UTF-8 encoding issue of JSONSerialization - swift

I was trying convert struct to Dictionary in Swift. This was my code:
extension Encodable {
var dictionary: [String: Any]? {
if let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(self) {
if let dict = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any] {
return dict
return nil
return nil
This works in most situation. But when I try to convert a nested structure which contains unicode characters such as Chinese, this happened:
struct PersonModel: Codable {
var job: String?
var contacts: [ContactSimpleModel]
var manager: ManagerSimpleModel?
struct ContactSimpleModel: Codable {
var relation: String
var name: String
struct ManagerSimpleModel: Codable {
var name: String
var age: Int
let contact1 = ContactSimpleModel(relation: "朋友", name: "宙斯")
let contact2 = ContactSimpleModel(relation: "同学", name: "奥丁")
let manager = ManagerSimpleModel(name: "拉斐尔", age: 31)
let job = "火枪手"
let person = PersonModel(job: job, contacts: [contact1, contact2], manager: manager)
if let dict = person.dictionary {
The result of this code is this:
["contacts": <__NSArrayI 0x600002471980>(
name = "\U5b99\U65af";
relation = "\U670b\U53cb";
name = "\U5965\U4e01";
relation = "\U540c\U5b66";
, "manager": {
age = 31;
name = "\U62c9\U6590\U5c14";
}, "job": 火枪手]
You can see the result. The Chinese characters in those nested structures were become a utf-8 encoding string. The top-level property "job": 火枪手 is right. But the values in those nested structures were not the original string.
Is this a bug of JSONSerialization? Or how to make it right?
More information. I used the result like this:
var sortedQuery = ""
if let dict = person.dictionary {
sortedQuery = dict.sorted(by: {$0.0 < $1.0})
.map({ "\($0)\($1)" })
.joined(separator: "")
It was used to check whether the query was legal. The result is not the same as Java or other platform.

The result is perfectly fine. That's the internal string representation – a pre-Unicode legacy – of an array or dictionary when you print it.
Assign the values to a label or text view and you will see the expected characters.


how to get single variable name from struct

I have a core data framework to handle everything you can do with coredata to make it more cooperateable with codable protocol. Only thing i have left is to update the data. I store and fetch data by mirroring the models i send as a param in their functions. Hence i need the variable names in the models if i wish to only update 1 specific value in the model that i request.
public func updateObject(entityKey: Entities, primKey: String, newInformation: [String: Any]) {
let request = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: entityKey.rawValue)
do {
request.predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "\(entityKey.getPrimaryKey())==%#", primKey)
let fetchedResult = try delegate.context.fetch(request)
guard let results = fetchedResult as? [NSManagedObject],
results.count > 0 else {
let key = newInformation.keys.first!
forKey: key)
try delegate.context.save()
} catch let error {
As you can see the newInformation param contains the key and new value for the value that should be updated. However, i dont want to pass ("first": "newValue") i want to pass spots.first : "newValue"
So if i have a struct like this:
struct spots {
let first: String
let second: Int
How do i only get 1 name from this?
i've tried:
extension Int {
var name: String {
return String.init(describing: self)
let mirror = Mirror.init(reflecting: self)
return mirror.children.first!.label!
I wan to be able to say something similar to:
But can't figure out how
Not sure that I understood question, but...what about this?
class Spots: NSObject {
#objc dynamic var first: String = ""
#objc dynamic var second: Int = 0
let object = Spots()
let dictionary: [String: Any] = [
#keyPath(Spots.first): "qwerty",
#keyPath(Spots.second): 123,
dictionary.forEach { key, value in
object.setValue(value, forKeyPath: key)
or you can try swift keypath:
struct Spots {
var first: String = ""
var second: Int = 0
var spots = Spots()
let second = \Spots.second
let first = \Spots.first
spots[keyPath: first] = "qwerty"
spots[keyPath: second] = 123
however there will be complex (or impossible) problem to solve if you will use dictionary:
let dictionary: [AnyKeyPath: Any] = [
first: "qwerty",
second: 123
you will need to cast AnyKeyPath back to WritableKeyPath<Root, Value> and this seems pretty complex (if possible at all).
for path in dictionary.keys {
print(type(of: path).rootType)
print(type(of: path).valueType)
if let writableKeyPath = path as? WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>, let value = value as? Value { //no idea how to cast this for all cases
spots[keyPath: writableKeyPath] = value

How to store and retrieve variable with custom type

I have a variable identity with type ETIdentity that I need to store in ViewController1 and retrieve in ViewController2,
var activationCodeFromCore, serialNumberFromCore, entityNameFromCore, deviceIdFromCore, registrationCodeFromCore, entityFromCore: String?
var activationCode, serialNumber, entityName, deviceId, registrationCode, entity: String?
var counter: Int = 0
var storedIdentity: ETIdentity?
Below is the storedIdentity that I need to keep
let storedIdentity = BridgeSDKUtils.performClassicActivation("26586-05858", withActivationCode: "8998-6857-1357-1870", "entidad0");
GlobalIdentity.identity = storedIdentity;
func softTokenDataService() {
let storedIdentity = BridgeSDKUtils.performClassicActivation("26586-05858", withActivationCode: "8998-6857-1357-1870", "entidad0");
GlobalIdentity.identity = storedIdentity;
self.activationCode = "8998-6857-1357-1870"
self.serialNumber = "26586-05858"
self.entityName = "entityData\(counter)"
self.deviceId = "\(String(describing: storedIdentity?.deviceId))"
self.registrationCode = "\(String(describing: storedIdentity?.registrationCode))"
self.entity = "\(storedIdentity!)"
func getEntityCore()
//Variables that are going to be stored
self.activationCodeFromCore = activationCode
self.serialNumberFromCore = serialNumber
self.entityNameFromCore = entityName
self.deviceIdFromCore = deviceId
self.registrationCodeFromCore = registrationCode
self.entityFromCore = storedIdentity
//SecureStorage Function
func saveEntityToCoreData()-> Bool {
var SavedItem:Bool = true
var arr : [[String: Any]] = [[
"activationCode": self.activationCodeFromCore,
"serialNumber": self.serialNumberFromCore,
"entityName": self.entityNameFromCore,
"deviceId": self.deviceIdFromCore,
"registrationCode": self.registrationCodeFromCore,
"entity": self.entityFromCore]]
let jsonData = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: arr, options: [.prettyPrinted])
let json = String(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
if self.saveRutSwitchOn
SecureData.save(key: "entityData0)", data: json.data(using: .utf8)!)
SavedItem = self.saveRutSwitchOn
return SavedItem
struct Person {
var activationCode: String
var serialNumber: String
var entityName: String
var deviceId: String
var registrationCode: String
var entity: String
struct EntityModel: Codable {
let activationCode, serialNumber, entityName, deviceId, registrationCode, entity: String?
if let loadedData = SecureData.load(key: "entityData0") {
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let entityData = try decoder.decode([EntityModel].self, from: loadedData)
entityData.forEach { (EntityModel) in
//Here I Imagine something like this
//var identity: ETIdentity?
//identity = EntityModel.entity
////Here I have the identity, so I can manipulate it like needed, because is from type ETIdentity I can access its methods.
} catch {
Reference Data:
struct GlobalIdentity{
static var identity : ETIdentity?
#interface ETIdentity : NSObject<NSCoding> {
The problem is that the variable entity (where I need to call its parameters in ViewController2), is not a String, so it crashes, it doesn't work. I also tried to put the variable identity with the type I needed var identity: ETIdentity?, but ETIdentity isn't in protocol with Codable (to work with struct so I can call them in ViewController2)
I read your question and found basic thing that you are missing is your entity seems to be another model like a dictionary or some other type if it is dictionary then do this. Currently your SecureData.load(key: "entityData0") contain all the data that return array of entity models, And your Data object loadedData must contain entity object, Why not you try to implement Codable for your entity like this.
struct SortedArryModel: Codable {
var sorterarrkey: String? // if your array contain strings
And use this SortedArryModel in your EntityModel
after that you can get your array like [key:string], just convert that string to array.
Suggestion: in your case better to use JsonSerialization instead of codable, if you still want to apply codable then your elements should conform codable protocol. Like I mentioned above, implement your entity as model that confrom codable protocol.

JSONSerialization serialize dictionary with wrong types

I'm having trouble translating my models into dictionaries.
My models inherit from Codable and when using JSONSerialization I get a dictionary with the form:
(...,"sensors": <__NSArrayI 0x1105324f0>( {
accx = "-0.002471923828125";
accy = "0.011444091796875";
accz = "-1.013595581054688";
gyrox = "-0.029818882093399213";
gyroy = "0.028939506301455049";
gyroz = "0.0044943506556177227"; }, ...)
(Note that my keys are not as string but the values are)
when in fact a want this:
(..., "sensors": [ {
"accx" = -0.002471923828125;
"accy" = 0.011444091796875;
"accz" = -1.013595581054688;
"gyrox" = -0.029818882093399213;
"gyroy" = 0.028939506301455049;
"gyroz" = 0.0044943506556177227;} ], ... )
My models are:
class Event: NSObject, Codable {
var latitude: Double?
var longitude: Double?
var speed: Double?
var date: String?
var type: String?
var sensors: [Sensor] = []
class Sensor: NSObject, Codable {
var accx: Double?
var accy: Double?
var accz: Double?
var gyrox: Double?
var gyroy: Double?
var gyroz: Double?
Im using this to transform into dictionary:
extension Encodable {
var dictionary: [String: Any]? {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
guard let data = try? encoder.encode(self) else { return nil }
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any]
return json
} catch {
return nil
I'm stuck with this and I do not know if I'm going down the right path.
Should I change the way I organize this dictionary?
You are looking at the result of NSDictionary.description there, and the result of NSDictionary.description is not JSON and not necessarily an accurate representation of the contained objects.
There is no actual problem with the decoding. Example:
Welcome to Apple Swift version 4.0.3 (swiftlang-900.0.74.1 clang-900.0.39.2). Type :help for assistance.
1> import Foundation
2> let json = "{ \"sensors\": [ { \"accx\": 0.011444091796875 } ] }"
json: String = "{ \"sensors\": [ { \"accx\": 0.011444091796875 } ] }"
3> let d = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: json.data(using: .utf8)!, options: []) as! [String: Any]
d: [String : Any] = 1 key/value pair {
[0] = {
key = "sensors"
value = {
payload_data_0 = 0x0000000100111ad0
payload_data_1 = 0x0000000000000000
payload_data_2 = 0x0000000000000000
instance_type = 0x00000001014179c8 libswiftCore.dylib`InitialAllocationPool + 4888
When we print the dictionary returned by JSONSerialization, we see the number in quotes:
4> print(d)
["sensors": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x100111ad0>(
accx = "0.011444091796875";
But when we actually extract the number from the nested containers, it is actually a Double:
5> ((d["sensors"] as! [Any])[0] as! [String: Any])["accx"] as! Double
$R0: Double = 0.011444091796875
The moral of the story: Don't expect an object's description to be an accurate serialization of its value. If you need an accurate serialization, convert the object to JSON or a property list, or inspect it in the debugger.

Can I use Swift's map() on Protocols?

I have some model code where I have some Thoughts that i want to read and write to plists. I have the following code:
protocol Note {
var body: String { get }
var author: String { get }
var favorite: Bool { get set }
var creationDate: Date { get }
var id: UUID { get }
var plistRepresentation: [String: Any] { get }
init(plist: [String: Any])
struct Thought: Note {
let body: String
let author: String
var favorite: Bool
let creationDate: Date
let id: UUID
extension Thought {
var plistRepresentation: [String: Any] {
return [
"body": body as Any,
"author": author as Any,
"favorite": favorite as Any,
"creationDate": creationDate as Any,
"id": id.uuidString as Any
init(plist: [String: Any]) {
body = plist["body"] as! String
author = plist["author"] as! String
favorite = plist["favorite"] as! Bool
creationDate = plist["creationDate"] as! Date
id = UUID(uuidString: plist["id"] as! String)!
for my data model, then down in my data write controller I have this method:
func fetchNotes() -> [Note] {
guard let notePlists = NSArray(contentsOf: notesFileURL) as? [[String: Any]] else {
return []
return notePlists.map(Note.init(plist:))
For some reason the line return notePlists.map(Note.init(plist:)) gives the error 'map' produces '[T]', not the expected contextual result type '[Note]'
However, If I replace the line with return notePlists.map(Thought.init(plist:)) I have no issues. Clearly I can't map the initializer of a protocol? Why not and what's an alternate solution?
If you expect to have multiple types conforming to Note and would like to know which type of note it is stored in your dictionary you need to add an enumeration to your protocol with all your note types.
enum NoteType {
case thought
add it to your protocol.
protocol Note {
var noteType: NoteType { get }
// ...
and add it to your Note objects:
struct Thought: Note {
let noteType: NoteType = .thought
// ...
This way you can read this property from your dictionary and map it accordingly.

Multiple Realm objects to JSON

I am trying to convert Realm Object into JSON. My version is working but not if you want to put multiple objects into JSON. So my question is, how should you add multiple Realm Objects into JSON?
Something like that:
"Users": [
{"id": "1","name": "John"},{"id": "2","name": "John2"},{"id": "3","name": "John3"}
"Posts": [
{"id": "1","title": "hey"},{"id": "2","title": "hey2"},{"id": "3","title": "hey3"}
This is what I am doing right now:
func getRealmJSON(name: String, realmObject: Object, realmType: Any) -> String {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
let table = realm.objects(realmType as! Object.Type)
if table.count == 0 {return "Empty Table"}
let mirrored_object = Mirror(reflecting: realmObject)
var properties = [String]()
for (_, attr) in mirrored_object.children.enumerated() {
if let property_name = attr.label as String! {
var jsonObject = "{\"\(name)\": ["
for i in 1...table.count {
var str = "{"
var insideStr = String()
for property in properties {
let filteredTable = table.value(forKey: property) as! [Any]
insideStr += "\"\(property)\": \"\(filteredTable[i - 1])\","
let index = insideStr.characters.index(insideStr.startIndex, offsetBy: (insideStr.count - 2))
insideStr = String(insideStr[...index])
str += "\(insideStr)},"
let index = jsonObject.characters.index(jsonObject.startIndex, offsetBy: (jsonObject.count - 2))
jsonObject = "\(String(jsonObject[...index]))]}"
return jsonObject
}catch let error { print("\(error)") }
return "Problem reading Realm"
Above function does like that, which is good for only one object:
{"Users": [{"id": "1","name": "John"},{"id": "2","name": "John2"},{"id": "3","name": "John3"}]}
Like this I call it out:
let users = getRealmJSON(name: "Users", realmObject: Users(), realmType: Users.self)
let posts = getRealmJSON(name: "Posts", realmObject: Posts(), realmType: Posts.self)
And I tried to attach them.
Can anybody please lead me to the right track?
You can use data models to encode/decode your db data:
For example you have
class UserEntity: Object {
#objc dynamic var id: String = ""
#objc dynamic var createdAt: Date = Date()
#objc private dynamic var addressEntities = List<AddressEntity>()
var addresses: [Address] {
get {
return addressEntities.map { Address(entity: $0) }
set {
let newEntities = newValue.map { AddressEntity(address: $0) }
addressEntities.append(objectsIn: newEntities)
Here you hide addressEntities with private and declare addresses var with Address struct type to map entities into proper values;
And then use
struct User: Codable {
let id: String
let createdAt: Date
let addresses: [Address]
And then encode User struct any way you want