Magento 2.2.2 not showing ship option for some orders - magento2

In Magento 2.2.2 I have sent shipment mails for more than 10 orders, but for some orders there is no ship option showing on top right, how can I fix the issue?

It happens in case your product does not have any weight.
When I product does not have any weight assigned it becomes a virtual product and virtual products cannot be shipped.

In my case this happened when the shipping method in the orders table did not have the correct shipping method format. It should be


PayPal express checkout add tax info

So i was integrating my app with paypal for express checkout and could not figure out how to add in my gst/hst number for Canada to the receipt.
it is mandatory if i am to charge taxes in Canadian shipment, that the gst/hst number be visible in the receipt, but cant seem to figure this out.
any help would be appreciated!
below is an example of my receipt but i want to add some additional content for the gst/hst number. where would i be able to and how.
so this is just a trick around it since i couldnt find a proper solution, but i just add in another item with the GST/HST Number. i leave the cost of it to 0 so it does not affect the total price but the buyer is still able to get the gst/hst number on their receipt.
The amount key can include a breakdown key, which is an object of type amount_breakdown documented here:
tax_total is the key name of one of the objects you can include in the breakdown.
The breakdown's subtotals must add up to the actual amount value.

Is this a good Use Case diagram? UML

I'm not sure my Use Case diagram is correctly written or it needs more data? I'm creating a web application for a restaurant. You should be able to:
Add reservations
Dashboard for making orders
Dashboard for the kitchen
Dashboard for the bartender
Dashboard to edit menu.
The one who can make a class diagram for me will receive 20$ paypal.
Thanks. :)
What are these dependencies stereotyped return ? That does not exist in the norm
Is the arrow is missing or hidden for the extend ?
yes you can replace the Reservate ---<<return>>---> XX reservation by Reservate <---<<extend>>--- XX reservation but this is not very clear because when you enter a reservation you finally edit it
Seems better to have
enter do not have edit nor delete but the exception cancel
an additional UC "find reservation" having extends to delete or edit or print
You have three direct roles and one indirect
1. Client
2. Accounts
3. waiter
4. chef
Client eats food if there is drink then he drinks drink. He also places order. He also pays for food.
Accountant gets amount of food and beverages served. One for food and other for drink
Waiter receive order for food and beverages
Chef makes food and confirm order

Stripe Invoice strategy for multiple products

I'm wondering how I should (must ?) implement stripe invoice in case my customer buy multiple products.
Should I create an invoice for total amount ?
Should I create invoice items for each product and then create an invoice to charge all these products ?
Advantages of second solution would be I won't have to store which products have been bought.
I'm interesting knowing what are your workflows and what you think about it !

Is it possible to use Paypal Express Checkout without sending the whole order details?

I have experienced a problem similar to this question, while trying to make my discounts work with SetExpressCheckout.
I've resolved to use the method the accepted answer's author suggests: creating an additional product named "discount" with a negative value.
This is not too bad, but I'm getting fed up to have to accommodate Paypal with all the changes I make on my cart, and basically send the whole cart to Amazon when the customer has already had plenty of opportunities to check it while on my website and he now just wants to pay.
I would prefer to send the customer to a blank Paypal payment page, without the cart on the left.
Is this possible with Paypal Express Checkout? Any alternative?
If you go thru Paypal Express Checkout then it possible to give discount
(1) – Item name. The item name can identify this item to distinguish it from other line items in the order.
(2) – Item description. This field identifies which of several items the buyer is purchasing. For example, you may be offering an item in different sizes. Knowing the size helps the buyer decide whether the one they selected was appropriate. If the item is an eBay auction item, it is recommended that you provide the phrase "eBay item" in this field.
(3) – Item number. Each item can be further identified by an item number. If the item is an eBay auction item, it is recommended that you provide the eBay item number in this field.
(4) – Item unit price. This field specifies exactly how much one unit of the item costs. It can be a positive or negative value but not zero.
(5) – Item unit quantity. This field identifies the number of units the buyer is ordering. PayPal calculates the value in the Amount (6) column as the product of line-item unit price and line-item unit quantity. You can also show other detailed information about the order:
(7) – Item total and tax, which are the total of all items in the order and the tax, respectively.
(8) – Shipping and handling, which is the sum of the shipping and handling amounts.
Note: You must determine actual shipping and handling amounts.
(9) – Shipping discount. If the buyer is receiving a discount on shipping, the value appears as a credit in this field.
(10) – Insurance. This field shows the insurance fee when there is insurance on shipping.
(11) – Total. This is the total of the order, including shipping, handling, tax, and other price adjustment-related items.
visit the link get more info
NO, you can not send to the customer to a blank Paypal payment page, without the cart on the left. Because you can not say: I'm not selling anything and give me your money.
But alternative, you can do this way:
Change your coffee = $200 instead of $20 for total prize. And you don't need to list anything else after.

paypal checkout with mixed billing type products

I have, in my opinion, pretty complex order case to implement. Paypal was choosen as a solution, but I can't figure it out how to implement it properly using express checkout (or anything else, but I am not sure what is proper to use).
Final order that can consist of (most complex example here):
subscription A with 1 month free trial - 100$/year
subscription B without free trial - 200$/year
initial payment for entire order - 50$
start of the whole order can be postponed due to some factors (I can set PROFILESTARTDATE to the given date)
all subscriptions in the order can be either monthly or yearly, so case where subscription A is paid per year and subscription B per month IS NOT ALLOWED
whole order must be processed in one paypal redirect (paypal page with products listed where client can login to confirm the order)
My problem:
in that order subscription A starts 1 month later than B but I can only set one PROFILESTARTDATE
I could use TRIAL*** parameters (like TRIALBILLINGPERIOD) for subscription B but I can only set one such parameter per paypal request for express checkout, so same problem as above
What would be a best option for such case ?