How can i add start menu shortcut with the install4j silent installer. Though i am able to add desktop shortcut with the help of one variable present in the response file. But for the start menu i did not find any variable or any switch. So please let me know if there is any variable or switch available to do this or is there any way to achieve this using sys.startMenuDir variable.
I use Visual Studio Code and the CMake extension (twxs.cmake). The extension integrates CMake to vscode. There is a button which allows us to run a target in terminal window. It looks like a play button. .
My question is, how can I add a keyboard shortcut for this button? I cannot find the action name so I cannot link it. I wish to use keyboard shortcut instead of clicking that button every time.
I tried googling the action name of this button so I could bind it with any keyboard shortcut, but I couldn't find anything.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Shift+F5 appears to do the same thing as clicking that button.
I found the following here:
Running Targets Without a Debugger
Sometimes one will want to just run a target and see its output. This
can be done with the CMake: Execute the current target without a
debugger command, or the associated keybinding (the default is
The output of the target will be shown in an integrated terminal.
I configured a custom font/size/color scheme for Powershell by right clicking on the title bar and selecting properties.
The settings persist if I open Powershell from the start menu search.
Unfortunately they don't when I invoke Powershell from a right click context menu:
Con someone possibly instruct me on how to make my changes permanent irrespective of how PS is launched?
Thank you very much for any assistance!
I am new to VSCode, long been a holdout with Powershell ISE. I am in a situation where I am doing more with PS7, so have no choice but to use it. The one thing that I cannot seem to find is a way to permanently disable the sidebar. Every time I run a script the stupid thing pops up, and I have to hit CTRL+B to close it. I have tried going into Powershell language specific settings, but the only option I see is sidebar.location.
Is there any way to permanently stop this from popping up?
Here is the solution:
go to settings
search for Debug: Open Debug
choose never open
Allow me just say this. I too use VSCode, Sapien's PS Studio, and the ISE more than the previous two, but also use PowerShell v7.
So, FYI... You do have a choice, You can use PowerShell v7 from the ISE. I do this every day. Well, it's a workaround to do so, but it works just fine.
Here is one of the ways to use PowerShell v7 in the ISE.
Using PowerShell Core 6 and 7 in the Windows PowerShell ISE
The other way I use it is just shelling/branching out to it as needed.
Yet, your question is really a duplicate of this Q&A.
Is there a shortcut to hide the sidebar in Visual Studio Code?
And these potential answers...
you can hide the activity bar by setting up your own keybinding
( for
and or
In the VS code version 1.43, you can hide or show the side menu or
activity bar by going under the 'VIEW' tab in the nav bar in the top
margin of VS CODE(called the 'Menu Bar'). Go to View => Appearance,
there you can check or uncheck different nav bars to show/hide each
If you have the top bar (Menu Bar) currently hidden press 'alt' key to
bring it back then follow above instructions to check it to keep it
there permanently if desired.
The thing to remember though is, that sidebar is your file/project explorer and as such critical for normal development. It's how you get to all your files. Sure, you can still get to them using F1 and type a name, but that's kind of painful, vs scrolling to find what you need or opening multiple files in a project at once.
I have two queries that needs to be resolved.
How can I resize Windows Powershell to a considerable size in Windows 10? I have already tried using the Properties options and via ** Layout**.
But the moment I re-launch it, the window size goes to an in-proportionate size. (Please check the image attached for this query)
P.S - I also browsed Stack-overflow and found this link - [] but wasn't able to eliminate the issue. :(
Image - 1: In-proportionate size of Windows Powershell
Other than query #1, I also want to know - when I try to open cmd window in a particular folder, I am not able to see the option reading open cmd window here in the context sensitive menu. For quick reference, I am also attaching one image for this query.
Image - 2: No option to open Command Prompt via context-sensitive menu.
P.S: I am getting the option to open Windows Powershell in the above image
I earnestly request the experts here to guide me on these two queries so that I can use both Windows Powershell and Command Prompt without worrying about the size of the window every time.
I look forward to some quick guidance.
You can set it in the properties on Powershell window.
When you reopen Powershell, these settings will be saved. Tune Window Position values as well as needed.
For your 2nd issue, read on this link -
If you aren’t ready to accept this change and ditch Command Prompt,
you can opt out of the WIN+X change. To do this, open Settings >
Personalization > Taskbar. Now, turn the “Replace Command Prompt with
Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the Start button or
press Windows key+X” option to “Off”.
As for this...
open cmd window here in the context sensitive
You can just select any directory and click the Explorer search bar and type cmd or powershell or pwsh (v6 if you have it installed) and it will start in that directory; As long as you don't have directory configured in you PowerShell profile.
You can add thing to the context menu using the Registry editor
See instructions here:
Add the Command Prompt to the Windows Explorer Right-Click Menu
A hidden functionality in Windows allows you to right click on a directory, and select “Command Prompt Here” from the menu.
Just as you can for PowerShell
Add PowerShell to Windows Explorer Context Menu in Windows 10
Ever since the days of Windows Vista, it was possible to use Windows Explorer’s context menu to quickly open a command prompt window to a specific location by holding the shift key and right-clicking a folder. The “Open Command Prompt Here” appeared, allowing you to open the command prompt in the folder of your choice.
BTW, you can add anything you wish to your SendTo menu as well, just by copying the short cut there, and then that too will show up in the explore context menu for use.
As far as your PowerShell Window being overly large/small. Of course the is not the default and something / someone did that. I seen that, but never had it happen to me.
Have you made a lot of customizations?
Is this only happen in your logged on session, vs other users of the system?
So, are you saying also, you cannot resize the Window using your mouse to another size?
Try this first.
Exit the console host.
Open the PowerShell_ISE
Reset the defaults there using these commands
Next start the console host from the ISE by clicking the console host icon in the toolbar.
Try and work the properties from there, then close and reopen the console host form the ISE to see if the settings stayed.
Then open the console host from whatever shortcut you normally use and see if the changes remained.
If that does not reposition / resize the console windows then this is Windows proper causing this. Similar to a Window being off screen that you can't get to.
Then right click an open space on the taskbar and select Cascade windows.
If that does not work use the move option from the Taskbar.
Use Shift+Tab to select the console Windows.
Shift+RightClick the taskbar icon of the Window and select move.
The close and check again.
Lastly, if you have not done a lot of customizations, you can grab the default PowerShell regkey from another user / profile and import that into your registry.
If you don't have another default logon to use, just create one, check PowerShell state and the get that regkey to use.
Last thing, I meant to add, if none of the above works and you don't want to take the RegKey route. Create a PowerShell console profile and add this code to it. This of course will run each time you start you console using your profile. Of course adjust as needed,
$ConsoleSettings = (Get-Host).ui.rawui
$ScreenBufferSettings = $ConsoleSettings.buffersize
$ScreenBufferSettings.height = 50
$ScreenBufferSettings.width = 120
# $ConsoleSettings.buffersize = $ScreenBufferSettings
$ScreenSizeSettings = $ConsoleSettings.windowsize
$ScreenSizeSettings.height = 50
$ScreenSizeSettings.width = 120
$ConsoleSettings.windowsize = $ScreenSizeSettings
I have a console-based C project in Eclipse. Is there a button I can press to launch my application in a Command Prompt window?
You can run your application as an External Tool, and there's a toolbar item for that. Looks like a green circle with a white arrow, beside a red toolbox. I'm a Java developer so I don't really know the CDT, but at least in the JDT you can run any command line tool in this way. (If it's not in your toolbar, right-click the toolbar and choose Customize Perspective… then find the External Tools item under Launch, and add it.)
First, click the down-arrow beside the button and then choose External Tools Configurations…. In the dialog, select Program from the left side and then click the New button in the toolbar. You are basically creating a shortcut that will live in the toolbar. At this point you can fill out the command line details to run your application. There's a lot of goodies like setting up environment variables, requiring a build of your projects before launching, etc. When you're done, save it, and you can run it as often as you like by clicking the arrow-and-toolbox button. You can come back and edit it later too, make duplicates, etc.
If you're working with a team, or you just want to do a really nice job:
In the Common tab, under Save as, choose Shared File. This will create a file in your project to represent the tool shortcut that you're building. That means you can check it into your source tree, and others can use it too. These files are XML so you want to check them in as text, not binary.
Start your working directory with ${workspace_loc} so that anyone who checks out your project can run it without having to adjust the shortcut for their file system.
Not directly, but you could configure an Ant task to run it (if it doesn't require console input), or you can configure firing up a JVM under Run|External Tools.