MATLAB - reading multiple dat files for loop - matlab

Hello everyone I'm trying to make a loop file to read several files, this is what I have done so far:
anoini = 1980;
anofin = 1981;
mesini = 1;
mesfin = 1;
nano = (anofin-anoini)+1;
if (mesini == 1) || (mesini == 3) || (mesini == 5) || (mesini == 7) || (mesini == 8) || (mesini == 10) || (mesini == 12)
lmes = 31;
elseif (mesini == 4) || (mesini == 6) || (mesini == 9) || (mesini == 11)
lmes = 30;
elseif (mesini == 2)
lmes = 28;
for idia=1:lmes
for iano = anoini:anofin
for nn = 1:nano
D_1{nn,idia} = load(sprintf('F:\\salidas_nam\\%d\\%d%0.2u%0.2u06_NAM_day01.dat',iano,iano,mesini,idia));
For example I want this two files, but it only seems to read one
The idea is to automatize this so I can pick which years to read, it is not necesary to use sprintf, if someone knows how to do this in another way I will apreciate it.

I think the problem is in your inner loop. You were iterating over nn but not using it in the construction of the filename. So you ended up loading each file twice:
Therefore your output looked like this (repeated files):
D_1{1,1} = F:\salidas_nam\1980\1980010106_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{2,1} = F:\salidas_nam\1980\1980010106_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{1,2} = F:\salidas_nam\1981\1981010106_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{2,2} = F:\salidas_nam\1981\1981010106_NAM_day01.dat
However, I think you want this (no repeats):
D_1{1,1} = F:\salidas_nam\1980\1980010106_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{2,1} = F:\salidas_nam\1981\1981010106_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{1,2} = F:\salidas_nam\1980\1980010206_NAM_day01.dat
D_1{2,2} = F:\salidas_nam\1981\1981010206_NAM_day01.dat
If that is the case then you can drop the inner for loop and do something like this:
for idia=1:lmes
nn = 1;
for iano = anoini:anofin
D_1{nn,idia} = load(sprintf('F:\\salidas_nam\\%d\\%d%0.2u%0.2u06_NAM_day01.dat',iano,iano,mesini,idia));
nn = nn+1;
This does not address the potential leapyear issues you might have as Adriaan mentioned in the comments.


Test for scalar function inputs is failing

Despite using isscalar, isinteger... the result after running is still true, I still had this test which is incorrect and in relation with Scalar values.
My program:
function valid = valid_date(year, month, day)
[y1 y2] = size(year);
[m1 m2] = size(month);
[d1 d2] = size(day);
if (mod(year,4)==0 && mod(year,100)~=0) || mod(year,400)==0
is_leap_year = 1;
is_leap_year = 0;
if ~(y1==y2==d1==d2==m1==m2==1)
valid = false;
elseif any(month == [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12])
valid = (day >0 && day <= 31)
elseif any(month == [4, 6, 9, 11])
valid = day >0 && day <= 30;
elseif month == 2 && is_leap_year == 1
valid = (day >0 && day <=29);
elseif month == 2 && is_leap_year == 0
valid = (day >0 && day <=28);
valid = false;
The result after submitting my program, all tests are passed except the one related to scalar values:
Why did my program fail on the non-scalar test?
The way you're checking for scalars is really not well defined.
This chained equivalence check is not the same as checking if all of your variables are equal to 1, consider the following counter-example:
1==0==0==1 % Output: 1
In this case none of your comparison variables should be 0, so you might skirt this issue, but it's still best to avoid it. You're also contending with floating point comparisons which are prone to issues.
You should use isscalar, you say you tried it but didn't show how. Something like this should work:
function valid = valid_date(year, month, day)
if ~( isscalar(year) && isscalar(month) && isscalar(day) )
valid = false;
% ... other code now we know inputs are scalar
Thank you so much #Wolfie. The problem is solved.
I used what you told me about and put it at the beginning of my function.
I show you guys the code, in case you had the same error:
function valid = valid_date(year, month, day)
if ~(isscalar(year) && isscalar(month) && isscalar(day))
valid = false;
if ((mod(year,4)==0 && mod(year,100)~=0) || mod(year,400)==0)
is_leap_year = 1;
is_leap_year = 0;
if any(month == [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12])
valid = (day >0 && day <= 31);
elseif any(month == [4, 6, 9, 11])
valid = day >0 && day <= 30;
elseif (month == 2 && is_leap_year == 1)
valid = (day >0 && day <=29);
elseif (month == 2 && is_leap_year == 0)
valid = (day >0 && day <=28);
valid = false;
Yaaay all the tests are passed lhamdullah!

Group typo3 condition

I need such a condition in ts:
([treeLevel = 0] && [globalVar = GP:R > 0]) || [PIDinRootline = {$pages.2018}]
I wanna show block if page has treelevel=0 and the get var R > 0, or if page id = $pages.2018
It looks like the similar code in php:
if(($treeLevel == 0 && $r > 0) || (pid == number))
The all expression in first brackets should be right, or in second.
Is it exist the method to group it like the previous record or I can only use userfunc?
There is no grouping in TS conditions, but if you need this particular condition from your post I think it is not needed because brackets around && are useless in this case.
(p && q) || r
is exactly the same as
p && q || r
Did you tested it?

Last elseif statement does not execute

My last elseif statement does not execute even if the conditions are met:
Currency_Exchanage != 'Select...' and all other variables (ETF_Exchanage, Index_Exchanage and Stock_Exchanage) = 'Select...'
Here is the section of code that I am concerned about:
if (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)
if db == 1 && uni == 1
tickers = gnr_bloomberg; % Analsise Bloomberg natural resources
elseif db == 1 && uni == 2
tickers = all_bloomberg; % Analsise Bloomberg all
elseif db == 2 && uni == 1
tickers = gnr_yahoo; % Analsise Yahoo natural resources
elseif db == 2 && uni == 2
tickers = all_yahoo; % Analsise Yahoo all
%Yahoo inputs
if (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from ETF
tickers = ETF_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = ETF_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = ETF_Exchanage;
db=2; %Yahoo Selection
elseif (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Index
tickers = Index_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Index_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Index_Exchanage;
elseif (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Stock
tickers = Stock_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Stock_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Stock_Exchanage;
elseif (strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Currency
tickers = Currency_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Currency_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Currency_Exchanage;
msg = 'Error occurred.\Only one Yahoo input menue must be used!';
Any Help would be much appropriated, I can't see where I'm going wrong here. I am using Matlab 2013a.
Put a breakpoint at the elseif statement in question and then check in the command window what your condition evaluates to.
If it does not evaluate like expected, check what the individual terms evaluate to.
It is important to actually test what the conditions evaluate to in matlab, rather than only visually comparing the string values.
Usually by that point you should get a rough idea what is wrong.
However in your case we can't do these steps for you because something is off. Your code condensed to the more reasonable minimal example
if 1 && 1 && 1...
disp('I was here')
does not even execute in R2014a since the interpreter complains about '...' being an unexpected matlab expression.

unexpected results of a function in matlab

Normally this function should give me the values ​​1, 2, 3 or 4. but when I use it, I get 0, 1 or 2. Could you help me to know where is the problem:
function Vecteur_retour = var_Test(Test)
AA = Test;
var_Test = zeros(1,2000);
for i=3:1:2000
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
Vecteur_retour = var_Test;
Vector comparisons will be much faster:
var_Test = ones(1,2000);
delta_Test = diff(Test);
var_Test([0 0 delta_Test(1:end-1)] > 0) = 2;
var_Test([0 delta_Test] > 0) = var_Test([0 delta_Test] > 0) + 2;
var_Test(1:2) = 0;
Probably because you never reach the cases var_Test(i) = 3 or var_Test(i) = 4.
You have a problem with your if and end blocks. The way you have it, case 3 is only reached if case 2 is hit first, but these are contradictory.
You want code more like.
function Vecteur_retour = var_Test(Test)
AA = Test;
var_Test = zeros(1,2000);
for i=3:1:2000
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
else % you forgot this else
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
Vecteur_retour = var_Test;
Careful indentation would have helped here.

Improving runtime in Matlab?

I have some code that is taking a long time to run(several hours) and I think it is because it is doing a lot of comparisons in the if statement. I would like it to run faster, does anyone have any helpful suggestions to improve the runtime? If anyone has a different idea of what is slowing the code down so I could try and fix that it would be appreciated.
xPI = zeros(1,1783);
argList2 = zeros(1,1783);
aspList2 = zeros(1,1783);
cysList2 = zeros(1,1783);
gluList2 = zeros(1,1783);
hisList2 = zeros(1,1783);
lysList2 = zeros(1,1783);
tyrList2 = zeros(1,1783);
minList= xlsread('20110627.xls','CM19:CM25');
maxList= xlsread('20110627.xls','CN19:CN25');
N = length(pIList);
for i = 1:N
if (argList(i)>= minList(1) && argList(i) <= maxList(1)) ...
&& (aspList(i)>= minList(2) && aspList(i) <= maxList(2)) ...
&& (cysList(i)>= minList(3) && cysList(i) <= maxList(3)) ...
&& (gluList(i)>= minList(4) && gluList(i) <= maxList(4)) ...
&& (hisList(i)>= minList(5) && hisList(i) <= maxList(5)) ...
&& (lysList(i)>= minList(6) && lysList(i) <= maxList(6)) ...
&& (tyrList(i)>= minList(7) && tyrList(i) <= maxList(7))
xPI(i) = pIList(i);
argList2(i) = argList(i);
aspList2(i) = aspList(i);
cysList2(i) = cysList(i);
gluList2(i) = gluList(i);
hisList2(i) = hisList(i);
lysList2(i) = lysList(i);
tyrList2(i) = tyrList(i);
disp('passed test');
You can try vectorising the code; I have made up some sample data sets and duplicated some of the operations you're performing below.
matA1 = floor(rand(10)*1000);
matB1 = floor(rand(10)*1000);
matA2 = zeros(10);
matB2 = zeros(10);
minList = [10, 20];
maxList = [100, 200];
indicesToCopy = ( matA1 >= minList(1) ) & ( matA1 <= maxList(1) ) & ( matB1 >= minList(2) ) & ( matB1 <= maxList(2) );
matA2(indicesToCopy) = matA1(indicesToCopy);
matB2(indicesToCopy) = matB1(indicesToCopy);
No idea whether this is any faster, you'll have to try it out.
This doesn't matter too much since you're only making two calls, but xlsread is horribly slow. You can speed up those calls by using this variant syntax of the function.
num = xlsread(filename, sheet, 'range', 'basic')
The catch is that the range argument is ignored and the entire sheet is read, so you'll have to mess with indexing the result correctly.
Use the profiler to see which lines or functions are using the most execution time.
You can probably get a huge increase in execution speed by vectorizing your code. This means using operations which operate on an entire vector at once, instead of using a for-loop to iterate through it. Something like:
% make a logical vector indicating what you want to include
ii = (argList >= minList(1) & argList <= maxList(1)) & ...
% use it
argList2(ii) = arglist(ii); % copies over every element where the corresponding ii is 1