Swift generic sequence observable ambiguity - swift

I've got following code
protocol NamedOption {
var optionTitle: String { get }
struct DebugOption: NamedOption {
let optionTitle: String
let debugViewControllerType = UIViewController.self
func testFunk<T: Sequence>(d: Observable<T>) where T.Element == NamedOption {
func bindFullResultsRx() {
let dd: Observable<[DebugOption]> = self.dataModel.debugOptions // this is defined and properly assigned earlier
testFunk(d: dd)
and at the line where I call testFunk Xcode gives me following error:
Expression type '()' is ambiguous without more context
I have no idea why this is happening :( So far I was able to make it working by changing constraints on testFunk into this:
func funk<T: NamedOption>(d: Observable<[T]>) {
which seems to me more restrictive then version at the top. Does any one knows how to make it working with T: Sequence ?
Xcode version is 9.4, Swift version is 4.1.

After some digging and help from work colleagues I was able to make it working by simply changing == into : so it looks like this
func testFunk<T: Sequence>(d: Observable<T>) where T.Element: NamedOption {
It's just a matter of swift syntax
conformance-requirement → type-identifier : protocol-composition-type

OO and generics don't play too well together. In order to do what you want, you have to manually cast up as in:
testFunk(d: dd.map { $0.map { $0 as NamedOption } })


Swift protocol extensions for Value(Structures) types

public struct KZErrorInfo: Unboxable {
var statusCode = -1
var status: String?
var errorMessage: String?
public init() {
public init(unboxer: Unboxer) {
self.statusCode = unboxer.unbox("StatusCode")
self.status = unboxer.unbox("Status")
self.errorMessage = unboxer.unbox("Message")
protocol KZClientResponse: ETClientResponse {
var errorInfo: KZErrorInfo? { get set }
var errorInfo: KZErrorInfo? {
get {
if let value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKeyErrorInfo) as? KZErrorInfo {
return value
return nil
set(newValue) {
if let error = newValue {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKeyErrorInfo, error, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
My objective is to have a default implantation for the protocol KZClientResponse and Xcode is giving me a compile error as below. In the case of value types, how to overcome this issue? Appreciate you suggestions.
As the error message is indicating, objc_getAssociatedObject(_:_:) and objc_setAssociatedObject(_:_:_:_:) require AnyClass as the first argument. You cannot use Swift structs as AnyClass.
Think another way to store errorInfo which works with structs.
Why don't you have it as the struct's property?
... giving me a compile error as below. In the case of value types, how to overcome this issue?
You can't overcome the compiler error. You're trying to mix apples with oranges. objc_getAssociatedObject is, by definition, Objective-C. But Objective-C knows nothing of Swift structs; it cannot possibly see them. The only thing it knows about are what it calls objects — that is, classes and their instances. To work with a Swift struct, you cannot use the Objective-C runtime at all: you must operate entirely within Swift itself.

Fail to imply _Reflectable protocol

I am reading MirrorType at nshipster,and trying to adopt it's code to Swift 2.1. Everything works fine until when I tried to custom the _MirrorTypewith :
extension WWDCSession : _Reflectable {
func _getMirror() -> _MirrorType {
return WWDCSessionMirror(self)
An error occured :
error: Playground execution aborted: Execution was interrupted,
reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x7fff58273e87).
And I found out it's because the init method in WWDCSessionMirror was being called infinite times.
struct WWDCSessionMirror: _MirrorType {
private let _value: WWDCSession
init(_ value: WWDCSession) {
_value = value
var value: Any { return _value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return WWDCSession.self }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .Struct }
var count: Int { return 4 }
subscript(index: Int) -> (String, _MirrorType) {
switch index {
case 0:
return ("number", _reflect(_value.number))
case 1:
return ("title", _reflect(_value.title))
case 2:
return ("track", _reflect(_value.track))
case 3:
return ("summary", _reflect(_value.summary))
fatalError("Index out of range")
var summary: String {
return "WWDCSession \(_value.number) [\(_value.track.rawValue)]: \(_value.title)"
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? {
return .Text(summary)
I want to ask why it happened , and how to fix it?
_Reflectable and _MirrorType are not the droids you're looking for.
They are legacy types, which have been superseded by CustomReflectable (among others). The 2015 WWDC session about LLDB goes into some detail about this (disclaimer: I am the speaker of that part of that session, so conflict of interests all around :-)
But, anyway, the issue you're running into is because of this line:
_value = value
Since you're typing this line in your playground, that tells the playground logic to capture for display ("log" in playground parlance) the thing you're assigning. To do so, the playground uses the Mirror attached to that type. So, we go off and create one, which causes us to run
_value = value
again, which tells the playground logic to log value, which then means we create a Mirror, ...
You should first of all check if you can adopt Mirror and CustomReflectable instead of _MirrorType and if using those APIs fixes your problem. If it doesn't a possible workaround is to put the reflection support code in an auxiliary source file which will cause the playground logic to not log things inside of it.

Call generic within generic with only knowledge of protocol

Say I have a generic box, and squishable objects. If I put something squishy in the box, then the box, too, can be squished.
protocol Squishable {
func squish<T: Squishable>(thing: T) {
struct Box<T> {
let content: T
//Here's what I'd LIKE to write, but it's not valid code:
extension (Box where T: Squishable): Squishable {
//...so I try this instead...
extension Box: Squishable {
func hereBeDragons() {
if content is Squishable {
squish(content as! Squishable)
//...but then: "Generic parameter 'T' cannot be bound to non-#objc protocol type 'Squishable'"
I gather my squish function wants a specific type that happens to be Squishable. But it doesn't seem I can give it one, given the circumstances... Is there a workaround? (In this trivial example, obviously we could change squish to a non-generic that accepts a protocol, but that's a totally different situation then! The question is what to do with this one.)
Edit: As of Xcode 7 beta 2, it seems extensions are more flexible. I can now write this and I think the compiler might know what I mean:
extension Box: Squishable where T: Squishable
But it sadly responds "Extension of type 'Box' with constraints cannot have an inheritance clause". That error seems to explicitly disallow exactly what I wish to do!
If I didn't get it wrong, Xcote 7 Beta 2 which includes Swift 2.0 Beta 2 introduce extension conditionals in a way that solves your question:
protocol Squishable {
func squish(thing: Squishable) {
struct Box<T> {
let content: T
extension Box where T: Squishable {
func hereBeDragons() {
extension Int: Squishable {}
let intBox = Box<Int>(content: 4)
let stringBox = Box<String>(content: "Foo")
stringBox.hereBeDragons() // Compiler complains since String does not conform to Squishable
Please notice this is still Beta, so things can change. Anyway I'm pretty confident that the final version will have the feature needed from your question.

Swift 1.2 redeclares Objective-C method

I just updated from swift 1.1 to swift 1.2 and get compiler Error:
Method 'setVacation' redeclares Objective-C method 'setVacation:'
Here some code:
var vacation : Vacation?
func setVacation(_vacation : Vacation)
But I need call setVacation
Is any suggestions how fix this?
This is cause by the change stated in Xcode 6.3beta release notes:
Swift now detects discrepancies between overloading and overriding in
the Swift type system and the effective behavior seen via the
Objective-C runtime. (18391046, 18383574) For example, the following
conflict between the Objective-C setter for “property” in a class and
the method “setProperty” in its extension is now diagnosed:
class A : NSObject {
var property: String = "Hello" // note: Objective-C method 'setProperty:’
// previously declared by setter for
// 'property’ here
extension A {
func setProperty(str: String) { } // error: method ‘setProperty’
// redeclares Objective-C method
To fix this you need to make all you method signatures unique (as Objective-C does not provide method overload)
Or don't inherit from NSObject if you need Swift only class.
Cappy: For the Standford problem I used simply this, because it looks like the Xcode Beta simply says that the operation: (Double, Double) -> Double is the same as operation: Double -> Double, I don't know if it is a bug or not...
But the code below works, but is NOT clean :(
func performOperation(r:String? = "2", operation: (Double, Double) -> Double) {
if operandStack.count >= 2 {
displayValue = operation(operandStack.removeLast(), operandStack.removeLast())
func performOperation(operation: Double -> Double) {
if operandStack.count >= 1 {
displayValue = operation(operandStack.removeLast())
As noted by #Kirsteins, Swift now detects conflicting symbols between Swift and Obj-C, and swift symbols that would cause Obj-C grief. In addition to the answer given, you can avoid this in general by specifying a required label for the additional types, thus changing the call signature:
import Foundation
extension NSObject {
func foo(d:Double, i:Int) { println("\(d), \(i)") }
func foo(withInt d:Int, i:Int) { println("\(d), \(i)") }
let no = NSObject()
no.foo(withInt:1, i: 2)
Beyond that though, and to answer your immediate question, you are trying to apply Obj-C idioms to Swift. What you really want, is to either implement didSet (most likely), or possibly set:
class WhatIDidLastSummer {
var vacation:Bool = false {
didSet {
// do something
var staycation:Bool {
get { return true }
set {
// do something

Checking for optional protocol methods in Swift gives error?

After reading the Apple docs on optional protocol requirements it says you can use optional chaining to check for the implementation. I tried this out and I keep getting an error. It seems like this is no longer a valid way of doing this and I am trying to find out if there is a new way to do this now.
Here is a example so you can see the error: http://swiftstub.com/743693493/
Here is my code:
#objc protocol Bearable {
func growl()
optional func cough() -> String //Apparently bears cough when they are scared.
#objc class Bear:Bearable {
var name = "Black Bear"
func growl() {
#objc class Forest {
var bear:Bear?
func scareBears() {
if let cough = bear?.cough?() {
} else {
println("bear was scared")
I get the error: error: 'Bear' does not have a member named 'cough'
if let cough = bear?.cough?() {
The error you're getting makes sense because Swift can know at compile time that Bear doesn't implement cough() (whereas Objective-C wouldn't necessarily be able to know that).
To make your code compile, you need to define bear using the Bearable protocol instead of the Bear class.
var bear: Bearable?
Which is probably what you'd want anyway. Otherwise, there's not much point in creating that protocol.