How can create Google TTS button flutter? - flutter

I found this code but I need help turning it to button
when I clicked button speech hello world.

This plugin requires Android SDK 21+, so you need to change project settings first. To do that open android/app/build.gradle, and change minSdkVersion to 21.
After that everything should work just the way it's described in the documentation and your button's click handler function may look like this:
FlutterTts flutterTts = new FlutterTts();
await flutterTts.speak("Hello World");


ImageCache is reset to zero when I open iOS plugin by MethodChannel

I am trying to use iOS image picker plugin in my Flutter using MethodChannel.
But I found that if I open and close the image picker(My Image Picker button), ImageCache is reset to zero.
So NetworkImage gets loading again like it has never been downloaded before.
On the other hand, Flutter's image picker(Flutter Image Picker button) doesn't reset ImageCache to zero so it is fine.
Why is this happening? Did I miss something?
I have tried overriding ImageCache size like below but the problem is not solved:
overriding image cache in Flutter
Please help me...
my app home tab
my app image tab
flutter image picker
I recommend to use flutter package to make developer easier to code and even the package also use MethodChannel, inside code is also coded pretty well such as error handler etc. It is also works for IOS and Android, which is this is the function of Flutter that make developer easier to deploy IOS and Android apps.
You can explore more about this:

Is there a way to launch notes application in flutter from button click?

I have a button in my app. On click of the button, I want the notes app in the device to get launched whether iOS or Android. I there a way around this with flutter? I haven't discovered any solution yet.
Yes there is this plugin external_app_launcher will helps you to open another app from your app by providing PackageName for Android and URLscheme for IOS external_app_launcher

How to Tap on native iOS popup to allow Notifications. (Flutter Integration Test)

Flutter Driver code has to tap on the native "Allow" button to continue and simulate the correct user behaviour.
See this screenshot. Native iOS popup before app starts - Allow Notifications
App has not yet completely started and is waiting for this tap.
How does one get the driver to tap on the native iOS popup?
Any suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Here is the code for one attempt to wait for the app before continuing with other tests; it just awaits indefinitely:
setUpAll(() async {
driver = await FlutterDriver.connect();
await driver.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
Here is another attempt at finding the word "Allow" in the popup and tapping on it:
test('Allow app to send Notifications.', () async {
final allow = find.byTooltip("Allow");
await delay(750);
await driver.tap(allow);
It does not find the word.
The issue is probably that Flutter Driver is not aware of the iOS native popup.
Other tests are very simple once in the app, for example, to tap on fields, enter text, scroll pages, etc.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Unfortunately this feature is currently not possible. Flutter Driver can't interact with native elements (v1.20.4).

Create a button to open another app in Flutter

I would like to create a simple app in Flutter that contains for example 3 button , the event onPressed in the button should open another external app , is that possible in Flutter and how should I proceed?
You can use Column/Row to create your buttons. And after that you can simply use a RaisedButton like this:
onPressed: () {
// use android_intent package to open other app
final intent = AndroidIntent(package: "", action: "action_view");
child: Text("Open Facebook")
It's easy to do it in Android using android_intent_plus and for iOS you can do it natively, this will help you.
In my case action: "action_view" caused app selection dialog getting opened. We can open specific component using below.
You can try android_intent library for launching external app. Documentation has some sample codes.
You may use sample code below.
var map={"AuthParams":authParam};
var intent=AndroidIntent(package:"",arguments: map,componentName: "",/*action: "action_view"*/);
await intent.launch();

android + phonegap combo box

I tried to create a combo box using in HTML for building an android phone gap application. Its working perfectly on a browser.But on an emulator the click function fails. Kindly please let me know on what could be the possible reason for this.
You likely need to trigger from 'tap' events instead of 'click'