How to exclude a column when using getAllColumns property in ag-grid - ag-grid

I have a function that counts and hides the number of columns that does not fit the screen. I want to exclude a column when resizing and hiding the columns. Here is what I have.
let ctrOfColumns = this.gridOptionsValue.columnApi.getAllColumns();
this returns the columns that i have. I want to exclude a specific column which has a colId of 'toBeExcludedId' so that It won't be included in the hiding of columns algo.
Here is my algo in hiding of the columns
let gridWidthOfMyTable = $('#idOfMyGrid').outerWidth();
let columnsToBeShown = [];
let columnsToBeHidden = [];
let totalWidthOfColumn = 0;
for(let x = 0 ; x < ctrOfColumns.length; x ++){
const singleColumn = ctrOfColumns[x];
totalWidthOfColumn += singleColumn.getMinWidth();
if (totalWidthOfColumn > gridWidthOfMyTable) {
} else {
this.gridOptionsValue.columnApi.setColumnsVisible(columnsToBeShown, true);
this.gridOptionsValue.columnApi.setColumnsVisible(columnsToBeHidden, false);

There is no need to loop through all the values in your array. You can just use chaining and apply a filter directly to getAllColumns(), like this:
let ctrOfColumns = this.gridOptionsValue
.filter((column) => column.colId !== 'toBeExcludedId');


Is there a better way to calculate the moving sum of a list in flutter

Is there a better way to calculate a moving sum of a list?
List<double?> rollingSum({int window = 3, List data = const []}) {
List<double?> sum = [];
int i = 0;
int maxLength = data.length - window + 1;
while (i < maxLength) {
List tmpData = data.getRange(i, i + window).toList();
double tmpSum = tmpData.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// filling the first n values with null
i = 0;
while (i < window - 1) {
sum.insert(0, null);
return sum;
Well, the code is already clean for what you need. Maybe just some improvements like:
Use a for loop
You can use the method sublist which creates a "view" of a list, which is more efficient
To insert some values in the left/right of a list, there is a specific Dart method called padLeft, where you specify the lenght of the list which you want it to become (first parameter), then the value you want to use to fill it (second parameter). For example, if you have an array of N elements, and you want to fill it with X "null"s to the left, use padLeft(N+X, null).
List<double?> rollingSum({int window = 3, List data = const []}) {
List<double?> sum = [];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length - window + 1; i++) {
List tmpData = data.sublist(i, i + window);
double tmpSum = tmpData.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
sum.padLeft(window - 1, null);
return sum;
if I understand your problem correctly you can just calculate the window one time and in one loop you can for each iteration you can add the current element to the sum and subtract i - (window - 1)
so for an input like this
data = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
window = 3
the below code will result in [6,9,12,15]
int sum = 0;
List<double> res = [];
for (int i = 0;i<data.length;i++) {
sum += data[i];
if (i < window - 1) {
sum -= data[i - (window - 1)]; // remove element that got out of the window size
this way you won't have to use getRange nor sublist nor reduce as all of those are expensive functions in terms of time and space complexity

AGGrid - Aggregation, Filtering

In agGrid, I have an aggregation which is based on two columns. When I apply filter, the aggregates based on two columns are not updated. There is no problem with sum, max, min aggregate functions as all these are based on same column.
here is the steps I follow,
Group by a Column --> Value Aggregation --> Weighted Avg(Custom Aggregation) --> Add a filter.
When I add a filter after weighted avg aggregation calculation, the new weighted avg is not refreshed.
I have this aggregate calculated using a valueGetter function (as in the code below).
Is there a way to update the aggregates which comes from a valueGetter function when I modify the filter?
Thanks in advance.
function weightedAverageGetter(params) {
var col = params.column.colId.split('.')[1];
var value = 0;
if ({
value =[col]:0;
if (col == 'P1prime__c' || col == 'P2Prime__c'){
value = Math.ceil(value);
var avgW = 0;
if (params.node){
var sumVal = 0;
var sumQty = 0;
for (var node in params.node.allLeafChildren){
var nodeValue = params.node.allLeafChildren[node];
var val = 0;
var qty = 0;
if ({
val =[col]:0;
qty =;
if (typeof val !=='undefined' && val != '' && typeof qty !=='undefined' && qty != '') {
sumQty += qty;
sumVal += qty*val;
avgW = sumVal/sumQty;
avgW = Math.round(avgW * 100) / 100;
if(!params.column.aggregationActive || Number.isNaN(avgW)){
avgW = '';

Extract fields from Structure Array to put into another Structure Array

I have a structure array with a large number of fields that I don't care about, so I want to extract the limited number of fields I DO care about and put it into a separate structure array.
For a structure array of size one, I've done this by creating the new array from scratch, for example:
structOld.a = 1;
structOld.b = 2;
structOld.usefulA = 'useful information';
structOld.usefulB = 'more useful information';
structOld.c = 3;
structOld.d = 'words';
keepFields = {'usefulA','usefulB'};
structNew = struct;
for fn = keepFields
structNew.(fn{:}) = structOld.(fn{:});
which gives
structNew =
usefulA: 'useful information'
usefulB: 'more useful information'
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? How can I scale up to an structure array (vector) of size N?
N = 50;
structOld(1).a = 1;
structOld(1).b = 2;
structOld(1).usefulA = 500;
structOld(1).usefulB = 'us';
structOld(1).c = 3;
structOld(1).d = 'ef';
structOld(2).a = 4;
structOld(2).b = 5;
structOld(2).usefulA = 501;
structOld(2).usefulB = 'ul';
structOld(2).c = 6;
structOld(2).d = 'in';
structOld(3).a = 7;
structOld(3).b = '8';
structOld(3).usefulA = 504;
structOld(3).usefulB = 'fo';
structOld(3).c = 9;
structOld(3).d = 'rm';
structOld(N).a = 10;
structOld(N).b = 11;
structOld(N).usefulA = 506;
structOld(N).usefulB = 'at';
structOld(N).c = 12;
structOld(N).d = 'ion';
In this case, I'd like to end up with:
structNew =
1x50 struct array with fields:
Keeping elements with empty usefulA/usefulB fields is fine; I can get rid of them later if needed.
Using rmfield isn't great because the number of useless fields far outnumbers the useful fields.
You can create a new struct array using existing data as follows:
structNew = struct('usefulA',{structOld.usefulA},'usefulB',{structOld.usefulB});
If you have an arbitrary set of field names that you want to preserve, you could use a loop as follows. Here, I'm first extracting the data from strcutOld into a cell array data, which contains each of the arguments the the struct call in the previous line of code. data{:} is now a comma-separated list of these arguments, the last line of code below is identical to the line above.
keepFields = {'usefulA','usefulB'};
data = cell(2,numel(keepFields));
for ii=1:numel(keepFields)
data{1,ii} = keepFields{ii};
data{2,ii} = {structOld.(keepFields{ii})};
structNew = struct(data{:});

Change sheet cells color onEdit

I figured out how to compare dates in Google Sheets but when I try to enter more dates for some reason all the cells that were green and red become all red. Also how can I make two cells red if only one cell has a date?
Example: In cell D18 the Due date is 4-18-2014 and in cell E18 the cell is blank. I want to make both cells red so I would know that I should find out why is that cell red.
This is the code I have so far:
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getSheetByName('Copy of Project Sheet 1');
var values1Rule1 = s.getRange('E2:E1000').getValues();
var values2Rule1 = s.getRange('D2:D1000').getValues();
var range3Rule1 = s.getRange('D2:E2');
var color1 = 'Red';
var color2 = 'Green';
for (var row in values1Rule1) {
for (var col in values1Rule1[row]) {
if (values1Rule1[row][col] > values2Rule1[row][col]) s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor(color1);
else if (values1Rule1[row][col] < values2Rule1[row][col]) s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor(color2);
else s.getRange(s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).getA1Notation()).setBackgroundColor('white'); }}
All you need to do is add this condition as an OR clause in your red condition, e.g.
if (values1Rule1[row][col] > values2Rule1[row][col] || values1Rule1[row][col] === '')
But there's lots of "minor" problems with your code. First of all, you're doing way too many API calls unnecessarily. This is a big performance issue. For example, when you offset, you already have the new range, there's no need to getA1Notation then get the range again, you could do:
s.getRange('D2').offset(row, col, 1, 2).setBackgroundColor(color1);
But that's still two calls, getting D2, then offseting. You could get the desired range at once:
s.getRange(row+1, 4, 1, 2).setBackgroundColor(color1);
I'd go even further and build a matrix of colors and set it all at once after the loop:
But even better, inside an onEdit you should only work on what has just being edited, instead of triggering a full recalculation of your colors because the user edited something on another column or another sheet entirely.
I think your code should be something like this:
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = e.source;
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
if( s.getName() !== 'Copy of Project Sheet 1' ) return; //only interested in one sheet
var r = s.getActiveRange();
var c = r.getColumn();
if( c !== 4 && c !== 5 ) return; //only interested in changes on columns D or E
r = r.offset(0, c === 4 ? 0 : -1, 1, 2);
var v = r.getValues()[0];
r.setBackgroundColor(v[1] === '' || v[1] > v[0] ? 'red' : v[1] < v[0] ? 'green' : 'white');
You can not run this function manually directly, because it needs a parameter that is passed only when it runs automatically. But you can emulate it with a test function, like this:
function testEdit() { onEdit({source:SpreadsheetApp.getActive()}); } Column Chart is not aligning with the custom label and it does not display spaces between columns

I am trying to generate a chart to look this one
I am almost there but there are couple of issue that i can't solve.
The columns are being displayed with out a space separation between them! also the custom label that is at the very bottom is not aligning up with each column!
this is the output the i get out of my existing code
1) I need to spread the columns across the x axis
2) align the custom label to each column!
I appreciate any help or feedback on this problem
this is the code that generates the current image. Please keep in mind the my dataset "ds" have values like this
Emerging 28.45646456
Dent 14.1456465
Audio 27.456456
Cosmetic 43.44564456
Vet 35.15465646645
public void GenerateChart(){
//ds is generated and has values
//if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RunOnLocalhost"] == "True") {
if(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToLower() == "localhost"){
Chart2.ImageStorageMode = ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation;
Chart2.Width = 1000;
Chart2.Height = 700;
Chart2.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
Chart2.Titles.Add("Usage Impact By Industry");
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Interval = 5;
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = -45;
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "(%) Usage Lift";
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.TitleFont = new Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold);
Chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -5;
string tmp = "";
string sName = "";
double percentage = 0;
int i = 1;
int x = 1;
double index = 0.1;
foreach (DataRow Row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
if (tmp != Row["Industry"].ToString()) {
sName = Row["Industry"].ToString();
Chart2.Legends.Add(sName).DockedToChartArea = "ChartArea1";
if (Convert.ToDouble(Row["B4"]) > 0) {
percentage = (Convert.ToDouble(Row["After4"]) - Convert.ToDouble(Row["B4"])) / Convert.ToDouble(Row["B4"]) * 100;
percentage = Math.Round(percentage, 0);
else {
percentage = 0;
Chart2.Series[sName].Points.AddXY(Row["Industry"].ToString(), percentage);
Chart2.Series[sName].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column;
Chart2.Series[sName]["PointWidth"] = ".5";
Chart2.Series[sName].IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
Chart2.Series[sName].LabelFormat = percentage + "%";
CustomLabel label = new CustomLabel();
label.FromPosition = 0 + index;
label.ToPosition = .01 + index;
label.Text = Row["Industry"].ToString();
label.RowIndex = 0;
index += 0.2;
tmp = Row["Industry"].ToString();
I think you took the different series for the X-Axis. Take a single series in your chart like,
<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="Series1" XValueType="Auto" YValueType="Int32">
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1">
Here I have taken "Series1" in chart.
Now replace your "sName" with "Series1"
Chart2.Series[sName].Points.AddXY(Row["Industry"].ToString(), percentage);
Chart2.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY(Row["Industry"].ToString(), percentage);
I think problem should be solved.