Pattern(s) sought for avoiding "action at a distance" - perl

I'm working on a complex and very large web application. Some of the classes within said application require execution of various methods in far-away objects, and I am quickly realizing and stumbling into bugs related to the "action at a distance" antipattern.
Example 1: Some of the classes require execution of daily "cleanup" methods, such as reaper(), cleanup(), send_daily_status_messages(), etc.
Example 2: Some classes mutate the app's state, and require a far-away object to perform a refresh() of its own state.
Example 3: Going back to Example 1, some objects spread throughout the app provide various bits of content to send_daily_status_messages().
To address this, our team has created an Events class that centralizes all of these calls. However we're finding the Events class itself to be a bit too "distant", in the sense that sometimes we make changes in the distributed objects, forget to make changes to the calls within the Events class, and then see bugs.
I'm wondering if there are any better patterns out there?
One thought: For objects to "register" themselves to some sort of dynamic Events class upon initialization. That would keep the invocation code near each object. Objects could maybe even also create different Events?
Lastly, this is for a Perl-based web application that using Moose. So any Perl-specific Moose-friendly recommendations, including CPAN recommendations, would be most appreciated!

The common pattern that sounds like what you're talking about is event dispatch. You can find many different takes on this pattern on CPAN, such as: Event::Distributor, Beam::Emitter, Mixin::Event::Dispatch, Mojo::EventEmitter (which I've extracted to a role). You have some object which is either an event dispatcher or has an event dispatching role applied to it, and everything can subscribe to events, and when something emits an event all of the subscribers get their callback called.


Caching constructor selection instead of lamda conversion

We have a very large number of autofac resolutions that occur in our application. We've always had a very long time (about 50% of our web requests) of processing belonging to the autofac resolution stage.
It came to our attention how very important switching to Register Frequently-Used Components with Lambdas is from the guide, and our testing shows it could bring extreme gains for us.
Convert from this
builder.Register(c => new Component());
It seems the procedure to reflect to find the largest constructor, scan the properties, determine if autofac can resolve that, if not move on to the next smallest, etc. So specifying the constructor directly gives us massive improvements.
My question is can there be or should there be some sort of caching for the found constructor? Since the containers are immutable you can't add or subtract registrations so would require a different constructor later on.
I just wanted to check before we start working on switching over a lot of registrations to lambda, we have 1550 and will try to find the core ones.
Autofac does cache a lot of what it can, but even with container immutability, there's...
Registration sources: dynamic suppliers of registrations (that's how open generics get handled, for example)
Child lifetime scopes: the root container might not have the current HttpRequestMessage for the active WebAPI request, but you can add and override registrations in child scopes so the request lifetime does have it.
Parameters on resolve: you can pass parameters to a resolve operation that will get factored into that operation.
Given stuff like that, caching is a little more complicated than "find the right constructor once, cache it, never look again."
Lambdas will help, as you saw, so look into that.
I'd also look at lifetime scopes for components. If constructor lookup is happening a lot, it means you're constructing a lot, which means you're allocating a lot, which is going to cost you other time. Can more components be singletons or per-lifetime-scope? Using an existing instance will be cheaper still.
You also mentioned you have 1550 things registered. Do all of those actually get used and resolved? Don't register stuff that doesn't need to be. I've seen a lot of times where folks do assembly scanning and try to just register every type in every assembly in the whole app. I'm not saying you're doing this, but if you are, don't. Just register the stuff you need.
Finally, think about how many constructors you have. If there's only one (recommended) it'll be faster than trying many different ones. You can also specify the constructor with UsingConstructor during registration to force a choice and bypass searching.

CQRS Event Sourcing valueobject & entities accepting commands

I am in the evaluating moving a nice designed DDD app to an event sourced architecture as a pet project.
As can be inferred, my Aggregate operations are relatively coarse grained. As part of my design process, I now find myself emitting a large number of events from a small subset of operations to satisfy what I know to be requirements of the read model. Is this acceptable practice ?
In addition to this, I have distilled a lot of the domain complexity via use of ValueObjects & entities. Can VO's/ E accept commands and emit events themselves, or should I expose state and add from the command handler lower down the stack ?
In terms of VO's note that I use mutable operations sparingly and it is a trade off between over complicating other areas of my domain.
I now find myself emitting a large number of events from a small subset of operations to satisfy what I know to be requirements of the read model. Is this acceptable practice ?
In most cases, you should have 1 event by command. Remember events describe the user intent so you have to stay close to the user action.
Can VO's/ E accept commands and emit events themselves
No only aggregates emit events and yes you can come up with very messy aggregates if you have a lot of events, but there is solutions for that like delegating the work to the commands and events themselves. I blogged about this technique here:
In terms of VO's note that I use mutable operations sparingly
As long as you're aware of the consequences. That's fine. Trade-off are part of the job, but be sure you team is aware of that since it's written everywhere that value objects are immutable you expose yourselves to confusion and pointer issues.

Defining gRPC RPCs

I'm looking for some suggestions here. The usecase is a networking device (like router) with networking operations performed over gRPC.
Let's say there are "n" model objects, like router, interfaces, routing configuration objects like OSPF etc. Every networking operation, like finally be a CRUD on on or many of the model objects.
Now, when defining this over a gRPC service, there seems to be 2 options:
Define generic gRPC RPCs, like "SET" and "GET". The parameter will be a list of objects and operations. Like SET((router, update), (interface, update)..
Define very specific RPCs. Like "setInterfaceProperty_x", "createOSPFInstance".. And there could be many many such RPCs.
With #2, we are building the application intelligence in the RPCs itself. Every new feature might need new RPCs from this service.
With #1, the RPCs are the means, but the intelligence reside with the application which uses the RPC in a context. The RPC list will be just a very few and doesn't change over time.
What is the preferred approach? Generic RPCs (and keep it very few) or have tens (or more) of operation driven RPCs? I see some opensource projects like P4Runtime take approach #1.
Thanks for your time. I can provide more information if required.
You should use option #2. This puts your interface contract in the proto, rather than in your application. You leave your self many open doors by picking option #2 that would be cumbersome or unsupportable otherwise:
If the API definition of an object doesn't match the internal representation, you need to define a mapping between the two. Suppose you update your internal code to not need InterfaceProperty any more, and it was instead moved to a new field called BetterInterfaceProperties. Option one would force you to keep the old field exposed, while option 2 would allow you to reinterpret the call and do the right thing.
Fine grained access controls are easier with specific methods. All users may be able to set publicProperty, but only admins can set dangerousProperty. By grouping all the fields into a single call (as in #1), your caller has to reinterpret error messages, while option #2 it's more clear why authorization failed.
Smaller return values. Having a method like getSpecificProperty will do much less work than getFullObject. As your data model gets more complex, you will have to include more and more data on return messages. Even if the caller only cares about one thing, they have to wait for all of them. Consider a Database application. The database might have to do several unnecessary queries to fill in fields the client will never read.
There are reason to use #1, but they aren't that valuable until you identify what properties go together and are logically a single RPC. (such as a Get)

Akka and singleton actors

I've recently started messing around with akka's actors and http modules. However I've stumbled upon a rather annoying little quirk, namely, creating singelton actors.
Here are two examples:
I have an in-memory cache, my service is quite small (its an app rather) so I really like this in memory model. I can hold most information relevant to the user in a Map (well, a map of lists, but still, quite an easy to reason about structure) and I don't get the overhead and complexity of a redis, geode or aerospike.
The only problem is that this in-memory chache can be modified, by multiple sources and said modifications must be synchronous. Instead of synchornizing all 3 acess methods for this structure (e.g. by building a message queue or implementing locks) I thought I'd just wrap the structure and its access methods into an actor, build in message queue, easy receive->send logic and if things scale up it will be very easy to replace with a DA actors over a dedicated in memory db.
2) I have a "Service" layer that should be used to dispatch actors for various jobs (access the database, access the in-memory cache, do this computation with data and deliver the result to the user... etc).
It makes sense of this Service layer to be a "singleton" of sorts, a closure over some functions, since it does nothing that's blocking or cpu/memory intensive in any way, it simply assigns tasks further down the line (e.g. decides how many actors/thread/w.e should be created and where a request should go)
However, this thing would require either:
a) Making both object singleton actors or
b) Making both objects actual "objects"(as in the scala object notation that designates a single named singleton with functions that have closures over its scope)
There are plenty of problems with b), namely that the service layer will either have to get an actors system "passed" to it (and I'm not sure that's a best practice) in order o create actors, rather than creating its own "childrens" it will create children's using the global actors system and the messaging and monitoring logic will be a lot more awkward and unintuitive. Also, that the in-memory cache will not have the advantage of the built in message que (I'm not saying its hard to implement one, but this seems like one of those situation where one goes "Oh, jolly, its good that I have actors and I don't have to spend time implementing and testing this code")
a) seems to have the problem of being generally speaking poorly documented and unadvised in the akka documentation. I mean:
Look at this shit, half of the docs are warning against using it, it was its own dependency and quite frankly its very hard to read for a poor sod like me which hasn't set foot in the functional&concurrent programming ivory tower.
So, ahm. Could any of you guys explain to me why its bad to use singleton actors ? How do you design singletons if they can't be actors ? Is there any way to design singleton actors that won't cause a lot of damage down the line ? Is the whole "service" model of having "global" services that are called rather than instantiated "un akka like" ?
Just to clarify the documentation, they're not warning against using it. They're warning that there are circumstances in which using a singleton will cause problems, which are expected given the circumstances. They mention the following situations:
If the singleton is a performance bottleneck. This makes sense. If everything relies on a single object that does work slowly, everything will be slow.
If the actor needs to be non-stop available, you'll run into problems if the singleton ever goes down, because those messages can't just be handled by another instance. It will take some amount of time to re-start the singleton before its work can be resumed.
The biggest problem happens if you have auto-downing turned on. Auto-downing is a policy by which an unreachable node is assumed to be down, and removed from the network. If you do this, but the node is not actually down but just unreachable due to a network partition, both sides of the partition will decide that they're the surviving nodes and create their own singletons. So now you have two singletons. Which is, of course, not what you want from a singleton. But you should never use auto-downing outside of testing anyway. It's a terrible recovery strategy that was included for completeness and convenience in testing.
So I don't read that as recommending against using it. Just being clear about the expected pitfalls if you do use it, based on the nature of the structure.

Event Sourcing Commands vs Events

I understand the difference between commands and events but in a lot of cases you end up with redundancy and mapping between 2 classes that are essentially the same (ThingNameUpdateCommand, ThingNameUpdatedEvent). For these simple cases can you / do you use the event also as a command? Do people serialise to a store all commands as well as all events? Just seems to be a little redundant to me.
All lot of this redundancy is for a reason in general and you want to avoid using the same message for two different purposes for a number of reasons:
Sourced events must be versioned when they change since they are stored and re-used (deserialized) when you hydrate an aggregate root. It will make things a bit awkward if the class is also being used as a message.
Coupling is increased, the same class is now being used by command handlers, the domain model and event handlers now. De-coupling the command side from the event can simplify life for you down the road.
Finally clarity. Commands are issued in a language that asks something to be done (imperative generally). Events are representations of what has happened (past-tense generally). This language gets muddled if you use the same class for both.
In the end these are just data classes, it isn't like this is "hard" code. There are ways to actually avoid some of the typing for simple scenarios like code-gen. For example, I know Greg has used XML and XSD transforms to create all the classes needed for a given domain in the past.
I'd say for a lot of simple cases you may want to question if this is really domain (i.e. modeling behavior) or just data. If it is just data consider not using event sourcing here. Below is a link to a talk by Udi Dahan about breaking up your domain model so that not all of it requires event-sourcing. I'm kind of in line with this way of thinking now myself.
After working through some examples and especially the Greg Young presentation ( I've come to the conclusion that commands are redundant. They are simply events from your user, they did press that button. You should store these in exactly the same way as other events because it is data you don't know if you will want to use it in a future view. Your user did add and then later remove that item from the basket or at least attempt to. You may later want to use this information to remind the user of this at later date.