How to restart Service Fabric scale set machines - azure-service-fabric

We have a service fabric cluster with one scale set (primary) with 5 nodes. There was a memory leak in one of our services which drained all of the available memory on the nodes and eventually other services failed. For instance some Powershell commands don't work now. In the Service Fabric Explorer everything is healthy and we don't have any errors or warnings. Is it possible to restart the machines and what is the best way to do it so we could restore the machines to their initial state where all of the services are working?
In the scale set when scaling down it removes the node with the highest index, so it won't help to follow the documentation, scale up and then remove the nodes that are faulty.
What would happen if we restart the scale set nodes one buy one? I see that service fabric handles it - disables the node and activates it afterwards. But from the documentation in silver tier we need to have 5 nodes up and running all the time. So before restarting any of the nodes should we scale up, add one more node and then proceed with the restart?

If the failing nodes has healthy services still running, the best approach is disable the node first with Disable-ServiceFabricNode command, so that any healthy services are moved out of the node with less impact possible.
Once the services are moved, in some cases, just a Restart-ServiceFabricNode command can kill all locked services and come back healthy, without actually restaring the VM.
In last case, you might need to restart the VM via Powershell or Azure Portal to get a fresh start to the node.
If your cluster is running on high density load, you might need to scale up first to bring capacity to the cluster reallocate the services.

Provided you have 'Silver' durability for your cluster, to restart an underlying Service Fabric VM, just go to the VMSS in Azure portal, select the VM and click 'Restart'. With 'Silver' tier, Service Fabric uses the Infrastructure Service to orchestrate disabling and restarting the nodes so you don't have to do all this manually.
Please note, you should not restart all VMs in the scaleset at the same time, or go below the number of VMs needed to be up per your durability level. This could lead to quorum loss and ultimately the demise of your cluster!


How to avoid downtime during scheduled maintenance window

I'm experiencing downtimes whenever the GKE cluster gets upgraded during the maintenance window. My services (APIs) become unreachable for like ~5min.
The cluster Location type is set to "Zonal", and all my pods have 2 replicas. The only affected pods seem to be the ones using nginx ingress controller.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I read that using Regional clusters should prevent downtimes in the control plane, but I'm not sure if it's related to my case. Any hints would be appreciated!
You mention "downtime" but is this downtime for you using the control plane (i.e. kubectl stop working) or is it downtime in that the end user who is using the services stops seeing the service working.
A GKE upgrade upgrades two parts of the cluster: the control plane or master nodes, and the worker nodes. These are two separate upgrades although they can happen at the same time depending on your configuration of the cluster.
Regional clusters can help with that, but they will cost more as you are having more nodes, but the upside is that the cluster is more resilient.
Going back to the earlier point about the control plane vs node upgrades. The control plane upgrade does NOT affect the end-user/customer perspective. The services will remaining running.
The node upgrade WILL affect the customer so you should consider various techniques to ensure high availability and resiliency on your services.
A common technique is to increase replicas and also to include pod antiaffinity. This will ensure the pods are scheduled on different nodes, so when the node upgrade comes around, it doesn't take the entire service out because the cluster scheduled all the replicas on the same node.
You mention the nginx ingress controller in your question. If you are using Helm to install that into your cluster, then out of the box, it is not setup to use anti-affinity, so it is liable to be taken out of service if all of its replicas get scheduled onto the same node, and then that node gets marked for upgrade or similar.

Scaling down video conference software in Kubernetes

I'm planning to deploy a WebRTC custom videoconference software (based on NodeJS, using websockets) with Kubernetes, but I have some doubts about scaling down this environment.
Actually, I'm planning to use cloud hosted Kubernetes (GKE, EKS, AKS or any) to be able to auto-scale nodes in the cluster to attend the demand increase and decrease. But, scaling up is not the problem, but it's about scaling down.
The cluster will scale down based on some CPU average usage metrics across the cluster, as I understand, and if it tries to remove some node, it will start to drain connections and stop receiving new connections, right? But now, imagine that there's a videoconference still running in this "pending deletion" node. There are two problems:
1 - Stopping the node before the videoconference finishes (it will drop the meeting)
2 - With the draining behaviour when it starts to scale down, it will stop receiving new connections, so if someone tries to join in this running video conference, it will receive a timeout, right?
So, which is the best strategy to scale down nodes for a video conference solution? Any ideas?
I would say this is not a matter of resolving it on kubernetes level by some specific scaling strategy but rather application ability to handle such situations. It isn't even specific to kubernetes. Imagine that you deploy it directly on compute instances which are also subject to autoscale and you'll end up in exactly the same situation when the load decreases and one of the instances is removed from the set.
You should rather ask yourself if such application is suitable to be deployed as kubernetes workload. I can imagine that such videoconference session doesn't have to rely on the backend deployed on a single node only. You can even define some affinity or anti-affinity rules to prevent your Pods from being scheduled on the same node. So if the whole application cluster is still up and running (it's Pods are running on different nodes), eviction of a limited subset of Pods should not have a big impact.
You can actually face the same issue with any other application as vast majority of them base on some session which needs to be established between the client software and the server part. I would say it's application responsibility to be able to handle such scenarios. If some of the users unexpectedly loses the connection it should be possible to immediately redirect them to the running instance e.g. different Pod which is still able to accept new requests.
So basically if the application is designed to be highly available, scaling in (when we talk about horizontal scaling we actually talk about scaling in and scaling out) the underyling VMs, or more specifically kubernetes nodes, shouldn't affect it's high availability capabilities. From the other hand if it is not designed to be highly available, solution such as kubernetes probably won't help much.
There is no best strategy at your use case. When a cloud provider scales down, it is going to get one node randomly and kill it. It's not going to check whether this node has less resource consumption, so let's kill this one. It might end up killing the node with most pods running on it.
I would focus on how you want to schedule your pods. I would try to schedule them, if possible, on a node with running pods already (Pod inter-affinity), and would set up a Pod Disruption Budget to all Deployments/StatefulSets/etc (depending on how you want to run the pods). As a result it would only scale down when there are no pods running on a specific node, and it would kill that node, because on the other nodes there are pods; protected by a PDB.

Activation of actors fails on premise cluster

We have some long running jobs created as Service Fabric actors. The actors have no data other than the reminder. When these services gets deployed in local cluster, they seem to activate with no issues.
When we deploy them to server which runs a 3 node cluster some of the services fail to activate. We don't see the memory utilization in node going beyond 50% . However when we added 2 more nodes and ran on 5 node the activation seems to be working fine.
We are using 1 partition and 1 replica count only; so wondering is there some setting that is stopping the fabric to activate more services.
We have also increased the application port range, but no luck.
It is also noticed that after one service activation fails; other statefull services also becomes unstable. They show error of unhealthy partitions.
The cluster also runs some stateless services which runs like a charm.
Any clue why the activation fails for the actors?

Service Fabric App removed after restarting vmss

we have multiple staging environments for our service fabric. The development environment (VMSS) is being deallocated automatically every night in order to save some costs. Our problem is that all applications that were deployed are removed from the cluster.
Any suggestion? are we missing any configuration?
Service Fabric stores state on local, ephemeral disks, meaning that if
the virtual machine is moved to a different host, the data does not
move with it. In normal operation, that is not a problem as the new
node is brought up to date by other nodes. However, if you stop all
nodes and restart them later, there is a significant possibility that
most of the nodes start on new hosts and make the system unable to
Also, if you deallocate a VM, the temp disk is released.
So, always leave at least 3 nodes running for a (Bronze reliability tier) development cluster.
Or delete and recreate the cluster, combined with automated application deployment.
You can scale node SKU's down for the night too.
More info here.

Service Fabric Reliability on Standalone Cluster

I am running Service Fabric across a three node standalone cluster. Each cluster is on a separate virtual machine in a corporate enterprise cloud environment. Recently two of my virtual machines on which the nodes reside where deleted (one of the deleted machines being the machine which the cluster was created from). After this deletion, I attempted access Service Fabric Explorer on the remaining machine only to get a "Page Cannot be found" error. Furthermore, the Connect-ServiceFabricCluster (for attempting to connect to the remaining node) and the Get-ServiceFabricApplication Powershell commands fail stating:
"A communication error caused the operation to fail."
"No cluster endpoint is reachable, please check if there is a connectivity/firewall/DNS issue."
Under what conditions does Service Fabric's automatic failover capability work on a standalone cluster? Are there any steps that can be taken so that I would still be able to access Service Fabric from the remaining node(s) on a standalone cluster if several nodes suddenly go down at once?
The cluster services run as stateful services on the cluster. For a stateful service you need a minimum number of nodes running, to guarantee its availability and ability to preserve state. The minimum number of nodes is equal to the target replica set count of the partition/service.
If less than the minimum number of nodes are available, your (cluster) services will stop working.
More info here.
The cluster size is determined by your business needs. However, you
must have a minimum cluster size of three nodes (machines or virtual