Copygroup membership from one group to another powershell - powershell

I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction please.
Im trying to do something that should be pretty straight forward i think, but i can;t get it to work or can i find any similar examples. basically, i want to be able to do the following:
Look at an existing Security Group 'Member of' groups and then add those member of groups to another/new group. So for example, group 1 is member of 'A, B, C' groups. Group 2 is memebr of none. I want to copy the membership of Group 1 to Group 2, but NOT users (although if that was a must they could then be removed easily enough.
What i dont need to worry about is any users, or copying groups that users are members of etc.
Thanks for that... so if i look at something like:
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'TARGETGROUP' -Members (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'SOURCEGROUP' -Recursive -Server Server1) -Server Server1
This adds users from Sourcegroup to Targetgroup, but im not worried about users, its the sourcegroups 'Member of' details i want addding to the targetgroup if that makes sense?
I can extract the info from the targetgroup using something like
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'SourceGroup' -Properties memberof -Server Server1 | select MemberOf | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap
But then cant seem to do much with importing that info into the new group. Hope that makes sense? :)
Thanks for the info: That looks to be trying to add the groups from Source into the Members of section as oppose to the member of section for the groups, if that makes sense? it states 'Add-ADGroupMember : A universal group cannot have a local group as a member' which would suggest its tring to add the groups a s amember of the new group, not into the 'member of' of the new group..
Just wanted to share the following (in crude form) as this doen what i was after:
Get-ADGroup -Identity %SOURCE% -Properties memberof -Server SERVER1 |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof |
Add-ADGroupMember -Members %TARGET% -Server SERVER1
Thanks for your help chaps.


Remove user from all AD Group Except domain users

Get-Aduser -identity $User -Properties Memberof -filter {Memberof Name -Notlike "Domain Users" | ForEach-Object { $_.Memberof | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members $User -Confirm:$false}}
Hey Yall,
Im trying to remove folks from their AD Groups except for the Domain Users Group in AD (Our company is holding on to AD accounts, idk why, but they want to remove their general accesses.
When I use the above code to remove them it says: "Get-ADUser : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters."
Im not sure what way is a better way to do this.

How to disabled Group in AD

I have simple requirement to disable/deactivate group in AD. There are plenty of options for AD users & Computers but did not see anything related to groups.
Basically, We want to remove all member from the group and set group to InActive or disabled. I can think of below approach but not sure if it is right way to do it.
Remove-ADGroup is not option in our case due to some security and audit concerns.
Remove all members from the group and move group to non-operational OU
Remove all members for the group and set enable flag to "false"
Please suggest best way/solution to achieve this.
This command will remove an AD Group for you.
This should help you
Get-ADGroup will get all the groups,
Get-ADGroupMember will get all the member then Move-ADObject will move the group to another OU
$AdGroups = Get-ADGroup -filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach($ADgroup in $ADgroups){
Get-ADGroupMember "$ADgroup" | ForEach-Object {Remove-ADGroupMember "$ADgroup" $_ -Confirm:$false}
Move-ADObject -Identity $AGroup -TargetPath "OU=disable,DC=test,DC=local"

How to use AD groups to assign O365 mailbox sizes

Is there a way to do the above? I've managed to follow the below link successfully but we're looking to set different limits based on the user's role.
The aforementioned link
Where is says :
Additional filters can be applied to the Get-Mailbox cmdlet or to the Get-User cmdlet to control the users for whom the change is applied. The following is an example in which three cmdlets are used to filter the command to the sales department of an organization:
Get-User | where {$_.Department -eq "Sales"} | Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota < Value > -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota < Value > -IssueWarningQuota < Value >
Kinda got me confused as to where it's pulling the "Sales" group from?
Probably being a muppet here but any help appreciated.
You could do this, using the Active Directory PowerShell module:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Department | Where-Object { $_.Department -eq "Sales" } | [...]
But that's just pulling everybody and looking at the Department field from Active Directory. That's the example the article gives, but it doesn't answer your question about assigning quotas based on groups.
I suspect what you'll want based on your problem is this:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Get-ADUser | Get-MailBox | Set-ProhibitSendQuota [...]
I don't know if you need Get-ADUser there or if the output of Get-ADGroupMember can be piped directly to Get-MailBox. I no longer administer Exchange, so I don't have access to those cmdlets anymore. $GroupName can be the group's name, distinguished name, or even the SID, IIRC.

Powershell - Add users to groups without ansi

I am looking for a solution to add users to groups in active directory after I have created their users accounts. Currently my powershell script has a few things lacking but I am going to tackle them one at a time.
In this cycle I trying to learn the best way to add groups to newly created user accounts. Is it best to copy from a template account (which I am having problems doing as I keep getting a blank account... Or should I manage all new user information directly in the script. Which is best practice?
In my research I see how this can be done with adsi.
I was hoping not to use this method unless I have to. what I was hoping for was something like this. with Get-ADUser, Set-ADUser, Set-ADObject, Get-ADObject, or similar commands.
$user=get-aduser 'abc user'
$userModify=Set-aduser $user
$groups=get-aduser $tmplateUser | select -ExpandProperty memberof
# or groups could come from an array, I have not decided which is best.
foreach ($Group In $groups)
$usermodify.memberof.add -identity $Group -member $user
Does anyone have any suggestions or examples?
if you can use the 'ActiveDirectory' module then you can try:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
This will show you the cmdlets available for managing groupmembership.
Get-Command -Verb add -Noun *group*
This will show you examples of the cmdlet.
Help cmdletname -examples
There are many ways to create users, most use information stored in a csv file as input to say a cmdlet like New-ADUser.
The foreach construct will depend upon which cmdlet you choose to use.
$groups = Get-ADUser $tmplateUser -Properties memberof |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof
foreach ($group in $groups)
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $newuser

Powershell Script to search specific OU in AD and find disabled users that is member of a group

I'm trying to write a script to find disabled users that is member of one or more groups in a specific OU in AD. It will then remove all the groups for all the disabled users. I found this script which removes all groups from users in a csv file, but as i'm looking to run this as a scheduled task I prefer not to process users that already had their groups removed without having to move them to a different OU.
Import-Csv $csvFile | ForEach-Object {
# Disable the account
Disable-ADAccount -Identity $_.samAccountName
# Retrieve the user object and MemberOf property
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.samAccountName -Properties MemberOf
# Remove all group memberships (will leave Domain Users as this is NOT in the MemberOf property returned by Get-ADUser)
foreach ($group in ($user | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf))
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $user -Confirm:$false
Any idea on how to filter out the users with more then one group?
I'm using this script to export disabled users that has not logged on for 60 days:
Get-QADUser -searchRoot $OuDomain -searchScope OneLevel -InactiveFor 61 -NotLoggedOnFor 61 -disabled -sizelimit 0
You seem to have filter by ou part down which is good. You have some thoughts in the beginning of you post but the only actual question is how to filter out the users with more then one group. Not sure if that is a typo or not but I read that as checking the count of groups a user has. A more realistic interpretation of that is filter users that could have at least one of a list of groups. I'm going to cover both.
The Count
I'm sure this is not what you want but just want to cover the base. The following would also work in a Where-Object clause
If((get-aduser $user -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf.Count -gt 0){Process...}
Multiple Groups
I'm sure this was your intention. Locate users that could contain one of serveral groups. This is best handled with regex.
$groupsFilter = "citrix_GateKeeper","barracuda_spam_alerts"
$groupsFilter = "($($groupsFilter -join '|'))"
# $groupsFilter in this example is: (citrix_GateKeeper|barracuda_spam_alerts)
If(((Get-ADUser $user -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf) -match $groupsFilter){Process....}
Create a regex match string based on a string array of multiple groups. If $user is a member of either of those groups then true would be returned.
If nothing here is of any use to you then I would suggest making your question clearer. Hopefully this helps.