OrientDB - expand() with additional fields - orientdb

Starting from the following query:
{class: MYCLASS}-->{as: a}-->{as: b}
which returns:
a | b
#25:0 | #10:0
#25:0 | #9:0
#29:0 | #11:0
#29:0 | #33:0
I want all the fields from b and the class of a returned. Also I don't know what fields are in b.
Basically this:
expand(b), a.#class
{class: MYCLASS}-->{as: a}-->{as: b}
which of course returns the error message: Cannot execute a query with expand() together with other projections DB name="test"
Any help would be appreciated.

Try this:
select $a as b, $b.a_class as class
let $a = (select expand(b) from (MATCH {class: MYCLASS}-->{as: a}-->{as: b} RETURN $matches)),
$b = (select a.#class as a_class from (MATCH {class: MYCLASS}-->{as: a}-->{as: b} RETURN $matches))
unwind class
This is what you get:
Hope it helps

#Michela Bonizzi though your answer didn't gave me the exact result I wanted it gave me a new idea
*, in().#class as a_class
{class: BEWERTUNG}-->{as: a}-->{as: b}
UNWIND a_class


Query in Ecto embeds_many association

Trying to experiment with Ecto embeds_many, and work great, until I need to query on some data in the embedded field.
So I have something like a product that embeds_many categories
schema "products" do
field :code, :string, null: false
embeds_many :categories, Category,
on_replace: :delete,
primary_key: {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: false}
field :name, :string
def create_changeset(%Product{} = product, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:code])
|> cast_embed(:categories, with: &attributes_changeset/2)
def attributes_changeset(%{} = product_attribute, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:id, :name])
After creating products I end up with something like this in the postgres table
id code categories
1 11 {"{\"id\": \"dress\", \"name\": \"Dress\"},
"{\"id\": \"shirt\", \"name\": \"Shirt\"}}
2 22 {"{\"id\": \"dress\", \"name\": \"Dress\"}}
So now I want to query all products where id == "dress", and of course I would like to get the 2 results above.
I have experimented with something like this:
q = from p in Product, where: fragment("? #> ?", p.categories, '{"id": "dress"}') but transforms the array in integers: operator does not exist: jsonb[] #> integer[] ... WHERE (p0."categories" #> ARRAY[123,34,105,100,34,58,32,34,100,114,101,115,115,34,125])
or that:
q = from p in Product, where: fragment("? #> ?", p.categories, "[{\"id\": \"dress\"}]"), getting malformed array literal: "[{"id": "dress"}]"
What I hoped was something like:
q = from p in Product, where: fragment("? -> 'id' = ?", p.categories, "rochie") but not sure at all if that will work.
Since categories is a jsonb[] here, not a plain json, the operator #> won't work with it directly. You can use ANY and <# to do what you want:
where: fragment("? <# ANY(?)", ~s|{"id": "dress"}|, p.categories)
This will run '{"id": "dress"}' <# ? for each category in the categories array and return true if any of them match.
(~s|"a"| is just a cleaner way of writing "\"a\"".)

Querying Out from Out in OrienDB?

Looking at the following image:
I need a query that just outputs four rows as below:
A1.SomeProperty, B1.SomeProperty, C1.SomeProperty
A1.SomeProperty, B1.SomeProperty, C2.SomeProperty
A1.SomeProperty, B2.SomeProperty, C3.SomeProperty
A1.SomeProperty, B2.SomeProperty, C4.SomeProperty
I have tried the following:
SomeProperty as A_Property
out(L1).SomeProperty as B_Property,
out(L1).out(L2).SomeProperty as C_Property
from A
UNWIND B_Property, C_Property
I can't get my head around UNWIND - I think the problem is following out(L1) and out(L2).
Getting closer thanks to Luigi.
Need to get other properties from "Result" without unwiding
a.A_Property as ID,
b.B_Property as Name,
b.out(Link).C_Property as Result
{class:A, as:a} --> {optional:true, as:b}
If you are on v 2.2 you can use MATCH statement:
{class:A, as:a} -L1-> {as:b} -L2-> {as:c}
a.SomeProperty as A_Property,
b.SomeProperty as B_Property,
c.SomeProperty as C_Property
If you also need the edges:
{class:A, as:a} .outE("L1"){as:edge1}.inV() {as:b} .outE("L2"){as:edge2}.inV() {as:c}
a.SomeProperty as A_Property,
b.SomeProperty as B_Property,
c.SomeProperty as C_Property,
edge1.something as xxx,
edge2.something as yyy

The nested query is not supported: Entity Framework fails on grouped left joins

Consider this query:
from e in db.MyEntities
join o in db.MyOtherEntities
on new e.Foo equals o.Foo into others
from o in others.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Value1 = e.Value1,
Value2 = o.Value2
With this simple left join, Entity Framework fails on doing the following group
from e in query group e by new { } into g select g.Count()
That may seem obscure, but it's actually a common thing for automatic grid implementations to do with your queries.
I encountered this using DevExtreme's data library: Total summaries wouldn't work on queries with left joins.
What you get is a
NotSupportedException: The nested query is not supported. Operation1='GroupBy' Operation2='MultiStreamNest'
This works though:
from e in query.Take(1) select { Count = query.Count(), /* other aggregates */ }
And so does this:
from e in query group e by e.SomePropertyThatsActuallyConstant into g select g.Count()
There is a workaround. You can write your query like this:
from e in db.MyEntities
from o in db.MyOtherEntities.Where(o => o.Foo == e.Foo).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Value1 = e.Value1,
Value2 = o.Value2
Strangely it also works when you put a where clause after the join:
from e in db.MyEntities
join o in db.MyOtherEntities
on new e.Foo equals o.Foo into others
from o in others.DefaultIfEmpty()
where e.Value1 == e.Value1
select new
Value1 = e.Value1,
Value2 = o.Value2
The where clause condition must not be merely constants, I guess EF is smart enough to reduce it otherwise.

Mysql Aliased tables in Anorm are not recognized

Created a runnable demo for this problem.
I am unable to access fields on an aliased table. I keep getting error messages saying the field is not an option and the available fields are the base field name, or the `table_name'.field_name. But not the aliased field name. This makes it impossible to JOIN the same table twice and access all the fields.
var vendor_client_parser_1 = SqlParser.long("vid") ~ SqlParser.str("vname") ~ SqlParser.long("cid") ~ SqlParser.str("cname") map
case vid ~ vn ~ cid ~ cn => println(vid + "," + vn + "," + cid + "," + cn + ",")
var vendor_client_parser_2 = SqlParser.long("v.business_id") ~ SqlParser.str("v.name") ~ SqlParser.long("c.business_id") ~ SqlParser.str("c.name") map
case vid ~ vn ~ cid ~ cn => println(vid + "," + vn + "," + cid + "," + cn + ",")
var vendor_client_parser_3 = SqlParser.long(1) ~ SqlParser.str(2) ~ SqlParser.long(3) ~ SqlParser.str(4) map
case vid ~ vn ~ cid ~ cn => println(vid + "," + vn + "," + cid + "," + cn + ",")
implicit c =>
var results =
SELECT v.business_id AS vid, v.name AS vname, c.business_id AS cid, c.name AS cname
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS v ON (vendor_id = v.business_id)
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS c ON (client_id = c.business_id)
Expected result:
1, Vendor A, 10, Vendor K
2, Vendor B, 11, Vendor L
2, Vendor B, 1, Vendor A
12, Vendor M, 3, Vendor C
Result from vendor_client_parser_1:
10, Vendor K, 10, Vendor K
11, Vendor L, 11, Vendor L
1, Vendor A, 1, Vendor A
3, Vendor C, 3, Vendor C
Result from vendor_client_parser_2:
Execution exception[[AnormException: 'v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name, business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name]]
Result from vendor_client_parser_3: (Same as expected)
1, Vendor A, 10, Vendor K
2, Vendor B, 11, Vendor L
2, Vendor B, 1, Vendor A
12, Vendor M, 3, Vendor C
vendor_client_parser_3 works but it relies on using index instead of names. I dis like using indexes because If I mess up an index I might still get a valid response back and not notice. If I mess up a name the column wont exist and I will know something is wrong.
Is there something I am missing? Is there any way to achieve the results I need without having to rely on using the index?
Play Scala 2.4.1
Anorm 2.5.0
If I do not alias the columns and use vendor_client_parser_2 I get the same result as when the columns are alias.
Modified Query:
SELECT v.business_id, v.name, c.business_id, c.name
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS v ON (vendor_id = v.business_id)
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS c ON (client_id = c.business_id)
Result with vendor_client_parser_2.*:
Execution exception[[AnormException: 'v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name, business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name]]
I also tested it with a single table aliased and it refuses to see the aliased table name
Single Table Test:
SELECT v.business_id, v.name, business_id, name
var test_parser = SqlParser.long("v.business_id") ~ SqlParser.str("v.name") ~ SqlParser.long("business_id") ~ SqlParser.str("name") map
case vid ~ vn ~ cid ~ cn => println(vid + "," + vn + "," + cid + "," + cn + ",")
[AnormException: 'v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name, business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name]
I then tested if aliased columns are accessible by both their original and aliased names.
Test Aliased columns:
SELECT business_id AS vid, name AS vname
var test_parser_2 = SqlParser.long("business_id") ~ SqlParser.str("name") ~ SqlParser.long("vid") ~ SqlParser.str("vname") map
case vid ~ vn ~ cid ~ cn => println(vid + "," + vn + "," + cid + "," + cn + ",")
This test did not error out and it properly pulled in values as business_id and vid. As well as name and vname.
I forced it to error out so it would give me a list of column names. And it does seem like Anorm doesn't offer the non-aliased names as suggestions but they do work in this case.
[AnormException: 'forceError' not found, available columns: business.business_id, vid, business.name, vname]
I also tried not using SqlParser.
var businesses = SQL"""
SELECT v.business_id AS vid, v.name AS vname, c.business_id AS cid, c.name AS cname
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS v ON (vendor_id = v.business_id)
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS c ON (client_id = c.business_id)
""".fold(List[(Long, String, Long, String)]())
(list, row) =>
list :+ (row[Long]("v.business_id"), row[String]("v.name"), row[Long]("c.business_id"), row[String]("c.name")) //attempt_1
//list :+ (row[Long]("vid"), row[String]("vname"), row[Long]("cid"), row[String]("cname")) //attempt_2
If I use attempt_1 I get this error which as you suggested shouldn't work.
Left('v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, vid, business.name, vname, business.business_id, cid, business.name, cname)))
If I use attempt_2, I get the same results as vendor_client_parser_1
10, Vendor K, 10, Vendor K
11, Vendor L, 11, Vendor L
1, Vendor A, 1, Vendor A
3, Vendor C, 3, Vendor C
If I do not alias the columns and use this same method
SELECT v.business_id, v.name, c.business_id, c.name
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS v ON (vendor_id = v.business_id)
JOIN #$BUSINESS_TABLE AS c ON (client_id = c.business_id)
""".fold(List[(Long, String, Long, String)]())
(list, row) =>
list :+ (row[Long]("v.business_id"), row[String]("v.name"), row[Long]("c.business_id"), row[String]("c.name")) //Attempt_3
Using this query without aliasing the columns causes this error,
Left('v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name, business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name)))
I then tested a simple aliased tabled using this method
SELECT v.business_id, v.name
""".fold(List[(Long, String)]())
(list, row) =>
list :+ (row[Long]("v.business_id"), row[String]("v.name")) //simple_attempt_1
I get the same error
Left(List(java.lang.RuntimeException: Left('v.business_id' not found, available columns: business.business_id, business_id, business.name, name)))
So as far as I can tell it isn't possible to access fields that are part of an aliased table if the same table is used twice using the field names instead of index.
Update 2:
I tried reversing the order of fields in the SQL so it was c.business_id AS cid, c.name AS cname, v.business_id AS vid, v.name AS vname and rerunning vendor_client_parser_1. It gave me the inverse results
Result from vendor_client_parser_1 with mysql fields switched:
1, Vendor A, 1, Vendor A
2, Vendor B, 2, Vendor B
2, Vendor B, 2, Vendor B
12, Vendor M, 12, Vendor M
When I force an error and it shows me possible fields I get these,
Fields in original order:
Left('forceError' not found, available columns: business.business_id, vid, business.name, vname, business.business_id, cid, business.name, cname)
Fields in switched order:
Left('forceError' not found, available columns: business.business_id, cid, business.name, cname, business.business_id, vid, business.name, vname)
This makes me think this scenario is happening.
In case several columns are found with same name in query result, for example columns named code in both Country and CountryLanguage tables, there can be ambiguity. By default a mapping like following one will use the last column:
If you look at the suggested fields business.business_id and business.name occur twice because the table is referenced twice. It seems like Anorm is associating the last occurrence of business.business_id and business.name with both aliases.
Created a runnable demo for this problem.
I have not tried it in 2.4, but you could possibly use a parser method to generate the column name for you, rather than a variable. My approach would be something like the following:
case class BusinessConnection(vendor_id: Int, client_id: Int)
case class Business(id: Int, name: String)
case class VendorClient(vendor: Business, client: Business)
object VendorClient {
val businessConnectionP =
get[Int]("vendor_id") ~
get[Int]("client_id") map {
case vendor_id ~ client_id =>
BusinessConnection(vendor_id, client_id)
def businessP(alias: String) =
getAliased[Int](alias + ".id") ~
getAliased[String](alias + ".name") map {
case id ~ name =>
Business(id, name)
val vendorClientP =
businessP("v") ~ businessP("c") map {
case business ~ client =>
VendorClient(business, client)
val sqlSelector = "v.id, v.name, c.id, c.name"
def all() = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
select $sqlSelector
from businessConnection
join business as v on vendor_id=v.id
join business as c on client_id=c.id
""").as(vendorClientP *)

F# Navigate object graph to return specific Nodes

I'm trying to build a list of DataTables based on DataRelations in a DataSet, where the tables returned are only included by their relationships with each other, knowing each end of the chain in advance. Such that my DataSet has 7 Tables. The relationships look like this:
Table1 -> Table2 -> Table3 -> Table4 -> Table5
-> Table6 -> Table7
So given Table1 and Table7, I want to return Tables 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
My code so far traverses all the relations and returns all Tables so in the example it returns Table4 and Table5 as well. I've passed in the first, last as arguments, and know that I'm not yet using the last one yet, I am still trying to think how to go about it, and is where I need the help.
type DataItem =
| T of DataTable
| R of DataRelation list
let GetRelatedTables (first, last) =
let rec flat_rec dt acc =
match dt with
| T(dt) ->
let rels = [ for r in dt.ParentRelations do yield r ]
dt :: flat_rec(R(rels)) acc
| R(h::t) ->
flat_rec(R(t)) acc # flat_rec(T(h.ParentTable)) acc
| R([]) -> []
flat_rec first []
I think something like this would do it (although I haven't tested it). It returns DataTable list option because, in theory, a path between two tables might not exist.
let findPathBetweenTables (table1 : DataTable) (table2 : DataTable) =
let visited = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet() //check for circular references
let rec search path =
let table = List.head path
if not (visited.Add(table)) then None
elif table = table2 then Some(List.rev path)
|> Seq.cast<DataRelation>
|> Seq.tryPick (fun rel -> search (rel.ChildTable::path))
search [table1]