How to create a Scala function that can parametrically create instances of sub-types of some type - scala

Sorry I'm not very familiar with Scala, but I'm curious if this is possible and haven't been able to figure out how.
Basically, I want to create some convenience initializers that can generate a random sample of data (in this case a grid). The grid will always be filled with instances of a particular type (in this case a Location). But in different cases I might want grids filled with different subtypes of Location, e.g. Farm or City.
In Python, this would be trivial:
def fillCollection(klass, size):
return [klass() for _ in range(size)]
class City: pass
cities = fillCollection(City, 10)
I tried to do something similar in Scala but it does not work:
def fillGrid[T <: Location](size): Vector[T] = {
Vector.fill[T](size, size) {
The compiler just says "not found: value T"
So, it it possible to approximate the above Python code in Scala? If not, what's the recommended way to handle this kind of situation? I could write an initializer for each subtype, but in my real code there's a decent amount of boilerplate overlap between them so I'd like to share code if possible.
The best workaround I've come up with so far is to pass a closure into the initializer (which seems to be how the fill method on Vectors already works), e.g.:
def fillGrid[T <: Location](withElem: => T, size: Int = 100): Vector[T] = {
Vector.fill[T](n1 = size, n2 = size)(withElem)
That's not a huge inconvenience, but it makes me curious why Scala doesn't support the "simpler" Python-style construct (if it in fact doesn't). I sort of get why having a "fully generic" initializer could cause trouble, but in this case I can't see what the harm would be generically initializing instances that are all known to be subtypes of a given parent type.

You are correct, in that what you have is probably the simplest option. The reason Scala can't do things the pythonic way is because the type system is much stronger, and it has to contend with type erasure. Scala can not guarantee at compile time that any subclass of Location has a particular constructor, and it will only allow you to do things that it can guarantee will conform to the types (unless you do tricky things with reflection).
If you want to clean it up a little bit, you can make it work more like python by using implicits.
implicit def emptyFarm(): Farm = new Farm
implicit def emptyCity(): City = new City
def fillGrid[T <: Location](size: Int = 100)(implicit withElem: () => T): Vector[Vector[T]] = {
Vector.fill[T](n1 = size, n2 = size)(withElem())
To make this more usable in a library, it's common to put the implicits in a companion object of Location, so they can all be brought into scope where appropriate.
sealed trait Location
object Location
implicit def emptyFarm...
implicit def emptyCity...
import Location._

You can use reflection to accomplish what you want...
This is a simple example that will only work if all your subclasses have a zero args constructor.
sealed trait Location
class Farm extends Location
class City extends Location
def fillGrid[T <: Location](size: Int)(implicit TTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T]): Vector[Vector[T]] = {
val TClass = TTag.runtimeClass
Vector.fill[T](size, size) { TClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T] }
However, I have never been a fan of runtime reflection, and I hope there could be another way.

Scala cannot do this kind of thing directly because it's not type safe. It will not work if you pass a class without a zero-argument constructor. The Python version throws an error at runtime if you try to do this.
The closure is probably the best way to go.


Can Scala infer the actual type from the return type actually expected by the caller?

I have a following question. Our project has a lot of code, that runs tests in Scala. And there is a lot of code, that fills the fields like this:
production.setProduct(new Product)
production.setSubProduct(new SubProduct)
Eventually, I grew tired from this code, since all those fields are actually subclasses of the basic class that has the uuid field, so, after thinking a while, I wrote the auxiliary function like this:
def createUuid[T <: GenericEntity](uuid: String)(implicit m : Manifest[T]) : T = {
val constructor = m.runtimeClass.getConstructors()(0)
val instance = constructor.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T]
Now, my code got two times shorter, since now I can write something like this:
That's good, but I am wondering, if I could somehow implement the function createUuid so the last bit would like this:
// Is that really possible?
Can scala compiler guess, that setProduct expects not just a generic entity, but actually something like Product (or it's subclass)? Or there is no way in Scala to implement this even shorter?
Scala compiler won't infer/propagate the type outside-in. You could however create implicit conversions like:
implicit def stringToSubProduct(uuid: String): SubProduct = {
val n = new SubProduct
and then just call
and the compiler will automatically use the stringToSubProduct because it has applicable types on the input and output.
Update: To have the code better organized I suggest wrapping the implicit defs to a companion object, like:
case class EntityUUID(uuid: String) {
uuid.matches("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") // possible uuid format check
case object EntityUUID {
implicit def toProduct(e: EntityUUID): Product = {
val p = new Product
implicit def toSubProduct(e: EntityUUID): SubProduct = {
val p = new SubProduct
and then you'd do
so anyone reading this could have an intuition where to find the conversion implementation.
Regarding your comment about some generic approach (having 30 types), I won't say it's not possible, but I just do not see how to do it. The reflection you used bypasses the type system. If all the 30 cases are the same piece of code, maybe you should reconsider your object design. Now you can still implement the 30 implicit defs by calling some method that uses reflection similar what you have provided. But you will have the option to change it in the future on just this one (30) place(s).

Return copy of case class from generic function without runtime cast

I want to get rid of a runtime cast to a generic (asInstanceOf[A]) without implicit conversions.
This happens when I have a fairly clean data model consisting of case classes with a common trait and want to implement a generic algorithm on it. As an example the resulting algorithm should take a class of type A that is a subclass of the trait T and is supposed to return a copy of the concrete class A with some updated field.
This is easy to achieve when I can simply add an abstract copy-method to the base trait and implement that in all sub-classes. However this potentially pollutes the model with methods only required by certain algorithms and is sometimes not possible because the model could be out of my control.
Here is a simplified example to demonstrate the problem and a solution using runtime casts.
Please don't get hung up on the details.
Suppose there is a trait and some case classes I can't change:
trait Share {
def absolute: Int
case class CommonShare(
issuedOn: String,
absolute: Int,
percentOfCompany: Float)
extends Share
case class PreferredShare(
issuedOn: String,
absolute: Int,
percentOfCompany: Float)
extends Share
And here is a simple method to recalculate the current percentOfCompany when the total number of shares have changed and update the field in the case class
def recalculateShare[A <: Share](share: A, currentTotalShares: Int): A = {
def copyOfShareWith(newPercentage: Float) = {
share match {
case common: CommonShare => common.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
case preferred: PreferredShare => preferred.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
copyOfShareWith(share.absolute / currentTotalShares.toFloat).asInstanceOf[A]
Some example invocations on the REPL:
scala> recalculateShare(CommonShare("2014-01-01", 100, 0.5f), 400)
res0: CommonShare = CommonShare(2014-01-01,100,0.25)
scala> recalculateShare(PreferredShare("2014-01-01", 50, 0.5f), 400)
res1: PreferredShare = PreferredShare(2014-01-01,50,0.125)
So it works and as far as I understand the .asInstanceOf[A] call will never fail but is required to make the code compile. Is there a way to avoid the runtime cast in a type-safe manner without implicit conversions?
You have a couple of choices I can think of, and it mostly comes down to a balance of how general of a solution you want and how much verbosity you can tolerate.
Your solution feels dirty, but I don't think it's all that bad, and the gnarliness is pretty well contained.
A great approach to providing behavior to data types while still maintaining separation of concerns in your code is the Enrich Your Library / typeclass pattern. I wish I had a perfect reference for this, but I don't. Look up those terms or "implicit class", and you should be able to find enough examples to get the drift.
You can create a trait Copyable[A] { def copy(?): A } typeclass (implicit class) and make instances of it for each of your types. The problem here is that it's kind of verbose, especially if you want that copy method to be fully generic. I left its parameter list as a question mark because you could just narrowly tailor it to what you actually need, or you could try to make it work for any case class, which would be quite difficult, as far as I know.
Lenses were made for solving this sort of awkwardness. You may want to check out Monocle, which is a nice generic approach to this issue. Although it still doesn't really solve the issue of verbosity, it might be the way to go if you have this issue recurring throughout your project, and especially if you find yourself trying to make changes deep within your object graph.
Here is a typeclass approach suggested by #acjay
trait Copyable[A <: Share] {
def copy(share: A, newPercentage: Float): A
object Copyable {
implicit val commonShareCopyable: Copyable[CommonShare] =
(share: CommonShare, newPercentage: Float) => share.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
implicit val preferredShareCopyable: Copyable[PreferredShare] =
(share: PreferredShare, newPercentage: Float) => share.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
implicit class WithRecalculateShare[A <: Share](share: A) {
def recalculateShare(currentTotalShares: Int)(implicit ev: Copyable[A]): A =
ev.copy(share, share.absolute / currentTotalShares.toFloat)
CommonShare("2014-01-01", 100, 0.5f).recalculateShare(400)
// res0: CommonShare = CommonShare(2014-01-01,100,0.25)
PreferredShare("2014-01-01", 50, 0.5f).recalculateShare(400)
// res1: PreferredShare = PreferredShare(2014-01-01,50,0.125)

When does it make sense to use implicit parameters in Scala, and what may be alternative scala idioms to consider?

Having used a Scala library that liberally exposes the reliance on implicits to the caller, I had experienced friction around this mechanism, as Scala makes it quite hard at times to debug implicit arguments, and because there's quite a bunch of places Scala would fill in values for implicit arguments from. (I could almost relate to it as "implicits hell" at one time).
At one time in my coding, Scala "complained" an implicit value could not be matched whereas in fact there was a "collision" of implicit values each coming from a different import.
Regardless of that perceived brittleness, it may at times feel borderline to an abuse of the context design pattern.
Why does it make sense to have implicit parameters in Scala?
In what scenarios would you use them and how would you avoid trouble?
As I'm not sure the experimentation-curve and potential for other team members getting totally confused are worth it, could you possibly suggest other scala idioms for sharing context between a multitude of Scala functions?
This questions is not for a specific implementation at hand, hopefully it's still a good fit for this site.
Generally, using a common type as an implicit parameter is a bad idea.
def badIdea(n: Int)(implicit s: String) = s * n
It doesn't take much to imagine why: you'll get conflicting implicits for the same thing if anyone else adopts this policy. Better to avoid it.
But who really wants to manually stuff in a scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext manually every time it's needed (which is practically everywhere)?
So the key is: when you have something with a specialized type, especially if it's bookkeeping that might need to be overridden manually but mostly should just do the right thing, then use implicit parameters. (This usually covers type classes as well.)
Then what do you do if you really need a string? Well, wrap it (at least formally--here it's a value class so in some contexts it will just pass the string around):
class MyWrappedString(val underlying: String) extends AnyVal {}
implicit val myString = new MyWrappedString("bird")
def decentIdea(n: Int)(implicit mws: MyWrappedString) = mws.underlying * n
scala> decentIdea(2) // In the bush?
res14: String = birdbird
Or if you think some additional logic is helpful, write a wrapper that takes an extra type parameter:
class ImplicitWithValue[K,V](val value: V) {
// Any extra generic logic goes here
object ImplicitWithValue {
class ValuePart[K] {
def apply[V](v: V) = new ImplicitWithValue[K,V](v)
private val genericValuePart = new ValuePart[Any]
private def typedValuePart[K] = genericValuePart.asInstanceOf[ValuePart[K]]
def apply[K] = typedValuePart[K]
Then you can
trait Marker1
implicit val implicit1 = ImplicitWithValue[Marker1]("fish")
def goodIdea(n: Int)(implicit ms: ImplicitWithValue[Marker1, String]) = ms.value * n
scala> goodIdea(3)
res17: String = fishfishfish

ClassTag and path-dependent types in a cake-pattern-like flavour

I am working on a slick project and I am trying to make my database layer easily swappable between different profiles in order to write tests on an in-memory database. This question is inspired by this problem but it doesn't have anything to do with slick itself.
I don't have a great deal of experience with dependent types, in my case I have the following trait that I use to abstract away some types from the database:
trait Types {
type A <: SomeType
type B <: SomeOtherType
val bTag: ClassTag[B]
Then I have another trait which is basically a slice of my (faux) cake pattern:
trait BaseComponent {
type ComponentTypes <: Types
val a: Types#A
implicit val bTag: ClassTag[Types#B]
Then I have an actual implementation of my component that can be seen as follows:
trait DefaultTypes {
type A = SomeConcreteType
type B = SomeOtherConcreteType
val bTag = implicitly[ClassTag[B]]
trait DefaultBaseComponent extends BaseComponent {
type ComponentTypes = DefaultTypes
val ct = new ComponentTypes {}
implicit val bTag = ct.bTag
I need the tag because later on a service will need it (in my actual implementation I use this type to abstract over different type of exceptions thrown by different DB libraries); I am quite sure that there is a much better way to do what I am trying to do.
If I do not instantiate the ComponentTypes trait in order to get the tag and I move the implicit-conjuring code in the DefaultBaseComponent it will conjure a null in place of the ClassTag. I need to have a way to refer to the actual types that I am using (the different A and B that I have in my different environments) and I need to do it in other components without knowing which actual types they are.
My solution works, compiles and pass all the tests I wrote for it, can anyone help me in getting it better?
Thank you!
Your example is a bit unclear with all these Defaults and Components - maybe a more concrete example (e.g. DatabaseService / MysqlDatabaseService) would make it clearer?
You need to pass the ClassTag around wherever it's abstract - you can only "summon" one when you have a concrete type. You might like to package up the notion of a value and its tag:
trait TaggedValue[A] {val a: A; val ct: ClassTag[A]}
object TaggedValue {
def apply[A: ClassTag](a1: A) =
new TaggedValue[A] {
val a = a1
val ct = implicitly[ClassTag[A]]
but this is just a convenience thing. You could also turn some of your traits into abstract classes, allowing you to use [A: ClassTag] to pass the tags implicitly, but obviously this affects which classes you can multiply inherit.
If you're hitting nulls that sounds like a trait initialization order problem, though without a more specific error message it's hard to help. You might be able to resolve it by replacing some of your vals with defs, or by using early initializers.

How to pass around string values type-safely?

def updateAsinRecords(asins:Seq[String], recordType:String)
Above method takes a Seq of ASINs and a record type. Both have type of String. There are also other values that are passed around with type String in the application. Needless to say, this being Scala, I'd like to use the type system to my advantage. How to pass around string values in a type safe manner (like below)?
def updateAsinRecords(asins:Seq[ASIN], recordType:RecordType)
^ ^
I can imagine, having something like this:
trait ASIN { val value:String }
but I'm wondering if there's a better approach...
There is an excellent bit of new Scala functionality know as Value Classes and Universal Traits. They impose no runtime overhead but you can use them to work in a type safe manner:
class AnsiString(val inner: String) extends AnyVal
class Record(val inner: String) extends AnyVal
def updateAnsiRecords(ansi: Seq[AnsiString], record: Record)
They were created specifically for this purpose.
You could add thin wrappers with case classes:
case class ASIN(asin: String)
case class RecordType(recordType: String)
def updateAsinRecords(asins: Seq[ASIN], recordType: RecordType) = ???
updateAsinRecords(Vector(ASIN("a"), ASIN("b")), RecordType("c"))
This will not only make your code safer, but it will also make it much easier to read! The other big advantage of this approach is that refactoring later will be much easier. For example, if you decide later that an ASIN should have two fields instead of just one, then you just update the ASIN class definition instead of every place it's used. Likewise, you can do things like add methods to these types whenever you decide you need them.
In addition to the suggestions about using a Value Class / extends AnyVal, you should probably control the construction to allow only valid instances, since presumably not any old string is a valid ASIN. (And... is that an Amazon thing? It rings a bell somehow.)
The best way to do this is to make the constructor private and put a validating factory method in a companion object. The reason for this is that throwing exceptions in constructors (when an attempt is made to instantiate with an invalid argument) can lead to puzzling failure modes (I often see it manifest as a NoClassDefFoundError error when trying to load a different class).
So, in addition to:
case class ASIN private (asin: String) extends AnyVal { /* other stuff */ }
You should include something like this:
object A {
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def fromString(str: String): Try[ASIN] =
if (validASIN(str))
Success(new ASIN(str))
Failure(new InvalidArgumentException(s"Invalid ASIN string: $str")
How about a type alias?
type ASIN = String
def update(asins: Seq[ASIN])