Append/Extend LD_LIBRARY_PATH using Kubernetes Source Code - kubernetes

When a pod is being scheduled, I dynamically (and transparently) mount some shared libraries folder into the client containers through Kubernetes DevicePlugins. Now, in the container I want to append/extend these dynamically mounted shared libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variables.
Inside the container: This can be achieved by running command on the bash
"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/some/new/directory"
From the Host: I can add the export command to the pod.yaml file under pod.spec.command and args.
But, I wanted to do it transparently without the client/admin specifying it in the yaml file using Kubernetes DevicePlugins or Extended-Schedulers
I am looking method/hack by which I can append/extend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH inside the container only using Kubernetes source code.

You can just bake into your Dockerfile and create an image that you use in Kubernetes for that. No need to hack the Kubernetes source code.
In your Dockerfile in some line:
docker build -t <your-image-tag> .
docker push <your-image-tag>
Then, update your pod or deployment definition and deploy to Kubernetes.
Hope it helps.

If i understand your issue, all you need is to transparently add ld_library_path to the pod as it is scheduled. Maybe you can try to use mutatingadmission webhook. Which allows you to send patch command to kubernetes to modify the manifest. Theres a good documentation from banzai cloud. I have not tried it myself.


Is there a way to specify a tar file of docker image in manifest file for kubernetes?

Is there a way to specify a tar file of a docker image in a deployment manifest file for kubernetes? The nodes have access to a mounted network drive that will have the tar file. There's a post where the image is loaded by docker on each node, but I was wondering if there's a way just to specify the tar file and have Kubernetes do the loading and running.
To be more exact, say I have a mounted network drive on each node, is there a way with just the manifest file to instruct kubernetes to load that image directly from tar file and not have to put it into a docker registry.
In general, no, Kubernetes can only access container images from a registry, not from a network drive, see documentation.
However, you could have a private registry inside your cluster (see docs). You could also have the images locally on the nodes (pre-pulled images) and have Kubernetes access them from there by setting imagePullPolicy to Never (see docs).
You have provided quite limited information about your environment and how it would looks like.
Two things comes to my mind.
Use initContainer to download this file using wget or similar.
Init containers are exactly like regular containers, except:
Init containers always run to completion.
Each init container must complete successfully before the next one starts.
That way you can be sure that tar file will be downloaded before your application will start. Example can be found here
Use Mount Volume
In your deployment, statefulset, pod (not sure what you are using), you can Mount Volume into pod. After that you will be able to inside pod specified path from volume. Please keep in mind that you have to use proper access modes.
To run .tar file you can use some bash commands like in this documentation.

Helm chart copy shell script from local machine to remote pod , change permission and exeucte

Is there a way I can copy shell script from local machine to pod using charts and helm, change the script permission and execute the script inside the pod?
No, Helm cannot do this. In effect only the Kubernetes commands it can run are kubectl apply and kubectl delete, though it can apply templating before sending YAML off to the Kubernetes server. The sorts of imperative commands you're describing (kubectl cp and kubectl exec) aren't things Helm can do.
(The sorts of imperative commands you're describing aren't generally good form in Kubernetes in any case. Generally you'd need to package your script up in a Docker image to be able to run it in the cluster, and you want to try to set up your containers to be able to set themselves up as much as they can. Also remember that pods get deleted routinely, sometimes even outside of your control, and anything you've manually copied into a pod will get lost when this happens.)

Deploy a scalable application on Kubernetes which requires each replica Pod to have different args

I am trying to understand how to deploy an application on Kubernetes which requires each Pod of the same deployment to have different args used with the starting command.
I have this application which runs spark on Kubernetes and needs to spawn executor Pods on start. The problem is that each Pod of the application needs to spawn its own executors using its own port and spark app name.
I've read of stateful sets and searched the documentation but I didn't found a solution to my problem. Since every Pod needs to use a different port, I need that port to be declared in a service if I understood correctly, and also directly passed as an argument to the pod command in the args.
Is there a way to obtain this without using multiple deployments, one for each pod I need to create? Because this is the only solution i can think of but it can't be scaled after being deployed.
I'm using Helm to deploy the application, so I can easily create as many deployments and / or services as needed, but I would like to find a solution which can scale at runtime, if possible.
I don't think you can have a Deployment which creates PODs from different Specs. You can't have it in Kubernetes and Helm won't help here (since Helm is just a template manager over Kubernetes configurations).
What you can do is to specify each Pod as a separate configuration (if single Pod, you don't necessarily need Deployment) and let Helm manage it.
Posting the solution I used since it could be useful for other people searching around.
In the end I found a great configuration to solve my problem. I used a StatefulSet to declare the deployment of the Spark application. Associated with the StatefulSet, a headless Service which expose each pod on a specific port.
StatefulSet can declare a property spec.serviceName which can have the same name of a headless service to create a unique network name for each Pod. Something like <pod_name>.<service_name>
Additionally, each Pod has a unique and not-changing name which is created using the application name and an ordinal starting from 0 for each replica Pod.
Using a starting script in the docker image and inserting in the environment of each Pod the pod name from the metadata, I was able to use different configurations for each pod since, even with the same deployment, each pod have their own unique metadata name and I can use the StatefulSet service to obtain what I needed.
This way, the StatefulSet is scalable at run time and works as expected.
hey I am not sure if this will exactly match your scenario but I think this is what you can try. Use a sidecar container to run the replica instances, A sidecar is a container which runs along with the main container and also shares the same namespace and can share volumes across each container.
Now to pass the different arguments to each container or sidecar, you will have to tweak the dockerfile or rather tweak the way your container starts.
Create a script file which accepts the arguments and starts the container with those arguments, the trick here is to accept the argument from environment variables thus allowing you to later configure these from configmaps or pod env.
So here is an example of php/laravel application running the same code and starting with different arguments. And the the file looks like this.
if [ "${CONTAINER_ROLE}" = "queue" ];
echo "Running the queue..."
php artisan queue:work --queue=${QUEUENAME}
echo "Queue Started"
echo "Running Iceberg."
exec apache2-foreground
So a sample dockerfile looks like this
FROM php:7.1.24-apache
COPY . /srv/myapp
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/app \
&& a2enmod remoteip && a2enmod rewrite
WORKDIR /srv/app
RUN chmod +x .docker/
CMD [ "sh",".docker/"]
Let me know how it goes.

Cachet on Kubernetes APP_KEY Error

I'm trying to run the open source cachet status page within Kubernetes via this tutorial
2 docker containers (cachet/nginx) and Postgres are deployed to a pod on GKE but the cachet container fails with the following CrashLoopBackOff error
Within the docker-compose.yml file its set to APP_KEY=${APP_KEY:-null} and i’m wondering if I didn’t set an environment variable I should have.
Any help with configuring the cachet docker file would be much appreciated!
Yes, you need to generate a key.
In the you can see that the bash script generates a key for you:
It seems there's a bug in the Dockerfile here. Generate a key manually and then set it as an environment variable in your manifest.
There's a helm chart you can use in development here:

How do I tell if my container is running inside a Kubernetes cluster?

How can I tell whether or not I am running inside a kubernetes cluster? With docker I can check if /.dockerinit exist. Is there an equivalent?
You can check for KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable.
This variable is always exported in an environment where the container is executed.
Refer to
You can pass environment variables to your containers in the pod spec. You can even expose some pod information to the containers via environment variables using the downward API.
With the default configuration, Kubernetes will mount the serviceaccount secrets into pods. Simply check for the existence of this folder: /var/run/secrets/
No need to set environment variables. In ruby I would do the following:
if File.exists?('/.dockerenv')
puts "I'm running in a docker container"
if File.exists?('/var/run/secrets/')
puts "I'm also running in a Kubernetes pod"
One option is to check the /etc/hosts file - there is by default the comment that the file is maintained by K8s.
Anyway the best way is to def your own env variable in deployment, so use some template tools like helm to gen deployment and define some general template.