Swift closure with multiple params - swift

I am trying to define a Swift closure with two arguments but it is throwing compilation errors. What am I doing wrong?
var processor: (CMSampleBuffer, CVPixelBuffer) throws -> Void { (sampleBuffer, outputPixelBuffer) in
EDIT: An = was missing which was correctly pointed out in the comments. But now I am trying to pass this closure as a param and it is giving compilation errors in declaration:
func process(_ processor: ((_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, toPixelBuffer:CVPixelBuffer) throws)? = nil) {

So the following code seems to pass in a Playground:
func process(_ processor: ((String, String))? = nil) {
I am pretty sure the main problem is that you want to force throws as a keyword. I don't think that's possible in any way, I would rather propose to use a Result enum pattern that looks more or less like this:
enum ProcessResult {
case success(someReturnValue: YourType) // Or no associated value if you just want to know it worked
case failed(anError: Error)
By requiring the block to return a ProcessResult you can enforce something you might use a try/catch for in other languages.

Function Type needs to be written in this syntax:
( ArgumentList ) throws -> ResultType
(Simplified, you can find a full description in the link above.)
The keyword throws is optional according to your requirement, but -> ResultType is required even if the ResultType is Void.
And ArgumentList cannot have parameter labels, you need to use _ as parameter label when you want to show parameter names for readability.
So, your process(_:) should be something like this:
func process(_ processor: ((_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, _ toPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) throws -> Void)? = nil) {
Or else, if you define a typealias for the parameter type, you can rewrite it as follows:
typealias ProcessorType = (_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, _ toPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) throws -> Void
func process(_ processor: ProcessorType? = nil) {
One more, when you ask something about compilation errors, it is strongly recommended to show whole error message.
You can find a copyable text through the Report Navigator in the Navigator pane (in the Left side of Xcode).


Swift inferring a completion handler closure to be the default #nonescaping instead of #escaping when completion handler explicitly uses #escaping

Swift 4.2, Xcode 10.1
In the order processing app I'm working on, the user may do a search for orders already processed or submitted. When that happens, it will check to see if it has a cache of orders, and if it does not, it will refill that cache using an asynchronous API request, then check the cache again.
The function that refills the cache is a private static one that accepts an escaping completion handler. Whenever I have used that completion handler in the past, all I had to do was add a closure at the end of the function call. This was before I was instructed to make a cache of all data wherever possible, and only use the API to refill that cache. Since then, the function has become private, because there will never be a need to call the API directly from anywhere but within this class.
Now, when I put the closure directly after the function call, it's giving me an error that basically says I'm passing a #nonescaping closure instead of an #escaping closure:
"Cannot invoke 'getAndCacheAPIData' with an argument list of type '(type: Codable.Type, (String?) -> Void)', Expected an argument list of type '(type: CodableClass.Type, #escaping (String?) -> Void)'"
I've never had to explicitly declare a closure to be #escaping before, nether does it seem to be possible. I suspect that because the function is both private AND static, there's some kind of issue happening with the way closures are inferred to be #escaping. I'm out of my depth. I could try converting the static class to a singleton, but I'm hesitant to refactor a bunch of working code because of one error until I'm absolutely sure that change will resolve the issue, and that what I'm trying to do isn't possible unless I change my approach.
Here's the code:
public static func fillSearchResultArray<ManagedClass: NSManagedObject>(query:String, parameters:[String], with type: ManagedClass.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (String?)->Void)
let codableType:Codable.Type
switch type
case is ClientTable.Type:
codableType = ClientData.self
case is OrderTable.Type:
codableType = OrderData.self
case is ProductTable.Type:
codableType = ProductData.self
completionHandler("Unrecognized type.")
let fetchedData:[ManagedClass]
fetchedData = try PersistenceManager.shared.fetch(ManagedClass.self)
if fetchedData.isEmpty
AppNetwork.getAndCacheAPIData(type: codableType)//error here
{(firstErrorString) in
//move search array data to the cache
if firstErrorString.exists
AppNetwork.fillSearchResultArray(query: query, parameters: parameters, type: type)
{ errorString in
{ ...
The signature of the function being called:
private static func getAndCacheAPIData <CodableClass: Any & Codable>(type:CodableClass.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (String?)->Void)
Why is swift inferring this closure to be the default #nonescaping when before it always inferred it to be #escaping?
The problem has nothing to do with the closure, or static, or private. It has to do with the type parameter. You cannot call this method:
private static func getAndCacheAPIData <CodableClass: Any & Codable>(type:CodableClass.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (String?)->Void)
with a variable of type Codable.Type. The type value you pass must be a concrete type, known at compile-time. If you want to pass a variable, you can't use a generic. It would have to be:
private static func getAndCacheAPIData(type: Codable.Type, completionHandler: #escaping (String?)->Void)
Alternately, you can call this as:
AppNetwork.getAndCacheAPIData(type: Int.self) {(firstErrorString) in ... }
or some other known-at-compile-time type.
Probably what you really want here is something like:
let completion: (String?) -> Void = {(firstErrorString) in ... }
switch ... {
case ...:
AppNetwork.getAndCacheAPIData(type: Int.self, completion: completion)
case ...:
AppNetwork.getAndCacheAPIData(type: String.self, completion: completion)
The basic problem is that protocols do not conform to themselves, so a variable of type Codable.Type does not satisfy the : Codable requirement. This comes down to the same reason you can't just call:
AppNetwork.getAndCacheAPIData(type: Codable.self) {...}
Alternately, you could refactor it this way:
private static func handleAPI<CodableClass: Codable>(type: CodableClass.Type) {
getAndCacheAPIData(type: type.self) { _ in ... the completion handler ..}
switch ... {
case ...:
AppNetwork.handleAPI(type: Int.self)
case ...:
AppNetwork.handleAPI(type: String.self)
Side note: Any & is meaningless here. You just meant <CodableClass: Codable>.

Can't infer generic type on static function with completion block

I have a static function that uses generics, but I can't get it to infer the generic type when it's called. The function:
static func getDocument<T: JSONDecodable>(_ document: String, fromCollection collection: FirebaseStorage.FirestoreCollections, completion: #escaping (_ decodedDoc: T?, _ error: Error?) -> ()) {
let docRef = firestore.collection(collection.rawValue).document(document)
docRef.getDocument { documentSnapshot, error in
guard error == nil,
let docData = documentSnapshot?.data(),
let decodedDoc = T(json: docData) else {
completion(nil, error)
completion(decodedDoc, nil)
Called using:
fromCollection: FirebaseStorage.FirestoreCollections.users) { (profile, error) in
This gives the error: Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred. How can I make the generic part of the function work?
fromCollection: FirebaseStorage.FirestoreCollections.users) { (profile: ProfileType?, error) in
You'll need to let Swift know what type profile is where I've added ProfileType. That should do it!
Kane's answer is good, but a more flexible approach is to pass the type directly. For example, this makes it possible to have an optional completion handler, or to ignore the parameter with _ if you don't care about it. (That said, this approach is a little longer to type, so sometimes Kane's way is better.)
static func getDocument<T: JSONDecodable>(_ document: String,
ofType: T.Type,
completion: #escaping (_ decodedDoc: T?, _ error: Error?) -> ())
This makes everything explicit. You call it this way:
FirebaseClient.getDocument(id, ofType: ProfileType.self) { (profile, error) in ... }
Note that there's no need to use the ofType parameter for anything. It's just there to specialize the generic.
This is pretty close to how Decodable works, and is applicable to a lot of problems. But Kane's solution is also handy at times if it's more convenient.

Swift 3: Inheritance from non-named type

I have the following SSCIE:
protocol Foo {
associatedtype Bar
associatedtype Baz: (Self.Bar) -> Void
var currentValue: Bar { get }
That I want to use like this:
func call<T: Foo>(foo: T, callback: #escaping T.Baz) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
But it fails to compile, with the error:
Inheritance from non-named type '(`Self`.Bar)'
This also fails to compile when I use (Bar) -> Void and (Foo.Bar) -> Void.
Sadly, Googling this didn't come up with any useful results.
Does anyone have any idea what this error means, what I'm doing wrong, and how to correct it?
Associated types in Swift 3 can only be "is-a"-constrained. So your Bar is required to be an Any. Which, by the way, is not much of a constraint ;). In other words, you can remove it.
However, (Self.Bar) -> Void is a function type and you can't constrain an associated type like this.
If you want to define a callback type, you can use a typealias:
protocol Foo
associatedtype Bar
typealias Callback = (Self.Bar) -> Void
var currentValue: Bar { get }
func f(callback: Callback) -> Void
Using #escaping does not currently work in a typealias (see SR-2316 and its various duplicates). This is a bug that was supposed to have a fix soon (as of August 2016). So you will have to spell it out for now:
func call<T: Foo>(foo: T, callback: #escaping (T.Bar) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Update: As Hamish suggested, I filed SR-4967. I'll update this post as soon as there is any news about it.
As already mentioned, function types can't be used as associated types.
Try this instead:
func call<T: Foo>(foo: T, callback: #escaping (T.Bar) -> Void) {
and using this design you can mix-and-match function types (for the callback arg) for each specific helper function (call in your example) you come up with.

What are the differences between throws and rethrows in Swift?

After searching for some references to figure it out, -unfortunately- I could not find useful -and simple- description about understanding the differences between throws and rethrows. It is kind of confusing when try to understand how we should use them.
I would mention that I am kind of familiar with the -default- throws with its simplest form for propagating an error, as follows:
enum CustomError: Error {
case potato
case tomato
func throwCustomError(_ string: String) throws {
if string.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) == "potato" {
throw CustomError.potato
if string.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) == "tomato" {
throw CustomError.tomato
do {
try throwCustomError("potato")
} catch let error as CustomError {
switch error {
case .potato:
print("potatos catched") // potatos catched
case .tomato:
print("tomato catched")
So far so good, but the problem arises when:
func throwCustomError(function:(String) throws -> ()) throws {
try function("throws string")
func rethrowCustomError(function:(String) throws -> ()) rethrows {
try function("rethrows string")
rethrowCustomError { string in
print(string) // rethrows string
try throwCustomError { string in
print(string) // throws string
what I know so far is when calling a function that throws it has to be handled by a try, unlike the rethrows. So what?! What is logic that we should follow when deciding to use throws or rethrows?
From "Declarations" in the Swift book:
Rethrowing Functions and Methods
A function or method can be declared with the rethrows keyword to
indicate that it throws an error only if one of its function
parameters throws an error. These functions and methods are known as
rethrowing functions and rethrowing methods. Rethrowing functions and
methods must have at least one throwing function parameter.
A typical example is the map method:
public func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
If map is called with a non-throwing transform, it does not throw
an error itself and can be called without try:
// Example 1:
let a = [1, 2, 3]
func f1(n: Int) -> Int {
return n * n
let a1 = a.map(f1)
But if map is called with a throwing closure then itself can throw
and must be called with try:
// Example 2:
let a = [1, 2, 3]
enum CustomError: Error {
case illegalArgument
func f2(n: Int) throws -> Int {
guard n >= 0 else {
throw CustomError.illegalArgument
return n*n
do {
let a2 = try a.map(f2)
} catch {
// ...
If map were declared as throws instead of rethrows then you would
have to call it with try even in example 1,
which is "inconvenient" and bloats the code unnecessary.
If map were declared without throws/rethrows then you could not
call it with a throwing closure as in example 2.
The same is true for other methods from the Swift Standard Library
which take function parameters: filter(), index(where:), forEach() and many many more.
In your case,
func throwCustomError(function:(String) throws -> ()) throws
denotes a function which can throw an error, even if called with
a non-throwing argument, whereas
func rethrowCustomError(function:(String) throws -> ()) rethrows
denotes a function which throws an error only if called with a
throwing argument.
Roughly speaking, rethrows is for functions which do not throw
errors "on their own", but only "forward" errors from their function
Just to add something along with Martin's answer. A non throwing function with the same signature as a throwing function is considered a sub-type of the throwing function. That is why rethrows can determine which one it is and only require try when the func param also throws, but still accepts the same function signature that doesn't throw. It's a convenient way to only have to use a do try block when the func param throws, but the other code in the function doesn't throw an error.

How to disambiguate functions with differences only in parameter names in Swift

I have the following functions:
func moveThing(thing: AnyObject, toLeft length: Int) {}
func moveThing(thing: AnyObject, toRight length: Int) {}
However, when I pass one of the functions as a parameter, compiler complains about "Ambiguous use of 'moveThing'"
func exec(function: (AnyObject, Int) -> ()) {}
exec(moveThing) // Apparently ambiguous
exec(moveThing as (AnyObject, toLeft: Int) -> ()) // Still ambiguous
How can I solve the ambiguity?
Swift Evolution proposal SE-0021 addressed this by allowing moveThing(_:toLeft:) to disambiguate these functions, and it is implemented in Swift 2.2.
I know this is an old thread, but I ran into this related situation recently. Might help somebody.
Ultimately I solved the problem by just wrapping the method call in a closure like this:
let cancel: (Text) -> Alert.Button = { .cancel($0) }
Long Winded Explanation
When I type Alert.Button.cancel (from the SwiftUI framework), auto-complete shows me these options:
cancel(action: (() -> Void)?) // 1
cancel(label: Text) // 2
cancel() // 3
cancel(label: Text, action: (() -> Void)?) // 4
Naturally I thought this bit of code should work:
let cancel: (Text) -> Alert.Button = Alert.Button.cancel(_:)
However, the compiler says Cannot convert value of type '((() -> Void)?) -> Alert.Button' to specified type '(Text) -> Alert.Button'. Apparently it translates that signature to mean method 1 instead of method 2.
As it turns out, method 2 does not actually exist. Looking at the actual declarations in Alert.swift we find:
public static func cancel(_ label: Text, action: (() -> Void)? = {}) -> Alert.Button
public static func cancel(_ action: (() -> Void)? = {}) -> Alert.Button
So, cancel(label:) is rendered by auto-complete from cancel(_:action:) because the parameter action has a default value.
Conclusion: I made the mistake of assuming auto-complete was showing me individual method declarations. If the compiler tells you a method signature doesn't match what you expect, check the method declaration.
An interesting question! I don't think you can at the moment, as it seems that parameter names are not part of the function reference name, though I couldn't find anything from Apple's reference documentation that explicitly dictates this.
Of course, for this particular example, you can use
exec({ moveThing($0, toLeft: $1) } )
exec({ moveThing($0, toRight: $1) } )
but I see what you are after with the simplified example.