While uploading to App Store the upload failed ERROR ITMS-90081 - swift

When I upload the build in App Store I get this message: ERROR ITMS-90081: "This bundle is invalid. Applications built for more than one architecture require an iOS Deployment Target of 3.0 or later."
In my project I am using Xcode 10 with swift 4.2. In my pods file I have put watchos plateform to 4.0 and I am using Alamofire version as pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'.
Does Alamofire support watch os 4.0 ?
Please help..

Just answering a work around here so that build upload doesn't stop at App Store.
For this problem until Alamofire provide an update for watchOS 4 you can Manually update the target for pods that you are using your project.
For reference this is what I got when someone posted for a similar problem:
Can't upload App using Alamofire on watchOS when using Xcode 10

In case you have this error with Firebase.
I was using Swift PM and got the same error, and also other errors like:
ITMS-90635: "Invalid Mach-O Format..."
ITMS-90360: "Missing Info.plist value..."
ITMS-90124: "The binary is invalid..."
and other.
It was totally unobvious. I added many Firebase sublibraries (products) like FirebaseCrashlytics, which were actually not very necessary in my project. Removed them, keeping only the FirebaseAnalytics, and everything worked well.
So if you have this error and whatever package I would recommend removing/adding products.


XCode - ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support

I receive the following mail after the upload of my app form xCode to the Apple Connect platform.
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, <APPNAME> 0.23.0 (10). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
Before uploading, I correctly validate the version, and xcode gives me the validation.
Do someone know how resolve this issue?
I have tried to follow some other Stakoverflow answers:
Go to Targets > YourApp > Build Settings
Defines Module: No
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries: Yes
With no results
I'm running MacOS Ventura 13.1 and Xcode 14.2

Xcode SDK Version Issue

I'm having a bit of an issue with distributing an app via the latest version of Xcode (Version 10.1 (10B61)). Every time I try to upload it to the App Store via organizer, I get this error after uploading:
WARNING ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 12.0 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK or later, included in Xcode 10.1 or later."
Previous answers to this question said that it was just a warning and that I should still be able to upload my app, but it is now March and I am still getting the error even on 10.1. iTunesConnect will not let me select these builds and I get emails about the validation failure.
Further details:
-The app is an iMessage extension, and uses exactly 1 framework from Carthage, which is up to date with the latest framework version and Carthage version.
-My project and Message extension targets Swift Language Version build setting is Swift 4.2.
-My deployment target is iOS 11.0, but the issue persists after selecting iOS 12.1.
-The app compiles and runs fine on my physical device running iOS 12.1.
-The issue persists after a build folder clean.
-The issue persists after reinstalling Xcode.
If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can verify my app is compiling with the latest SDK please let me know.
Whether the app runs on given iOS version, has no relevance to which SDK are you really using. The definitive SDK version used for building is found in the app's Info.plist.
after Archiving, Show the xcarchive in Finder.
right-click, Show Package Contents.
open Products/Applications/YourApp.app
right-click, Show Package Contents.
copy the Info.plist to some place where you can run terminal commands on it
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :DTSDKBuild" Info.plist
You would expect it to show "16B91" for SDK 12.1. If it's something else (SDK 12.0 would be "16A366"), here are some ideas:
inspect the Carthage dependency. Are you really building it locally or downloading a prebuilt binary? If in doubt, force local building with --no-use-binaries. Remove whole Carthage folder (Checkouts as well as Build) and start from scratch.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData instead of just "build folder clean"
Verify MacOS System Report section Software/Developer for the actual SDK versions that MacOS thinks that you have
xcode-select -p to verify that you are really using the Xcode instance that you would like to
If all looks correct on your side, fill Technical Support Incident. Report the exact rejected build which you uploaded already. That should speed up the support reaction.
I filled out a bug report with Apple because I was experiencing the exact same issue and none of the above solutions worked. They made a change on their backend and now everything is back to proper working order.
If you haven't tried in awhile, make another attempt and I'm betting that it'll work this time.
I was having the same problem. My app was compiled in Xcode 10.1 but I was still getting the SDK warning. I was able to resolve it by doing the following. I'm not sure if all these steps are necessary. I didn't try validating between steps.
I upgraded macOS to Mojave (10.14.3). I had been running High Sierra.
Delete Xcode from applications folder
Reinstall Xcode from the app store
Open my project and run Project->Clean Build folder
Archive and upload and no more warnings

Xcode 6.3.2 The application does not have a valid signature

I have tried every related thread and did all the suggested steps:
Remove All provisioning profiles
Create new app id
But I still get
App Installation Failed, The application does not have a valid
error when installing app on iPhone 6 iOS 8.3
This app was installing fine on this phone yesterday before I installed Parse & Facebook frameworks. Also other apps still install fine on this phone.
Just for anyone else having this issue. I tried every possible solution and ended up creating a new blank project and copy pasted my assets to make it work.
I removed Embedded Binaries.
And #import <ParseFacebookUtilsV4/PFFacebookUtils.h> is now only in bridging header and not imported in any swift files.
While FBSDKCoreKit in not imported in bridging header but instead imported in every swift file it is needed.
Hope this helps someone!!
On xcode 8, I've fixed it by editing a line in the code (adding and then deleting a character anywhere in the code). Seems to be a Xcode 8 bug...
I was with the same problem.
I installed the last update of OS X and my problem was fixed!
I hope that it can help you or someone!
My Xcode version: 7.3, using Swift and Facebook SDK.
In my case using Xcode 8.1, I was able to fix this by deleting the app from my device, unplugging it from Xcode, and plugging it back in.

How can I send on Apple Beta Test projects that was created on Xcode 5 but was migrated to Xcode 6?

I'm trying to send a build to test using the newly released service by apple, to send the build the iTunes Connect gets perfectly but when trying to release the build to the user test it tells me the following message:
Apps and apps submitted to the App Store updates must be created with
Xcode 5.1.1 or higher, iOS SDK 7 or later.
This project was created on Xcode 5.1.1 but is now edited on Xcode 6.1, I has migrated all classes, libs and XIBs to new reference.
Someone know what I have to the?
When you build your app, check to see if there is "Update to recommended settings" in your build log (and if so, go ahead and do that update).
It looks like this on my machine (with Xcode 6.1):
Doing this should get rid of the objections that iTunes Connect is having.

Framework issues in Xcode

I'm running the latest version of Xcode and am try to create an app for IPhone with IAd integrated into it and I have tried to integrate it many ways, but I keep receiving this error every time, ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/mini/Desktop/TheDateGetter/iAd.framework/iAd, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386) I'm guessing this is a framework issue, because all of the code and everything else it correct. All help will be appreciated, thanks!
Check under Build Phases for your target which frameworks are you linking against. You will need to remove then the iAd framework from /Users/mini/Desktop/TheDateGetter and link the correct one from the iOS SDK.