how to integrate play framework with scala IDE - eclipse

How to integrate play framework with scala IDE ?
I have already created project with command
sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8 as suggested on official site and then imported project to scala IDE .
Which file in project has to run ? and how to run it in IDE.
I can not open index.scala.html

I got a answer whenever you create project through command play new newApp.
Then go to that project folder(cd newApp) and add eclipse dependency by command play eclipse .
then import that project into Scala IDE.


Not able to run Gatling from Eclipse

I downloaded sample Gatling maven project from here . I am able to run test from command-line but I also would like to run it from Eclipse.
I imported project to Eclipse as existing maven project and I installed Scala IDE. The documentation says: "Simply launch the Engine class in your IDE." And the question is how I can run that Engine class? Should I create new configuration to run it? Could anybody explain it please?

Can NetBeans 8.0 with Scala and sbt plugins installed create sbt project?

I had previously used Scala-IDE, and I thought I'd give NetBeans IDE 8.0 a try.
I created Java/Maven projects successfully, but I don't seem to be able to create an sbt project. I have all the Scala plugins loaded as far as I can see, including the sbt plugin. Platform is Win 8.1 and Java 8.
Creating an NetBeans native project for Scala works, but there seems to be no option to create an sbt project. Is that expected?
Iff the plugin you use is nbscala- it appears from the documentation that the supported features are:
Recognize sbt project and open in NetBeans
Open sbt console in NetBeans (Right click on sbt project, choose "Open Sbt")
Jump to/Open compile error lines
I conclude that there's no support for creating a new sbt project using the plugin.
You'd have to create a sbt project using Typesafe Activator and only then use NetBeans with the plugin to open it and start hacking right in the environment.

Eclipse Scala IDE: How to build standalone Scala app?

I am writing an app that uses AnormCypher (Cypher-oriented Scala library for Neo4j Server I write my code in Eclipse Scala IDE. Using sbteclipse plugin I have imported AnormCypher sbt project into Eclipse. Next I have added it to Java build pass as external project. Everything compiles and works from Eclipse now.
Question: How in Eclipse build a standalone Scala program with all necessary dependencies including external Scala project imported in Eclipse?
Trying to create'executable jar' from Eclipse does not work in this case because to do so Eclipse requests "Select a 'Java Application' launch configuration to use to create a runnable JAR." Alas Eclipse here has no idea about Scala launch configuration.
There is not currently a feature of the Scala IDE.
However, it's easy to write a simple build file for your project using sbt. Once there, you can use one of the numerous available plugins to create a distribution for it. Sbt has its own sbt-assembly and sbt-oneJar to create standalone JARs, and there is twitter's sbt-package-dist, with more varied publishing options.

How to add dependencies in Eclipse which sbt and Play 2.0 can see

I am working on a Scala library in Eclipse (proj1).
This library I would like to test in a Play 2.0 Scala web app.
So I have run the eclipse command from the cmd line and imported the project into Eclipse (proj2).
So I have two eclipse projects side by side. I can add the first project (proj1) to the build path of proj2 in Eclipse.
This way I can import the library and write the code.
But when Play compiles it can't see library I've added to the build path.
If I run the eclipse command again the library is removed from the build path.
Is there any way to reference the project? I would prefer not to build a jar and import that via sbt.
I simply add them via sbt and regenerate the eclipse project from the Play console.

How do I set up Play Framework 2.0 in Netbeans with Scala IDE

I downloaded the "Scala IDE" Netbeans Plugin, and it works great. I then created a new Scala project from existing sources. Also worked great. The only issue is now that Netbeans does not recognize any of the play classes/packages. It seems that the SBT plugin somehow automatically downloads dependencies. How can I download these dependencies manually, and add them to my Netbeans library, or where can I find the downloaded Play JAR's?
I haven't tried this myself but perhaps you can run play eclipsify and then do a File->Import Project->Eclipse Project from Netbeans.