Organizing Microsoft Azure DevOps Projects - azure-devops

I have a question about Microsoft DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services or VSTS). I have multiple applications that are set up as separate projects, but we have basically one team of devs. Some of the older projects are TFS based some are git.
Ideally I would like to create a board based on the team and 'attach' projects to the board. Or something that ends up being roughly the equivalent of this.
I can't seem to find anything close to this. Does anyone have any ideas? Or any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!

As I mentioned in my comment you can use the AzureDevOps Rest API.
Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are service endpoints that
support sets of HTTP operations (methods), which provide create,
retrieve, update, or delete access to the service's resources
Most REST APIs are accessible through our client
which can be used to greatly simplify your client code.
Once you created your own board, you can fill up the details using the REST API response.


ConnectWise <-> TFS synchronization

we are going to use TFS (Azure Devops) and ConnectWise Manage at the same time.
In short, we need to provide synchronization between those two systems when working with a working item / a ticket correspondingly, i.e. we can insert the reference to TFS working item into ConnectWise ticket - then corresponding TFS working item will be updated with ConnectWise ticket reference and vice versa. Also, some fields are to be re-used in both systems and updated.
I've started to look for the information, but seems cannot find anything basic - where to start from and how to implement this (how it will look like - some intermediate listener listening for both servers and updating items here and there or... ? What language to be used - is it some of .NET language using some specific framework? Or just some PowerShell scripts? What authentication is to be used? What settings do I need to ask our organisation to make in their Azure Devops / ConnectWise account? etc.)
Could you please point me in right direction?
I found a way to integrate Azure devops with ConnectWise Manage. You can try connect your Azure DevOps and ConnectWise Manage via Zapier. It's easy to connect Azure DevOps + ConnectWise Manage and requires absolutely zero coding experience.
You can synchronize between the two services by selecting a trigger and then selecting an action.

VSTS Workitem Tracking History Architecture

I need to create a history solution for a custom application and I'am curious how VSTS has resolved this problem in the workitem tracking histroy. I want to create something similar. Does anyone has informations about this architecture or db structure or is there some public documentation about the solution?
You should use Reporting Work Item Revisions REST API and then analysis for these data.
Besides, if you want to analysis for a certain work item, you can refer the REST API List Revisions.
And for relate example code, you can refer below links separately:
Example project for consuming the VSTS WIT Reporting APIs
Work item tracking revisions sample

How to move team services backlog work items to another tenant

I would like to move the backlog items and any related linked items to another tenant, any ideas?
There's nothing built in that does this.
You'll either have to write your own solution or look into one of the various migration or integration tools that are available on the market. None of them provide full fidelity migration, however.
As Daniel said that there isn’t built-in tool.
You can build an application with REST API to create the new workitems per to the workitems in another VSTS. Regarding Work Item creating REST API, there is bypass rules that can remain System.CreatedDate and System.CreatedBy value: Make an update bypassing rules.
On the other hand, there is 3rd tool: OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility

Get Watson Conversation Workspaces

I am using Watson Conversation services on Bluemix. We have multiple Conversation workspaces within the service to enable better segmentation of the problem space.
I need to load information on the set of available workspaces within the Conversation service (e.g. name, workspace ID) to allow me to target the appropriate Conversation API endpoint. I've been trying to find a Watson or Bluemix API to allow me to retrieve the information directly but have not had any success.
Does anyone know if it is possible to retrieve this information programmatically and if there are any best practices for doing so?
We don't have an exposed endpoint for this capability at this point. It is something being discussed internally, however.
The API for managing Conversation workspaces is now available. It is possible to list workspaces, to create/update/delete a workspace and to download an entire workspace. The API is supported by the Watson SDKs.
Using the new API, I wrote a small tool for managing Conversation workspaces. The tool shows the API in action. The source is available on GitHub to demonstrate how the API can be of use.

Encryption at Rest for Source Code on Team Services

I had someone reach out to me with a couple of queries about source code encryption in Team Services. I don't know and can't find an answer to online (Google fell flat?).
The question is: Can a company control their own encryption of source code at rest with Team services? Essentially, this would mean controlling their own keys and having the ability to pull access logs for people accessing the source control.
I believe the answer is still no. Microsoft may encrypt, but I don't believe there is a provision for a company to control their own source control security if it goes on the cloud.
The answer is just as what you think: No for now. Microsoft use kinds of ways (Check this link for details: Visual Studio Team Services Data Protection) to protect the customer data, but the way which you are asking isn't supported for now.
You can submit a feature request on VSTS User Voice for this.