I am new to e2e tests and nestjs.
I am trying to perform a simple e2e test but I keep getting this error:
AppController (e2e) › / (POST - create new user preferences)
expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected: 201
Received: 404
46 | console.log('res: ', res);
47 | // expect(res.body._id).toBeDefined();
> 48 | expect(res.status).toBe(201);
| ^
49 | });
50 | });
51 |
as far as I understand, and after reading some answers here. the main cause for this issue is that the URL that was provided was wrong.
of course I have an env.test and I have configured the test process on e2e run.
Furthermore I see in mongo atlas that a new collection is created but it contains no data even when I remove the mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase();.
this is the e2e test file content:
import { Test, TestingModule } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { INestApplication } from '#nestjs/common';
import * as request from 'supertest';
import { AppModule } from './../src/app.module';
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
describe('AppController (e2e)', () => {
let app: INestApplication;
beforeEach(async () => {
const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [AppModule],
app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();
await app.init();
beforeAll(() => {
function () {
afterAll(() => mongoose.disconnect());
const eUserIdeMock = '123456';
const userPreferencesMock = {
uiTheme: 'dark',
panelWidth: 300,
editingHandles: false,
enableLightboxInEditor: true,
hiddenElements: true,
defaultDeviceView: 'mobile',
exitTo: 'dashboard',
const data = {
it('/ (POST - create new user preferences)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
.then((res) => {
console.log('res: ', res);
// expect(res.body._id).toBeDefined();
it('/ (GET)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
this is the API I use to in postman:
and I perform CRUD tasks without any issue.
maybe this can help, this is the entire output of the res:
<ref *2> Response {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {},
_eventsCount: 0,
_maxListeners: undefined,
res: <ref *1> IncomingMessage {
_readableState: ReadableState {
objectMode: false,
highWaterMark: 16384,
buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
length: 0,
pipes: [],
flowing: true,
ended: true,
endEmitted: true,
reading: false,
sync: true,
needReadable: false,
emittedReadable: false,
readableListening: false,
resumeScheduled: false,
errorEmitted: false,
emitClose: true,
autoDestroy: false,
destroyed: false,
errored: null,
closed: false,
closeEmitted: false,
defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
awaitDrainWriters: null,
multiAwaitDrain: false,
readingMore: true,
dataEmitted: true,
decoder: [StringDecoder],
encoding: 'utf8',
[Symbol(kPaused)]: false
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
end: [Array],
data: [Array],
error: [Array],
close: [Function: bound emit]
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: Socket {
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: null,
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_writableState: [WritableState],
allowHalfOpen: false,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: null,
_server: null,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: [ClientRequest],
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 232,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: true,
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: {
'x-powered-by': 'Express',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'content-length': '87',
etag: 'W/"57-fJKdAAcKjvI7+1q+kvS8il37LfM"',
date: 'Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:40:21 GMT',
connection: 'close'
rawHeaders: [
'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:40:21 GMT',
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
client: Socket {
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: null,
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_writableState: [WritableState],
allowHalfOpen: false,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: null,
_server: null,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: [ClientRequest],
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 232,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: true,
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
_consuming: false,
_dumped: false,
req: ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 208,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
socket: [Socket],
_header: 'POST /api/v1/user-preferences HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/json\r\n' +
'Content-Length: 208\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'POST',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/api/v1/user-preferences',
_ended: true,
res: [Circular *1],
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'http:',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
text: '{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences","error":"Not Found"}',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
request: Test {
_events: [Object: null prototype] { abort: [Function (anonymous)] },
_eventsCount: 1,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_enableHttp2: false,
_agent: false,
_formData: null,
method: 'POST',
url: '',
_header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
writable: true,
_redirects: 0,
_maxRedirects: 0,
cookies: '',
qs: {},
_query: [],
qsRaw: [],
_redirectList: [],
_streamRequest: false,
_lookup: undefined,
_buffer: true,
app: Server {
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_connections: 0,
_handle: null,
_usingWorkers: false,
_workers: [],
_unref: false,
allowHalfOpen: true,
pauseOnConnect: false,
httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
timeout: 0,
keepAliveTimeout: 5000,
maxHeadersCount: null,
headersTimeout: 60000,
requestTimeout: 0,
_connectionKey: '6::::0',
[Symbol(IncomingMessage)]: [Function: IncomingMessage],
[Symbol(ServerResponse)]: [Function: ServerResponse],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 230
_asserts: [],
_server: Server {
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_connections: 0,
_handle: null,
_usingWorkers: false,
_workers: [],
_unref: false,
allowHalfOpen: true,
pauseOnConnect: false,
httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
timeout: 0,
keepAliveTimeout: 5000,
maxHeadersCount: null,
headersTimeout: 60000,
requestTimeout: 0,
_connectionKey: '6::::0',
[Symbol(IncomingMessage)]: [Function: IncomingMessage],
[Symbol(ServerResponse)]: [Function: ServerResponse],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 230
_data: { eUserIdeMock: '123456', userPreferencesMock: [Object] },
req: ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 208,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
socket: [Socket],
_header: 'POST /api/v1/user-preferences HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/json\r\n' +
'Content-Length: 208\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'POST',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/api/v1/user-preferences',
_ended: true,
res: [IncomingMessage],
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'http:',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
protocol: 'http:',
host: '',
_endCalled: true,
_callback: [Function (anonymous)],
_fullfilledPromise: Promise { [Circular *2] },
res: <ref *1> IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [Socket],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: [Object],
rawHeaders: [Array],
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
client: [Socket],
_consuming: false,
_dumped: false,
req: [ClientRequest],
text: '{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences","error":"Not Found"}',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
_resBuffered: true,
response: [Circular *2],
called: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
req: <ref *3> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
drain: [Function],
error: [Function (anonymous)],
prefinish: [Function: requestOnPrefinish]
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 208,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
socket: Socket {
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: null,
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_writableState: [WritableState],
allowHalfOpen: false,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: null,
_server: null,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: [Circular *3],
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 232,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: true,
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
_header: 'POST /api/v1/user-preferences HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/json\r\n' +
'Content-Length: 208\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 80,
protocol: 'http:',
options: [Object],
requests: {},
sockets: [Object],
freeSockets: {},
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: false,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
totalSocketCount: 1,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'POST',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/api/v1/user-preferences',
_ended: true,
res: <ref *1> IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [Socket],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: [Object],
rawHeaders: [Array],
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
client: [Socket],
_consuming: false,
_dumped: false,
req: [Circular *3],
text: '{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences","error":"Not Found"}',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'http:',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype] {
host: [Array],
'accept-encoding': [Array],
'content-type': [Array],
'content-length': [Array]
text: '{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences","error":"Not Found"}',
files: undefined,
buffered: true,
headers: {
'x-powered-by': 'Express',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'content-length': '87',
etag: 'W/"57-fJKdAAcKjvI7+1q+kvS8il37LfM"',
date: 'Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:40:21 GMT',
connection: 'close'
header: {
'x-powered-by': 'Express',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'content-length': '87',
etag: 'W/"57-fJKdAAcKjvI7+1q+kvS8il37LfM"',
date: 'Mon, 27 Jun 2022 07:40:21 GMT',
connection: 'close'
statusCode: 404,
status: 404,
statusType: 4,
info: false,
ok: false,
redirect: false,
clientError: true,
serverError: false,
error: Error: cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences (404)
at Response.Object.<anonymous>.Response.toError (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/node/response.js:110:17)
at Response.toError [as _setStatusProperties] (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/response-base.js:107:48)
at new _setStatusProperties (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/node/response.js:41:8)
at Test.Object.<anonymous>.Request._emitResponse (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:952:20)
at _emitResponse (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:1153:38)
at IncomingMessage.fn (/Users/davids/Developmet/editor-sync-user-preferences/node_modules/superagent/src/node/parsers/json.js:19:7)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:412:35)
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1334:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21) {
status: 404,
text: '{"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences","error":"Not Found"}',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/v1/user-preferences'
created: false,
accepted: false,
noContent: false,
badRequest: false,
unauthorized: false,
notAcceptable: false,
forbidden: false,
notFound: true,
unprocessableEntity: false,
type: 'application/json',
charset: 'utf-8',
links: {},
setEncoding: [Function: bound ],
redirects: [],
_body: {
statusCode: 404,
message: 'Cannot POST /api/v1/user-preferences',
error: 'Not Found'
pipe: [Function (anonymous)],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
The problem was that the my api contain two parts:
controller endpoint: /user-preferences
apperantley the test can read only the controller endpoint.
now the code looks like this:
it('/ (POST - create new user preferences)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
.post('/user-preferences') // this is the change that was made!
.then((res) => {
console.log('res: ', res);
// expect(res.body._id).toBeDefined();
instead of this:
it('/ (POST - create new user preferences)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
.then((res) => {
console.log('res: ', res);
// expect(res.body._id).toBeDefined();
When I tried running code on my local mission by npm run dev, I am getting these error, tried changing code as per error. When I tried to console data it showing unreachable to call, tried with some code changes but did not work. Initially there was autoprefixer error rectified it but now this error pops up not able to solve any suggestions will be appreciated
import {comps as newsComps} from 'ui-comps-news'
import {useEffect} from 'react'
import pageLoad from '../lib/pageLoad'
import UI from '../components/UI'
import PCMPreview from '../containers/PCMPreview'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import {loadData} from '../actions';
export default function Index(props) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const elements = [];
Object.keys(newsComps).forEach(key => {
elements.push({key, value: newsComps[key]});
const layout = JSON.parse(props.dataStr);
const dataObj = {layout, elements, options: {}, styles: {}}
dispatch(loadData({layout: dataObj.layout}));
useEffect(() => {
PCMPreview.init({dispatch, data: dataObj});
}, []);
return <UI {...dataObj} />
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const { variant } = context.query;
const data = await pageLoad(variant);
return { props: { dataStr : console.log(JSON.stringify(data.layout)) } }
Error I am getting when running on localhost:3000:
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1133:16) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 9001,
config: {
url: 'http://localhost:9001/page?variant=undefined',
method: 'get',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.21.1'
transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],
transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],
timeout: 0,
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
maxBodyLength: -1,
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
data: undefined
request: <ref *1> Writable {
_writableState: WritableState {
objectMode: false,
highWaterMark: 16384,
finalCalled: false,
needDrain: false,
ending: false,
ended: false,
finished: false,
destroyed: false,
decodeStrings: true,
defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
length: 0,
writing: false,
corked: 0,
sync: true,
bufferProcessing: false,
onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
writecb: null,
writelen: 0,
afterWriteTickInfo: null,
buffered: [],
bufferedIndex: 0,
allBuffers: true,
allNoop: true,
pendingcb: 0,
constructed: true,
prefinished: false,
errorEmitted: false,
emitClose: true,
autoDestroy: true,
errored: null,
closed: false,
closeEmitted: false,
[Symbol(kOnFinished)]: []
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
response: [Function: handleResponse],
error: [Function: handleRequestError]
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_options: {
maxRedirects: 21,
maxBodyLength: 10485760,
protocol: 'http:',
path: '/page?variant=undefined',
method: 'GET',
headers: [Object],
agent: undefined,
agents: [Object],
auth: undefined,
hostname: 'localhost',
port: '9001',
nativeProtocols: [Object],
pathname: '/page',
search: '?variant=undefined'
_ended: true,
_ending: true,
_redirectCount: 0,
_redirects: [],
_requestBodyLength: 0,
_requestBodyBuffers: [],
_onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
_currentRequest: ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
_closed: false,
socket: [Socket],
_header: 'GET /page?variant=undefined HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.21.1\r\n' +
'Host: localhost:9001\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/page?variant=undefined',
_ended: false,
res: null,
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: 'localhost',
protocol: 'http:',
_redirectable: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
_currentUrl: 'http://localhost:9001/page?variant=undefined',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
response: undefined,
isAxiosError: true,
toJSON: [Function: toJSON]
TypeError: Cannot read property 'layout' of undefined
at _callee$ (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\.next\server\pages\index.js:3664:58)
at tryCatch (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:63:40)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:293:22)
at (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:118:21)
at asyncGeneratorStep (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\.next\server\pages\index.js:3607:103)
at _next (C:\Users\computer\Desktop\news-web\.next\server\pages\index.js:3609:194)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
I'm trying to scrape data from atp ranking site:
So I tried to do a GET on this URL, but I have this error code: "403 Forbidden" with Postman. I don't have this error code on other websites like
ATP do not have API, so I want to scrape the website but it seems scraping is not allowed on this website, do you have a solution ?
error code
The problem is that I don't know the headers to be included in the request.
Sometimes it works in Postman but i still get the error in my express JS application:
config: {
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: { '0': [Function: transformRequest] },
transformResponse: { '0': [Function: transformResponse] },
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.18.1'
method: 'get',
url: '',
data: undefined
request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
socket: [Function (anonymous)],
abort: [Function (anonymous)],
aborted: [Function (anonymous)],
error: [Function (anonymous)],
timeout: [Function (anonymous)],
prefinish: [Function: requestOnPrefinish]
_eventsCount: 6,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
socket: TLSSocket {
_tlsOptions: [Object],
_secureEstablished: true,
_securePending: false,
_newSessionPending: false,
_controlReleased: true,
secureConnecting: false,
_SNICallback: null,
servername: '',
alpnProtocol: false,
authorized: true,
authorizationError: null,
encrypted: true,
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 10,
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: '',
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_maxListeners: undefined,
_writableState: [WritableState],
allowHalfOpen: false,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: undefined,
_server: null,
ssl: [TLSWrap],
_requestCert: true,
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 13,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object],
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
_header: 'GET /en/rankings/singles HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.18.1\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object],
requests: {},
sockets: [Object],
freeSockets: {},
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: false,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'fifo',
maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
totalSocketCount: 1,
maxCachedSessions: 100,
_sessionCache: [Object],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/en/rankings/singles',
_ended: true,
res: IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [TLSSocket],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: [Object],
rawHeaders: [Array],
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 403,
statusMessage: 'Forbidden',
client: [TLSSocket],
_consuming: true,
_dumped: false,
req: [Circular *1],
responseUrl: '',
redirects: [],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'https:',
_redirectable: Writable {
_writableState: [WritableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_options: [Object],
_redirectCount: 0,
_redirects: [],
_requestBodyLength: 0,
_requestBodyBuffers: [],
_onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
_currentRequest: [Circular *1],
_currentUrl: '',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype] {
accept: [Array],
'user-agent': [Array],
host: [Array]
response: {
status: 403,
statusText: 'Forbidden',
headers: {
date: 'Fri, 21 May 2021 18:27:42 GMT',
'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
connection: 'close',
'cf-chl-bypass': '1',
'permissions-policy': 'accelerometer=(),autoplay=(),camera=(),clipboard-read=(),clipboard-write=(),fullscreen=(),geolocation=(),gyroscope=(),hid=(),interest-cohort=(),magnetometer=(),microphone=(),payment=(),publickey-credentials-get=(),screen-wake-lock=(),serial=(),sync-xhr=(),usb=()',
'cache-control': 'private, max-age=0, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
expires: 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'cf-request-id': '0a31c7fa700000ee0f36b38000000001',
'expect-ct': 'max-age=604800, report-uri=""',
'set-cookie': [Array],
server: 'cloudflare',
'cf-ray': '652fdc3d7c82ee0f-CDG'
config: {
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: [Object],
transformResponse: [Object],
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: [Object],
method: 'get',
url: '',
data: undefined
request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 6,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
socket: [TLSSocket],
_header: 'GET /en/rankings/singles HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.18.1\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/en/rankings/singles',
_ended: true,
res: [IncomingMessage],
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'https:',
_redirectable: [Writable],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
My system: Ubuntu using microk8s kubectl
I'm taking an online course and have run into an issue I can't find a solution to. I can't access the following URL internally in my application
I get the following error in my web browser
"page": "/",
"query": {},
"buildId": "development",
"isFallback": false,
"err": {"name": "Error","message": "socket hang up","stack": "Error: socket hang up at connResetException (internal/errors.js:613:14) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:493:23) at Socket.emit (events.js:326:22) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1226:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)"},
"gip": true
and I get the following dump on node.
[client] Error: socket hang up
[client] at connResetException (internal/errors.js:613:14)
[client] at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:493:23)
[client] at Socket.emit (events.js:326:22)
[client] at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1226:12)
[client] at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) {
[client] code: 'ECONNRESET',
[client] config: {
[client] url: 'http://ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local/api/users/currentuser',
[client] method: 'get',
[client] headers: {
[client] Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
[client] Host: '',
[client] 'User-Agent': 'axios/0.19.2'
[client] },
[client] transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],
[client] transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],
[client] timeout: 0,
[client] adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
[client] xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
[client] xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
[client] maxContentLength: -1,
[client] validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
[client] data: undefined
[client] },
[client] request: <ref *1> Writable {
[client] _writableState: WritableState {
[client] objectMode: false,
[client] highWaterMark: 16384,
[client] finalCalled: false,
[client] needDrain: false,
[client] ending: false,
[client] ended: false,
[client] finished: false,
[client] destroyed: false,
[client] decodeStrings: true,
[client] defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
[client] length: 0,
[client] writing: false,
[client] corked: 0,
[client] sync: true,
[client] bufferProcessing: false,
[client] onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
[client] writecb: null,
[client] writelen: 0,
[client] afterWriteTickInfo: null,
[client] buffered: [],
[client] bufferedIndex: 0,
[client] allBuffers: true,
[client] allNoop: true,
[client] pendingcb: 0,
[client] prefinished: false,
[client] errorEmitted: false,
[client] emitClose: true,
[client] autoDestroy: true,
[client] errored: false,
[client] closed: false
[client] },
[client] _events: [Object: null prototype] {
[client] response: [Function: handleResponse],
[client] error: [Function: handleRequestError]
[client] },
[client] _eventsCount: 2,
[client] _maxListeners: undefined,
[client] _options: {
[client] protocol: 'http:',
[client] maxRedirects: 21,
[client] maxBodyLength: 10485760,
[client] path: '/api/users/currentuser',
[client] method: 'GET',
[client] headers: [Object],
[client] agent: undefined,
[client] agents: [Object],
[client] auth: undefined,
[client] hostname: 'ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local',
[client] port: null,
[client] nativeProtocols: [Object],
[client] pathname: '/api/users/currentuser'
[client] },
[client] _redirectCount: 0,
[client] _redirects: [],
[client] _requestBodyLength: 0,
[client] _requestBodyBuffers: [],
[client] _onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
[client] _currentRequest: ClientRequest {
[client] _events: [Object: null prototype],
[client] _eventsCount: 6,
[client] _maxListeners: undefined,
[client] outputData: [],
[client] outputSize: 0,
[client] writable: true,
[client] destroyed: false,
[client] _last: true,
[client] chunkedEncoding: false,
[client] shouldKeepAlive: false,
[client] useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
[client] sendDate: false,
[client] _removedConnection: false,
[client] _removedContLen: false,
[client] _removedTE: false,
[client] _contentLength: 0,
[client] _hasBody: true,
[client] _trailer: '',
[client] finished: true,
[client] _headerSent: true,
[client] socket: [Socket],
[client] _header: 'GET /api/users/currentuser HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
[client] 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
[client] 'Host:\r\n' +
[client] 'User-Agent: axios/0.19.2\r\n' +
[client] 'Connection: close\r\n' +
[client] '\r\n',
[client] _onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
[client] agent: [Agent],
[client] socketPath: undefined,
[client] method: 'GET',
[client] maxHeaderSize: undefined,
[client] insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
[client] path: '/api/users/currentuser',
[client] _ended: false,
[client] res: null,
[client] aborted: false,
[client] timeoutCb: null,
[client] upgradeOrConnect: false,
[client] parser: null,
[client] maxHeadersCount: null,
[client] reusedSocket: false,
[client] host: 'ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local',
[client] protocol: 'http:',
[client] _redirectable: [Circular *1],
[client] [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[client] [Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[client] [Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[client] [Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
[client] },
[client] _currentUrl: 'http://ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local/api/users/currentuser',
[client] [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
[client] },
[client] response: undefined,
[client] isAxiosError: true,
[client] toJSON: [Function (anonymous)]
[client] }
my ingress-nginx service
ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer <pending> 80:32160/TCP,443:30735/TCP 32d
ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 32d
Project source code
Here is the source page that called the link http://ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local, as a temporary* patch, I'm routing directly to the service I needed http://auth-srv:3000 to continue the course.
Error socket hang up error much always indicates the server closed the connection for various reason (not being able to process the request in time, or running into some error while processing the request, etc).
Check if the library you are using isn’t sending requests asynchronously as pm.sendRequest() does.
Try to set the Connection: keep-alive header.
On the server side disable keepAliveTimeout by setting it equal to 0.
Another solution is to close free sockets in less than keepAliveTimeout value (by default it 5 seconds). The default http agent does not support such a capability (timeout setting does not do it). So use agentkeepalive lib
const HttpsAgent = require('agentkeepalive').HttpsAgent;
const agent = new HttpsAgent({
freeSocketTimeout: 5000
More info: connection-hang-up.
Also if you used require('http') to consume https service and it showed "socket hang up".
Try to change require('http') to require('https') instead, and it is working.
See more: socket-hang-up.
Useful blog: solutions-to-socket-hang-up.
Overal it's not common to use ingress service internally within the cluster. Ingress resource is designed to manage external access to internal services.
Note this is also a security concern as you are exposing the auth service (which is a backend service used by your UI layer) externally.
Your network load balancer has pending External IP.
MicroK8s comes with metallb, you can enable it like this:
microk8s enable metallb
should turn into an actual IP address then.
Take a look: kubernetes-ingress-nginx-routing-error, http-request_processing.
I'm receiving this error event from Watson Speech to Text when I try to pip the microphone input to it. Using NodeJS app based on this TJBot Code
This is the error object that I get
=== Watson Speech to Text : An Error has occurred =====
_Event {
type: 'error',
isTrusted: false,
_yaeti: true,
W3CWebSocket {
_listeners: {},
addEventListener: [Function: _addEventListener],
removeEventListener: [Function: _removeEventListener],
dispatchEvent: [Function: _dispatchEvent],
_url: 'wss://',
_readyState: 3,
_protocol: undefined,
_extensions: '',
_bufferedAmount: 0,
_binaryType: 'arraybuffer',
_connection: undefined,
WebSocketClient {
domain: null,
_events: {},
_eventsCount: 0,
_maxListeners: undefined,
config: [Object],
_req: null,
protocols: [],
origin: null,
url: [Object],
secure: true,
base64nonce: 'XU/MDifsB9QqtrWn4vPFgw==' },
onerror: [Function],
onopen: [Function],
onclose: [Function],
onmessage: [Function] },
cancelable: true,
: [Function] }
Press +C to exit.
This was working fine until some hours ago but suddenly stopped working. Any idea on what this error means ?
I just found my credentials were wrong. It seems that during migration to DIEGO the credentials at VCAP_SERVICES got deleted or something like that. I connected the services to the app again on Bluemix and the credentials got recreated