What is the easiest way to get AB-testing with Marathon & Mesos?
We're currently investigating an enterprise solution called vamp, but if there are any good open source solutions, that'd be great to know.
DISCLAIMER : I work for Mesosphere so my answer might not be most unbiased
DC/OS is an open-source solution that comes with Mesos/Marathon and much more out of the box :
There is a Mailing list and Slack Comuunity to help you get started
Mesosphere also has an Enterprise solution which comes with a bunch of closed source security features and support. But DC/OS is an "open core" product. Feature Comparison between OSS and Enterprise
I want to setup a website where a team of developers (distributed all over the world) can get together and develop Software.
So far (after a ton of reading) im coming close to the conclusion that the tools I will need are: a Version control system (git , mercurial), a bugtracker and and project manager? This post here also help come to this conclusion.
Now my questions are:
- Am I correct and what other tools will I need?
- Will is be possible to integrate these tools with my website?
by this I mean the look ( my website logo) and feel (not having to bounce around from one link to another)?
- I would also prefer hosting my own git/mercurial repo as i dont want to have to go open source is is this advised?
-Free/open source applications would be best
Also another question, I had a look at redmine, does this cover all the things that i would need? as i see it has a lot of features..
You want to reinvent the wheel... do you know it?!
You forgot at least:
Future planning (and bugtracker will become issuetracker)
Team communication (realtime and|or non-realtime)
Some type of internal documentation (wiki?)
Code reviews
Unit-tests, build and deploy tools
Maybe private repository on code-hosting sites will be more natural (and fast) way? Or you can try GitHub Enterprise or Assembla Private Installation
I would like to use the Mylyn task-centered user interface however i regularly work between two pcs and would rather not purchase any bug tracking software.
Can someone please recommend a good connector to use with Mylyn for my situation or some other workflow that is better suited.
I can recommend you to use Foglyn connector together with FogBugz server. FogBugz server is free for 1 or 2 users, and you can also get free Foglyn license for this edition of FogBugz. Furthermore, with free FogBugz you also get Kiln, which is Mercurial-based Version Control and Code Review system, although you probably won't use its code review part. You can use free FogBugz + Kiln for any number of projects, open source or not, the only condition is number of users (max 2). Big advantage is that you don't have to run your own FogBugz server, but you can use hosted solution. This makes configuration very easy.
(Disclaimer: I'm author of Foglyn connector)
The best Mylyn connectors for free trackers are the bundled connectors for Bugzilla and Trac. So one option would be to find a hosting site that offers Trac, e.g. Assembla, which offers free hosting for open source projects and moderately priced closed projects (I'm quite happy with them, Trac, and Mylyn). Be sure to set up the connection using XML-RPC if you use Trac, else you won't get the rich Mylyn editor.
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Version Control. Getting started…
I am interested in implementing version control for the first time. I am starting to amass custom libraries and would like to know what methods you would recommend for implementing version control on a Windows Vista OS. I also have an Ubuntu server setup. I'm not sure if OS is relevant.
Also, if it is relevant, I primarily use PHP and AS3.
Usually I recommend either GIT or SVN. If you use Windows, SVN may be a better option (I believe the GIT binaries are still in beta for Windows, and the SVN clients are better). I'd also recommend registering for a hosted version system (such as github or beanstalk). Most services offer a free option, and will provide far better data replication than an any individual could create. Lastly, check out a GUI client (such as Tortise SVN) or check for integrations with the IDE you use for editing code.
The tutorial at http://hginit.com/ covers a lot of ground regarding the concepts behind version control, specifically distributed version control. Mercurial is the focus of the tutorial, but the concepts extend to git as well, and to other SCMs to a small degree.
My biggest recommendation is just to start using some version control, right now. It'll change the way you work--honestly.
(full disclosure: I work for Fog Creek, the sponsor of the hginit tutorial)
Last question first: what language you're using doesn't really matter. Even for text documents, Word documents, etc., a source control system will keep track of your versions.
As for which one to use, there are a number of free ones available, that require different levels of administration and expertise. If you're mostly comfortable with Windows programs, SourceGear licenses their Vault product free for single users.
Open source repositories are also not uncommon. Subversion is widely used, but does require a fair amount of server administration expertise.
For an individual, Bazaar in Solo mode is very easy to use. Later if you want a multi-user configuration, other "workflows" are possible.
Go with something like http://beanstalkapp.com
SVN is probably more conceptually easy to understand than Git, and it has more users - hence more tools and easier to find help.
I'd recommend Subversion (SVN) using the Red Bean Subversion book as a guide. Start with Appendix A, then go through chapters 1, 2 at least.
This is my recommendation primarily because it is how I started with version control, not because I think SVN is better than other version control systems.
I agree with Kevin Gessner just start using something and feel the change wash over you!
We use Mercurial. It is fast.
Git, Mercurial, or Bazaar
I would like to setup a portal for my development team to share the ideas, reports, documents, images, etc. Something similar to MS SharePoint but free/open source.
Can you please share what do you guys use for the same?
Check out DotNetNuke
Trac and MediaWiki would be my top two picks, depending on whether or not you wanted ticketing integrated. Don't forget, also, that MediaWiki has a robust plugin ecosystem, so anything you wanted to add above and beyond wiki and discussion functionality might well be available.
Redmine is another good pick - I don't love it quite as well as Trac, but it's much easier to set up on the shared host where I keep my project management tools.
Try Alfresco
For very small teams, or an individual developer, is there a source code control tool which is a web service, or web based application, with no or very little cost?
Ideally, it would work with Microsoft development. IDE Integration would be awesome, but a windows application that connects to the web service would also be sufficient.
Would you consider such a product to be market worthy?
I'd recommend Codespaces. It has a free plan, and the next plan up is only $3/mo. It comes with project planning and a bunch of goodies. Look at the screenshots page, pretty nice.
GitHub is free if you OpenSource the project and is only $7/month for personal plans.
I don't know much about it's possible IDE integration, though.
I recommend Unfuddle.com for subversion or Github
There used to be ads on this site for BeanStalk. Free for a single repository/3 users. There are a few tools to integration SVN with an IDE - try VisualSVN.