespace "".
I think this means that the adapter cannot find a message part named after the parameter. So, my question is what do I need to do to get my message set up correctly? I was thinking that maybe I needed to add an outbound map, but was not sure what to use as the source schema and how to generate a proper schema for the web service request message.
Does anyone have any pointers on this seemingly simple task?
I would take a look at the links below for some tips on how to do this. SOAP adapter can be problematic I would recommend WCF if your using R2. And if not look at the WSE adapters as well.