Drupal can't theme password reset mail - email

I have an htmlmail.tpl.php who theme all my emails with an header and footer, the problem is that this file theme all the emails except one. The password reset email, it's the only one I doesn't make a custom template file so I was thinking that was because of this but after trying to create a custom template file it's the same result. Theme doesn't appear.
I've search on the web for like two days but can't find any solution, anyone can help me ?

template file name is not worked.Belowone worked for me
Found here : https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/199364/what-is-the-name-of-the-template-to-theme-a-reset-password-mail


Gmail removes links' href attributes

I need to use Mustache variables in links' href attributes in my email template.
That works properly in all email clients and web versions except Gmail which removes href attributes. But when I try to hard code the value, everything becomes fine. Have anybody faced this problem and is there any way to solve it not avoiding using Mustache? Thank you in advance for your help!

Email ext plugin to send HTML Junit reports in mail

I have used this below code in default content to generate text Junit test reports.
But now I wanted same in HTML format. I have changed content type to HTML and placed below code in default content -
But I am getting html code in my email. Where did I miss ? Any Suggestions..
If you are seeing HTML code in you email, maybe you need to set the content type of the email to HTML(text/html).
You can change the Default Content Type to HTML(text/html) in the Jenkins System Configuration in the Extended E-mail Notification section.
Alternatively you can change the content type in the Job configuration.
If you are using Email ext plugin, then go to your workspace, there should be an 'emailable-report.html' generated. So set the correct path in default content like this:
Instead of index.html , given path for those HTML files which are generated like all-tests.html. It worked fine. There may be a issue with frames.

Form (phpmailer) in joomla error

I'm having the following problem, i created a folder (named 'forms') to storage the files of phpmailer, then i have to put the action in the form this way: action="forms/mail.php".
But when i tried the form it open a not found page e in the url it appears this: "perfilo/index.php/forms/mail.php", i tried to delete the part "index.php/" and execute the script and it looks like would work without it.
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this "index.php/" part? Am i doing something wrong or what?
You are on the wrong track.
Search for documentation on using Joomla! Mailer.
Some resources to get you started:
How To Send Email from Your Joomla Extension
You are on the wrong path.
In joomla you need to implement a contact form.You can implement it like following.
Joomla Provides you a default component com_contact Any of the files from com_contact\views\contact\tmpl\ or you can create new layout with your custom design.
And you can access the files in url via wwww.domain.com/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&layout=default or your custom layout.
then joomla itself providing some forms if you want to customize that you can do that too.
The action they set in the form to contact controller. and sending the mail.
I got your point of view you are trying to create custom design and set it as article .
If you want to follow your own method.
You can work like this.
the form action leave as empty.
and onclick you have to set the action via jquery and then submit
Hope this may solve your issues

Magento uses default/default as skin theme in newsletter instead of site theme default/my_theme?

I was testing the admin password retrieval email template and the message Magento sent to my admin email uses default/default/images/logo_email.gif as the logo. However, my current site theme is default/my_theme so I thought it should use default/my_theme/images/logo_email.gif but it didn't.
I then tried some other email templates such as new account creation and user password retrieval templates and they are all fine with default/my_theme logo rather than the default/default one.
Is there a problem or is it by design that admin emails use everything in default/default rather than my specified theme?
In your question you didn't state which area your theme settings refer to. I'm assuming you are referring to the frontend store view configuration.
The email is sent by the method Mage_Admin_Model_User::sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail()
This method calls $mailer->setStoreId(0), which causes Magento to look for the theme configured for the adminhtml area.
This defaults to default/default in according to Mage/Adminhtml/etc/config.xml in the node stores/admin/design/package/name and stores/admin/design/theme/default.
If you are using a Magento version including the Find_Feed extension (in the community code pool), it (stupidly) specifies the admin theme default/find in it's config.xml.
So this gives you the full path
skin/adminthml/default/default/images/logo_email.gif or skin/adminthml/default/find/images/logo_email.gif.

Multiple Contact Forms on Magento

I'm looking to create a new contact form for enquiries on Magento. Creating a module from scratch for this seems like a bit of a waste of time. Does anyone know the most sensible and quickest way for this to happen?
In CMS>Manage Pages create and enable a new page (or you could use a static block) e.g. call the page My Contact Form with a url ID of my-contact-form and a layout that matches your theme. For the content of the new page add
{{block type='core/template' template='contacts/mycontactform.phtml'}}
Now in your template folder (app/design/frontend/default/default/template/contacts for default theme in Magento 1.3.x) copy the existing form.phtml file, rename it to mycontactform.phtml and copy it back to the contacts folder. Edit the new mycontactform.phtml code and html as you wish to create your new contact form.
Load the new form by going to http://www.example.com/my-contact-form
Hope that helps...
In adendum to paj answer: You also have to edit the email template to include whatever new fields you just added.
Keep in mind that both your new contact form and Magento original contact form (an whatever future contact forms you may add in the future with in this way) will all use the same email template.
So in order to have meaningful emails sent, you need to "program" the template using the {{depend}} directive