Why there are no contents listed in the configuration of the Web Content Display of Liferay 7.0? - liferay-7

I just migrated from Liferay 6.2 to Liferay 7.0. So far Everything looks great. The site's theme still needs a couple of adjustments, but in general, everything looks great.
But now I have a problem. The content of a page was expired, this page is using a Web Content Display, so I went to Configuration in order to select another web content, but in the list of contents, there are no contents listed. In the Web Content section of the site, there are many web contents available. This is also happening in every page of the site that is using a Web Content Display.
So how can I figure out what is happening, why there are no contents listed in the configuration of the Web Content Display?

My problem was solved. Honestly, there was no problem. The full search re-index toke several hours to finish. So after the re-index process finished, all web contents were available again. The first time I run the re-index process, I expected immediate results. What I didn't know was that I have to wait until the process finished.


Keycloak CSS is not updating in browser

I am upgrading Keycloak from 9.x to 12.x in a development environment. I initially copied some custom themes forward, and found that the styling was badly broken (no surprise). I reviewed my FTL files, copied some of the core changes into my theme, and things are much better - just some minor issues to adjust.
Now the problem. I've made the changes to my login.css file, but those changes aren't showing up in the browser. It continues to fetch an old version of my custom CSS file.
What I have tried (multiple times for most of these):
Clear browser cache
Restart Keycloak
Check ownership/permissions of theme files
Restart entire server
Load CSS file directly
Load CSS file directly with meaningless parameter added (trying to bypass any possible middleman caching)
Confirm new version of Keycloak is the one running
Load page in other browsers
I've also now grepped the entire Keycloak directory for some of the CSS rules I've removed, and I can't find any copies of the "old" css file anywhere that might be getting referenced by accident.
Also, there are no messages in the Keycloak log when loading the CSS file.
I want to figure out how to get Keycloak to deliver the updated CSS to the browser.
Blind guess, so please don't blame me if it doesn't work. (question should include minimal reproducible example):
Edit /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and update it as follows:
For me it worked when changed this file
like below way
I think it is because I am using single instance mode instead cluster ha mode.
Apart from disabling cache, as described above, you can also adjust the theme resource URLs, breaking the client-side cache. It's a bit of a hack, but you can directly modify the resource tag portion of the URL by adjusting the database migration_model.id value.
You must delete the path keycloak-server\standalone\tmp\kc-gzip-cache\sbgwq or otherelse folder... and test in a browser in incognit mode.

Source page to Live Copy page changes are not reflecting in AEM 6.1

First I tried to a Launch Page, a launch page is a Live Copy of the Source page with rolloutconfig being pushonmodify.
But no matter what I do, any changes that I make on the source page they do not reflect on the Launch Page.
I also tried creating an actual Live Copy using siteadmin but even the same problem appears for manually created LiveCopies.
I have checked the logs and there is nothing present in it.
Why is this happening?
Is there any configuration that I have missed and that is why this is happening?

Document greyed out in document browser

I tried to build an app based on the Document based app template. I am trying to get it to open markdown files. I got it to create the files and show up in the share sheet when viewing the file in the Files app. However in the Document Browser in the app (UIDocumentBrowserViewController) it is greyed out and cannot be selected. I can't really find what this is due. How do I fix this?
I tried it a second time, still did not work. A few days later however, the second one started working, the first one is still broken.

TinyMCE advimage Cannot read property 'responseText' of null

All of a sudden one of our sites has developed an issue with TinyMCE, specifically it seems, in relation to the advimage plugin.
When trying to browse the image folder via TinyMCE I get an alert with one of these errors:
In Chrome I get:
2can't process ajax,TypeError: Cannot read property 'responseText' of null
In Firefox I get:
2can't process ajax,Invalid XML structure
Nothing has changed on this site for a good few months.
We have upgraded to PHP 5.4 very recently, but I don't see why that would be related.
This could be an issue with overly large images in the plugin's upload directory.
On each request, the advimage plugin scans the upload directory (set in your config) and generates thumbnails of any images it finds in there, then sends a list of images off to the client in the form of JSON or XML. If an image is too large to process, (low server memory or something), then the process quits and doesn't return any JSON/XML, hence the seemingly unrelated error message.
Prune any images over 1MB from the uploads directory. You may need to flush the cached thumbs as well. To stop your users/admins from uploading huge images, set an upload limit in the plugins config.

iPhone application cache and XMLHttpRequest

I have a WebApp that I've been try to make work offline. The WebApp is too big, even minified, to simply use the application cache (things download but I eventually get a window.applicationCache error). I'm trying to use XMLHttpRequest to get the larger scripts and main html and keep them in localStorage and just keep a small loader script in the application cache. The problem I'm seeing is that the XMLHttpRequest returns a network error when the loader script is being served locally. When the the cache is downloading no error is returned and it works fine. When I turn off the application cache the loader works fine, but of course then I need the network to get the loader.
I tried setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache") but that didn't help.
Anybody have a clue?
What does your network: section in your manifest look like?
I found that if I weren't allowing wildcard network traffic it wouldn't load with XMLHttpRequest. So changing it to:
did the trick for us.
I think I found a solution. It would probably work for others.
I split the loader into two separate HTML files: one that uses XMLHttpRequest to get all the required files and put them in localStorage (the loader) and another that simply reads the files from localStorage and writes them into the document (the booter) with appropriate wrappers (e.g. ). The booter has a manifest file to keep it in the application cache. The loader does not. The user first invokes the booter. If the booter finds files already in localStorage it does it's thing. Otherwise, it uses location.replace() to invoke the loader. The loader loads the files from the server using XMLHttpRequest and puts them in localStorage, and then re-invokes the booter using location.replace(). This seems to not cause an network error.
In order to run offline, the user must invoke the booter in the iPhone Safari browser (which invokes the loader, which re-ivokes the booter) which boots the WebApp. In Safari, the user must then add the WebApp (the booter link) to their Home Screen (using the "+" button at the bottom). When offline the user can get to the app from the Home Screen icon. It takes a few seconds to re-render, but it's fully functional after that. It's the same delay when online. Invoking the link from the iPhone Safari browser will not work offline, though it will work online.
The booter monitors the application cache's "updateready" event so that when online and the when iPhone detects a change in the booter's manifest file and downloads a new booter, it will swap the new cache (window.applicationCache.swapCache()) and invoke the loader using location.replace() again. I also add an alert() to let the user know something funky is going on. So changing the manifest file (I mean making some bytes different, not just tweaking the modify time) will cause clients to get new files when online.
Interestingly, I noticed that localStorage set up in Safari is not available to the same page served from invoking the Home Screen icon, even though the cookies transfer! So the first time the booter is invoked from the icon it will reload the files even though they were previously loaded in Safari. Also, I had to explicitly prevent the loader from being cached as it was not reloading from the server when the rest of the files were updated.
You are correct. Ultimately it was the network section in the manifest.
I thought the site where the application was loaded from was included automatically and you didn't need to mess with it, but it's not true. You need to put the site in the network section.