Fetch Details About Personal Workspace's Owner - powershell

In PowerShell, using Get-PowerBIWorkspace -Scope Organizition, I can pull a list of workspaces organization-wise. Some workspaces returned are personal workspaces (e.g. Type = "PersonalGroup", Name = "PersonalWorkspace Ben").
Is there a way to fetch any details beyond first name about the owner of the personal workspace (e.g. last name, domain user name, etc.)?
I'm looking for some way to figure out which "Ben" (in the case of the example) owns the workspace when there can be several people with that first name in the company.

Did you try their restmethod cmdlet? Looks like all other PowerBI cmdlets are just wrappers of their REST API. Try this:
# $myworkspace = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url 'Groups' -Method Get | ConvertFrom-Json
$workspaces = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url 'admin/Groups' -Method Get | ConvertFrom-Json
Then browse the output object in powershell ise or vscode.


store Windows PowerShell output as a table in Azure SQL DB

I use the below Windows PowerShell script to extract all members of particular Yammer group and store the output as .csv file on my local machine.
What I need is to save this output as a table in Azure SQL DB. What would be the right way to approach this:
Amend the below script to save data in Azure Table?
Use some Azure SQL functionality?
Anything else?
I would appreciate your help,
$Token = "xxxx"
$Headers = #{ "Authorization" = "Bearer "+$Token }
$GroupCycle = 1
$GetMoreGroupsUri = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/in_group/$GroupId.xml?page=$GroupCycle"
write-host ("REST API CALL : $GetMoreGroupsUri")
[xml]$Xml = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $GetMoreGroupsUri -Method Get -Headers $Headers).content)
$YammerGroups += $Xml.response.users.user
$GroupCycle ++
$GroupCount += $Xml.response.users.user.count
write-host ("GROUPMEMBER COUNT : $GroupCount")
While ($Xml.response.users.user.count -gt 0)
$YammerGroups | Where {$_} | Export-Csv "$GroupId.csv" -Delimiter ","
I would approach this problem slightly differently. I would use Azure to store the value of the variables I needed and keep the script somewhere else that is cloud accessible, Sharepoint comes to mind, so does GIT.
Here is the documentation on the Azure DB PowerShell Module AzTable:
Here are a couple of highlights:
#Install Module
Install-Module AzTable
#Get Table Contents
Get-AzStorageTable –Context $ctx | select Name
The Module is very well defined. I encourage you to take a look at all of the different calls listed in the Microsoft Doc.
Here is a breakdown:
Use Sharepoint or Git to store your script
If you want to store values, Azure DB is great. Use the PowerShell Module AzTable to interact with it. You can write and read tables as you see fit.
If you need dynamic variables, simply adjust the code to read the table value and variablize it. Should be easy to accomplish in some of the loops.

Check Groupmembership or jobtitle of Logged On User withouth calling azuread (Get-AzureADUserMembership)

I am building a script with a colleague. This script will show a popup.
We want this popup only to be shown to a certain group of users (teachers and not students). So we want to check group membership of a user. Since this script will be installed on the computer locally and we would not like to install azuread cmdlets on all our computers and also not pass azure ad credentials to the script.
So we where wondering if their is azure-ad info about group membership stored on the computers locally. And also if we can acces it via powershell? (if we could get jobtitle of user that would also be helpfull)
Other ideas are also welcome.
The information related user that you are looking for less likely to be stored locally.
So to meet your requirement, you will have to have some means to communicate with the Azure AD. Your requirement was not to make use of any additional libraries and by using PowerShell.
Graph API can come handy.
To prevent user intervention, you can use App only Graph permission for the App.
You can refer this article to know more App registration, client secret & Application permission :
You consume the graph endpoint from PowerShell and acquire the necessary details of the logged user from the Azure AD without a necessity of external libraries.
#Acquiring the graph token
$web="https://login.microsoftonline.com/<TENANT ID>/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = "client_id=<CLIENT ID>&scope=https://graph.microsoft.com/.default&client_secret=<CLIENTSECRET>&grant_type=client_credentials"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $web -Body $body -Method Post
$token = ($response | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token
#Getting the logged username that will be used in the graph api
$upn = $env:USERNAME + "#" + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
#building the authorization header
$header = #{"Authorization" = " Bearer $token"}
#gettting the user details
$content = Invoke-WebRequest "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$upn" -Headers $header -Method Get
$details = $content.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
#getting the group membership
$content = Invoke-WebRequest "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$upn/memberof" -Headers $header -Method Get
$groupdetails = ($content.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value

How do I get the PackageID for Azure Devops API?

I need the list of available versions for a Universal Package stored in Azure Devops. My thought is to call the REST API Get Package Versions to get a list of the versions for packages on a feed.
GET https://feeds.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/packaging/Feeds/{feedId}/Packages/{packageId}/versions?api-version=5.1-preview.1
The problem is that it requires a packageId, which is the GUID and I only know the name. The only way I've figured out so far to convert a package name to a GUID is using "Get Packages" but that returns every package on the feed (which for me includes thousands of NPM packages) and that makes the download very large for the handful of items I need. Is there some way to extract the packageId for a given package name? Or is there a better way to extract all the versions for a package?
Someone pointed out to me that the Get Packages API has options for IncludeAllVersions and packageNameQuery to achieve what I want rather than using GetAllVersions.
I assume you have checked some docs and found there's no direct API can let you get specified packaged ID, right? Also, as the doc said, the package name could not be used in this API:
In fact, you have very close to the answer. Just add some filter while you running Get Packages. But this need you execute some script in Powershell command line or Powershell ISE which is the most convenient approach can for you use. You can also run below script in Azure Devops pipeline, but compare with running in command line, it is a bit cumbersome.
Run below script in your Powershell command line or Powershell ISE:
$token = "{your PAT token}"
$url = 'https://feeds.dev.azure.com/{org name}/_apis/packaging/Feeds/{feed ID}/packages'
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($token)"))
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers #{Authorization = "Basic $token"} -Method Get
$results = $response.value | Where {$_.name -eq "{Package Name}"} #|
Write-Host "results = $($results | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"
Note: In the above script, you just need to replace the value of PAT token, Organization name and your package name.
Then you will get the info of the specified package, and you can copy the package ID from the command line and apply it in another place :
Note: The above script can also be applied in the Powershell task of Azure Devops without change anything.

Search for a repository in our Azure DevOps organization

In our azure devops organization, we have ~100 projects. Each projects holds between 1 and 20 git repositories. This makes it hard to find a specific repository unless you also remember which project it is located in.
The search box at the project list only searches by project names. Is there any way to search and find repository names?
There is a code search, but that returns results from files already in a repository, which gives both redundant and wrong results.
I think the simplest is to call this REST API.
You can call it even from the browser and use the Find feature.
Note that the project element is not required.
To automate, you can use a few lines of Powershell to search in the result JSON document, e.g.
$organization = ...
$PAT = ...a personal access token
$repoNameStart = ...initial name of repo
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("dummy:${PAT}"))
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://dev.azure.com/${organization}/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=4.1" -Headers #{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo" } -Credential $credential -ContentType "application/json"
$result.value | where {$_.name -like "${repoNameStart}*"}
(Untested code, use it as an example)

Calling Graph API with powershell or batch

In trying to design a simplified script for use with the office 365 graph API I can't seem to find any way to call it from a simplified outset.
For the use that I have intended for it I really don't want to take the time to build and compile an actual program when everything else can be done from powershell or a batch script.
In specific, I really only want to be able to call the graph API for a list of groups and store the result (in an array or text file). Is it possible to call the graph API from powershell or command line and if so, how?
In specific, I really only want to be able to call the graph API for a list of groups and store the result (in an array or text file).
If you just need to export a list of groups. I suggest you using the Azure Active Directory PowerShell.
$msolcred = get-credential
connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred
Get-MsolGroup | Out-File C:\Workbench\temp\tests\export.txt
Is it possible to call the graph API from powershell or command line and if so, how?
Yes, it is possible, to call the REST API:
First, you need to Obtaining an Access Token
Then, use the Invoke-RestMethod to call Graph API.
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers #{Authorization = "Bearer {your_access_token}"}
You can use the PSMSGRAPH module for this. Can be download from the gallery
You must register an application in Azure to authenticate and delegate the necessary right to your app. You can do it at the appreg portal
Once this is done you just need to auth and run your request.
When running the code you will have to provide a credential to authorize.
$username = 'entertheappidhere'
$password = 'entertheapppaswordhere' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$ClientCredential = New-Object -TypeName
$GraphAppParams = #{}
$GraphApp = New-GraphApplication #GraphAppParams
# This will prompt you to log in with your O365/Azure credentials.
$AuthCode = $GraphApp | Get-GraphOauthAuthorizationCode
$GraphAccessToken = $AuthCode | Get-GraphOauthAccessToken -Resource 'https://graph.microsoft.com/'
$GraphAccessToken | Export-GraphOAuthAccessToken -Path 'f:\O365Report\AccessToken.XML'
$GraphAccessToken = Import-GraphOAuthAccessToken -Path 'f:\O365Report\AccessToken.XML'
$GraphAccessToken | Update-GraphOAuthAccessToken -Force
### Run the query
Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups"-Method GET -AccessToken $GraphAccessToken