How to migrate from internal postgres db to external postgres db in gitlab - postgresql

Currently we have all in one single docker container for our production gitlab, where we are using bundled postgres and redis. So everything in same container. We want to use external postgres db and separate container for redis as well to follow the production standards.
How can I migrate from internal postgres db to external postgres db? If anyone provides process and steps that will be really helpful. We are new to this process. Please let us know If anyone knows
Thank you everyone for your inputs ,

You can follow the article "Migrating GitLab from internal to external PostgreSQL", which involves:
a database dump/reload, using pg_dumpall
sudo -u gitlab-psql /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/pg_dumpall \
--username=gitlab-psql --host=/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql > /var/lib/pgsql/database.sql
sudo -u postgres psql -f /var/lib/pgsql/database.sql
Note: yuo can also use a backup of the database, but only if the external PostgreSQL version matches exactly the embedded one.
setting its password
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER gitlab ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '***' VALID UNTIL 'infinity';"
and modifying the GitLab configuration:
That is:
# Disable the built-in Postgres
postgresql['enable'] = false
# Fill in the connection details
gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = 'utf8'
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = ''
gitlab_rails['db_port'] = 5432
gitlab_rails['db_database'] = "gitlabhq_production"
gitlab_rails['db_username'] = 'gitlab'
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '***'
apply tour changes:
gitlab-ctl reconfigure && gitlab-ctl restart

Hi, let me know about the process I have done below
We currently have single all in one docker gitlab container which is using bundled postgres and redis . To follow the production standards we are looking to maintain separate postgres and redis instances for our prod gitlab..We already have data in bundled db we took back up current gitlab with bundled postgres generated .tar file....Next we did change gitlab.rb to point external post gres db [ same version ]..then we are able connect to gitlab but didn;t see any data because nothing was there as it is fresh db. Later we did the restore using external postgres db we can see all the data?? Can we do in this method ? Now our gitlab is attached to external postgres and I can see all the restored data. Will this process works ? Any downfalls?
How this process is different from pgdump and import ?


Database transfer from Heroku to Digital Ocean

I'm currently in the process of switching my cloud server from Heroku to Digital Ocean. However is there a way to migrate the database from the heroku server to the digital ocean one? I use postgresql for my database
I hope you already got a solution, but in case you didn’t, I’ll provide a simple guide on how I did it. I am going to assume that you have already created a postgres database on digitalocean. Also you need navigate to your project directory and log in to heroku using the heroku cli. And, you need to have postgresql installed or a psql client. Installing postgresql would do it as it comes with psql.
Step 1: Create a backup and download the backup from heroku postgres
heroku pg:backups:capture --app <app_name>
heroku pg:backups:download --app <app_name>
The first command will create a backup of your database and the second command will download it to your current directory, its a .dump file. If you would like to read more, here is an article.
Step 2: Connect to your remote (digital ocean’s) database using psql
Before you can do this, you need to go and add your machine you are connecting from to the list of database’s list of trusted sources, If you don’t, you’ll get a Connection Timed Out error. That’s because the database’s firewall doesn’t allow you to connect to the database from your local machine or resource (for security reasons).
Step 3: Import the Database
pg_restore -d "postgresql://<database_username>:<database_password>#<host>:<port>/<database>?sslmode=require" --jobs 4 -c "/path/to/dump_file.dump"
This will import your database from your dump file. Just substitute the variables will your connection parameters that you get from your dashboard. If you would like to read more, here is another article for this step.
Another thing to make clear is, sometimes, you will see some harmless error messages when running this command, but it will push through anyway. To learn more about pg_restore read this article.
And that’s it, your database has been migrated. Now, can you confirm it worked?, well, as for me, I used pgAdmin to connect to the remote database and I saw the tables and data as expected.
Hope this helps anyone with the same problem :)

database backup in jelastic can't be done from the app node

My Goal is to have an automatic database backup that will be sent to my s3 backet
Jelastic has a good documentation how to run the pg_dump inside the database node/container, but in order to obtain the backup file you have to do it manually using an FTP add-ons!
But As I said earlier my goal is to send the backup file automatically to my s3 backet, what I tried to do is to run the pg_dump from my app node instead of postgresql node (hopefully I can have some control from the app side), the command I run basically looks like this:
PGPASSWORD="my_database_password" pg_dump --host ""
-U my_db_username -p "5432" -f sql_backup.sql "database_name" 2> $LOG_FILE
The output of my log file is :
pg_dump: server version: 10.3; pg_dump version: 9.4.10
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch
The issue here is that the database node has a different pg_dump version than the nginx/app node, so the backup can't be performed! I looked around but can't find an easy way to solve this. Am open to any alternative way that helps to achieve my initial goal.

Make Flask use Postgres on Heroku

i have been following the Flask book by Miguel Ginberg and I am thinking about how to deploy my app and use the PostgresDB.
In my local production config I have to manually go in and run Role.insert_roles() before any roles can be assigned.
How do I do this in Heroku with postgres? In fact, how do you connect to the postgres db? It is not really clear where in the code postgres takes over using the environment variable:
I have a feeling my app is just running sqlite and the book isn't really clear on how to switch over.
if you have deployed to heroku and you have not changed the environment variables:
FLASKY_ADMIN = your email
then ran in your shell:
heroku run python shell
then you are probably running the development config from the SQLite database!
If you want to connect manually, you could use the libarary directly. Flask-SQLAlchemy provides uses psycopg underneath the hood itself, see here - in your example it may be easier to continue using SQLAlchemy. More information here.
I had the same problem and solved like the follow:
1. provisioning a db
$:heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql bobby-dev
add database_url:
$:hero config -s |grep HEROKU-PSOTGRESQL
( then show HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_RED_URL=..... )
$:heroku pg:promote HEROKU-POSTGRESQL-RED
install this extention:psycopg2
3.change the
config = {
'default' : ProductionConfig

How openshift - postgresql load data from local file?

I created app on openshift and added a cartridge postgresql.
There is no manage application like pgadmin supported by openshift.
I manage the DB by PuTTY under windows.
But how I can import the local data to the DB on openshift.
Thank you in advance!
First take backup of your database using below command.
pg_dump dbname > outfile
add the postgresql database like so
rhc-ctl-app –a postgresApp –e add-postgresql-8.4
then access the remote psql and you can restore using this command pg_restore

Remote trigger a postgres database backup

I would like to backup my production database before and after running a database migration from my deploy server (not the database server) I've got a Postgresql 8.4 server sitting on a CentOS 5 machine. The website accessing the database is on a Windows 2008 server running an MVC.Net application, it checks out changes in the source code, compiles the project, runs any DB Changes, then deploys to IIS.
I have the DB server set up to do a crontab job backup for daily backups, but I also want a way of calling a backup from the deploy server during the deploy process. From what I can figure out, there isn't a way to tell the database from a client connection to back itself up. If I call pg_dump from the web server as part of the deploy script it will create the backup on the web server (not desirable). I've looked at the COPY command, and it probably won't give me what I want. MS SQLServer lets you call the BACKUP command from within a DB Connection which will put the backups on the database machine.
I found this post about MySQL, and that it's not a supported feature in MySQL. Is Postgres the same? Remote backup of MySQL database
What would be the best way to accomplish this? I thought about creating a small application that makes an SSH connection to the DB Server, then calls pg_dump? This would mean I'm storing SSH connection information on the server, which I'd really rather not do if possible.
Create a database user pgbackup and assign him read-only privileges to all your database tables.
Setup a new OS user pgbackup on CentOS server with a /bin/bash shell.
Login as pgbackup and create a pair of ssh authentication keys without passphrase, and allow this user to login using generated private key:
su - pgbackup
ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ""
cp -a ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Create a file ~pgbackup/.bash_profile:
exec pg_dump databasename --file=`date +databasename-%F-%H-%M-%S-%N.sql`
Setup your script on Windows to connect using ssh and authorize using primary key. It will not be able to do anything besides creating a database backup, so it would be reasonably safe.
I think this could be possible if you create a trigger that uses the PostgreSQL module dblink to make a remote database connection from within PL/pgSQL.
I'm not sure what you mean but I think you can just use pg_dump from your Windows computer:
pg_dump --host=centos-server-name > backup.sql
You'd need to install Windows version of PostgreSQL there, so pg_dump.exe would be installed, but you don't need to start PostgreSQL service or even create a tablespace there.
Hi Mike you are correct,
Using the pg_dump we can save the backup only on the local system. In our case we have created a script on the db server for taking the base backup. We have created a expect script on another server which run the script on database server.
All our servers are linux servers , we have done this using the shell script.