When reading some big open source projects' codes, it'd be pleasant if there's a view that shows the visualization result of program executing flow when debugging JavaScript. So if there're any tools like code map for debugging javascript? Like this: https://dailydotnettips.com/did-you-know-code-map-can-be-used-to-visualize-the-call-stacks-directly
I used to use the Atom code editor and one of the features I liked about this editor was that when I executed python code it would bring up an external CMD window where I would interact with the code, if input was required, and receive the results.
I have moved to VS Code as Atom is no longer supported and I have looked on here and with Google, but I do not seem to be able to get VS Code to behave in this fashion :(
I am wondering if any of the folks on here with more experience with VS code can advise if what I am looking to do is possible or do I just have to suck it up and use the integrated terminal/output panes at the bottom of the window?
Any advise would be very much appreciated.
I have tried in the "Configure Terminal Settings" to change from Integrated to External, but this has made no difference.
Let's say I am in my source map file in chrome and I'd like to see that specific function inthe non source map version.
Just temporally, not to disable the source map completely.
I want to know what my code looks like. I know I can open the emitted file, but I'd like a quick thing from dev tools
I am looking for ways to create my own window to show different threads and other information in a different way. I found following is written at https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/overview
Debug Adapter#
VS Code implements a generic debugger UI and relies on debugger extensions and so called "debug adapters" to connect the debug UI to a real debugger or runtime. A debug adapter is a dedicated process that communicates with VS Code through the VS Code Debug Protocol and can be implemented in any language.
Can someone guide me if it can be done by extension or by modifying the source code of VS code itself ?
I'm trying to create an (ideally) all-in-one cross platform tile based map/sprite/image editor for a game engine, since the current official one is Windows only and doesn't play nicely with WINE/Mono. Instead of building one from scratch, I figured it might be easier to create an extension for Visual Studio Code, but side panes don't seem to be interactive, and I'm having trouble getting it to open an electron window.
Is this possible, or should I just build it from scratch with electron?
That won't work. Visual Studio Code is a code editor, which supports extensions that can either add functionality to the IDE itself or provide HTML content to show in an own pane. This is not enough (and not made) for a full featured editor-in-editor scenario (interaction is limited).
I've built an extension which has a graphical view of a graph (see the last image) using D3.js, with limited interaction capabilities (you can select/drag a node and pan/zoom with the mouse).
Better is probably to go level down and start with Electron (on which vscode is based). This would allow you to write any desktop application that can be written in HTML/JS.
I'm coming from a pure Windows Visual Studio programming background with little Linux experience. It seems possible to use VS Code to program in Julia, but I can't figure out how to get things set up correctly.
Does anybody have good example launch.json, tasks.json, or other files that can serve as an example to build from?
This would be a great thing to see in a detailed tutorial.
Here is how things work if you are using the Julia extension for VisualStudio Code.
The extension adds a bunch of new commands. They all start with "julia", so filtering by that string should show you everything you can do with the extension.
In terms of running Julia code, the extension offers only two options right now. First, you can execute a command to start a REPL. This will just show a default Julia prompt, and you can interact with it like you would with any other Julia REPL. The second is that there is also a command, triggered by Ctrl + Enter, to send either the current editor selection or the current editor line to this REPL.
There is currently no further integration offered by the Julia extension. We do plan to add debugger support in the future, at which point I would expect F5 to start the current file in the debugger, or something like that. But that functionality is probably a couple of months away.