Why part of https requests fail on Charles Proxy as some https requests are ok? - charles-proxy

I set everything well and some https request did be proxied well, but some are still unknown , is there any new way I don't known to prevent being proxied ?

I found that the https connections checked the cert on apps their own. Which means you can't just add the cert to your device's system and hope it works.
There are more works should be done to capture these data by using proxy.
More detailed things are you have to hack the app to capture. For those information just google "JustTrustMe".


Fiddler not capturing traffic from certain host

I want to capture traffic from a host using HTTP, but I do not see a response coming back. If I close fiddler, my application runs as normal.
I see '-' in the Result section, where it should have been an HTTP response code. If I manually execute the request using Composer, I get a 200 response. Fiddler is able to capture traffic from all other web applications without issue.
I have installed Fiddler certificate. Troubleshooting Mode returns 200. The host does not use HTTPS, but I have enabled Capture HTTPS Connects anyways.
I am using Fiddler v5.0.20182
Some applications performs certificate pinning. Also web applications can perform certificate pinning e.g. via HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP). If you have ever used the web application in your browser without Fiddler, the web app public key has been downloaded and cached in the web-browser.
Afterwards the Fiddler root certificate is no longer accepted for that site/app even it it has been installed correctly. You should be able to identify such problematic connections in Fiddler if you only see a CONNECT request but no subsequent requests to the same domain.
To delete the HPKP in your web browser you should use a fresh profile or clear the complete browser cache. Afterwards only use it with activated Fiddler proxy and SSL decryption. As far as I know Fiddler will remove HPKP data from responses so that the web application should also work with Fiddler in between.
I think you should be able to uncheck the options for https, uncheck the boxes which appear checked here? Or you might be able to skip decryption by adding the host in the box below where it says Skip decryption for the following hosts

REST API with Single Page Application over HTTPS on Firefox only

I am developing a web service using REST API. This REST API is running on port 6443 for HTTPS. Client is going to be a Single page application running on port 443 for HTTPS on same machine. The problem I am facing is:
While I hit the url say: https://mymachine.com/new_ui I get certificate exception for an invalid certificate because I use a self signed one, so mymachine.com:443 gets added to server exception. But still requests doen't go to REST API as they are running on https://mymachine.com:6443/restservice. If I manually add mymachine.com:6443 to server exception on firefox it works but it will not be the case in production for customers.
Some options that I thought are:
1. Give another pop up and ask to add REST server on port 6443 exception too.But this doesn't look proper as why an end user should accept the cerf for same domain twice. Also REST api server port can change.
Can we programmatically add exception for domain and both the ports in one shot? Ofcourse with the consent of the user. 3. Use a reverse proxy. But then its going to have memory footprint on our system. Also it will be time consuming.
Please suggest some options. How do I deal with it. Thank you

Unwanted redirection from 433 to https

An unwanted redirection happens on the host server if I browsed for https it redirects me to HTTP and notices that I haven't any redirection rule to HTTP. the odd thing is that I can browse my app in https from any other device it works well, but not from the host itself. Another thing to notice is that I can bind the site to any other https port and it works well from anywhere, but I want to use the default https port.
I'm using IIS 8.
so any help on this issue?!
Some browsers are caching redirects. You need to clear your browser's cache and try again

Fiddler Not capturing web.whatsapp.com

I am creating a screen scrapping application which uses web whataspp. I want to know how the messages are being posted. I installed fiddler and enabled https and tweaked the certificates settings in it. I am unable to get any traffic from web.whatsapp.com, but fiddler is able to capture requests and responses of other websites(http, https). Please help.

Using localhost for Secure Canvas URL on Facebook App

I need to develop a Facebook app, and while I request my SSL certificate, I need to start the project because I have few time to deliver it.
Is it possible to use localhost as the "Secure Canvas URL"? This field requires that the URL begins with https, so I don't know the correct way to do it (in the case that using localhost is allowed).
First of all you need to set up your server to answer HTTPS requests.
Then you create a self-signed SSL certificate – not sure if that works for the domain name localhost, but I’d recommend setting up a local domain, such as mytest.local anyway (the .local being the important part here), make your server listen to that, and your system resolve it to your local IP address, f.e. via its hosts file.
And then you tell your browser to accept that self-signed certificate … and you’re good to go.