Finding class and function names from an x86-64 executable - class

I am wondering about if it is always possible, in some way to obtain the function and class names when reversing an application. (in this case a game) I have tried for around 1 month to reverse a game (Assassin's Creed Unity (anvil engine)) but still no luck getting the function names. I have found a way to obtain the class names but no clue on function names.
So my question is, is it possible to actually obtain the function name out having the documentation, and create a hierarchy. (I ame doing this to get better at reversing and to learn new things (asm x64))
Any tips and tricks related to reversing classes/structers are appreciated.

No, function and class names aren't needed for compiled code to work, and usually aren't part of an executable that's had its symbol table stripped.
The exception to that would be calls across DLL boundaries where you might get some mangled C++ names containing function and class names, or if there are any error-check / assert messages in the release build then some names might show up in strings.
C++ with RTTI (RunTime Type Info) might have type names somewhere, maybe mapping vtable pointers to strings, or for classes with no virtual members probably only if typeid was ever actually used. (Or not at all if compiled with RTTI disabled. activate RTTI in c++)
Even exception-handling I think doesn't need class names in the binary.
Other than that, there's no need for class names or function names in the compiled binary. Definitely not in the machine code itself; that's of course all pointers / relative offsets, even for classes with virtual functions. How do objects work in x86 at the assembly level?.
C++ does not generally support introspection, unlike Java, so there's no default need for any of the info you're looking for to be in the executable anywhere.


How do I check valid method name for an Object in Pascal?

I have a class (character) with inherited classes (solider, medic etc) that have specific game related methods. E.g. Shoot or Heal.
I want it so that the user can type in Heal, for example, and the program can check what type of character they have and therefore see if that is a valid name of a method in that Object.
I know it's possible in other languages but can't see how to do it in Pascal. It must work in Free Pascal as well as Delphi. Thank you
You don't need to be able to check for the validity of a method name to do this, and it is probably preferable if you don't.
You could do check a method name's using RTTI, but that is implemented somewhat differently in FreePascal than Delphi, (in particular for extended RTTI).
However, it would be far more straightforward to implement your own look-up mechanism to resolve in-game entity-names, properties and verbs in a dictionary of some sort. That would be trivial in both FP and Delphi and independent of the compiler used. It would also allow the names used by the end-user to be independent of the names used in code, which would be easier internationalisation, etc. It would also avoid the problem which would arise if an in-game identifier contained a character not permitted in a Pascal identifier (such as a space, accented character or whatever).
PS: You didn't ask this, BUT ... if I were contemplating writing a text-game of any size, I would seriously consider doing it as a hybrid Delphi of Prolog: Delpi for the gui and Prolog as a far easier language in which to code in-game actions, objects and rules, and there is one paricular implementation, Amzi Prolog, which has a very rich interface for interfacing a Prolog engine with Delphi -see Amzi used to be commercial but is now PD, fwiw.

What does the 'I' in IObservable<T> or IObserver<T> mean?

I'm trying to learn/understand Rx, specifically RxJS, and keep seeing references to IObservable, IObserver, etc.
Can anyone tell me what the leading I means and/or where it comes from?
From my searching, it looks like the <T> is for the type. If this is wrong or naive, I'd appreciate some clarification on this as well.
In ye olden days of MFC for C++, Microsoft had Hungarian notation down to a very irritating artform, where all concrete classes were prefixed with C and their COM interfaces with I, this does help avoid the conflict where a COM interface and class might share the same name and so muddy your project.
Part of this notation carried over into .NET, except only interfaces kept the I prefix, but classes and other types dropped their Cs. This does make non-interface-heavy code easier to look at, but can cause ambiguity if you begin a class name with a 2-letter acronym beginning with I (as two-letter acronyms must be completely capitalised according to the the .NET style guidelines), but this is rare.
(I note that generic type name placeholders are prefixed with T too, e.g. TKey and TValue in Dictionary).
An example of why this is necessary is when dealing with collections in .NET, if you're building a reusable library and don't want to expose implementation details (e.g. if you use List<T> or T[] as an underlying collection field type), you can use IList<T> or IReadOnlyList<T> which are interfaces. If the interface was simply called List<T> it would conflict with the actual type List<T>, and ReadOnlyList<T> (an interface) might get confused with ReadOnlyCollection<T> (a class).
You might argue that this wouldn't be a problem if classes and interfaces had a different namespace. C does this: struct types and scalars exist in different namespaces, which unfortunately means that every time a struct type name is used, its usage must be prefixed with struct (e.g. a declaration: struct Foo foo). People workaround this by using typedef with anonymous structs, but I feel the end-result is messy (and the Linux kernel coding guidelines prohibit this too).
In Java, however, interfaces are not prefixed with I but instead have class-like names. Whether this is "correct" or "better" is entirely up for debate. C++ does not have interface types, just pure-abstract classes and multiple-inheritance, so the I prefix isn't typically seen at all outside of COM.

How do I import code in Pascal?

What's the Pascal way to do C's #include "code.h", Python's import code, etc.?
Pascal uses
to import other modules.
While you can explicitly {$INCLUDE a file it's rarely done other than for configuration files containing compiler switches. The only time I've ever done it was long ago when I wanted two versions of the code identical except one used coprocessor-only datatypes and the other didn't. (And how many people these days even know that single and double types used to require either an expensive additional chip or a slow emulator?)
If you include the same code in two places you will get two copies of it in your .EXE. If you include the same type definition in two places you'll get two types with the same name and since Pascal uses strict typing they will not match.
The normal mechanic is as Greg Hewgill says, to use the file you want. Anything that appears in the interface of the file you use is visible, anything that's only in the implementation is not visible. This is an all-or-nothing process, you don't specify what you are bringing in. Think of the C# using command.
Unlike the C# version it's absolutely mandatory. You can't use fully qualified names to get around it.

Mixing ObjC and C++ with C++ template classes in more than one source

I'm just thinking of porting some old C++ sources held in my archive to iOS thus supplying a ObjC GUI, using wrappers for some C++ stuff and leave the important data working stuff within the C++ code. So, the problem is that the old sources come from Win32 MFC thus using CString class for strings and I want to replace that with Joe O'Leary's CStdString which is a C++ template class that will do it just fine ... but:
I have to use the string class definition along with a big bunch of different C++ sources and so each of them will include the CStdString template on their own. Normally I would write a wrapper for the whole string class, but better if I needn't.
Will I have a problem with instantiation of strings in the different sources? Could it make a problem to pass a templated string from one source to another? In fact I don't know if the compiler generates the code for a template only once or multiple times having the fact that the same instantiation type is used for the template.
Can you fill some light into this?
MFC and CString may only work properly on Windows OS so they aren't good candidates to be putting in any kind of library that will be potentially used by a platform other than windows.
I'm not familiar with Joe O'Leary's CStdString classes but I'd recommend using std::string as much as possible and char* with "extern C" exports and wrapping functions for use outside of C++ land as the c-style string is more easily compatible with other languages that may need to call into your C++ library.
As far as templates all the variations are generated at compile time and then the correct implementation is chosen at run time as far as I know. However your problem will most likely be in translation from one kind of string to another which may require you to create some middle layer or wrapper to marshal from string type of one language to another.
I agree with CString, as long as you stay with std::string or some other multi-platform string implementation for C++ you are not going to face any issues ( even boost works on iOS ).
I've been integrating C++/Obj-C for about two years now so you can be sure that keeping model classes in C++ ( even with heavily templated code ), is not a problem. I would advice you to do what you could do best with Obj-C in Obj-C though... ( avoiding being a hammer developer :) )
Good luck!

GWT Generators - Determine Whether a Class is Referenced Anywhere

I have GWT project that uses Generators to create light dynamic reflection objects.
I was wondering if anybody knows of a way to determine whether or not a particular class is referenced in the dependency tree beginning at all EntryPoints. If I could do this, I could avoid generating reflection data for classes that will never be used anyway.
My understanding is that when GWT does its compiling, it performs a similar check so that it can reduce the total size of the compiled code, but I haven't been able to find any related methods in TypeOracle or anything like that.
This is an indirect method of accomplishing what you are getting at. I believe each GWT module, is fully packaged into a regular java package. You can use
TypeOracle.findPackage(String pkgName)
to get the JPackage instance, and on that instance you use findType(String typeName) to see if a type is present in that package. If present, its likely that it is referenced in some file and GWT will compile it.
There is also this method getPackages() which returns an array of all packages known to this type oracle - therefore reachable for GWT compiler.
JPackage[] getPackages()
You can iteratively findType() on each package to find if the type is going to be compiled or not.
The BEST method is to define a custom annotation and whitelist all the classes that you do want to generate reflection code. You can annotate the required classes with it, and checking for that presence of annotation before generating code for it.
My favorite is to follow a naming convention over annotation, (I did both together), and thus maintain a whitelist, and make the convention (its usually a REGEX) a "setting" that can be changed however the team wants.