Error installing Gdata on Ubuntu for Odoo 8 (404 Not Found) - ubuntu-16.04

I'm trying to install Odoo 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 but i also seem to need to download and install Gdata module for that, according to a toturial found in this website:
While typing this command line:
sudo wget
I keep getting this error message :
--2018-10-30 20:00:23-- /files/gdata-2.0.17.tar.gz
Resolving (gdata-python-, 2a00:1450:400c:c06::52
Connecting to (gdata-python-||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
018-10-30 20:00:24 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Does anyone have any clue on how to fix this?

This tutorial and Odoo8 both are obsolete. Current version is Odoo 12. Gdata url you are trying to access, no longer exists. However you can install gdata with Python pip.
`pip install gdata` // requires Python 2.5+
Or to upgrade, use:
`pip install -U gdata`
You need to skip rest of the instructions in STEP 8 of tutorial.


How to fix `mailtutils` attempting to install a Postgresql version that does not exist?

I'm attempting to install mailutils on Ubuntu 22.04 inside a Docker container, but receiving the following error:
E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
I've had a look at the Ubuntu archive, and as sure as the message claims, Postgresql 14.4 has been replaced with 14.5 (most likely due to a security vulnerability which has been fixed). I've also tried --fix-missing, and it still cannot be resolved.
How do I go about resolving this?

How to install pandasdmx on raspbian raspberry pi

I tried to install a pandasdmx package on Raspbian (Linux for Raspberry Pi).
It failed because in is not possible to install libxml2 on the Raspbian.
Here is the error message that I get:
Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?
error: command 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' failed with exit status 1
Before this, I installed the libxl2 manually using this post, and the installation did seem to work.
Any hint?
I found the answer. The problem was in the libxml installation.
The proper way to do it on raspbian:
Why can't I get `pip install lxml` to work within a virtualenv?

MongoDB php7 driver installation

I'm working on an Ubuntu 16 server and I can't seem to get the mongodb driver for php 7 to work. I installed it successfully on my xampp on my windows machine but Ubuntu and php7 seemingly have vast differences.
I did try to install it via pecl install mongodb and used composer to put in the dependencies but it still does not work. I'm using the same php file from my windows Xampp and when I access the page it throws a 500 status code.
Could someone provide a definitive walkthrough on how to install this driver and maybe also how to revert any changes I made using composer and pecl?
Cool even I tried with pecl but didn't work as expected. It work with pecl7 Also, I received this warning along with error, WARNING: "pecl/mongo" is deprecated in favor of "channel:///mongodb" pecl/mongo requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 5.99.99), installed version is 7.1.8. Also, got 500 Internal server error.
Before that MongoDB php7 driver, I needed the memcache and getting phphize error that I solved using this repo. Then finally I use this low level PHP driver for MongoDB.
$ git clone
$ cd mongo-php-driver
$ git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
$ /usr/bin/phpize
$ ./configure
$ make all -j 5
$ sudo make install
You can confirm from the output that driver is installed.
; Module Settings ;
Then only step remaining is make it available in your respective path. You can check your extensions_dir in php.ini with the following command,
$ php -i | grep extension_dir
extension_dir => /usr/lib64/php/7.0/modules => /usr/lib64/php/7.0/modules
And, I can verify that is present into the above directory. Then reload the composer and you are good to go ! Hope this helps as it work for me.

How To Send Email With PHP 5-5.5.9 Smtp Send( ) Function On Ubuntu 14.04

I want to send e-mail on ubuntu 14.04 with smtp php. But I can't send e-mail because smtp-->send function doesn't work. So that I decided to install pear mail packages. But when ı want to install php pear mail packages on my terminal the error occurs.
For example error occurs as below when ı entered sudo pear install Mail_Mime command to my terminal.
downloading Mail_Mime-1.8.9.tgz ...
Starting to download Mail_Mime-1.8.9.tgz (33,796 bytes)
.........done: 33,796 bytes
could not extract the package.xml file from "/tmp/pear/install/Mail_Mime-1.8.9.tgz"
Download of "pear/Mail_Mime" succeeded, but it is not a valid package archive
Error: cannot download "pear/Mail_Mime"
Download failed
install failed
Because of this errors I decided to upgrade the pear which is in my system.I entered "pear upgrade" command the error occurs as below..
pear/pear dependency package "pear/XML_Util" downloaded version 1.2.3 is not the
recommended version 1.2.1, but may be compatible, use --force to install
pear/XML_Util cannot be installed, conflicts with installed packages
No valid packages found
upgrade failed
I executed "pear clear-cache, pear update-channels" commands before " pear upgrade" command. All commands executed but "pear upgrade" didn't work because of errors as above.
$mail = #$smtp->send(.. , .., ..); function doesn't work. So that mail isn't sended.This send() function worked with 1.9.4 version of pear, 5.3.10 version of php and ubuntu 12.04. But it doesn't work with 1.9.4 version of pear,5.5.9 php and ubuntu 14.04.
I added "sendmail_path" part to php.ini file.But again I couldn't install pear mail packages on terminal.
could not extract the package.xml file from "/tmp/pear/install/Mail_Mime-1.8.9.tgz"
You're hitting a bug of Archive_Tar in relation with PHP 5.5.x.
Apply the patch as I described in my blog.
You can't install pear mail package on ubuntu 14.04. Because pear didn't upload version for ubuntu 14.04. You can use swift mail package instead of smtp mail package with php in ubuntu 14.04.

Installing Ruby 1.9.2 via rvm. Ubuntu 11.10 Problems

I have installed 1.8.3 version but when I trying to install Ruby 1.9.2 via rvm see some ERRORS .
I used Google, used many methods to solve this problem but I have not received any any answers. Can anybody help me?
I quote the part of code(in Terminal) below
unforbiddenyet#Trash-PC:~$ rvm install 1.9.2
0Warning: Failed to create the file yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz: Access is denied
Database file /usr/share/ruby-rvm/config/packages does not exist.
0Warning: Failed to create the file ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.bz2: Denied Warning: Access
curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 2503)
There was an error, please check /usr/share/ruby-rvm/log//*.log. Next we'll try to fetch via http.
0Warning: Failed to create the file ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.bz2: Denied Warning: Access
Failed writing body (0 != 2804)
There was an error, please check /usr/share/ruby-rvm/log//*.log
There has been an error while trying to fetch the source.
Halting the installation.
There has been an error fetching the ruby interpreter. Halting the installation.
To create the packages, first install 1.8.7 and then to install the current version (currently 1.9.3):
$ rvm install 1.8.7
$ rvm install 1.9.3