How to run Visual Studio Code on Samsung Dex? - visual-studio-code

Does anyone know how to run VS Code on Samsung Dex?
I've tried:
Looks like it is possible, but I don't know how. I can see vscode supports linux, does this mean that you can run vscode on Samsung Dex - Note 9 ?
Thanks in Advance.

Visual Studio Code is not natively supported on Android yet. So there is no way to natively run VSCode on Android with your Note 9 and Samsung DeX.
You do however have the following two options available:
When using "Linux on DeX" then you have the option to run Visual Studio Code natively from the Linux environment on Samsung DeX, although do keep in mind that Linux on DeX is now discontinued starting Android 10.
Remotely log into a different Linux, Windows or Mac computer and use VSCode on those computer through your phone on Samsung DeX.
Ofcourse the first option is the best. I recommend using Linux on DeX for this. Right now there isn't a native Android version of VSCode :(

I would recommend to go for fully functional Linux on Android.
You will require
Termux (Playstore)
VNCViewer (Playstore), bVNCViewer(recommended for tablets)
Andronix (Playstore), would recommend to go for premium and modded os, it would just cost you a cup of coffee. Though you can use unmodded os for free. Modded os comes with pre installed VsCode, etc useful stuffs.
Follow Andronix documentation:

For a fully functioning visual studio code or code on a samsung tab, you can use github codespaces in a browser tab in Dex mode, this is a paid approach but a reliable one. One other is self-hosted code instances like code-server

As of summer 2020, there is a cloud9 style browser based VSCode service provided by Microsoft Azure:
You can see it in action here:

i didnt try that, but i think you can find a cloud coding solution, like Stackblitz that is very similar to vscode in appearance(if it's not in fact vscode), or even AWS Cloud9

Try using a VS format with a cloud10 interfase code this will open up a rex code then type your server code in using the YZ trigger and this will give you access.

You can install linux on Samsung phone and tablet and then you will be able to use visual code.


Does Windows 10/11 contain the C# Visual runtime routines?

I wrote a small APP using Visual C# and want to donate it, but since I installed Visual Studio in order to develop it, I don't know if the folks installing my APP need to install the C# runtimes or if they are already there.
Also, as I understand it, the.NET run code does come with Windows. Is this correct?
Thank YOU!
I have (2) PCs and used them both to develop by using Visual Studio. Haven't tested w/ a PC that doesn't have it.

Is it possibile to obtain better graphic quality on Android Studio using Flutter (bad antialias)?

When I test my Flutter app (default font) using Android Studio on Windows I see bad quality characters (chars with bad antialias). When I run the app on a phone the antialias is perfect (so it is not a debug mode problem). Is there a way to obtain the same good quality in the emulator on PC?
This seems like a common problem found on Android Emulators running on a windows machine.
I had a similar problem with a Windows Laptop of mine and solved it following this StackOverflow answer.
It should work even if you are using windows 11

Can't login to Visual Studio Marketplace

I want to login to Visual Studio Marketplace.
Running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 using Google Chrome 62.0.3202.94.
It is basically stuck on this screen for a while...
...then it finishes with this.
Already tried several browsers, incognito / private modes without any success. Of course I contacted Microsoft first, without any progress on the issue.
It was not the VS extension issue, it would be related to the network or the Visual Studio Marketplace site. I could visit it in my side, maybe you could test it later or using different network. View the result.
If it still has this issue, you could get support from the Marketplace directly using "General marketplace help" here:
I added these DNS servers at System Preferences / Network Settings / Wifi / Advanced / DNS, and now it can resolve (so I can login to Visual Studio Marketplace).
PC USERS: Check your Windows version
I resolved it today!! The problem was my PC was running Windows 8.0 and since it is no longer supported by Microsoft apparently, you need at least 8.1 to access the marketplace. I had to run the updates for windows a few times, and then by the 3rd restart I was able to access an upgrade to 8.1 and now I can access the marketplace in VS!!

eclipse for chrome?

I use eclipse IDE for developing my GWT and android apps. I would like to transition to a chromebook for my main development computer, but I can't figure out how I would get eclipse "installed". There is no chrome app version of eclipse, at least not that I can find. I do see that there are other IDEs in the chrome store, but I don't think they would have all the nifty helper plugins that eclipse has for google developers. Anybody know if a chrome version of eclipse is coming? Do others share my desire to develop on a chrome book?
Eclipse is not coming for Chrome OS. You need a JVM to run it and one of the compatible desktops for the UI widgets. So you would have to escape from Chrome OS desktop into base Linux and somehow launch a regular Linux desktop (like GTK) to have any hope of running Eclipse. Also, a typical chromebook is far too underpowered to run a full IDE.
Here are some options to consider:
Project Orion - A web based IDE from many of the same people who develop Eclipse. One of the goals is to enable Eclipse-like capabilities for platforms like iOS, Android, Chrome OS, etc. It has quite a few base IDE capabilities already, but not a lot of plugins just yet. Probably not going to see something as sophisticated as ADT for a while if ever. Google would have to implement Android emulators in JavaScript. Not an easy task.
Run Eclipse on another machine and use a remote desktop from your chromebook.
Run Eclipse Che on another machine or cloud server and use Chrome
The most straightforward and transparent way I was able to do so was to do a combination of things (some of which was mentioned in previous answers):
install crouton (alongside an ubuntu chroot) - this is not dual booting but running Ubuntu side by side with Chrome OS just alternating between both windowing systems.
install crouton chrome extension & xiwi - this enables running the X11 windows in the ubuntu chroot as native Chrome OS windows that can be easily alternated into.
install a JDK inside the ubuntu chroot.
download, mount and execute eclipse-installer.
once the eclipse distribution of choice is installed, for ease I symlinked the main eclipse executable to /usr/local/bin/eclipse and am able to run it from Chrome OS via crouton/xiwi: sudo startxiwi eclipse
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when done:
Eclipse requires a JVM (maybe even a full-blown JDK), so there's no way to make it into a Chrome app. You could enable developer mode and try to install a Linux JDK since Chrome seems to be running Linux under the hood.
Do others share my desire to develop on a chrome book?
The solution is to load a normal linux distribution and run IDE from there. I'm using a netbook with intel n260, 1G ram, 1.6G Hz. NetBeans runs quite well. A chromebook runs more than twice faster, I'm sure it will be good enough.
As to how to load a linux, there is the Ubuntu on Cr-48 page that explains how to do it in depth. And also this very user friendly blog on arstechnica, or this blog on liliputting. They both point you eventually to the ChrUbuntu, that is a hand-re-packaged ubuntu with some scripts to ease your work.
You can install ubuntu via crouton (for more info: and then you can install eclipse I'm not sure if you can install the ADT from the android sdk website but you can install the plugins from the eclipse website, third party developers, or if you really want to download it from the android sdk website you can probably get it to work with a little efort.
:) Enjoy
Yes! I share your desire to program on a Chromebook! While I am still a high-schooler, I am an amateur Java and Python programmer. My school provides with a class set of about 30 Chromebooks per classroom, and I didn't know how to run my code on them. I had Eclipse on my Windows desktop at home.
When I looked around online, I found something called It is basically an Eclipse Che IDE that runs online. It uses Docker images to start up a workspace, runs all in the cloud, and a free account has 3 GB of RAM.
It suited my needs, and I loved it! You should check it out.

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio.
There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people had the same problem.
EDIT I know Phone Developer Tools are free and I am not trying to eliminate VS from my workflow. I just want to be able to grab the latest binary from the build server and quickly run it up in demo situations.
When you install the latest developer tools you get an application called "XAP Deployment" which can install a pre-built XAP onto either the emulator or the phone.
How to: Use the XAP Deployment Tool for Windows Phone
Visual Studio Express is free, and I think you can get a version of VS2010 now too.