MongoDb: How to import dump data from .gz file? - mongodb

I want to import dump data from my .gz file.
Location of file is home/Alex/Documents/Abc/dump.gz and the name of db is "Alex".
I have tried mongorestore --gzip --db "Alex" /home/Alex/Documents/Abc/dump.gz
But it shows error:
2018-10-31T12:54:58.359+0530 the --db and --collection args should
only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are
deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead
2018-10-31T12:54:58.359+0530 Failed: file
/home/Alex/Documents/Abc/dump.gz does not have .bson extension.
How can I import it?

Dump command:
mongodump --host localhost:27017 --gzip --db Alex --out ./testSO
Restore Command:
mongorestore --host localhost:27017 --gzip --db Alex ./testSO/Alex
Works perfectly!
While using archive:
Dump command:
mongodump --host localhost:27017 --archive=dump.gz --gzip --db Alex
Restore Command:
mongorestore --host localhost:27017 --gzip --archive=dump.gz --db Alex
Note:- While using archive you need to stick with the database name.
Different database name or collection name is not supported. For more info.

This is what worked for me in the latest versions (100.5.1) of mongodump.
mongorestore --uri=<CONNECTION_URI> --gzip --archive=<ARCHIVE_NAME> --nsFrom "<SOURCE_DB_NAME>.*" --nsTo "<DEST_DB_NAME>.*"

Unpack .tgz files and restore the DB
tar zxvf fileNameHere.tgz
mongorestore --port 27017 -u="username" -p="password" --authenticationDatabase admin /bacup_path

mongorestore doesn't find the BSON files inside the gzip file because the mongodump was made with different paths than the restore one.
To solve the problem, the fastest and safest way is to extract the gzip file and go to the upper folder containing the json and bson files for run the mongorestore.
For example, the dump.gz file was made in such a way that the backup are saved within the data/backup/mongo/dump/ path folders
Extracting the dump.gz file with command tar -xvf dump.gz you will find a folder named data with the subfolders data/backup/mongo/dump/ inside (inside the dump folder are present all backup file with json and bson extension, these files represent databases and collections, etc.)
Go to the higher folder, that containing the dump folder eg. cd data/backup/mongo/
Now you can run the restore command
mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin dump/
Where dump/ is the folder that containing the backup files.
You may need to use the arguments -h to point the server host (eg. localhost) and -u followed by the username enabled to make the restore operations (eg. root)


mongorestore file X does not have .bson extension

I'm trying to run mongorestore through docker to restore the database to another dockerized mongo on the system:
sudo docker run --net=host -v $PWD:/home/mongo mongo /bin/bash -c "mongorestore -d venko /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive"
but I get
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 the --db and --collection args should only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 Failed: file /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive does not have .bson extension
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
Answers from mongorestore error: Don't know what to do with the dump file tell me to pass the -db option but I did pass so I don't know what to do.
I have to use both options --gzip and --archive
mongorestore --uri="uri" --gzip --archive=/Path/to/archive/abc.gz
As the error mentions the mongorestore looks for a BSON file, while the archive is not the extension it is looking for.
You can do the following:
Either use:
mongorestore --gzip /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive
Or, Extract the archive file and use:
mongorestore /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306/<filename.bson>

How can I replace the following 2 commands to use BSON file?

I use the following command to backup my local db
mongodump -h --port 8001 -d meteor -c products --archive --gzip > dump.gz
Then I use the following command to restore on my server
cat dump.gz | ssh root# "cat | docker exec -i mongodb mongorestore --archive --gzip"
I want to do the same but with only one collection. Adding the -c parameter to the above commands does not work when trying to restore. I get a message that states that the -c param can only be used with BSON files.
How can I do the above for only one collection using the -c parameter?
Use --out option for mongodump instead of --archieve to write BSON files
Specifies the directory where mongodump will write BSON files for the dumped databases. By default, mongodump saves output files in a directory named dump in the current working directory.
To send the database dump to standard output, specify “-” instead of a path. Write to standard output if you want process the output before saving it, such as to use gzip to compress the dump. When writing standard output, mongodump does not write the metadata that writes in a .metadata.json file when writing to files directly.
You cannot use the --archive option with the --out option.
This will create folder dump with BSON files
mongodump -h --port 8001 -d meteor --gzip --out dump
To restore:
mongorestore -h --port 8001 -d meteor --gzip -c collname foo dump/meteor/collname.bson.gz

Trouble with mongorestore (don't know what to do with subdirectory)

I use this cmd to restore mongodb to remote db on mLab
$ ./mongorestore -h ds********* -u <user> -p <pass> -d loc8r
but I got this error
2018-05-01T20:22:18.463+0700 using default 'dump' directory
2018-05-01T20:22:18.463+0700 building a list of collections to restore from dump dir
2018-05-01T20:22:18.464+0700 don't know what to do with subdirectory "dump\Loc8r", skipping...
2018-05-01T20:22:18.464+0700 don't know what to do with subdirectory "dump\admin", skipping...
2018-05-01T20:22:18.464+0700 done
I wonder if I did something wrong? there's no problem when I use the same cmd with the dump folder only contains .bson file
With mongorestore when attempting to restore a backup dump (originally created using mongodump utility), the mongorestore utility needs to have access to the .bson file.
When you took the backup/dump, if the .bson file did not exist in the Root folder (of your Data folder), then you will have to explicitly specify its path. What I mean is:
Say you took a backup/dump in D:\mongo_bkup_dir\ folder and if you do have the .bson file in the root (where the backup was taken), then just providing the root folder location, e.g.:
mongorestore --port 27017 --db dbName --username usr1 --password P#ssw0rd --authenticationDatabase authDbName --dir D:\mongo_bkup_dir\
However, if you had .bson file in a sub-folder called myDir (when backup was taken), then use:
mongorestore --port 27017 --db dbName --username usr1 --password P#ssw0rd --authenticationDatabase authDbName --dir D:\mongo_bkup_dir\mybackup1.dmp\myDir

mongodump with different folder name

Is there a way to dump mongo database to a specific folder name?
Lets say I have a db named myDb
When I use:
mongodump --db myDb
It generates a dump folder with a myDb folder inside it
Is it possible to get something like dump/mySpecifiedFolder from mongodump?
You cannot change the name of the myDB folder, since that's named for the database which it contains, but you can change the location of the myDb folder. To do this, use the --out / -o parameter.
From the docs:
--out , -o
Specifies the directory where mongodump will write BSON files for the dumped databases. By default, mongodump saves output files in a directory named dump in the current working directory.
So, this command ...
mongodump --db myDb -o /some/path/
... would cause mongodump to create /some/path/myDb.
In my discovery of doing a mongodump, please note that the default location can be the Desktop when outputting.
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongodump.exe" --host localhost --port 27017 --db local --out dump/dpusers
On your Desktop, the dump folder will be created with the subfolder "dpusers" and inside that folder is another folder named the same as your database name.

Restoring single collection in an existing mongodb

I'm failing miserably to be able to restore a single collection into an existing database.
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with mongo version 2.6.7
There is a dump/mydbname/contents.bson based off my home directory.
If I run
mongorestore --collection contents --db mydbname
Then I get:
connected to:
don't know what to do with file [dump]
If I add in the path
mongorestore --collection contents --db mydbname --dbpath dump/mydbname
Then I get
If you are running a mongod on the same path you should connect to that instead of direct data file access
I've tried various other combinations, options, etc. and just can't puzzle it out, so I'm coming to the community for help!
If you want to restore a single collection then you have to specifiy the dump file of the collection. The dump file of the collection is found in the 'dump/dbname/' folder. So assuming your dump folder is in your current working directory, the command would go something like -
mongorestore --db mydbname --collection mycollection dump/mydbname/mycollection.bson
I think this is now done with the --nsInclude option:
mongorestore --nsInclude test.purchaseorders dump/
dump/ is the folder with your mongodump data, test is the db, and purchaseorders is the collection.
Steps to restore specific collection in the mongodb.
1) Go to the directory where your dump folder exists.
2) Execute following command by modifying according to your db name and your collection name.
mongorestore --db mydbname --collection mycollection dump/mydbname/mycollection.bson
If you get Failed: error creating indexes for createIndex error: The field 'safe' is not valid for an index specification error, then you can use following command:
mongorestore --db mydbname --collection mycollection dump/mydbname/mycollection.bson --noIndexRestore
If you are restoring multiple collections, you can use a loop:
for file in "$HOME/mongodump/dev/<your-db>/"* ; do
if [[ "$file" != "*metadata*" && "$file" != "system.*" && "$file" != "locks.*" ]]; then
file="$(basename "$file”)"
mongorestore \
--db cdt_dev \
--collection "${file%.*}" \ # filename w/o extension
--host "<your-host>" \
--authenticationDatabase "<your-auth-db>" \
-u "user" \
-p "pwd" \