install4j: How to replace header banner - install4j

How to replace in Install4J 7.0.8 installer header image installer_header.png to custom?

Select the installer (for changing all screens) or a single screen, change the "Style" property from "Default" to "Standard", select the "Customize title bar" property and change the "Image File" property.
In both cases, the above properties override a property in the "Standard" style. To see the original property, go to Installer->Styles, edit the "Standard header" and look at the "Image File" property of the "Vertical group" form component. It is configured in the "Allow external overriding" property of the form component, so that it can be overridden in installer applications, screens and screen groups.


Show warning icon on the azure devops work item field

We are developing an azure devops custom extension for boards, where we need to make some field as required based on some condition. We can display an error message and disable the save button, but how to show red color icon on that field??
According to your description, you needs to show red color icon on your custom field.
You could assign red color to a tag which can display an error message or just be a red color icon as the linked capture shows:
Assign a color to a tag
The following steps are:
1.Before setting tag colors, add tags to work items that you want to highlight with color that circled in red in the linked capture.
add tags to work items
2.From the Settings dialog, choose Tag colors and then choose the "+" plus icon to add a tag color. Then, name the tag as "!" and select the red color.
3.When done with your changes, choose Save.
Then you could show red color icon on your custom field.

How to add custom styling in pageproperties in AEM

I have template and page properties. I had added custom tab to page properties, where I need to modify the height and width of page property tab. How can I add custom styling to page properties. I using AEM 6.5 version.
If you want to make the change globally, on all the dialogs, you can always write a .CSS file with the category cq.authoring.dialog.
If however, you want it to be specific to that dialog, you can add a JCR property in the page properties dialog node:
extraClientlibs -> {the value would be the name of categories for your JS/CSS files}
And it should pick up the styling/scripting from there.

Set tintColor in macCatalyst

In macOS Big Sur a multicolor accent color is allowed, no longer overwriting an app’s custom tint color (in theory).
This can be seen in a few system apps:
(images from this tweet)
However setting the tintColor property of a view, a window, or even UIView.appearance() still results in the default blue in macCatalyst. Not even setting onTintColor of a checkbox (UISwitch) has any effect.
Is this a bug or is there a correct way to do this?
You do it the same way you set tint color for a Watch app:
Open the app’s asset catalog.
Select the Editor > Add New Asset > Color Set menu item to add a new color set to the asset catalog.
In the app’s Build Settings, set the “Global Accent Color Name” to your color set’s name.
Apple’s WatchKit instructions are here, but it’s actually the same for all platforms:

What name of the property to change the color of the field informed in the screen shot?

I'm creating my personal vscode theme, but I didn't think the name property to leave the same color of my theme. Below the print indicating the field:

Install4j 7.0.3 The Subtitle in the "Banner with Header" form does not appear

I am creating an installer using Install4j 7.0.3. I am trying to utilize the subtitle property of the form, 'Banner with header at the top', but the subtitle does not appear.
How do I make the subtitle appear?
The subtitle is not used by this style in the default template. Go to Installer->Styles and edit the "Banner" style, you will see a single "Screen Title" form component whose "Title type" property is set to "Title".
If you want to display the subtitle in that style as well, add another "Screen Title" form component after the "Horizontal separator" and set its "Title type" property to "Subtitle".