Emacs "Tramp" sudo setup in authinfo.gpg : machine specific sudo accreditation - emacs

I have a bookmark for a remote file over ssh thus:
After much messing around this entry in my authinfo.gpg file allowed tramp toprovide the sudo password for "remoteuser" on the remote-server:
machine remoteuser port sudo login root password remote-user-sudopassword
The problem I have is that this authinfo line isnt specific to remote-server : the host/machinename is in fact the remoteuser id. What does this mean? It means that the sudo password for "remoteuser" must be the same on all machines where remoteuser operates. Is there some alias/mapping i can do in auth-sources/tramp to enable me to have different authinfo lines for tramp sudo accreditation for "remoteuser"?

Your remote file name is wrong. It must be
That is, the host name in both parts of the file name must be the same. This would change your .authinfo.gpg entry to
machine remote-server port sudo login root password remote-user-sudopassword
Note, that in the upcoming Emacs 27.1 (containing Tramp 2.4) it will be checked that the host names in such a multi-hop match.


POSTGRESQL: Cannot log in postgresql in debian 9

I am trying to log in my postgresql.After researching I have solved a slew of many issues from a weird python dependency issue to creating sudoers with names and passwords as db to removing and reinstalling postgresql, still i cannot log in as the default user "postgres".
A simple error but i cannot find a straight forward answer.
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
My first installation,postgresql 11, I changed pg_hba.conf from peer to md5 but refused to login.
I removed postgresql 11 using many commands to purge it out of my system but am shocked anytime i do a locate postgress or locate psql i find a list of postgresql files. The most weird is running *apt-get remove --auto-remove postgresql* and sudo apt --purge remove postgresql -y then running service postgresql start only for it to start!Cannot wrap my head around this after trying several times, i thought it would be removed completely?!.
Though I can locate pg_hba.conf, the actual file is totally nonexitent when I ls the containing directory!!! Are there many /etc/ folders, seems am looking at the wrong /etc/ ?
I also faced this problem - You try this method, it's work for me.
If You using Linux then do according your server path .
Window Path ->
Go To -> C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\data then Open pg_hba.conf
Find and replace md5 or sha256 to trust
local replication all trust (Change md5 or sha256 to trust)
host replication all trust (Change md5 or sha256 to trust)
Maybe this method helpful for you.

SSH doesn't bash into profile, so no permission to mkdir for vscode remote ssh

I have a weird problem and don't really know where it's coming from. I have machine A, B and C. I want to connect my VSCode to machine C with the remote-ssh extension for vscode, here's my config:
# Jump box
Host jump-box
HostName machineB
User myuser
# Target machine
Host target-box
HostName machineC
User myuser
ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p jump-box
The machine C is a weird server used by a lot of people, when I try to connect, the connection to machine B is fine but then, the extension tries to ssh -D -T some5XXXXport machineC bash from B.
The last command passes fine, and I have tested it manually, however the bash at the end makes it run the root bash or something, because I lose my home directory and get an admin one.
So in consequence, the extension fails because it tries to mkdir /some/admin/home/.vscode-server/bin/somecommithash: Permission Denied. My ~doesn't belong to me anymore when the ssh command is bash.
Any ideas how to overwrite or even hack the command?
Do you know why when you ssh address bash it breaks everything?
I also don't think the B->C ssh connection is picking any ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc nor ~/.profile from machine C, perhaps because ~ points to another home.
Solved it. Added all what I need directly in the extension.js.

Packstack installation with no root user?

Is there any way to change the SSH user during the installation (image at the end for clarification)? I do not have access for the root user, but I have another user with root permits. Using the ~/ssh/config file seems to have no effect.
http://i.imgur.com/AMCnsES.png (image description)
Well, if the SSH daemon is being established, it means that you are able to connect with the user defined during the installation.
Still, if you want to connect as root you have to change its pass:
sudo su -
Then modify vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change settings to:
PermitRootLogin yes
This is just an example of course.
try sudo -i then
generate rsa keys for root and append public key to authorized_keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
This worked for me to solve a similar problem while trying to run packstack

how to install Odoo 9 on ubuntu?

I have pre installed postgres , postgres-9.3 and pgadmin on port 5432 and 5433 .
uninstall them then trying to install odoo 9 using http://openies.com/blog/install-openerp-odoo-9-on-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts/
this tutorial .
but when i ttrying to execute command
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt odoo
then it gives following error :
createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect
to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally
and accepting connections on Unix domain socket
sudo netstat -nltp | grep 5432 is not showing any result .
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication postgres peer
#host replication postgres md5
#host replication postgres ::1/128 md5
1. Introduction
In this tutorial I will learn you how to install Odoo 9 on Ubuntu 14.04. The script that you will use is based on the code from André Schenkels but has been updated and improved.
2. Downloading the script
The first step is to download my script from GitHub and to add the code in a new .sh file on your Ubuntu machine, wherever you’d like this.
For example right under /home. Open up an Ubuntu terminal and cd to the directory where you’d like to keep the script and then create the file:
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yenthe666/InstallScript/9.0/odoo_install.sh
If you’re curious about how the whole code looks and works you can find it on my Github account.
Now open up the file and edit the parameters to your liking:
sudo nano odoo_install.sh
There are some things you can configure/change to your likings at the top of the script. You can choose if you wish to install Wkhtmltopdf or not, which version you’d like, where the location is and most importantly what the master admin password is. Tip: always modify this for every Odoo you install!
3. Making the Odoo installation file executable
The next step is to make this file executable. After you’ve made it executable you can execute it and everything will be installed automatically.
do this with the following command:
sudo chmod +x odoo_install.sh
4.Running the script
Now that the code is in your file and the file is executable you simply have to execute it with the following command:
You will see that the script automatically starts updates, downloads required packages, creates the user, downloads the code from Github, …
Give the script a few minutes to configure and install everything and eventually you will see something like this:
You now have a fully functional Odoo V9 on your system! Congratulations.
Odoo V9
5. Extra information
In the script you saw there was an option to change the Odoo port (OE_PORT). When you’d change this port number to 8070 in the install script it would be applied to /etc/your-config-file.conf and this would give you the ability to change the default port.
To apply these changes you should do the following:
The -c will change the configuration and memorize what you’ve changed under /etc/your-config-file.conf. Because my port was set to 8070 this is telling the Odoo that it should run on port 8070. When you would now open up your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8070/ you will see it is running there:
Odoo V9 alternative port
This issue comes form installing the postgres package with out a version number. Although postgres will be installed and it will be the correct version the script to setup the cluster will not be run correctly. It's a packaging issue. If your comfortable with Postgres there is a script you can run to crete this cluster and get postgres running however if your like me then you do it the easy way. First purdge the old postgres install. The issue currently lies with 9.1 so I will assume that's what you have installed
sudo apt-get remove --purge postgresql-9.1
Now simply reinstall
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1
Note the package name with the version number. HTH.
I have installed odoo using http://openies.com/blog/install-openerp-odoo-9-on-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts/ got no issue with the fresh ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
But, you need to check that there is no postmaster.pid in your postgres directory, probably /usr/local/var/postgres/
Remove this and start server using
rm /usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid
It should work.
Check this to install odoo 10 in ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Bitnami ODOO, easy to install in your Machine.
Download from Here
It is compatible with preinstall postgresql.
As mentioned before you can use one simple script to install Odoo of any version (9, 10, 11).
Follow the steps:
Log in to your system and work as an superuser: sudo su
Update the system: apt-get update
Download the script. You can change to the version of your choice:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yenthe666/InstallScript/11.0/odoo_install.sh
Run the script: ./odoo_install.sh
Now you can access Odoo at http://serverIP:8069
If you are running it locally that would be
The next steps would be to configure the Apache/Nginx or another server to point a domain to the Odoo instance. Also, remember to set the proper access rules on your server (for example on Amazon that would be by opening the port 80 and 8069 in the security rules). It is also wise to change the default password in Odoo config from admin to something more secure.
If you used the script without editing your Odoo config file would be installed in /etc/odoo-serfer.config. Use nano, vi or another editor to change the default settings.

Editing remote files with Emacs using public key authentication

How can I edit files on my remote host using my local Emacs when I can access the remote host only through SSH with public key authentication? Tramp handles normal password logins pretty well but I can't figure out how to get it work with key pairs. I'm using unix/linux on both ends.
There is no TRAMP equivalent to ssh user#host -i private-key.pem. However, if you run the shell command ssh-add private-key.pem, then ssh (and thus TRAMP) will automatically use private-key.pem for authentication. Simply ssh user#host will work on the shell, and opening the file /user#host:~/filename.txt will work in emacs, without it prompting for a password.
I don't get your question as Tramp works perfectly well with public-key authenticated SSH connections.
For instance, assuming you have set the following config in ~/.ssh/config:
Host remotehost
User mylogin
Port 22
Hostname remotehost.fqdn
and assuming that you can run ssh remotehost correctly in a terminal, then you are able to open your remote file using TRAMP C-x C-f /remotehost:path/to/file
If you are on Windows you can use plink with tramp easily. You have to make sure the plink binary is in your path and have to customize the variable (M-x customize-option) tramp-default-method to plink which combined with pageant would get you what you want.
I let you read the putty home page how to configure pageant to add your key.
There is the method plinkx as well which use the profile name so when you do a :
C-x C-f /putty_profile:
It will get the putty_profile from your putty saved profile name.
If you are using Linux usually modern distros should have the gnome keyring (named as well seahorse) starting X with a global SSH agent. Example on my debian distro :
chmouel#lutece:~$ ps aux|grep ssh-agent
chmouel 2917 0.0 0.0 4904 552 ? Ss Aug30 0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/seahorse-agent --execute x-session-manager
if you do a ssh-add (making sure you have identity in your ~/.ssh properly configured) it should request for your password and identify for all your X session.
If it does not happen you probably have a problem somewhere else in your distro.