C# How can I Coppy All Things in RichTextBox? - ms-word

I have a richTextBox and I add text and image. Text are not the same color and font. I want to convert to all things for doc file. I am using this codes for this.
wordeaktar.Application wordapp = new wordeaktar.Application();
wordapp.Visible = true;
wordeaktar.Document worddoc;
object wordobj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Add(ref wordobj);
wordapp = null;
enter image description here
This is the image of my richTextBox. How can I do that?

#Gserg's Answer is right!
"richTextBox1.SelectAll(); richTextBox1.Copy(); worddoc.Range().Paste();. However if you simply richTextBox1.SaveFile("...", RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText), Word will be perfectly happy with that. – GSerg"


Can not display"■" correctly in word generating from openxml

I have to generate docx from word template. I try to display a "■" symbol in openxml by using word bookmark from word template, but it always show ? symbol as following.
Look the following code, the value is ■ ,but it generate ? as above
Run run = new Run();
if (runProperties != null) //get initial run properties
//setting bookmark
run.AppendChild(new Text(value));
What can I do to solve the error?
Thanks in advance.
I change the code to the following. It works
Run run = new Run(new SymbolChar() { Font = "DengXian", Char = "25A0" });

How to move text written in Type 3 Font from one pdf to other pdf?

I have a pdf which include text written in Type 3 Font.
I want to get some text from it and write it into other pdf in exactly same shape.
I am using itext. Please give me a tip.
edit: I attached my code.
DocumentFont f = renderInfo.getFont();
String str = renderInfo.getText();
x = renderInfo.getBaseline().getStartPoint().get(Vector.I1);
In this code, I want to write str into x value position.
In Type 3 Font, is it work?
You can copy parts of one page to a new one using code like this:
InputStream resourceStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("from.pdf");
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new FileOutputStream("from.pdf"));
Rectangle pagesize = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(1);
Document document = new Document(pagesize);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("areaOfFrom.pdf"));
PdfContentByte content = writer.getDirectContent();
PdfImportedPage page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, 1);
content.rectangle(0, 350, 360, 475);
content.addTemplate(page, 0, 0);
This turns your
Unfortunately, though, that hidden content is merely... hidden... but it is still there. You can especially mark the lines with that hidden text and try to copy&paste them.
If you want to completely remove that hidden text (or start out by merely copying the desired text), you have to inspect the content of the imported page and filter it. I'm afraid iText does not yet explicitly support something like that. It can be done using the iText lowlevel API but it is quite some work.

Howto Highlight Code Background Color by line

I am working on a eclipse plugin and trying to highlight parts of the Code with a backround color. Is there any option to highlight to change the backround color in the editor by line numbers.
For Example:
editor.highlightLines(2,5,"red"); I i
There are so much informations when i googled for it. Annotations, Makers etc. but noone could give me a Tutorial or a link to and API which can do what i need. I only got informations for syntax highlighting, but i want to highlights parts of the code by line number.
You can do this as long as the editor implements ITextEditor:
IEditorPart editorPart = page.openEditor(new FileEditorInput(file), getEditorId() , true);
ITextEditor textEditor;
if (editorPart instanceof ITextEditor) {
textEditor = (ITextEditor)editorPart;
} else {
textEditor = (ITextEditor)editorPart.getAdapter(ITextEditor.class);
IEditorInput input = editorPart.getEditorInput();
IDocumentProvider provider = textEditor.getDocumentProvider();
IDocument document = provider.getDocument(input);
IRegion region = document.getLineInformation(lineNumber - 1);
int fileOffset = region.getOffset();
int fileLength = region.getLength();
textEditor.selectAndReveal(fileOffset, fileLength);
(extracted from org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.FileLink which the console code uses). I have left out many error checks of exception catches.

3DText - Change Text Through Script - Unity

I have read lot of questions on how to change text of a 3DText from script.
Lot of them suggested the following :::
GetComponent(TextMesh).text = "blah";
But when I try to use this, I get an error Expression denotes atype', where a variable',value' or method group' was expected
I tried a lot of examples and couldn't really get it to work.
TextMesh textMesh;
textMesh = (TextMesh) descriptionObject.transform.GetComponent("Text Mesh");
textMesh.text = "Name : ABC";
The above code though Compiles without errors doesn't change the text. Can someone help me out with this? How do I change the TEXT of a 3DText Object.
This would be a prettier solution than one already given(C# script used in example) :
//define a Textmesh that we want to edit
public TextMesh tm;
// here in start method (run at instantiating of script) i find component of type
// TextMesh ( <TextMesh> ) of object named"nameOfTheObject" and reference it
// via tm variable;
void Start () {
tm = (TextMesh)GameObject.Find ("nameOfTheObject").GetComponent<TextMesh>();
// here we change the value of displayed text
tm.text = "new Text u want to see";
Or if u want to do it the shortest way possible (syntax wise):
//keep in mind this requires for the script to be attached to the object u
// are editing (the 3dText);
//same as above, the only difference is the note in the line above as this
// method is run from gameObject.GetComponent....
// gameObject is a variable which would be equivalent of this.GetComp...
// in some other programming languages
GetComponent<TextMesh>().text ="new Text u want";
This Works !!!!
textMesh = (TextMesh) descriptionObject.transform.GetComponent(typeof(TextMesh));
textMesh.text = "Name : ABC";

Image alignment in text?

Using iTextSharp i'm trying to align an image so that it gets embedded in a paragraph. I can do it like this:
iTextSharp.text.Image image;
image.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_RIGHT | Image.TEXTWRAP;
document.Add(new Paragraph("Large string of text goes here"));
But the image comes out on the top right with the text surrounding it (kind of like an L)
What I want is the text to be a few paragraphs then the image with text below it (kind of like a C). Does anyone know how I would do this VIA iTextSharp?
I also tried
iTextSharp.text.Image image;
image.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_RIGHT | Image.TEXTWRAP | Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
document.Add(new Paragraph("Large string of text goes here"));
But it was displayed with the image at the top and the text below it. There was no textwrap in effect.
The Phrase and the Paragraph objects do behave differently. Try changing to:
image.Alignment = 6;
document.Add(new Phrase("Large string of text goes here"));
This worked for me in VB. ( I had to change the image alignment to the sum of the integer values for ALIGN_RIGHT and TEXTWRAP to get this to work properly).
Your image was displayed at the top of the page because it was the first thing added to the document, and the text was added after it.
You can move the image down by either setting its absolute position, or by adding some of your text to the document, then adding the image, then adding the rest of your text.
The easiest way to embed image into paragraph is to use InlineImage from PDFFlow library.
InlineImage was created exactly for this purpose.
Example of adding an inline image with margins:
var imagePath = "imageFile.png";
.AddTextToParagraph("Inline image")
.AddInlineImage(imagePath, new XSize(16, 16), ScalingMode.UserDefined)
.AddText("in paragraph.")
The above code will generate the following:
Here are business documents examples with source code: Examples.
Hope, this will help.