Adding up values from array elements in MongoDB - mongodb

I have done some aggregation to arrive at the below document structure for my given data:
"_id" : "test",
"NoOfQuestions" : 3.0,
"info" : [
"AnswerrCount" : 3
"AnswerrCount" : 3
"AnswerrCount" : 2
However, I am trying to add up all the values in the AnswerrCount column. So from the above example, I want another column that says TotalAnswers:8, (3+3+2) and then eventually have a from using the NoOfQuestions, FinalTotal:11, (8+3)

You can use $sum aggregation to add array values
{ "$addFields": {
"TotalAnswers": {
"$sum": "$info.AnswerrCount"
"FinalTotal": {
"$add": [{ "$sum": "$info.AnswerrCount" }, "$NoOfQuestions"]

$unwind: "$info"
}, {
$group: {
_id: null,
TotalAnswers: {
$sum: '$info.AnswerrCount'
doc: {
$first: '$$CURRENT'
}, {
$project: {
TotalAnswers: 1,
FinalTotal: {
'$add': ['$TotalAnswers', '$doc.NoOfQuestions']
_id: 0


MongoDB Aggregation to get count and Y sample entries

MongoDB version:4.2.17.
Trying out aggregation on data in a collection.
Example data:
"_id" : "244",
"pubName" : "p1",
"serviceIdRef" : "36e9c779-7865-4b74-a30b-e4d6a0cc5295",
"serviceName" : "my-service",
"subName" : "c1",
"pubState" : "INVITED"
I would like to:
Do a match by something (let’s say subName) and group by serviceIdRef and then limit to return X entries
Also return for each of the serviceIdRefs, the count of the documents in each of ACTIVE or INVITED states. And Y (for this example, say Y=3) documents that are in this state.
For example, the output would appear as (in brief):
serviceIdRef: "36e9c779-7865-4b74-a30b-e4d6a0cc5295",
pubState: "INVITED"
count: 200
sample: [ // Get those Y entries (here Y=3)
// sample1 like:
"_id" : "244",
"pubName" : "p1",
"serviceIdRef" : "36e9c779-7865-4b74-a30b-e4d6a0cc5295",
"serviceName" : "my-service",
"subName" : "c1",
"pubState" : "INVITED"
pubState: "ACTIVE", // For this state, repeat as we did for "INVITED" state above.
repeat for another service
So far I have written this but am not able to get those Y entries. Is there a (better) way?
This is what I have so far (not complete and not exactly outputs in the format above):
"subName": {
$in: ["c1", "c2"]
"$or": [
"pubState": "INVITED",
"pubState": "ACTIVE",
$group: {
_id: "$serviceIdRef",
subs: {
$push: "$$ROOT",
$sort: {
_id: -1,
$limit: 22
facet1: [
$unwind: "$subs",
_id: {
"serviceName" : "$_id",
"pubState": "$subs.pubState",
"subState": "$subs.subsState"
count: {
$sum: 1
You have to do the second $group stage to manage nested structure,
$match your conditions
$sort by _id in descending order
$group by serviceIdRef and pubState, get first required fields and prepare the array for sample, and get count of documents
$group by only serviceIdRef and construct the state array
$slice for limit the document in sample
$match: {
subName: { $in: ["c1", "c2"] },
pubState: { $in: ["INVITED", "ACTIVE"] }
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
$group: {
_id: {
serviceIdRef: "$serviceIdRef",
pubState: "$pubState"
serviceName: { $first: "$serviceName" },
sample: { $push: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
$group: {
_id: "$_id.serviceIdRef",
serviceName: { $first: "$serviceName" },
state: {
$push: {
pubState: "$_id.pubState",
count: "$count",
sample: { $slice: ["$sample", 22] }

Mongo rank calculations based on count

I am trying the mongo rank calculation based on count and mentioned in below db schema. I am not getting the expecting results. Anyone help to resolve this?
Mongo Query:[
"$group": {
"_id": {
"name1": "$name1",
"name2": "$name2",
"expanded": {
"$push": {
"name1": "$name1",
"name2": "$name2",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
{ "$sort": { "count": -1 } },
$unwind: {
path: '$expanded',
includeArrayIndex: 'count'
Expecting results like
Yahoo|1| 3
DB Schema :
"_id" : 1.0,
"name1" : "Yahoo",
"name2" : "Google",
"salary" : 1000.0
/* 2 */
"_id" : 2.0,
"name1" : "FB",
"name2" : "Google",
"salary" : 2000.0
/* 3 */
"_id" : 3.0,
"name1" : "Google",
"name2" : "FB",
"salary" : 1500.0
It seems like you should count name1 and name2 separately so you can create a temporary 2-element array and then run $unwind on that array. Additionally to get rank you have to $group by null to get single array of all groups, try:
$project: {
key: [ "$name1", "$name2" ]
$unwind: "$key"
$group: {
_id: "$key",
count: { $sum: 1 }
$sort: {
count: -1
$group: {
_id: null,
groups: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
$unwind: {
path: '$groups',
includeArrayIndex: 'rank'
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: "$groups._id",
rank: { $add: [ "$rank", 1 ] },
count: "$groups.count"
Mongo Playground
try this[
$group: {
names1: {$push: "$name1"},
names2: {$push:"$name2"},
$project: {
_id: 0,
names:{$concatArrays: ["$names1", "$names2"]}
{$unwind: "$names"},
{$sortByCount: "$names"},
{$addFields:{name: "$_id"}},
$group : {
_id: null,
records : { $push : {count : "$count", name : "$name"}}
$project: {
total_docs: {$size: "$records"},
records: 1
{$unwind: "$records"},
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: "$",
rank: {
$subtract:["$total_docs", "$records.count"]
}, 1]

Aggregation error: $arrayElemAt's first argument must be an array, but is object

I'm trying to aggregate a collection in mongo using the following pipeline:
const results = await Price.aggregate([
{ $match: { date: today } },
{ $unwind: '$points' },
{ $match: { 'points.time': { $gte: start, $lte: now } } },
{ $sort: { 'points.time': 1 } },
{ $project: {
'high': { $max: '$points.price' },
'low': { $min: '$points.price' },
'open': { $arrayElemAt: ['$points', 0] },
'close': { $arrayElemAt: ['$points', -1] }
} }
However the $arrayElemAt operator isn't working preseumably because one of the preceding stages ($unwind I believe) converts the array of points I have in my documents to an object. How can I fix this?
Example document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c93ac3ab89045027259a23f"),
"date" : ISODate("2019-03-21T00:00:00Z"),
"symbol" : "CC6P",
"points" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5c93ac3ab89045027259a244"),
"volume" : 553,
"time" : ISODate("2019-03-21T09:35:34.239Z"),
"price" : 71
"_id" : ObjectId("5c93ac3ab89045027259a243"),
"volume" : 1736,
"time" : ISODate("2019-03-21T09:57:34.239Z"),
"price" : 49
My expected result is an array of objects where the points that should be passed to the project stage should be points in the specified range in the second $match. I tried combining the two $match stages and removing the $unwind stage and the error is gone however the time range isn't being applied
I believe you are missing a $group stage to rollback your points array
const results = await Price.aggregate([
{ "$match": { "date": today } },
{ "$unwind": "$points" },
{ "$match": { "points.time": { "$gte": start, "$lte": now } } },
{ "$sort": { "points.time": 1 } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"points": { "$push": "$points" },
"date": { "$first": "$date" },
"symbol": { "$first": "$symbol" }
{ "$project": {
"high": { "$max": "$points.price" },
"low": { "$min": "$points.price" },
"open": { "$arrayElemAt": ["$points", 0] },
"close": { "$arrayElemAt": ["$points", -1] }

Need to sum from array object value in mongodb

I am trying to calculate total value if that value exits. But query is not working 100%. So can somebody help me to solve this problem. Here my sample document. I have attached two documents. Please these documents & find out best solution
Document : 1
"_id" : 1"),
"message_count" : 4,
"messages" : {
"data" : [
"id" : "11",
"saleValue": 1000
"id" : "112",
"saleValue": 1400
"id" : "22",
"id" : "234",
"saleValue": 111
"createdTime" : ISODate("2018-03-18T10:18:48.000Z")
Document : 2
"_id" : 444,
"message_count" : 4,
"messages" : {
"data" : [
"id" : "444",
"saleValue" : 2060
"id" : "444",
"id" : 234,
"saleValue" : 260
"id" : "34534",
"createdTime" : ISODate("2018-03-18T03:11:50.000Z")
Needed Output:
total : 4831
My query :
"$group": {
"_id": "$Id",
"totalValue": {
$sum: {
$sum: "$"
So please if possible help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance
It's not working correctly because it is aggregating all the documents in the collection; you are grouping on a constant "_id": "tempId", you just need to reference the correct key by adding the $ as:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$tempId",
"totalValue": {
"$sum": { "$sum": "$" }
} }
which in essence is a single stage pipeline version of an aggregate operation with an extra field that holds the sum expression before the group pipeline then calling that field as the $sum operator in the group.
The above works since $sum from MongoDB 3.2+ is available in both the $project and $group stages and when used in the $project stage, $sum returns the sum of the list of expressions. The expression "$" returns a list of numbers [120, 1200] which are then used as the $sum expression:
{ "$project": {
"values": { "$sum": "$" },
"tempId": 1,
} },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$tempId",
"totalValue": { "$sum": "$values" }
} }
You can add a $unwind before your $group, in that way you will deconstructs the data array, and then you can group properly:
"$unwind": "$"
"$group": {
"_id": "tempId",
"totalValue": {
$sum: {
$sum: "$"
{ "_id" : "tempId", "totalValue" : 1320 }
$unwind: "$",
$group: {
"_id": "tempId",
"totalValue": { $sum: "$" }
According to description as mentioned into above question, as a solution please try executing following aggregate query
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$unwind: {
path: '$'
// Stage 2
$group: {
_id: {
pageId: '$pageId'
total: {
$sum: '$'
// Stage 3
$project: {
pageId: '$_id.pageId',
total: 1,
_id: 0
You can do it without using $group. Grouping made other data to be managed and addressed. So, I prefer using $sum and $map as shown below:
$addFields: {
total: {
$sum: {
$map: {
input: "$",
as: "message",
in: "$$message.saleValue",

MongoDB: elemMatch match the last element in an array

I have the data like below:
"order_id" : 1234567,
"order_pay_time" : 1437373297,
"pay_info" : [
"pay_type" : 0,
"pay_time" : 1437369046
"pay_type" : 0,
"pay_time" : 1437369123
"pay_type" : 0,
"pay_time" : 1437369348
what I want to get is the last payment is of type 1, but $elemMatch just match the list where pay_type:1 exists, how can I match the orders which last payment is of "pay_type" : 1
You can use aggregation to get expected output. The query will be like following:
$unwind: "$pay_info"
}, {
$match: {
"pay_info.pay_type": 1
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
"pay_info": {
$push: "$pay_info"
"order_id": {
$first: "$order_id"
"order_pay_time": {
$first: "$order_pay_time"
Moreover if you want latest pay_info.pay_time then you can sort it by descending order with limit 1, some what like following:
$unwind: "$pay_info"
}, {
$match: {
"pay_info.pay_type": 1
}, {
$sort: {
"pay_info.pay_time": -1
}, {
$limit: 1
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
"pay_info": {
$push: "$pay_info"
"order_id": {
$first: "$order_id"
"order_pay_time": {
$first: "$order_pay_time"
Also you can use $redact to avoid $unwind like following:
$match: {
"pay_info": {
$elemMatch: {
"pay_type": 1
}, {
$sort: {
"pay_info.pay_time": -1
}, {
$limit: 1
}, {
$redact: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [{
"$ifNull": ["$pay_type", 1]
}, 1]
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
Just found this thread for a similar problem I've had.
I ended up doing this, maybe that will be of interest to someone:
$where: function(){
return this.pay_info[this.pay_info.length-1].pay_type === 1