had to move MongoDB on an external VM and therefore reconfigured Orion CB to use Mongo not on localhost but through an IP of external mongoDB (mongoDB was also configured to bind external IPs).
Whenever I try to run Orion CB, it stops, the logs say it has failed:
cat: /run/var/contextBroker/contextBroker.pid: no such file or directory
However, when I create this file - it gives me this:
contextBroker dead but pidfile exists.
starting contextBroker....pidfile not found
Tried reinstalling it using yum and the latest yum repo config avaliable, but it seems that it is down or not updated? - gives me 404 Not found.
The configuration for yum repo was taken from the Orion official Github:
name=FIWARE release repository
I have tried multiple ways of running Orion. the most common one is:
Apart from it, the following were used:
contextBroker -ngsiv1Autocast
service contextBroker start
Following fgalan's suggestions, here is the response:
Problems with the service script and yum repository appart, note that by default Orion expects the database running in localhost. Thus, if your MongoDB instance runs in a separate server you have to use the -dbhost parameter, eg:
contextBroker -fg -dbhost
Extra documentation about the CB CLI can be found here.
EDIT 1: in the case you have a pid file due to a past invocation with unclean exit (note the msg= in the log trace), then you have to remove it before running CB. For instance:
rm -f /tmp/contextBroker.pid
contextBroker -fg -dbhost
I installed postgresql 10 with the classic command:
brew install postgresql#10
Then I started the service:
brew services start postgresql#10
The output says:
Successfully started postgresql#10 (label: homebrew.mxcl.postgresql#10)
but when I run this command:
brew services
This is what I get:
Name Status User Plist
cassandra stopped
postgresql stopped
postgresql#10 error username /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql#10/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql#10.plist
It seems that the service in not running correctly. Previously I had another version of Posgresql. It was the version 10 again but installed with the installer offered but the postgresql's webpage. However I should have removed it.
I check with this command to see used ports:
lsof -nP +c 15 | grep LISTEN
and I don't have services using the port 5432 (the default port used by postgresql).
I shared the procedure to investigate further and maybe solve the problem.
Check the file /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql#10/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql#10.plist. This path is given by the brew services command.
Open the file and see where the log is written. In my case:
Look at the log. I my case I saw that there was a file locked, probably by the previous instance of postgresql that didn't release the lock. The restart of my Mac solved the issue.
After install, my mongod server was running well. I have created user and restart the server without issue.
But now when modified gonfi file by adding to bindip, server wont restart.
Error message are
Jan 24 11:59:53 localhost.localdomain setroubleshoot[4656]: failed to retrieve rpm info for /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen
Jan 24 11:59:54 localhost.localdomain setroubleshoot[4656]: SELinux is preventing mongod from open access on the file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen. For complete SELinux messag>
Jan 24 11:59:54 localhost.localdomain setroubleshoot[4656]: SELinux is preventing mongod from open access on the file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen.
***** Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests **************************
If you believe that mongod should be allowed open access on the tcp_fastopen file by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:
# ausearch -c 'mongod' --raw | audit2allow -M my-mongod
# semodule -X 300 -i my-mongod.pp
ausearch -c 'mongod' --raw | audit2allow -M my-mongod
semodule -X 300 -i my-mongod.pp
does not solved the problem.
Mongodb doc say that version 4 activate by default use of tcp_fastopen
I can't find out how to apply semanage permissive to use tcp_fastopen.
Thanks in advance
If you're running on RHEL, CentOS, or Oracle Linux, follow the instructions for the official SELinux policy for the MongoDB server:
sudo yum install -y git make checkpolicy policycoreutils selinux-policy-devel
git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongodb-selinux
cd mongodb-selinux
sudo make install
Verify your operating system is supported by MongoDB.
Install a vanilla version of your operating system, do not change any settings, use published MongoDB documentation to install MongoDB and get it working.
Identify differences between your current installation and the vanilla installation.
Update your question with findings.
I couldn't find an answer to this exact error. I was starting to pull my hair out. I ended up looking at the mongod.log file. It had a permission denied error in there. journalctl showed the tcp_fastopen, so I was troubleshooting SELinux while it was actually a permission denied error. Hopefully this will help someone else running into this error.
I had the same problem after upgrading mongod to 4.4.6.
I ended up applying what is suggested here, compiling the module manually.
Now it works!
I did many tries, so I am not 100% sure that what I did is more than necessary.
The audit2allow command does not include the rule
allow mongod_t sysctl_net_t:file { getattr read open };
# cat > mongodb_sysctl_net.te << EOF
module mongodb_sysctl_net 1.0;
require {
type mongod_t;
type sysctl_net_t;
class dir search;
class file { getattr read open };
#============= mongod_t ==============
allow mongod_t sysctl_net_t:dir search;
allow mongod_t sysctl_net_t:file { getattr read open };
# checkmodule -M -m -o mongodb_sysctl_net.mod mongodb_sysctl_net.te
# semodule_package -o mongodb_sysctl_net.pp -m mongodb_sysctl_net.mod
# semodule -i mongodb_sysctl_net.pp
# systemctl start mongod.service
NOTE: I already had policy modules installed from the previous installation written according to the mongodb documentation
I had the same issue (semodule error about accessing tcp_fastopen) with a mongo 4.4 replica-set configuration. It couldn't be an os (oracle linux 8) issue, since I had the error on just one of three identical replica-set nodes (same update status).
The system already had the selinux configuration as suggested in the official documentation, with
semodule -l | grep mongo
Digging inside mongod.log I finally found:
"Failed to unlink socket file","attr":{"path":"/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock","error":"Operation not permitted"}}
I don't know which condition led to this status, but when I unlinked the socket (as root), the mongo daemon started again without errors so far.
I am attempting to start a Postgres SQL server on amazon Linux using the command
sudo service postgresql start
I installed the server using this method. I have added it here for simplicity
sudo rpm -i https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-ami201503-96-9.6-2.noarch.rpm
and then
sudo yum install postgresql96-server.x86_64
after which i did this to install the command line tools for postgres
sudo yum install postgresql96.x86_64 postgresql96-libs.x86_64
Any suggestions on how I can start the server ? I usually start the server using
the command
sudo service postgresql start
however its not working in this case as it says "Unrecognized service"
I then tried this
postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
postgres: could not access directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data": No such file or directory. Run initdb or pg_basebackup to initialize a PostgreSQL data directory.
Having the same issue, or similar. May be I installed pgsql from source, don't remember. We could make our own service start files. How? Let's find out! >>RTFM<< starting with what we already know:
man service
which leads us to chkconfig(8), so
man chkconfig
and it gives us an option
chkconfig --add ${svcname}
to add a brand new service under a name we choose!
But before we do, we might actually want to check what's already there. With
service --status-all
we get a list of all known services and their run status. And I found "postmaster" in my list, and as you might know, the PostgreSQL master server to connect to used to be called "postmaster". Yet, when I try
service postmaster status
it also tells me it doesn't know such service. OK, forget it -- for now -- just let's move on with making our own! But I still want to peek what there is in run-level 3 (normal server run level). So I go
ls -1 /etc/rc.d/rc3.d |fgrep post
and there I find: "K36postgresql95"! So, accordingly our service name should be "postgresql95". Trying that:
service postgresql95 status
it says now "postmaster is stopped". Confusingly the name the service reports for itself both in service --status-all and when we individually inquire for it is different than the name used to actually address it in the service command. Good to know. Easy enough to search /etc/rc.d for the name of interest.
service postgresql95 start
now starts the service. And check with
psql -U ${pguser} ${pgdb}
and I find that working. So now all I need to do is enable that service at system boot to auto-start
chkconfig --levels 3 postgresql95 on
and that works, doesn't it?
PS: It doesn't matter that I happen to run version 9.5
I recently installed PostgreSQL 9.2.24 on Amazon Linux 2 and I had to initialize the database manually before being able to create ROLE and DATABASE as I normally would on Ubuntu.
// initialize database after installing with yum
$ sudo postgresql-setup initdb
// start
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
Looking down the road at sharding, we would like to be able to have multiple mongos instances. The recommendation seems to be to put mongos on each application server. I was thinking I'd just load balance them on their own servers, but this article http://craiggwilson.com/2013/10/21/load-balanced-mongos/ indicates that there are issue with this.
So I'm back to having it on the application servers. However, we are using Elastic Beanstalk. I could install Mongo on this as a package install. But, this creates an issue with Mongos. I have not been able to find out how to get a mongos startup going using the mongodb.conf file. For replicated servers, or config servers, additional entries in the conf file can cause it to start up the way I want. But I can't do that with Mongos. If I install Mongo, it actually starts up as mongodb. I need to kill that behaviour, and get it to start as Mongos, pointed at my config servers.
All I can think of is:
Kill the mongodb startup script, that autostarts the database in 'normal' mode.
Create a new upstart script that starts up mongos, pointed at the config servers.
Any thoughts on this? Or does anyone know if I'm just being obtuse, and I can copy a new mongodb.conf file into place on beanstalk that will start up the server as mongos?
We are not planning on doing this right off the bat, but we need to prepare somewhat, as if I don't have the pieces in place, I'll need to completely rebuild my beanstalk servers after the fact. I'd rather deploy ready to go, with all the software installed.
I created a folder called ".ebextensions" and a file called "aws.config". The contents of this file is as follows: -
mode: "000644"
content: |
name=MongoDB Repository
command: echo Defaults:root \!requiretty >> /etc/sudoers
command: yum install -y mongo-10gen-server
ignoreErrors: true
command: sudo chkconfig mongod off
command: sudo sh -c "echo '/usr/bin/mongos -configdb $MONGO_CONFIG_IPS -fork -logpath /var/log/mongo/mongos.log --logappend' > /etc/init.d/mongos.sh"
command: sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongos.sh
command: sudo bash /etc/init.d/mongos.sh
What this file does is: -
Creates a "mongodb.repo" file (see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-red-hat-centos-or-fedora-linux/).
Runs 4 container commands (these are run after the server is created but before the WAR is deployed. These are: -
Enable root access - this is required for "sudo" commands afaik.
Install Mongo - install mongo as a service using the yum command. We only need "mongos" but this has not been separated yet from the mongo server. This may change in future.
Change config for mongod to "off" - this means if the server restarts the mongod program isn't run if the server restarts.
Create script to run mongos. Note the $MONGO_CONFIG_IPS in step 4, you can pass these in using the configuration page in Elastic Beanstalk. This will run on a server reboot.
Set permissions to execute. These reason I did 4/5 as opposed to putting into into a files: section is that it did not create the IP addresses from the environment variable.
Run script created in step 4.
This works for me. My WAR file simply connects to localhost and all the traffic goes through the router. I stumbled about for a couple of days on this as the documentation is fairly slim in both Amazon AWS and MongoDB.
UPDATE: - If you are having problems with my old answer, please try the following - it works for version 3 of Mongo and is currently being used in our production MongoDB cluster.
This version is more advanced in that it uses internal DNS (via AWS Route53) - note the mongo-cfg1.internal .... This is recommended best practices and well worth setting up your private zone using Route53. This means if there's an issue with one of the MongoDB Config instances you can replace the broken instance and update the private IP address in Route53 - no updates required in each elastic beanstalk which is really cool. However, if you don't want to create a zone you can simply insert the IP addresses in configDB attribute (like my first example).
mode: "000644"
content: |
name=MongoDB Repository
mode: "000755"
content: |
port: 27017
operationProfiling: {}
fork: "true"
configDB: mongo-cfg1.internal.company.com:27019,mongo-cfg2.internal.company.com:27019,mongo-cfg3.internal.company.com:27019
destination: file
path: /var/log/mongos.log
command: yum install -y mongodb-org-mongos-3.0.2
ignoreErrors: true
command: "/usr/bin/mongos -f /opt/mongos.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
I couldn't get #bobmarksie's solution to work, but thanks to anowak and avinci here for this .ebextensions/aws.config file:
"/home/ec2-user/install_mongo.sh" :
mode: "0007555"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
echo "[MongoDB]
name=MongoDB Repository
enabled=1" | tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
yum -y update
yum -y install mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-tools
command: ./install_mongo.sh
cwd: /home/ec2-user
test: '[ ! -f /usr/bin/mongo ] && echo "MongoDB not installed"'
enabled: true
ensureRunning: true
commands: ['01install_mongo']
I have a config file for mongo that specifies an alternate port:
deploy#ip-xxx-xxx-22-107 ~/app $ tail /etc/mongodb.conf
port = 27033
Not very complex. I'm trying to use a file based config instead of command line, seems like a better idea. I'm on Ubuntu 11. The docs say:
On some packaged installs of MongoDB (for example Ubuntu & Debian),
the default file can be found in /etc/mongodb.conf, which is
automatically used when starting and stopping MongoDB from the service
I definitely can start mongo with sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb restart but it's starting on the wrong port, 27017:
deploy#ip-xxx-xxx-22-107 ~/app $ sudo lsof -iTCP | grep mongo
mongod 3594 mongodb 5u IPv4 260392 TCP localhost:27017 (LISTEN)
mongod 3594 mongodb 7u IPv4 260395 TCP localhost:28017 (LISTEN)
So there's mongo, but not the right port. Whenever I try passing in a config file to the mongodb command I get an error:
sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb -f /etc/mongodb.conf restart
* ERROR: wrong args ( -f )
I suspect the /etc/init.d/mongodb command isn't passing on my config request when it's starting mongo. But the config file should be read by default according to the docs. Is something wrong with my Ubuntu install (it's on a PaaS host)? Is there no advantage to using /etc/init.d/mongodb so I should just ignore this? I can get it to read the config file via mongod -f /etc/mongodb.conf but my docs say to use /etc/init.d/mongodb.
Where did you install the mongo package from? If you installed from the default repositories, then you may have a very old version - I just tried on 11.04 (don't have 11.10 handy, sorry) and I got 1.6.4 which is very old (current stable release as of writing this is 2.0.2).
You should remove the version you have, and add the one from the 10gen/MongoDB repositories. The instructions for doing so are here:
That will give you the latest mongod version and likely resolve your issues, because you seem to be doing things correctly.
Once you have the mongod started, then connect to it and try running this:
use admin
db.runCommand({getCmdLineOpts: 1})
That should give you all the passed and parsed options. There is a sample output shown on the Docs page for the command. It should allow you to see where the mongod is pointing for the config file and what is being parsed from it.