Product Review In Virto Commerce - review

The product review section is seen in the official document (, but not in the latest source code ( Is the part displayed on the official website from another version?

VirtoCommers platform has a modularity architecture. Each domain-specific functionality such as PIM (Product information management) presented as standalone modules which can be installed into the platform in runtime. So, the platform solution does not contain code modules.
The catalog module is located in this repository


How to move portal artifacts from one environment to another in Redhat's 3scale

We are working with Redhat's 3scale as our API management platform.
Currently we have a development environment and we are trying to build up another environment(Staging/Production).
Does anyone know how to move the artifacts(Pages, Files, Partials, Layouts, Sections etc.) of the Developer portal from one environment to another?
At the moment there is no API available yet for the Developers Portal, but it is on the product roadmap:

Salesforce : How to activate Apex Classes feature in Professional Edition

I am working on a salesforce project and need to add a package. The issue is that under developer console I am not able to create Apex Classses , which leads to the following error when I add the package to salesforce.
This is the error I get when I try to install the package
After reading many forums, I came to a conclusion that i need to activate Apex Author permission under permission sets.
But the permission is not present there.
I created a developer account for salesforce in which the Apex Classes where already active and was able to import the package and make changes.
The Salesforce account is Professional Edition and is not under trial.
Any help regarding this will be appretiated.
Currently, Professional Edition (PE) does not have the ability to create, modify, or deploy Apex classes directly in an org of that edition. This includes using Apex in an unmanaged package. The Author Apex permission is only found in Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer editions.
If you are an AppExchange Partner, you can write apps that use Apex, and send them through security review to be installed in PE orgs (as well as Group Edition).
From the Apex Code Developer guide relating to Apex and PE, you can read about the basic statement about Apex and supported editions. In the ISV Developer Guide (for App Exchange Apps and partners), you can read the specifics of what is required to get your app to run with Apex in a PE/GE org.
If you are exploring Salesforce for the purposes of writing ISV apps for Salesforce, I would also recommend taking this short self-paced learning module on ISV basics and Salesforce on the Trailhead learning platform.
Finally, there is a dedicated Salesforce stack exchange you might also look into for further question.

eZ Publish Site Package Error

I am installing ez publish(CMS) in my xampp...
however in this section of installation
I can't proceed even though I can click next.. I bet the site package is mandatory... I need your help guys... btw, I am installing 2013.5 version
here's the error
Invalid package
Remote repository URL:
I've tried uploading the ezwebin_site.ezpkg in the remote repository still I can't proceed... thanks in advance.
Site Package selection step within the Setup Wizard is more or less required (you must select one package using the ratio buttons) to complete a proper eZ Publish installation first time.
Notice the 'Help' sidebar content, "The type of site will choose some basic settings for toolbars, menus, color and functionality. It is possible to change these settings at a later time.".
This is to remind new users that you first use the setup wizard for your first time installation of eZ Publish and then you can re-configure eZ Publish settings, design, extensions, etc manually as much as you desire / require. You can customize almost any part of eZ Publish, once you have it installed and setup properly.
It is recommended for new users to install the 'Website Interface' (with content) package for your first installation. Again you can change all it all after you have completed the default installation and have a working default installation.
More experienced developers may choose to use the 'Plain site' package (with no content, and significantly less default functionality and helpful tools) but this option often causes extreme confusion to new users / developers (who need the tools provided in the 'Website Interface' package to get started using eZ Publish quickly) as it omits expected content classes, default content use case examples, roles / policies, default settings use case examples, ezwebin design extension and much more. As such any package choice other than 'Website Interface' (with the version of eZ Publish you are using) is very strongly discouraged.
Advanced Developers with an already setup installation can create their own site packages to reuse in the future to simplify configuration of a default installation.
Resolution Edit: During an extensive stackoverflow and irc chat it was determined that the user asking the question lacked the WAMP server (PHP modules) support required by eZ Publish 5.x which is why the user was having installation setup problems. Specifically the user was missing the required php curl module which is used / required by the setup wizard to download site packages. The user was strongly recommended to replace Xampp (on win32) with Bitnami (for eZ) which provides for all the requirements of eZ Publish 5.x by default and has already been heavily tested and customized for use with eZ Publish 5.x. Also the user was using an older version of eZ Publish 5.x (2013.5 community build) which only supports PHP 5.3 and the user's Xampp PHP version was PHP 5.6.8 which requires at the very least eZ Publish 5.x (2014.11 community build).

When developing CloudFoundry apps using Eclipse, what project types are allowed?

May I ask for some clarification on what sorts of projects can be successfully deployed to vcap_dev please? What I'd like to deploy is a dynamic web project that includes java and javascript, but that appears to not be allowed. Is it possible to include javascript/html/css artifacts in a deployed app? If so, what project type should I use?
You can use the vmc command line tool to see what runtimes and frameworks are supported in your vcap_dev setup. The commands are slightly different depending on the version of vmc you install:
use vmc runtimes or vmc info --runtimes to see what runtimes are supported
use vmc frameworks or vmc info --frameworks to see what frameworks are supported
This question was also posted to the vcap Google group, see that thread for additional details.
You can use the spring framework by installing the Cloud Foundry Integration Extension for SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) and Eclipse ( Then you can add javascript / css / html files as resources.
Let me know if that answers your question.

what in general does the SCC API do?

I can't seem to find general documentation on the Microsoft SCC API. I don't want to wade through detailed documentation on the specific interfaces/methods/etc, I just would like to know what in general it allows and what concepts it uses. (edit: without having to download the whole SDK or applying for a license requiring an NDA.)
edit: what's the abstraction layer that it sees in common between different systems? e.g. there's files and changesets? or just files? and each file has a name?
As I understood it, you had at one time to be a Microsoft Partner to get at the SCC API SDK which would've included the documentation however, I later found that they had relaxed that requirement. AFAIK this API describes the interface between Visual Studio and an SCC provider. So it would allow you to write a provider to allow Visual Studio to interact with a version control system. Microsoft examples would be the SourceSafe provider and probably the Team System provider. A non-Microsoft example would be the Visual SVN plugin for Subversion.