Scala : how to keep only paths containing a full list of points - scala

I have a problem where I need to find all the paths that contains a list of stops, both the list of paths and the list of points given in parameter.
A path is a Vector of segment, a segment is two points ("From" point and "To" point).
So far, my function to find a list of path which include a list of given points is
def containsListOfStops(paths: List[Path], points: List[Point]): List[Path]={
if (paths.isEmpty) List()
(for {
point <- points
path <- containsIntermediateStop(paths,point)
} yield path).distinct
containsIntermediateStop if a function which return a path containing a given point.
my problem is that it returns all the paths containing at least one of the points in the list, where I only want the paths containing every point.
Do you have any idea which could help me. Thanks.

you are sending each all paths and a single point to the containsIntermediateStop function.
How about doing something like
def containsPoints(path: Path, points: List[Point]): Boolean = ??? //implement checking all points in path
than you can simply do something like (no need for the for loop)
paths.distinct.filter(path => containsPoints(path, points))
is that works for you ?


Parsing XML and retrieving attributes from (nested?) elements

I am trying to get specific data from an XML file, namely X, Y coordinates that are appear, to my beginners eyes, attributes of an element called "Point" in my file. I cannot get to that data with anything other than a sledgehammer approach and would gratefully accept some help.
I have used the following successfully:
for Shooter in root.iter('Shooter'):
But if I try the same with "Point" (or "Points") there is no output. I cannot even see "Point" when I use the following:
for child in root:
print(child.tag, child.attrib)
So: the sledgehammer
print([elem.attrib for elem in root.iter()])
Which gives me the attributes for every element. This file is a single collection of data and could contain hundreds of data points and so I would rather try to be a little more subtle and home in on exactly what I need.
My XML file
UPDATE: Thanks for the answers so far. I tried the solution posted and ended up with 7000 lines of which wasn't quite what I was after. I should have explained in more detail. I also tried (as suggested)
def find_rec(node, element, result):
for item in node.findall(element):
find_rec(item, element, result)
return result
print(find_rec(ET.parse(filepath_1), 'Shooter', [])) #Returns <Element 'Shooter' at 0x125b0f958>
print(find_rec(ET.parse(filepath_1), 'Point', [])) #Returns None
I admit I have never worked with XML files before, and I am new to Python (but enjoying it). I wanted to get the solution myself but I have spent days getting nowhere.
I perhaps should have just asked from the beginning how to extract the XY data for each ShotNbr (in this file there is just one) but I didn't want code written for me.
I've managed to get the XY from this file but my code will never work if there is more than one shot, or if I want to specifically look at, say, shot number 20.
How can I find shot number 2 (ShotNbr="2") and extract only its XY data points?
Assuming that you are using:
You are only looking at the direct children of root.
You need to recurse into the tree to access elements lower in the hierarchical tree.
This seems to be the same problem as ElementTree - findall to recursively select all child elements
which has an excellent answer that I am not going to plagiarize.
Just apply it.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.parse("file.xml")
print root.findall('.//Point')
Should work.

How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?

In my code, I have a structure and in a field of it, I want to sort its values.
For instance, in the field of there are the following values, and They should be sorted as the right values. --> Sorted
'-10.000000.dcm' '-10.000000.dcm'
'-102.500000.dcm' '-12.500000.dcm'
'-100.000000.dcm' '-100.000000.dcm'
'-107.500000.dcm' '-102.500000.dcm'
'-112.500000.dcm' '-107.500000.dcm'
'-110.000000.dcm '-110.000000.dcm'
'-12.500000.dcm' '-112.500000.dcm'
There is a folder that there are some pictures with negative labels in it (above example are labels of pictures). I want to get them in the same order as present in the folder(that's mean the Sorted But when running the following code the values of load as the above example (left:, while I want the right form.
I have also seen this and that but they didn't help me.
How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?
Files_Neg = dir('D:\Rename-RealN');
File_Neg = dir(strcat('D:\Rename-RealN\',, '\', '*.dcm'));
% when running the code the values of load as the above example (left:
This answer to one of the questions linked in the OP is nearly correct for the problem in the OP. There are two issues:
The first issue is that the answer assumes a scalar value is contained in the field to be sorted, whereas in the OP the values are char arrays (i.e. old-fashioned strings).
This issue can be fixed by adding 'UniformOutput',false to the arrayfun call:
File_Neg = struct('name',{'-10.000000.dcm','-102.500000.dcm','-100.000000.dcm','-107.500000.dcm','-112.500000.dcm','-110.000000.dcm','-12.500000.dcm'},...
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x),File_Neg,'UniformOutput',false));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
File_Neg is now sorted according to dictionary sort (using ASCII letter ordering, meaning that uppercase letters come first, and 110 still comes before 12).
The second issue is that OP wants to sort according to the magnitude of the number in the file name, not using dictionary sort. This can be fixed by extracting the value in the anonymous function applied using arrayfun. We use str2double on the file name, minus the last 4 characters '.dcm':
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x)abs(str2double(,File_Neg));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
Funnily enough, we don't want to use 'UniformOutput',false any more, since the anonymous function now returns a scalar value.

Defaultdict() the correct choice?

EDIT: mistake fixed
The idea is to read text from a file, clean it, and pair consecutive words (not permuations):
file =
words = [word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for word in file.split()]
pairs = [(words[i]+" " + words[i+1]).split() for i in range(len(words)-1)]
Then, for each pair, create a list of all the possible individual words that can follow that pair throughout the text. The dict will look like
Thus, referencing the dictionary for a given pair will return all of the words that can follow that pair. E.g.
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['alone', 'happy', 'not']
My algorithm to achieve this involves a defaultdict(list)...
wordsThatFollow = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(words)-1):
# pairs overlap, want second word of next pair
# wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
EDIT: wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])].update(pairs[i+1][1][0]
except Exception:
I'm not so worried about the value error I have to circumvent with the 'try-except' (unless I should be). The problem is that the algorithm only successfully returns one of the followers:
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['not']
Sorry if this post is bad for the community I'm figuring things out as I go ^^
Your problem is that you are always overwriting the value, when you really want to extend it:
# Instead of this
wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
# Do this

Matlab structure with Children that are arrays of structs, etc. - How do trace path to all children individually?

I have a Matlab structure, A, that has 3 fields. The first field is SignalName and the third field is Children. Children can either be empty or a Struct array with the same fields, and so on, to an arbitrary depth not immediately known to the user. SignalName is a character array which is the name of a signal.
I have written a recursive function (in Matlab) to retrieve all of the SignalName values for structures that have no Children, and it's pretty slick (I think), but I need to know the absolute path taken to arrive at said SignalName. I cannot figure this out in Matlab.
As an example:
A.SignalName = 'Things'
A.Children = <22x1 struct>
A.Children(1).SignalName = 'Places'
A.Children(1).Children = [8x1 struct]
This goes on for an unknown depth, and the length of the struct arrays is not immediately known. It is easy via recursion to 'dive' down and get all of the SignalNames belonging to Children with no further Children, but how do I trace the route I used to get there? My function would ideally return results as a signal name, and the path taken to said signal.
In my experience with other languages, it seems like something like A* or Breadth-First might help, but I'm not exactly searching for something. I want simply to map every node and the path to it, and I'm not sure how to do that with the strange data-structure I'm given.
Thanks for any help you all can provide!
EDIT: I wanted to provide the code to hopefully shed light on my issue. I can get the paths down to the deepest node, but any other nodes at that level leave me without a complete path to that specific location. This is what I need help with. I am using '*' as my delimiter for a regexp in my post-processing script to break up the strings in PATHS.
For two nodes at the same depth, I might get a full path like 'A.B.C.D.Signal1' for the first node, but the second would give me a path of 'D.Signal2', when what I need is 'A.B.C.D.Signal2'. If the path was the same to the 'D' level with every signal, I would just copy the path over, but I have multiple branches in this struct from each level, and I go 4 or 5 levels deep.
function [NAMES,PATHS]=FindSignals(A,TMP,TMP2)
persistent SigName;
persistent path;
SigName = TMP;
path = TMP2;
if(~isempty(A.Children)) % If this struct has Children
for i = 1:length(A.Children) % Iterate through the Children
nextStruct = A.Children(i);
path = strcat([path '*' A.SignalName]);
[NAMES,PATHS] = FindSignals(nextStruct,SigName,path); % Recurse
else % If this struct has no Children
path = strcat([path '*' A.SignalName '*']); % Finish the path to Child
SigName = char(SigName,A.SignalName); % Grab the signal name
NAMES = SigName;
PATHS = path;
Again, thanks for any help!
EDIT: 12/14/2015 - I'm still completely stuck on this. Could anyone please take a peek at my source code above? I am unsure how to tack on an absolute path to the recursive function call and allow it to be a full path for each node at the same depth, and then reset to the appropriate depth once I move up or down the 'tree'. Thanks.

How to filter and get sublist from a FileList in Rake?

I don't know Ruby, but Rake looks so cool, so I am trying to use it.
When I select files with FileList["*.cpp"], sometimes I want to take filtering out sublist from it.
For source input file,
newlist = FileList["*.cpp"].sublistByFiltering("*Value.cpp").sublistByFiltering("My*")
And newlist shows only MySomeValue.cpp.
How can I do this?
The method sublistByFiltering is my imaginary one, and I am looking for the feature currently in Rake.
I'm not sure where you came up with this sublistByFiltering method, but I think what you're looking for is to do an intersection between the internal arrays of multiple FileList items.
a = FileList['*.cpp'].to_a
b = FileList['*Value.cpp'].to_a
a & b #=> files that are in both `a` and `b`
However, if you know all of the patterns up front, and you're only ever combining them, you can pass a regular expression to the FileList constructor: