Cors and database uri problem in scaling out architecture - mongodb

I have react frontend and spring boot backend with mongodb behind.
I have issues with setting 2 parameters in the spring boot service.
First is address of the mongodb which is now set as localhost:27017 in the
It works at localhost but since I plan to scale out using kubernetes and docker images i would like to know how to define
It and where for the case in which I have mongo1 mongo2 and mongo3 database hosts and would like to pass all 3 URIs ?
Second issues is more tricky! React frontend doesnt work in chrome until I put allow cross origin anotation over my spring rest endpoint . I used hardcoded localhost:3000 here but when I scale it out using kubernetes this wont work if it gets data from another host in the cluster.What to do here?

To answer your first question, you can configure multi data sources, see here documentation how you can configure more than one data sources (80.2 Configure Two DataSources.
For second question you can simply wildcard CORS URL or if you know all of your front end server urls which are load balanced you can pass as list of cors url.
– * – means that all origins are allowed.
– If undefined, all origins are allowed.
Run your react via yarn to deploy on Apache or ngnix. Once you seted up your domain or sub domain for front end, load balanced your front end so not required to run your front end on ports..


How do I Re-route Ghost Blog Admin URL without modifying the API Address?

Ghost blog platform has a setting that allows you to change the admin panel login location (which starts as: Methodology / docs for changing that setting can be found here:
However — when using the above methodology the API Url that is used for Search etc etc is ALSO modified meaning all requests to the ghost API will also be forwarded to the alternate domain (not just the admin access).
My question is — what is the best way to achieve a redirect of the admin URL to a different Domain / protocol while allowing the API url used by Ghost to remain the same?
More background.
We are running ghost on top of GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) on a Multi-Region Ingress which allows us to dump our CloudSQL DB down to a SQLite file and then build that database into our production Docker Containers which are then deployed to the different Kubernetes nodes that are fronted by the GCE-Ingress load balancer.
Since we need to rebuild that database / container on content change (not just on code change) we need to have a separate Admin URL backed by Cloud SQL where we can persist / modify our data which then triggers the rebuild on our Ci pipeline via Ghost Webhooks.
Another related question might be:
Is it possible to use standard ghost redirects (created via: to redirect the admin panel URL (ie. to a different domain (ie.
Another Related GKE / GCE-Ingress Question:
Is it possible to create 301 redirects natively using Kuberentes GCE-Ingress on GKE without adding an nGinx container etc?
That will be my first attempt after posting this — but I figured either way maybe it helps another ghost platform fan down the line someplace — I will attempt to respond back as I find answers to those questions (assuming someone doesn't beat me to it!).
Regarding your question if it's possible to create 301 redirects without adding a nginx container, I can suggest to use istio, find out more information about traffic routing here.
OK. So as it turns out the Ghost team currently has things setup to point API connections at the Admin URL. So if you change your Admin URL expect your clients to attempt to connect to that URL.
I am going to be raising the potential of splitting these off as a feature request over on the ghost forums (as soon as I get out from under pre-launch hell on the current project).
Here's the official Ghost response:
What is referred as 'official docker image' is not something that we
as a Ghost team support.
The APIs are indeed hosted under the same URL as the admin and that's
by design and not really a bug. Introducing configuration options for
each API Ghost instance hosts would be a feature and should be
discussed at our forum first 👍 I think it's a nice idea to be able to
serve APIs from different host, but it's not something that is within
our priorities at the moment.
In case you need more granular handling of admin site, you could
introduce those on your proxy level and for example, handle requests
that are coming to /ghost/api with a different set of rules.
See the full discussion over here on the TryGhost GitHub:
I haven't looked into what it would take to implement the feature but the suggestion on proxying the request could work... if only I didn't need to run on GKE Multi region (which requires use of GCE-Ingress which doesn't have support for redirection hah!). This would be relatively easy to solve the nGinx ingress.
Hopefully this helps someone — I will update as I work through the process. As of now I solved it by dumping my GCP CloudSQL database down to a SQLite db file during build time (thereby allowing me to keep my admin instance clean and separate from the API endpoint — which for me remains the same URL).

Making nextcloud work on a prefixed path (using docker and caddy)

I'm trying to setup my own instance of nextcloud on my server but I'm running into a problem as I want nextcloud to be available under
Next cloud is running in a CoreOS virtual machine called let's say myvm.
So this is the way I setup my CaddyFile: {
proxy /cloud myvm:8080 {
without /cloud
I have other proxies that work fine for other services or VMs that are written similarily.
With this, and publishing port 8080 in my docker-compose file, I manage to connect to the nextcloud instance. But every time I go to it will redirect me to instead of
If I enter this last url manually, I can access to nextcloud, but also the page doesn't load properly because all the contents cannot be loaded because they are not prompted with the prefix cloud/.
Is there a way to explain nextcloud about this prefix through the configuration of docker-compose file? (It's the only configuration I created, it works with just that and no extra work, I use one similar to the one available here (the apache one).)
Or maybe I can improve the CaddyFile config? (By the way, if I don't use the without option, it will just not work at all and return 404 when I go to the url).

Spring Web: Mapping URL to a standalone Spring app

I have two standalone Spring Boot/Web web app .jars, A and B, both made by third-parties, with their own URL mappings which I do not know about in advance.
I would like to create a setup where "localhost:8080/A" maps (passes through) to A's "/" mapping. Similarly, "localhost:8080/B" should pass through to B's "/" mapping.
Additional mappings, which again I don't necessarily know about in advance, should also pass through respectively - so "localhost:8080/A/items" should pass through to A's "/items", etc.
I do not have the source code for A or B, only .jar files.
For security, A and B should have separate scopes with no knowledge of each other or ability to interact with each other. The whole setup should behave as if A and B were separate "inner" servers within my "outer" localhost server.
Can this be achieved via a Spring Boot/Web wrapper or gateway app, or some other way?
You could use spring boot with Zuul as a third app, running on 8080, which has routes setup for A and B similar to what you described.
path: /A/**
url: http://localhost:8081/
path: /B/**
url: http://localhost:8082/
That configuration (application.yml) of your third app would point "A" traffic to port 8081 and "B" traffic to port 8082.
This is quick and dirty, but should get you started.
Alternatively, you could use spring cloud gateway, to get a similar type of setup with the additional ability to do sockets/reactive.

Zuul routing doesn't work, gives 404 : Spring Boot+ Cloud+ Zuul

I am working on a flow where I have ng4+boot app running on https://host_a:8080 and a backend service at https://host_b:8080 with some APIs.
I have RestController/Path at both the hosts, i.e. I need some urls to hit localhost (host_a) and others to host_b.
In application.yml, I have tried almost all possible combinations of Zuul routes but still getting 404 for all host_b rest APIs. host_a APIs work well.
Note: We have this working when there is no rest API on host_a and no custom filter on host_a.
Is there something wrong working with filter? I don't see any log from zuul filter now after I added this controller to host_a
I am aware that I can use forward property to route to localhost which works well. But somehow host_b rest all gives 404 error.
My implementation requirements-
http://host_a:8080/api/abc/user to hit at localhost i.e. host_a
http://host_a:8080/api/xyz/getall to hit at host_b
Important- Need a custom zuul filter which adds certain headers to request before it's routed to host_b as explained in point 2. - Already at place, but cannot see logs inside it now.
What I tried already-
path: /api/xyz/**
url: http://host_b:8080/api/xyz
I tried almost everything, using prefix, strip-prefix, only host in url, using forward for local routing, etc. Nothing works.
Kindly help me with the possible causes I may be ignoring or if missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Finally, I was able to resolve issues.
1. I had to change jersey #Path to spring #RestController
2. Changed Zuul Filter order from 1 to 999.
Works well now.

Not able to load balance using hardcoded urls in spring cloud zuul

I am testing spring zuul. I want to test round-robin requests forward using zuul routes. And not using eureka setup.
But I am getting errors like Caused by: Load balancer does not have available server for client: trackingv1
Any idea, what could be wrong?
It's same old problem with using properties. (extra space in value part of key). I had extra space in
Now next problem is, from list of servers
trackingv1.ribbon.listOfServers=http://localhost:8080/trackingv1,http://localhost:8081/trackingv1 it is picking online host:port portion. How to add contextPath "trackingv1" ?