Apple Watch WCConnectionDelegate, sending message in activationDidComplete fails occasionally? - swift

I am having an issue where, when sending a message through WCConnection, the session.sendMessage fails sometimes if called in the delegate method activationDidCompleteWith. The issue is not repeatable every time (in fact, it works most of the time).
But forcing a session.sendMessage by using a button in my UI (calling the identical loading code) has a successful session communication immediately, so I know the issue is not in the session itself or the master app.
Is it unsafe to assume the session is ready to accept communication in activationDidCompleteWith? Is there a better place to be calling my initial communication?

In my experience watch OS is pretty finicky, especially when using older model watches. That being said I think the answer to the question: "Is it unsafe to assume the session is ready to accept communication in activationDidCompleteWith?" is yes, it is unsafe to assume that.
In my own app I have a very similar case to yours and I solved it by sending a message until a response is received.
// false until a response is received from the phone
let receivedResponse: Bool = false
// function that sends the message
func requestResponse() {
guard WCSession.default.isReachable else {
print("Phone not reachable")
// callback that handles response
let responseHandler: ([String: Any]) -> () = { response in
receivedResponse = true
WCSession.default.sendMessage(["Request": "Response"],
replyHandler: responseHandler) { error in
// timer that calls the request function repeatedly
let retryTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1,
repeats: true) { timer in
if receivedResponse {
// we know we got a response so clean up timer


Is it possible to use the beginBackgroundTask() API within SwiftUI lifecycle?

I need to run some code when the app is closed to remove the client from a game. To do this I'm wanting to execute a Google Cloud Function for the server to do the cleanup - the function works, I guess similar to this question I just do not have enough time, and I'm running a completion handler so it's not like iOS thinks the function is finished straight away.
I have seen multiple questions on this, many of which are rather old and do not include answers for the SwiftUI Lifecycle. I have seen this exact issue and a potential answer here, however I'm not using the Realtime Database, I'm using Firestore so there is no equivalents for the onDisconnect methods.
I have seen that you can increase the time you need when the application finishes through beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:), I just can't find anywhere to state this can be done through SwiftUI Lifecycle, what I have so far:
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willTerminateNotification), perform: { output in
Backend().removeFromGame(gameCode: otp, playerName: "name", completion: { res, error in
if error != nil{
The function called is as follows:
func removeFromGame(gameCode: String, playerName: String, completion: #escaping (Bool?, Error?) -> Void){
Functions.functions().httpsCallable("removeFromGame").call(["gameCode": gameCode, "playerName": playerName]){ result, error in
if let error = error as NSError? {
if error.domain == FunctionsErrorDomain{
_ = FunctionsErrorCode(rawValue: error.code)
let errorDesc = error.localizedDescription
_ = error.userInfo[FunctionsErrorDetailsKey]
print("Removed successfully")
I have seen in this Apple doc how to use the API:
func sendDataToServer( data : NSData ) {
// Perform the task on a background queue. {
// Request the task assertion and save the ID.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIApplication.shared.
beginBackgroundTask (withName: "Finish Network Tasks") {
// End the task if time expires.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
// Send the data synchronously.
self.sendAppDataToServer( data: data)
// End the task assertion.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
Just cannot seem to implement it correctly within the new way of getting these system notifications?

unknown status after calling localizedNetworkReachabilityStatusString

I need to send the status of the network to some analytics server, so I need to send it once the app starts. I tried to use Alamofire, but I usually get Unknown status, if there is some sort of delay it shows the right status :
These code would run in my AppDelegate (didFinishLaunchingWithOptions):
What is the best way to get the right status right away?
I updated my code and tried to use completion handler, but why when I use this method it will print multiple YES?
connectedCompletionBlock({ connected in
if connected {
} else {
class func connectedCompletionBlock(_ completion: #escaping (_ connected: Bool) -> Void) {
AFNetworkReachabilityManager.shared().setReachabilityStatusChange({ status in
var isConnected = false
let wifi = AFNetworkReachabilityStatus.reachableViaWiFi
let wwan = AFNetworkReachabilityStatus.reachableViaWWAN
if ( status == wifi || status == wwan) {
con = true
Ok since nobody didn't answer, I think it's good to share the solution with you. The issue was this: I was calling this method on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, and since it takes sometime for the Alamofire to figure out the connection status it would return unknown! I called it on applicationDidBecomeActive and it works fine now.

GoogleCast iOS sender, v4, not sending messages

On version 2, the sender app was able to send messages.
func deviceManager(_ deviceManager: GCKDeviceManager!,
applicationMetadata: GCKApplicationMetadata!,
sessionID: String!,
launchedApplication: Bool) {
However, the API says that we are now using GCKSessionManager instead of GCKDeviceManager.
The API says I must have a GCKSession add the textChannel, which I did here:
Once the session starts, I add the textChannel (because sessionManager.currentCastSession was nil before the session started).
func sessionManager(_ sessionManager: GCKSessionManager, didStart session: GCKSession) {
if session.device == connectionQueue {
connectionQueue = nil
Meanwhile, I send the text message in another function:
let result = self.textChannel.sendTextMessage("\(self.textField.text)", error: &error)
But the result is always false, and the error is always "Channel is not connected or is not registered with a session".
In addition, when I do:
print("isConnected1 \(self.textChannel.isConnected)")
the result is false.
Do you know what other steps I am missing for it to be connected?
Just learned that it was an issue of my namespace. It connects now.
Problem was the namespace wasn't matching the namespace from my receiver code.
fileprivate lazy var textChannel:TextChannel = {
return TextChannel(namespace: NAMESPACE)

Recursive/looping NSURLSession async completion handlers

The API I use requires multiple requests to get search results. It's designed this way because searches can take a long time (> 5min). The initial response comes back immediately with metadata about the search, and that metadata is used in follow up requests until the search is complete. I do not control the API.
1st request is a POST to
The response to this request contains a cookie and metadata about the search. The important fields in this response are the search_cookie (a String) and search_completed_pct (an Int)
2nd request is a POST to with the search_cookie appended to the URL. eg
The response to the 2nd request will contain either:
The search results if the query has completed (aka search_completed_pct == 100)
Metadata about the progress of search, search_completed_pct is the progress of the search and will be between 0 and 100.
If the search is not complete, I want to make a request every 5 seconds until it's complete (aka search_completed_pct == 100)
I've found numerous posts here that are similar, many use Dispatch Groups and for loops, but that approach did not work for me. I've tried a while loop and had issues with variable scoping. Dispatch groups also didn't work for me. This smelled like the wrong way to go, but I'm not sure.
I'm looking for the proper design to make these recursive calls. Should I use delegates or are closures + loop the way to go? I've hit a wall and need some help.
The code below is the general idea of what I've tried (edited for clarity. No dispatch_groups(), error handling, json parsing, etc.)
apiObj.sessionSearch(domain) { result in!.message("result: \(result)")
func sessionSearch(domain: String, sessionCompletion: (result: SearchResult) -> ()) {
// Make request to /search/ url
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
let searchCookie = parseCookieFromResponse(data!)
********* pseudo code **************
var progress: Int = 0
var results = SearchResults()
while (progress != 100) {
// Make requests to /results/ until search is complete
self.getResults(searchCookie) { searchResults in
progress = searchResults.search_pct_complete
if (searchResults == 100) {
} else {
sleep(5 seconds)
} //if
} //self.getResults()
} //while
********* pseudo code ************
} //session.dataTaskWithRequest(
func getResults(cookie: String, completion: (searchResults: NSDictionary) -> ())
let request = buildRequest((domain), url: NSURL(string: ResultsUrl)!)
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
let theResults = getJSONFromData(data!)
Well first off, it seems weird that there is no API with a GET request which simply returns the result - even if this may take minutes. But, as you mentioned, you cannot change the API.
So, according to your description, we need to issue a request which effectively "polls" the server. We do this until we retrieved a Search object which is completed.
So, a viable approach would purposely define the following functions and classes:
A protocol for the "Search" object returned from the server:
public protocol SearchType {
var searchID: String { get }
var isCompleted: Bool { get }
var progress: Double { get }
var result: AnyObject? { get }
A concrete struct or class is used on the client side.
An asynchronous function which issues a request to the server in order to create the search object (your #1 POST request):
func createSearch(completion: (SearchType?, ErrorType?) -> () )
Then another asynchronous function which fetches a "Search" object and potentially the result if it is complete:
func fetchSearch(searchID: String, completion: (SearchType?, ErrorType?) -> () )
Now, an asynchronous function which fetches the result for a certain "searchID" (your "search_cookie") - and internally implements the polling:
func fetchResult(searchID: String, completion: (AnyObject?, ErrorType?) -> () )
The implementation of fetchResult may now look as follows:
func fetchResult(searchID: String,
completion: (AnyObject?, ErrorType?) -> () ) {
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID) { (search, error) in
if let search = search {
if search.isCompleted {
completion(search.result!, nil)
} else {
delay(1.0, f: poll)
} else {
completion(nil, error)
This approach uses a local function poll for implementing the polling feature. poll calls fetchSearch and when it finishes it checks whether the search is complete. If not it delays for certain amount of duration and then calls poll again. This looks like a recursive call, but actually it isn't since poll already finished when it is called again. A local function seems appropriate for this kind of approach.
The function delay simply waits for the specified amount of seconds and then calls the provided closure. delay can be easily implemented in terms of dispatch_after or a with a cancelable dispatch timer (we need later implement cancellation).
I'm not showing how to implement createSearch and fetchSearch. These may be easily implemented using a third party network library or can be easily implemented based on NSURLSession.
What might become a bit cumbersome, is to implement error handling and cancellation, and also dealing with all the completion handlers. In order to solve this problem in a concise and elegant manner I would suggest to utilise a helper library which implements "Promises" or "Futures" - or try to solve it with Rx.
For example a viable implementation utilising "Scala-like" futures:
func fetchResult(searchID: String) -> Future<AnyObject> {
let promise = Promise<AnyObject>()
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID).map { search in
if search.isCompleted {
} else {
delay(1.0, f: poll)
return promise.future!
You would start to obtain a result as shown below:
createSearch().flatMap { search in
fetchResult(search.searchID).map { result in
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
This above contains complete error handling. It does not yet contain cancellation. Your really need to implement a way to cancel the request, otherwise the polling may not be stopped.
A solution implementing cancellation utilising a "CancellationToken" may look as follows:
func fetchResult(searchID: String,
cancellationToken ct: CancellationToken) -> Future<AnyObject> {
let promise = Promise<AnyObject>()
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID, cancellationToken: ct).map { search in
if search.isCompleted {
} else {
delay(1.0, cancellationToken: ct) { ct in
if ct.isCancelled {
} else {
return promise.future!
And it may be called:
let cr = CancellationRequest()
let ct = cr.token
createSearch(cancellationToken: ct).flatMap { search in
fetchResult(search.searchID, cancellationToken: ct).map { result in
// if we reach here, we got a result
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
Later you can cancel the request as shown below:

Unit test with Swift: body of closure not executed

There are functions that send a request to server, get response and print result. They always work in the iOS app itself but only sometimes (looks like randomly) in unit-tests of this app.
Main issue: Xcode doesn't enter the body of a closure in unit-tests, just skips it.
Any ideas how can it be fixed? Image of the problem in Xcode.
The most likely reason because the completion closure of your requests are not being exectued is that they are performing an asynchronous operation, while the tests run synchronously. This means that the test finishes running while your network request is still processing.
Try using XCTestExpectation:
func testIt() {
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("foobar")
// request setup code here...
Alamofire.request(.POST, "...")
.responseJSON { response in
// Insert the test assertions here, for example:
if let JSON = response.result.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
XCTAssertEqual(JSON["id"], "1")
} else {
XCTFail("Unexpected response")
// Remember to call this at the end of the closure
// This will make XCTest wait for up to 10 seconds,
// giving your request expectation time to fulfill
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10) { error
if let error = error {
XCTFail("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")