Combining two separate date fields to one in Tableau - date

I’m trying to combine two separate date fields into one so that I can calculate a defect rate between the two.
I have two date fields:
1. EndDate
2. FundingDate
The EndDate field is used to capture the # of units for a particular ‘project’ for a particular month. The FundingDate is used to capture the total # of volume generate for a particular month.
If I create a worksheet using just EndDate and filter to a ‘project’ I’m interested in and COUNTD the # of units, those figures turn out to be accurate for their respective months.
Same goes for the FundingDate, separate worksheet, COUNTD the # of units, figures are accurate for their respective month.
If I try to view the COUNTD of units from a project using the FundingDate, the #’s are off. Same goes for the total volume if I use EndDate trying to find the total volume.
How do I create a Date Dimension that both can pull off of that reflect the correct COUNTD?

this was resolved by creating an external .TXT file with a Master Date list. I then duplicated the original data source and did a cross data base join to the two date fields to the Master Date


Tableau Target Vs. Actual - Can not get totals to show correctly

I am having trouble showing the correct totals in my tableau worksheet.
I have supervisors that are part of specific zones that need to complete a certain number of tests in different categories. For example, supervisor 15716 must complete 8 tests in category 1. I need to show the target, which is a number stored in the database and show the actual number of tests in that category that have been completed within a date range. I have it working, but Im not sure if I did it correctly because I can not show any totals.
System target - number stored in database
CountOfSheetID - calculated field
Percent Compliant - calculated field
Try this approach -
First define a calculated field called [Within Date Range?] as
[Date] >= [MyStartDate] AND [Date] <= [LastSelectedDayOfMonth]
and put that new field on the filter shelf, only including data where [Within Date Range?] is True. (You could also just filter the [Date] field if that is flexible enough for you)
The you don't need the CountofSheetId calculated field at all. If you want to know how many records have a non-null value for [SheetID] within your date range, you can simply drop [SheetID] on a shelf and choose to treat it as Measure with the aggregation function COUNT()
Then just build your visualization to show the counts you want (not percentages, the actual counts)
Finally, you can convert counts into Percentages by clicking on the pills for your Measures and choosing Percentage under Quick Table Calcs. You'll want to experiment with the "Compute Using" setting to tell Tableau how to compute your percentages -- i.e. define percentage of "what".
Percentages are implemented as table calcs in Tableau. Read the help to understand table calcs, especially the description of partitioning and addressing.

Tableau Count Distinct when graphed shows chronological last date, when deduplicated, not first

I'm doing a break fix on a Tableau report visualization that shows the outcomes of clients by client id for a given year by showing a running sum of distinct count of client id or RUNNING_SUM(COUNTD([ID])). The X axis of the visualization is the initial date of contact with the client. Occasionally, due to errors in the data or weird behavior, there are clients that have two initial dates, listed as two separate data rows where the column Initial Date will have different values but they will share an ID.
Currently, the visualization shows such people with their chronological last Initial Date and I need it to dedup such that the visualization shows them as starting from the chronological first Initial Date.
I could create a calculated field for if there are two IDs with multiple non identical Initial Dates then use the first, but I'm not sure how to create a calculated field that can groupby or otherwise check multiple dates per ID.
In Python/psuedo code, it would be something like
For ID in IDS:
if len(groupby.IDS.ID)>1:
then Initial_Date = min(InitialDate)
But I have to do the transformation in Tableau
Keep everything the same, but create a calculated field named "Initial Contact Date" with the calculation:
{FIXED [ID]: MIN(InitialDate)}
Then replace the date field on the X axis (Columns) with this date field instead.
That LOD Expression loops through all rows given the ID, and returns only the min one.

Calculate a running total that works with relative date filters

I have a Union table of my various bank accounts to create a personal finance analysis dashboard.
I am trying to make a Running Total to show my total capital available at any given date. Using a Running Total table calculation works, just as much as using a RUNNING_SUM() calculated field. They both work up until I filter the dates. So I am trying to find a way to make the running calculation work without being thrown off by Date Filters (I would like to implement relative dates for visualisation in the dashboard).
My union table has the following relevant data columns:
Order ID: Descending number from 1 for each entry per account.
Date: Date of entry.
Item: Entry name.
Account: Name of bank account.
Amount: +ive for credit or -ive for debit.
Balance: balance after entry value for each given account.
So the table can look like this:
So on 07/05/2019 the Running total should be 229.64.
The running sum formula mentioned above is currently RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Amount])), so if any dates are excluded via filter the running total doesn't add up to the right amount.
A way I can see around the problem could be to get the sum over all accounts of the last balance reading at a given date. The balance is a running total but only if the final entry per time period for all accounts are summed would it work. Would it be possible to make a calculated field that gets the last balance reading for each account at any given date and then sums them?
Or is there a simpler smarter way I am not aware of?
This comes down to an Order of Operations problem. Once you filter the dates the viz doesn't have access to the data anymore.
Your best approach would be to add the running sum to the data source before you bring it into Tableau. Then the running sum isn't a calculated field dependent on the data in the Viz.

How do I filter a view based on criteria from a secondary blended data source?

Tableau 2018.1.1
1st (Primary Datasource) is a data source published to Tableau Server
2nd (Secondary Datasource) is a data source published to Tableau Server
1st is blended with 2nd based on a date field. There is a many to one relationship.
1st has multiple rows per date.
2nd has only one row per date.
2nd has a field called 'category' that is blended. There is only one category per date. Every category will have multiple dates associated with it.
The hard part, AKA why I'm here:
For the most recent date that's less than today... (which will be
the same in 1st and 2nd dataset)
I want the category of that one date
I want to filter the data for all dates that have that same category
What I've accomplished:
I can do part 1, but I can't get part 2 to work to even start on part 3.

Tableau - YTD, MTD as columns in text table

I'm trying to find a way to create a table like the one above, but instead of having columns of months I would like to have columns of MTD, QTD, YTD for all selected measure values. I created calculated fields on the [Date] field but when I try to use that it still splits the data in to separate columns of months and quarters... I'm using two data sources and they are linked on the [Date] field. If I try to put two of my calculated fields in the columns bar it just combines them like 'MTD/YTD'. How can I get them to display as separate columns?
I know this is strange because there will be overlapping data (everything in the MTD will also be in the QTD and the YTD).
I found a way to do this. I created a calculated field on the date field and assigned 'MTD' to all records from the last month. Then I assigned 'QTD' to all records from the start of the quarter to the day before the start date of the 'MTD' records. Then I assigned 'YTD' to all records from the start of the year to the day before the start of the 'QTD' records. (this way there are no overlapping records).
After that I just did a quick table calc to make each of them a 'running total' table (across).
I created parameters for the dates so the can easily be updated.