Swift - execute touch up inside if dragged - swift

I have a UIButton which has a function for TouchUpInside. The problem I have is that when the user drags away from the button I would like to cancel the button from functioning, until of course the user presses the button again.
The function that's called when they drag away which is what I'm most likely going to use is TouchDragExit. Can anyone suggest anything in this case?
To elaborate more on what I mean, if the user is holding the button and decides to drag away then drag back to the button I don't want my touchUpInside function to function.

Register an action for the button's UIControl.Event.touchDragExit. When the button fires .touchDragExit, call the button's cancelTracking(with:), passing the UIEvent that it passed to your .touchDragExit action.


how to drag and drop UIButton

I want to drag and drop UIbutton in my app like iPhone main screen icons.
I can do this but while clicking the button it should perform an action. But this action is also called while dragging the button. I am using UIControlEventTouchDown for touch action and UIControlEventTouchDragInside for dragging the button.
Maybe you can use UIControlEventTouchUpInside for this action instead touch down.
In UIControlEventTouchDragInside you may change the shared variable named like "dragPerformed" to YES, and then, if it is NO perform click button action in UIControlEventTouchUpInside, if YES - do nothing (that is drag) and turn it to NO

dragging and dropping a button in iphone

I need to drag and drop UIButtons(image) on bigger UIImageView. I want to implement following functionality -
While dragging if the button is inside UIImageView then only it should drop,else it should not drop
When touching down and dragging it should immediately create a new UIButton at original position.
After the UIButton is dropped it should not move from its new position.
Thanking in advance.
I'm not quite sure if this is what you're looking for but what you can do is start a timer on the touchDown action that will trigger a method that makes the button update to the current CGPoint touch location. Then add if statements to control whether it's inside an image or not. To make the button stop, use the touchUpInside method and invalidate the timer.

Cocoa Touch - Drag onto button to trigger event

Hey all, just wondering what the best way to add this capability was.
I want to be able to press the button normally by doing touchDownInside, but I also want to be able to slide my finger from one button to the next and have the next one trigger.
How can I do that?
(-) -> (-)
You can implement touchesEnded method and check if the touch point is within any of your button's frames..

iphone - forcing button to acknowledge touch programmatically

When you touch a UIButton it hides for a fraction of second and then it executes its action. This fast "blink" is the feedback the user needs to know that the button has been clicked.
In the project I am doing, I need to select the button programmatically, as if the user had clicked it. In other words, the same behavior has the button had been clicked by the user... a fast blink and execution of its action.
Is this possible to do?
thanks for any help.
The change in the appearance of the button is effected by setting the button's highlighted property. The property is automatically set to YES when the user touches down on the button, and back to NO when she releases.
The highlighted property is writable, so you can set it YES yourself to simulate a touch down. You'll probably want to use +[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:invocation:repeats:] to set it back to NO after a short interval.
It is pretty simple, and probably there is a better solution.
First, use images to your button, and when you have to fire the button, you just change the button's image in the normal state to the pressed image, and after that, replace it back to the original. You can simply do it with a timer.

iPhone: programmatically press a button

Is it possible to press a button in iPhone SDK programmatically without the user touching it?
You can just do:
[button sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
Do you want the user to see the button as pressed? Set the highlighted property to true and it will look like being pressed.
Now, if you just want to simulate the consequence of a button being pressed, just call the selector you assigned to the "Touch Up Inside" or "Touch Down Inside" events.
You could synthesize a touch on the button's coordinates, and set the appropriate event here's how
Overlay a second larger button that is transparent and assign the same selector it that you have on the other button.