app-fastopt.js no longer properly added to resources after upgrading - scala.js

I have been updating a project to scala 2.12, and one of my last remaining problems is that the fastOptJS task no longer seems to be providing the recompiled scala.js files to the new build.
I have the following lines in my build.sbt file:
lazy val appJVM = app.jvm
(resources in Compile) ++= Seq(
(fastOptJS in (appJS, Compile)),
(packageJSDependencies in (appJS, Compile)).value
That used to do the task, but after updating to 2.12 my assets/app-fastopt.js file does not change despite running the fastOptJS task in every way I know how. The updated fastopt.js file DOES appear in the app/js/target/scala-2.12 subdirectory.
I am using version 0.6.25 of the scala.js plugin, on scala 2.12.6 and sbt 1.1.6

Please disregard. The browser was caching old versions.


Play / sbt: What are these 2 Scala sources that are always compiled on when restarting on Code change

Whenever I change code and Play does a restart, it always compiles 2 Scala sources, like:
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /Users/mpa/dev/myplayproject/server/target/scala-2.13/classes ...
Only after that the sources I changed compiles.
What are these 2 Sources?
Is there a way this can be avoided?
With the tip of #cbley I found the problematic class:
BuildInfo.scala from the sbt-buldinfo Plugin. By default on every compile it creates a new timestamp, which then causes a recompile of BuildInfo.scala.
I actually had a similar problem with scoverage - see here: scoverage: Combine Coverage from test and it:test
Adding the accepted answer from there fixed the problem:
lazy val buildTime: SettingKey[String] = SettingKey[String]
("buildTime", "time of build")
ThisBuild / buildTime :=
buildInfoKeys :=

After migrating library to scalajs, publish-local does not work

Following the hints of the post explaining the basics of migrating to scalajs and this page about cross-compilations, I decided to add cross compilation to my standalone dependency-free scala library by doing the following changes:
I added a file project/plugins.sbt with the content
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.16")
I added scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.11.8" in build.sbt because else just scalaVersion was using 2.10
I also added in the build.sbt the following content to ensure that I can keep the same directory structure, since I don't have any particular files for the JVM or for Javascript:
lazy val root =".")).
aggregate(fooJS, fooJVM).
publish := {},
publishLocal := {}
lazy val foo = crossProject.crossType(CrossType.Pure).in(file(".")).
settings(version := "0.1").
// Add JVM-specific settings here
// Add JS-specific settings here
lazy val fooJVM = foo.jvm
lazy val fooJS = foo.js
But now, after I published the project locally using sbt publish-local the projects depending on this library do not work anymore, i.e. they don't see the classes that this library was offering and raise errors.
I looked into .ivy2/local/.../foo/0.1/jars and the JAR went from 1MB to 1KB, so the errors make sense.
However, how can I make sure the JVM jar file is compiled correctly?
Further informations
The jar time does not change anymore, it looks like there had been some miscompilation. I deleted the .ivy2 cache, but now sbt publish-local always finishes with success but does not regenerate the files.
Ok I found the solution myself.
I needed to remove the publishLocal := {} from the build, and now all the projects depending on my library work fine.

How to make intellij import scala project with scala 2.11.7 (as per build.sbt)?

I'm having problems with my project which I think are due to intellij pulling in a load of scala 2.10 libraries when it created/if I reimport my project.
How can I configure it to either read the version of scala from build.sbt, or manually configure it to compile with scala 2.11.7? I'm running intellij IDEA 14 with the latest updates and it always uses scala 2.10.4.
Make sure you have your Scala Version set in your build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
The rest works seemlessly. Enable "Auto-Import" in IDEA when creating the project.
The 2.10 libraries are used by SBT itself. If you check the Dependencies tab for your modules, you shouldn't see them. If you do, you likely have an error in libraryDependencies in build.sbt.

Play Scala SBT not showing dependency in Reference Library in Eclipse

I created a new project using Play Scala and Eclipse. Added Squeryl dependency and see that it's been pulled during compile time. Confirmed it's present in .ivy2/cache/org.squeryl directory but eclipse project is not able to pull it up and causing compilation for import.
name := """registration"""
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
scalaVersion := "2.11.1"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.squeryl" % "squeryl_2.10" % "0.9.6-RC2"
It looks like squeryl doesn't have a binary readily available for Scala 2.11 yet according to
So if you want to use a pre-compiled version of this library you must change your scala version to 2.10.4.
All versions of squeryl available can be found at:
I had a similar case using eclipse.
Select Project --> Clean to clean your workspace and build it again if you have not checked "Build Automatically".
If its still not visible please refresh the package explorer (or just the 'Referenced Library') with F5.

Play 2.3 run error

I'm experiencing a problem when running latest play framework 2.3.
It compiles just fine, although when I do activator run this error happens:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.Predef$.ArrowAssoc(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
Full error log
I explicitly tried scalaVersion in every build.sbt file and it is the same.
I tried several things like activator clean, full removal os sbt caches and local repo sbt stuff, updating dependencies to latest version but no success.
I have scala version defined.
My current dependencies are:
I tried with both %% and force _2.11 in the name of the dependency.
Dependency List
Other important files
When I fully clean caches it downloads scala 2.10.4 for no reason:
in this download log it says the sbt need the old scala.
Any idea why is this?
Any ideas?
Firstly, it does not matter which version of Scala is used to generate your build. The build system can use version 2.10.4, and that does not prevent your code from using version 2.11.1.
To look at the issue with your scala version, you should consider that settings added directly in build.sbt are added to the root project, but not to other projects. You can see this with a minimal project such as:
$ cat build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.11.1"
lazy val subproj = project in (file("subproj"))
Then the output of sbt looks like this:
> show scalaVersion
[info] subproj/*:scalaVersion
[info] 2.10.4
[info] sbttest/*:scalaVersion
[info] 2.11.1
So, how can this be fixed?
We can create a lazy val containing a Seq[Setting[_]], and add it to the sub-project definition with the settings() method.
Here's an example build.sbt which adds the same settings to all projects:
$ cat build.sbt
lazy val root ="."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
lazy val subproj ="subproj"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
scalaVersion := "2.11.1"
The _* is required because settings() is defined as requiring Setting[_]* rather than Seq[Setting[_]], so _* converts between the two types. See also: What does param: _* mean in Scala?
And the output from sbt is:
> show scalaVersion
[info] subproj/*:scalaVersion
[info] 2.11.1
[info] root/*:scalaVersion
[info] 2.11.1
This approach can easily be applied to your build.
You're defining your dependencies in the wrong way.
When using SBT, don't use:
"org.mydep" % "mydep_2.11" % "1.0.0"
Instead use:
"org.mydep" %% "mydep" % "1.0.0"
The %% operator automatically appends the current Scala version of the current build. If you use dependencies built against other Scala versions, you're going to be getting the weird errors.
Also make sure you explicitly specify your Scala version somewhere:
scalaVersion := "2.11.1"
The problem was related to some manually added jars that I discovered in the lib folder, that were causing issues with the dependencies of the project defined in the build.sbt.
The only way to find out was to generate a activator dist and look for similar dependencies with different versions since in the dependency graph there were no conflicts