Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor? - coq

For example, if I define a function from nat to nat, it would be
Definition plusfive(a:nat): nat := a + 5.
However, I would like to define a function whose arguments are nats constructed using the "S" constructor (i.e. nonzero) is that possible to directly specify as a type? something like
Definition plusfive(a: nat.S): nat := a + 5.
(I know that for this case I could also add an argument with a proof that a is nonzero, but I am wondering if it is possible to directly name the type based on the 'S' constructor).

Functions have to be complete, so you will have to use some subtype instead of nat, or add an argument that reduces input space, for instance (H: a<>0)
Definition plusfive(a:nat) (H:a<>0) :=
match a as e return a=e -> _ with
| S _ => fun _ => a + 5
| _ => fun H0 => match (H H0) with end
end eq_refl.
However, these kinds of tricks have been discovered to be very cumbersome to work with in large developments, and often one instead uses complete functions on the base type that return dummy values for bad input values, and prove that the function is called with correct arguments separately from the function definition. See for example how division is defined in the standard library.
Require Import Nat.
Print div.
div =
fun x y : nat => match y with
| 0 => y
| S y' => fst (divmod x y' 0 y')
: nat -> nat -> nat
So Compute (div 1 0). gives you 0.
The nice thing is that you can use div in expressions directly, without having to interleave proofs that the denominator is non-zero. Proving that an expression is correct is then done after it has been defined, not at the same time.


Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq

Let's define two helper types:
Inductive AB : Set := A | B.
Inductive XY : Set := X | Y.
Then two other types that depend on XY and AB
Inductive Wrapped : AB -> XY -> Set :=
| W : forall (ab : AB) (xy : XY), Wrapped ab xy
| WW : forall (ab : AB), Wrapped ab (match ab with A => X | B => Y end)
Inductive Wrapper : XY -> Set :=
WrapW : forall (xy : XY), Wrapped A xy -> Wrapper xy.
Note the WW constructor – it can only be value of types Wrapped A X and Wrapped B Y.
Now I would like to pattern match on Wrapper Y:
Definition test (wr : Wrapper Y): nat :=
match wr with
| WrapW Y w =>
match w with
| W A Y => 27
but I get error
Error: Non exhaustive pattern-matching: no clause found for pattern WW _
Why does it happen? Wrapper forces contained Wrapped to be A version, the type signature forces Y and WW constructor forbids being A and Y simultaneously. I don't understand why this case is being even considered, while I am forced to check it which seems to be impossible.
How to workaround this situation?
Let's simplify:
Inductive MyTy : Set -> Type :=
MkMyTy : forall (A : Set), A -> MyTy A.
Definition extract (m : MyTy nat) : nat :=
match m with MkMyTy _ x => S x end.
This fails:
The term "x" has type "S" while it is expected to have type "nat".
This is because I said
Inductive MyTy : Set -> Type
This made the first argument to MyTy an index of MyTy, as opposed to a parameter. An inductive type with a parameter may look like this:
Inductive list (A : Type) : Type :=
| nil : list A
| cons : A -> list A -> list A.
Parameters are named on the left of the :, and are not forall-d in the definition of each constructor. (They are still present in the constructors' types outside of the definition: cons : forall (A : Type), A -> list A -> list A.) If I make the Set a parameter of MyTy, then extract can be defined:
Inductive MyTy (A : Set) : Type :=
MkMyTy : A -> MyTy A.
Definition extract (m : MyTy nat) : nat :=
match m with MkMyTy _ x => S x end.
The reason for this is that, on the inside, a match ignores anything you know about the indices of the scrutinee from the outside. (Or, rather, the underlying match expression in Gallina ignores the indices. When you write a match in the source code, Coq tries to convert it into the primitive form while incorporating information from the indices, but it often fails.) The fact that m : MyTy nat in the first version of extract simply did not matter. Instead, the match gave me S : Set (the name was automatically chosen by Coq) and x : S, as per the constructor MkMyTy, with no mention of nat. Meanwhile, because MyTy has a parameter in the second version, I actually get x : nat. The _ is really a placeholder this time; it is mandatory to write it as _, because there's nothing to match, and you can Set Asymmetric Patterns to make it disappear.
The reason we distinguish between parameters and indices is because parameters have a lot of restrictions—most notably, if I is an inductive type with parameters, then the parameters must appear as variables in the return type of each constructor:
Inductive F (A : Set) : Set := MkF : list A -> F (list A).
(* ^--------^ BAD: must appear as F A *)
In your problem, we should make parameters where we can. E.g. the match wr with Wrap Y w => _ end bit is wrong, because the XY argument to Wrapper is an index, so the fact that wr : Wrapper Y is ignored; you would need to handle the Wrap X w case too. Coq hasn't gotten around to telling you that.
Inductive Wrapped (ab : AB) : XY -> Set :=
| W : forall (xy : XY), Wrapped ab xy
| WW : Wrapped ab (match ab with A => X | B => Y end).
Inductive Wrapper (xy : XY) : Set := WrapW : Wrapped A xy -> Wrapper xy.
And now your test compiles (almost):
Definition test (wr : Wrapper Y): nat :=
match wr with
| WrapW _ w => (* mandatory _ *)
match w with
| W _ Y => 27 (* mandatory _ *)
because having the parameters gives Coq enough information for its match-elaboration to use information from Wrapped's index. If you issue Print test., you can see that there's a bit of hoop-jumping to pass information about the index Y through the primitive matchs which would otherwise ignore it. See the reference manual for more information.
The solution turned out to be simple but tricky:
Definition test (wr : Wrapper Y): nat.
refine (match wr with
| WrapW Y w =>
match w in Wrapped ab xy return ab = A -> xy = Y -> nat with
| W A Y => fun _ _ => 27
| _ => fun _ _ => _
end eq_refl eq_refl
[ | |destruct a]; congruence.
The issue was that Coq didn't infer some necessary invariants to realize that WW case is ridiculous. I had to explicitly give it a proof for it.
In this solution I changed match to return a function that takes two proofs and brings them to the context of our actual result:
ab is apparently A
xy is apparently Y
I have covered real cases ignoring these assumptions, and I deferred "bad" cases to be proven false later which turned to be trivial. I was forced to pass the eq_refls manually, but it worked and does not look that bad.

How do I provide implicit arguments explicitly in Coq?

Suppose I have a definition f : x -> y -> z where x can be easily inferred.
I therefore choose to make x an implicit argument using Arguments.
Consider the following example:
Definition id : forall (S : Set), S -> S :=
fun S s => s.
Arguments id {_} s.
Check (id 1).
Clearly S = nat can be and is inferred by Coq, and Coq replies:
id 1
: nat
However, at a later time, I want to make the implicit argument explicit, say, for readability.
In other words, I would like something like:
Definition foo :=
id {nat} 1. (* We want to make it clear that the 2nd argument is nat*)
Is this possible at all?
If so, what is the appropriate syntax?
You can prepend the name with # to remove all implicits and provide them explicitly:
Check #id nat 1.
You can also use (a:=v) to pass an implicit argument by name. This can both clarify what argument is being passed and also allows you to pass some implicits without passing _ for the others:
Check id (S:=nat) 1.
Definition third {A B C:Type} (a:A) (b:B) (c:C) := c.
Check third (B:=nat) (A:=unit) tt 1 2.
One possible way is by prepending # to the definition.
For example:
Definition id : forall (S : Set), S -> S :=
fun S s => s.
Arguments id {_} s.
Check #id nat 1.
Which results in:
id 1
: nat

how to figure out what "=" means in different types in coq

Given a type (like List) in Coq, how do I figure out what the equality symbol "=" mean in that type? What commands should I type to figure out the definition?
The equality symbol is just special infix syntax for the eq predicate. Perhaps surprisingly, it is defined the same way for every type, and we can even ask Coq to print it for us:
Print eq.
(* Answer: *)
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : Prop :=
| eq_refl : eq x x.
This definition is so minimal that it might be hard to understand what is going on. Roughly speaking, it says that the most basic way to show that two expressions are equal is by reflexivity -- that is, when they are exactly the same. For instance, we can use eq_refl to prove that 5 = 5 or [4] = [4]:
Check eq_refl : 5 = 5.
Check eq_refl : [4] = [4].
There is more to this definition than meets the eye. First, Coq considers any two expressions that are equalivalent up to simplification to be equal. In these cases, we can use eq_refl to show that they are equal as well. For instance:
Check eq_refl : 2 + 2 = 4.
This works because Coq knows the definition of addition on the natural numbers and is able to mechanically simplify the expression 2 + 2 until it arrives at 4.
Furthermore, the above definition tells us how to use an equality to prove other facts. Because of the way inductive types work in Coq, we can show the following result:
eq_elim :
forall (A : Type) (x y : A),
x = y ->
forall (P : A -> Prop), P x -> P y
Paraphrasing, when two things are equal, any fact that holds of the first one also holds of the second one. This principle is roughly what Coq uses under the hood when you invoke the rewrite tactic.
Finally, equality interacts with other types in interesting ways. You asked what the definition of equality for list was. We can show that the following lemmas are valid:
forall A (x1 x2 : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
x1 :: l1 = x2 :: l2 -> x1 = x2 /\ l1 = l2
forall A (x : A) (l : list A),
x :: l <> nil.
In words:
if two nonempty lists are equal, then their heads and tails are equal;
a nonempty list is different from nil.
More generally, if T is an inductive type, we can show that:
if two expressions starting with the same constructor are equal, then their arguments are equal (that is, constructors are injective); and
two expressions starting with different constructors are always different (that is, different constructors are disjoint).
These facts are not, strictly speaking, part of the definition of equality, but rather consequences of the way inductive types work in Coq. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well for other kinds of types in Coq; in particular, the notion of equality for functions in Coq is not very useful, unless you are willing to add extra axioms into the theory.

(How) can I define partial coercions in Coq?

I want to set Coq up, without redefining the : with a notation (and without a plugin, and without replacing the standard library or redefining the constants I'm using---no cheating like that), so that I have something like a partial coercion from option nat to nat, which is defined only on Some _. In particular, I want
Eval compute in Some 0 : nat.
to evaluate to 0, and I want
Check None : nat.
to raise an error.
The closest I've managed is the ability to do this with two :s:
Definition dummy {A} (x : option A) := A.
Definition inverted_option {A} (x : option A)
:= match x with Some _ => A | _ => True end.
Definition invert_Some {A} (x : option A) : inverted_option x
:= match x with Some v => v | None => I end.
Coercion invert_Some : option >-> inverted_option.
Notation nat' := (inverted_option (A:=nat) (Some _)).
Eval compute in (Some 0 : nat') : nat.
Check (None : nat') : nat.
(* The term "None" has type "option ?A" while it is expected to have type
"nat'". *)
However, this only works when nat' is a notation, and I can't define a coercion out of a notation. (And trying to define a coercion from inverted_option (Some _) to nat violated the uniform inheritance condition.) I thought I might be able to get around this issue by using canonical structures, but I haven't managed to figure out how to interleave canonical structure resolution with coercion insertion (see also Can canonical structure resolution be interleaved with coercion insertion?).
(I ran into this issue when attempting to answer Coq: Defining a subtype.)

Merge duplicate cases in match Coq

I have come by this problem many times: I have a proof state in Coq that includes matches on both sides of an equality that are the same.
Is there a standard way to rewrite multiple matches into one?
match expression_evaling_to_Z with
Zarith.Z0 => something
Zartih.Pos _ => something_else
Zarith.Neg _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
And if I destruct on expresion_evaling_to_Z I get two identical goals. I would like to find a way to get only one of the goals.
A standard solution is to define "a view" of your datatype using a type family that will introduce the proper conditions and cases when destructed. For your particular case, you could do:
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Inductive zero_view_spec : Z -> Type :=
| Z_zero : zero_view_spec Z0
| Z_zeroN : forall z, z <> Z0 -> zero_view_spec z.
Lemma zero_viewP z : zero_view_spec z.
Proof. now destruct z; [constructor|constructor 2|constructor 2]. Qed.
Lemma U z : match z with
Z0 => 0
| Zpos _ | Zneg _ => 1
end = 0.
destruct (zero_viewP z).
This is a common idiom in some libraries like math-comp, which provides special support for instantiating the z argument of the type family.
You can write the match expression more succinctly:
match expression_evaling_to_Z with
| Z0 => something
| Zpos _ | Zneg _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
But that will give you 3 subgoals when using destruct.
In this particular case we may use the fact that you actually need to distinguish the zero and non-zero cases, and it looks like a job for the Z.abs_nat : Z -> nat function.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
match Z.abs_nat (expression_evaling_to_Z) with
| O => something
| S _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
This will get you only two subcases, but you need to destruct on Z.abs_nat (expression_evaling_to_Z) or introduce a new variable. If you choose the 1st variant, then you'll probably need destruct (...) eqn:Heq. to put the equation into context.
Basically this approach is about finding a new datatype (or defining one) and a suitable function to map from the old type to the new one.
If you don't mind typing you can use replace to replace the RHS with the LHS of your goal, which makes it trivial to solve, and then you just have to prove once that the rewrite is indeed ok.
Open Scope Z.
Lemma L a b :
match a + b with
Z0 => a + b
| Zpos _ => b + a
| Zneg _ => b + a
end = a + b.
replace (b+a) with (a+b). (* 1. replace the RHS with something trivially true *)
destruct (a+b); auto. (* 2. solve the branches in one fell swoop *)
apply Z.add_comm. (* 3. solve only once what is required for the two brances *)
Perhaps you can use some Ltac-fu or other lemma to not have to type in the RHS manually too.