Dynamically create Aggregate pipeline for mongo-go-driver - mongodb

I am trying to create an Aggregate pipeline dynamically. For example, I want to read a slice of string containing the oceans. I tried breaking these apart to pieces, but I could not find any methods to append elements.
pipeline := bson.NewArray(
bson.VC.String("Pacific Ocean"),
//bson.VC.String("Indian Ocean"),
bson.VC.String("Unknown 13"),
cur, err := collection.Aggregate(context.Background(), pipeline)

I thought the question was pretty clear, not sure if the first commentor was actually reading the statement carefully.
What this person was asking was to dynamically insert data given a list of data into the pipeline.
I had the same issue on a vue app my team and I are working on. Using your provided data, here is the general template:
Given a slice of string of oceans
a := []string{"Pacific Ocean", "Indian Ocean"}
Make a slice of size 0 of type *bson.Value
b := make([]*bson.Value, 0)
Loop through the slice of oceans and append bson converted values to slice b
for _, v := range a {
b = append(b, bson.VC.String(v))
Then create key-value pair so that mongo can look for matches
c := bson.EC.ArrayFromElements("$in", b...)
Then pass c into the pipeline
pipeline := bson.NewArray(
bson.EC.SubDocumentFromElements("ocean", c),
This should give you an idea on how to dynamically pipeline for callTypeNames


How to define a sequence with condtions on the index?

I need to deal with the sequence a[i][j] with i<j, but I do not know if there exists a command to do this.
I am trying to manipulate as in the screenshot below, but it is still keeping the cases j<i.
The approach of generating the full set (i=1..n and j=1..n) and then removing the unwanted portion is unnecessarily inefficient.
Here are two more efficient ways (as well as that way using minus, but fixed to use the double-seq).
{seq( seq( d[i][j], j=i..n ), i=1..n )};
{d[1][1], d[1][2], d[1][3], d[1][4],
d[2][2], d[2][3], d[2][4],
d[3][3], d[3][4], d[4][4]}
{seq( seq( d[i][j], i=1..j ), j=1..n )};
{d[1][1], d[1][2], d[1][3], d[1][4],
d[2][2], d[2][3], d[2][4],
d[3][3], d[3][4], d[4][4]}
# The next is less efficient
{seq( seq( d[i][j], j=1..n ), i=1..n )}
minus {seq( seq( d[i][j], j=1..i-1 ), i=1..n )};
{d[1][1], d[1][2], d[1][3], d[1][4],
d[2][2], d[2][3], d[2][4],
d[3][3], d[3][4], d[4][4]}
For this question, I would go with the first method in #acer's answer. But just in case, if the condition on the indices were a bit complicated such that you could not quickly come up with an easy formulation that can be used to create your indices in the 1st method in that answer or to write as set minus of two indices set etc. then you can use the select command in Maple and the original condition that you have as a boolean function. Here is how it would work in your case.
n := 4:
idxs := select( pair -> pair[1] < pair[2], [ seq( seq( [i, j], j = 1..n ), i = 1..n ) ] );
You knew how to generate all [i, j]'s with no restriction, the second argument of the select command above. And your condition on them is; if you pick up a pair, its 1st element being less than its 2nd element. So we wrote the 1st argument of select above which is a boolean function, for each pair, if the condition holds, it returns true otherwise returns false. The select command picks up the elements of its 2nd arguments that give true under the function in its 1st argument. Now that you have the list of indices, you can use a single seq to use them.
{ seq( d[ pair[1] ][ pair[2] ], pair in idxs ) };
Here is the screenshot of the outputs.

How to perform Find, Distinct & Sort all together using go mongo driver

I have a command which is made using "labix.org/v2/mgo" library
err = getCollection.Find(bson.M{}).Sort("department").Distinct("department", &listedDepartment)
this is working fine. But now I'm moving to the official golang mongo-driver "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" and I want to run this command in that library but there is no direct function that I can use with Find then Sort then Distinct. How can I achieve this command using this mongo-driver. The variable listedDepartment is type of []string. Please suggest me know the solutions.
You may use Collection.Distinct() but it does not yet support sorting:
// Obtain collection:
c := client.Database("dbname").Collection("collname")
ctx := context.Background()
results, err := c.Distinct(ctx, "department", bson.M{})
It returns a value of type []interface{}. If you know it contains string values, you may use a loop and type assertions to obtain the string values like this:
listedDepartment = make([]string, len(results))
for i, v := range results {
listedDepartment[i] = v.(string)
And if you need it sorted, simply sort the slice:

Is it possible to initialize array in batch in AutoHotKey?

I know I can write
a := Object()
a[1] := "textA"
a[2] := "textB"
a[3] := "textC"
Can I write something like
a := {"textA", "textB", "textC"}
You can define an indexed array using the bracket syntax:
a := ["textA", "textB", "textC"]
or the array creation function:
a := Array{"textA", "textB", "textC"}
An indexed array is an object representing a list of items, numbered 1 and up. In this example, the value "textA" is stored in object key 1, the value "textB" in object key 2 and the value "textC" in object key 3.

How to convert DOM::MATRIX to Function

A simple example of what I am doing is as follows:
s := t*0.2:
b := matrix([0.5,0.6,0.1]):
f := matrix([sin(s),cos(s),s]):
X := transpose(b)*(f);
The error is:
Error: Expecting an arithmetical expression or a function. Got a 'Dom::Matrix()' for attribute 'Function' in the 'Function2d' object.
so, I need to convert types from Dom::Matrix to Function. I have tried:
I know that simply, this works:
s := t*0.2:
x := 0.5*sin(s)+0.6*cos(s)+0.1*s;
Is there a way to convert these types?
While the variable X itself is a DOM::Matrix(), the single element it contains is an arithmetical expression, so you need to pass the element itself to the plot function:

Golang md5 Sum() function

package main
import (
func main() {
hash := md5.New()
b := []byte("test")
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(b))
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(nil))
Could someone please explain to me why/how do I get different result for the two print ?
I'm building up on the already good answers. I'm not sure if Sum is actually the function you want. From the hash.Hash documentation:
// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
// It does not change the underlying hash state.
Sum(b []byte) []byte
This function has a dual use-case, which you seem to mix in an unfortunate way. The use-cases are:
Computing the hash of a single run
Chaining the output of several runs
In case you simply want to compute the hash of something, either use md5.Sum(data) or
digest := md5.New()
hash := digest.Sum(nil)
This code will, according to the excerpt of the documentation above, append the checksum of data to nil, resulting in the checksum of data.
If you want to chain several blocks of hashes, the second use-case of hash.Sum, you can do it like this:
hashed := make([]byte, 0)
for hasData {
hashed = digest.Sum(hashed)
This will append each iteration's hash to the already computed hashes. Probably not what you want.
So, now you should be able to see why your code is failing. If not, take this commented version of your code (On play):
hash := md5.New()
b := []byte("test")
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(b)) // gives 74657374<hash> (74657374 = "test")
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum([]byte("AAA"))) // gives 414141<hash> (41 = 'A')
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(nil)) // gives <hash> as append(nil, hash) == hash
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(b)) // gives 74657374<hash> (74657374 = "test")
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum([]byte("AAA"))) // gives 414141<hash> (41 = 'A')
fmt.Printf("%x\n", hash.Sum(nil)) // gives a completely different hash since internal bytes changed due to Write()
You have 2 ways to actually get a md5.Sum of a byte slice :
func main() {
hash := md5.New()
b := []byte("test")
fmt.Printf("way one : %x\n", hash.Sum(nil))
fmt.Printf("way two : %x\n", md5.Sum(b))
According to http://golang.org/src/pkg/crypto/md5/md5.go#L88, your hash.Sum(b) is like calling append(b, actual-hash-of-an-empty-md5-hash).
The definition of Sum :
func (d0 *digest) Sum(in []byte) []byte {
// Make a copy of d0 so that caller can keep writing and summing.
d := *d0
hash := d.checkSum()
return append(in, hash[:]...)
When you call Sum(nil) it returns d.checkSum() directly as a byte slice, however if you call Sum([]byte) it appends d.checkSum() to your input.
From the docs:
// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
// It does not change the underlying hash state.
Sum(b []byte) []byte
so "*74657374*d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" is actually a hex representation of "test", plus the initial state of the hash.
fmt.Printf("%x", []byte{"test"})
will result in... "74657374"!
So basically hash.Sum(b) is not doing what you think it does. The second statement is the right hash.
I would like to tell you to the point:
why/how do I get different result for the two print ?
hash := md5.New()
As you are creating a new instance of md5 hash once you call hash.Sum(b) it actually md5 hash for b as hash itself is empty, hence you got 74657374d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e as output.
Now in next statement hash.Write(b) you are writing b to the hash instance then calling hash.Sum(nil) it will calculate md5 for b that you just written and sum it to previous value i.e 74657374d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
This is the reason you are getting these outputs.
For your reference look at the Sum API:
func (d0 *digest) Sum(in []byte) []byte {
85 // Make a copy of d0 so that caller can keep writing and summing.
86 d := *d0
87 hash := d.checkSum()
88 return append(in, hash[:]...)
89 }