Is a single member replica set OK? - mongodb

I am trying to find an authoritative answer to the following question: Is a single member replica set a supported deployment setup?
While this question may seems weird or silly, my specific use case follows:
A team wants to upgrade from Mongo 2 to Mongo 4 and they foresee that transactions might be useful to them. They currently run a single mongod instance. MongoDB documentation leads them to believe that to use transactions they must activate replica sets and deploy at least 3 mongod instances. Interesting documentation bits are:
Multi-document transactions are available for replica sets only. Transactions for sharded clusters are scheduled for MongoDB 4.2 [1].
The minimum recommended configuration for a replica set is a three member replica set with three data-bearing members: one primary and two secondary members. You may alternatively deploy a three member replica set with two data-bearing members: a primary, a secondary, and an arbiter, but replica sets with at least three data-bearing members offer better redundancy.
My point of view is that:
Replica sets aim to increase redundancy and availability through a typical primary - secondaries design
Replica set documentation focuses on what make sense for its initial orginal purpose. It documents traditional and sane deployment setups fo HA (>= 3 and odd number of voter, separate machines, how to deal with multiple DC etc.)
Team is not interested in HA but must switch to replica sets in order to use TX (alternative path being to forgo TX and deploy a single mongod)
According to replica set documentation and my distributed systems background, I don't see why a single member replica set would be an issue if you don't care about HA. With a single member a primary can be elected, replication is NOOP and default and majority write concern are just w: 1.
Am I right?


MongoDB replica set with primary only

After version 4.0, MongoDB has introduced the multi-document transactions for replica sets. In order to use the new feature, I have converted the testing instance to a replica set, following the official documentation.
The end result was a replica set with a primary node, no secondary nodes and no arbiters.
I would like to know if this architecture has any implications on performance, data integrity, etc... Any help or reference to a similar case is much appreciated
It is valid to have a single member replica set for the purposes of testing or development. This will allow you to use features which require a replica set deployment (for example, transactions in MongoDB 4.0+ and change streams in MongoDB 3.6+).
The main downsides of a single member deployment are that you don't get any of the usual replica set benefits such as data redundancy and fault tolerance, and cannot test more interesting read concerns and write concerns that might be useful in a production deployment. A replica set member has some expected write overhead as compared to a standalone server because it also has to maintain a replication oplog.
A production replica set deployment should have a minimum of three members. See Deploy a replica set in the MongoDB documentation for full details.

MongoDB replication factors

I'm new to Mongo, have been using Cassandra for a while. I didn't find any clear answers from Mongo's docs. My questions below are all closely related.
1) How to specify the replication factors in Mongo?
In C* you can define replication factors (how many replicas) for the entire database and/or for each table. Mongo's newer replica set concept is similar to C*'s idea. But, I don't see how I can define the replication factors for each table/collection in Mongo. Where to define that in Mongo?
2) Replica sets and replication factors?
It seems you can define multiple replica sets in a Mongo cluster for your databases. A replica set can have up to 7 voting members. Does a 5-member replica set means the data is replicated 5 times? Or replica sets are only for voting the primary?
3) Replica sets for what collections?
The replica set configuration doc didn't mention anything about databases or collections. Is there a way to specify what collections a replica set is intended for?
4) Replica sets definition?
If I wanted to create a 15-node Mongo cluster and keeping 3 copies of each record, how to partition the nodes into multiple replica sets?
Mongo replication works by replicating the entire instance. It is not done at the individual database or collection level. All replicas contain a copy of the data except for arbiters. Arbiters do not hold any data and only participate in elections of a new primary. They are usually deployed to create enough of a majority that if an instance goes down a new instance can be elected as the primary.
Its pretty well explained here
Replication is referred to the process of ensuring that the same data is available on more than one Mongo DB Server. This is sometimes required for the purpose of increasing data availability.
Because if your main MongoDB Server goes down for any reason, there will be no access to the data. But if you had the data replicated to another server at regular intervals, you will be able to access the data from another server even if the primary server fails.
Another purpose of replication is the possibility of load balancing. If there are many users connecting to the system, instead of having everyone connect to one system, users can be connected to multiple servers so that there is an equal distribution of the load.
In MongoDB, multiple MongDB Servers are grouped in sets called Replica sets. The Replica set will have a primary server which will accept all the write operation from clients. All other instances added to the set after this will be called the secondary instances which can be used primarily for all read operations.

Two nodes MongoDB replica set without arbiter

Is it possible to create a MongoDB replica set consisting of only 1 primary and 1 secondary member?
I would like to have delayed replica set that will copy data from primary with delay of 24 hours. I know I can put arbiter on one of the servers (primary or secondary, I know this is not advised but my only wish is to run this configuration on two servers) and it would run fine, but I want to know if it is possible to completely kick arbiter out.
It would look like this:
Short answer: don't.
Long answer: the way automatic failover works in MongoDB is that a replica set needs a qualified majority to successfully elect a new primary. Delayed members do have votes in elections. So if either of your nodes fails the replica set finds out that it doesn't have this majority and the current primary steps down even if it didn't fail. So what you essentially do is doubling the chances of making your replica set fail. An arbiter is a very cheap process, in term of RAM usage, CPU and even disk space when run with --smallfiles --no-journal --noprealloc or the equivalent options set in the config file. Note that the mentioned options are safe to use, since an arbiter essentially only checks the heartbeats of the data bearing nodes. You could put the arbiter on the application server for example.
Disclaimer: the following procedure is strongly discouraged to use. Proceed at your own risk.
You could set the votes of the delayed server to 0. This way the undelayed node will call for an election in case the delayed member fails, comes to the conclusion that it is the only node online of the replica set and that it has the majority of votes (1/1) and will continue to work as expected. This course of action needs some attention, as you will have an even number of votes again in case you add a member to the replica set later and makes it necessary to reconfigure the replica set. It also has serious implications with network fragmentation issues. Again: Use at your own risk
Yes, it is possible but not recommended. The caveat of this approach is no automatic failovers.
If you primary goes down then you will have to manually make the other server as primary.
If you are keeping you secondary only as a mirror of your primary and you are fine with manual failover then it should work for you.
More info here:
Yes you can and all you really need to do is set the member to not be eligible for primary.
There is documentation on how to make sure a member cannot be elected as primary here:
In this case, the best option is add an arbiter. I tried before with votes, but on 2 nodes replicaset you can have some issues with sync.

Why do we need an 'arbiter' in MongoDB replication?

Assume we setup a MongoDB replication without arbiter, If the primary is unavailable, the replica set will elect a secondary to be primary. So I think it's kind of implicit arbiter, since the replica will elect a primary automatically.
So I am wondering why do we need a dedicated arbiter node? Thanks!
I created a spreadsheet to better illustrate the effect of Arbiter nodes in a Replica Set.
It basically comes down to these points:
With an RS of 2 data nodes, losing 1 server brings you below your voting minimum (which is "greater than N/2"). An arbiter solves this.
With an RS of even numbered data nodes, adding an Arbiter increases your fault tolerance by 1 without making it possible to have 2 voting clusters due to a split.
With an RS of odd numbered data nodes, adding an Arbiter would allow a split to create 2 isolated clusters with "greater than N/2" votes and therefore a split brain scenario.
Elections are explained [in poor] detail here. In that document it states that an RS can have 50 members (even number) and 7 voting members. I emphasize "states" because it does not explain how it works. To me it seems that if you have a split happen with 4 members (all voting) on one side and 46 members (3 voting) on the other, you'd rather have the 46 elect a primary and the 4 to be a read-only cluster. But, that's exactly what "limited voting" prevents. In that situation you will actually have a 4 member cluster with a primary and a 46 member cluster that is read only. Explaining how that makes sense is out of the scope of this question and beyond my knowledge.
Its necessary to have a arbiter in a replication for the below reasons:
Replication is more reliable if it has odd number of replica sets. Incase if there is even number of replica sets its better to add a arbiter in the replication.
Arbiters do not hold data in them and they are just to vote in election when there is any node failure.
Arbiter is a light weight process they do not consume much hardware resources.
Arbiters just exchange the user credentials data between the replica set which are encrypted.
Vote during elections,hearbeats and configureation data are not encrypted while communicating in between the replica sets.
It is better to run arbiter on a separate machine rather than along with any one of the replica set to retain high availability.
Hope this helps !!!
This really comes down to the CAP theorem whereby it is stated that if there are equal number of servers on either side of the partition the database cannot maintain CAP (Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance). An Arbiter is specifically designed to create an "imbalance" or majority on one side so that a primary can be elected in this case.
If you get an even number of nodes on either side MongoDB will not elect a primary and your set will not accept writes.
By either side I mean, for example, 2 on one side and 2 on the other. My English wasn't easy to understand there.
So really what I mean is both sides.
Wikipedia presents quite a good case for explaining CAP:
Arbiters are an optional mechanism to allow voting to succeed when you have an even number of mongods deployed in a replicaset. Arbiters are light weight, meant to be deployed on a server that is NOT a dedicated mongo replica, i.e: the server's primary role is some other task, like a redis server. Since they're light they won't interfere (noticeably) with the system's resources.
From the docs :
An arbiter does not have a copy of data set and cannot become a
primary. Replica sets may have arbiters to add a vote in elections of
for primary. Arbiters allow replica sets to have an uneven number of
members, without the overhead of a member that replicates data.

One MongoDB instance in a two or more replica set

is it possible to have One mongodb instance belong to one or more replica sets ?
I am using Replica Set - mongodb replication scheme.
With Master-Slave you could hack this to make it work, but not with Replica Sets. However, you can run two instances on a single machine. Simply run them on different ports.
Please note that this is generally not advised. If you are sharing replicas, this typically means that you do not have enough hardware.