How to get total count of images from google photos api - photo

Is there any way to get total count of google images using google photos api using javascript

This is not currently supported in the Google Photos Library API.
(As a work around, you can continue to search/list until you have received all media items and count them.)
Here's a feature request on the issue tracker to add support for this to the mediaItems:search request: (You can 'star' this issue to be notified of any updates and draw attention to this request.)


How to dynamically change content depending on data from Facebook analytics?

Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API so there is no way to push content to a users phone based on segments anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that I want to analyse Facebook analytic data programatically and display different products to my customers based on how they use the app, to do this I need access to Facebook analytics through a PHP SDK or JavaScript SDK. How do I access Facebook analytics programatically? I can't find anything in their PHP SDK which would let me do this.
Furthermore, I want to push notifications to specific segments of users, now that Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API, how can this be accomplished?
Could it be worth switching to Firebase / Google analytics, would these services allow me to accomplish these tasks?
Analytics is primarily about post-event analysis, vs real-time optimization. All of the products you mention focus on post-event analysis and don't support you reading data out for a single individual (i.e. the current user), through an API or otherwise.

Embed Facebook Live video comments on page

I am using Facebook Live inside of a web app to live stream videos. I am wondering if it is possible to include the live commenting associated with the video on my site in real time. I know I can grab the comments from the graph API, however this is not real time. The comment embed widget is also not real time and would need to be constantly refreshed.
The documentation says :
"You can read live video comments by polling the Live Video
What is polling? How do I do this and is it possible from a front end web app.
Basically my question is how do I include the live comments along with Facebook Live video on my own website.
This is now available via SSE streams
I know I can grab the comments from the graph API, however this is not real time.
This is as real time as it can get. If someone posts a comment and you immediately query the Graph API, you will see their comment.
What is polling?
As there is currently no streaming data endpoint for comments, you must query the comments on the live video repeatedly. That is, every 2 seconds or so, refresh the data.
This is done by making a Graph API GET request for /{video-id}/comments. I also suggest setting "order": "reverse_chronological" in the parameters so that you get the newest comments first.
You can see some sample code for doing this as part of the Live Comments Teleprompter:

Retrieve google news through Google CSE Api

I am searching a solution to retrieve news from google news.
I am already retrieving the news from the RSS feed. But this is not scalable, and I will get blacklisted.
I wanted to use Google CSE API (with billing option, I want to be able to send more than 100 000 queries per month), but it seems not to be possible to use it directly with google news. (it seems to be only working with google image, or global web search)
I have already read about Bing Search API, and Yahoo Boss API. I want to know if there is a way with google news. I have already tried to set the site only to google news, but I am getting old news article clippings.
I have already read this discussion(but there is no answer) and this discussion had no new solution for me.
Is there a billable way of doing high volume query directly to google news ?
Thank you
We (Google) currently don't offer programatic access to Google News, and unfortunately I'm not aware of any plans to change that.
You can still use RSS though for free, just watch out for the number of requests you send our way.

Facebook loading multiple picture url for custom friend selector

I'm building a custom friend selector on mobile (Air, starling). I use the graph api to request invitable_friends which returns me everything i need.
My concern is about loading all these images. The basic strategy would be to loop over all the output and load all image separately.
First, i'm afraid that will be very slow and heavy for the user,
Second, i'm afraid facebook will blacklist the incoming connection if it gets too many calls.
So my question is, is there any specific strategy, as caching the images on the mobile harddrive to load them only once (and refresh once in a while)
Or does facebook another way to access all those data in a single request ?

Facebook graph api feed and home give old data

when I using facebook graph api explorer for feed and home data,it always gives old result.
Generally me/home gives recent friends activity which show as like as when open and feed gives if someone tag me,or comment my status releted to me.but when I compare with my feed wall with data given by grap api me/feed or me/home its show that graph api response is not updated. I can't use real time update its only because real time update does not support native desktop application.
so is there any other way to get recent update of recent activites except me/home and me/feed method?
I think you should consider using real time update. The fact that it doesn't support native desktop application isn't a real problem. It just means that you have to do some alternations in your application.
I don't know what OS you are using or what programming language you are using, but I think it's rather safe to say that your toolbox when it comes to your technologies can support calls to a web server or a web service.
Then you should use the web server or web service to implement the real time update specifications given by Facebook.
Alternative, you call poll Facebook API on a regular basis but I would not recommend it.
Use real time update and check your web server for new messages. This solution is working quite good. I have received updates from Facebook within 10 seconds after they have been posted.
If you don't want to poll your web server, try to implement it using web sockets (HTML5), perhaps in combination with node.js.