PostgreSQL security local (pg_hba.conf ) - postgresql

In PostgreSQL we can just change local md5 to trust in pg_hba.conf. then we can access all data in database using psql without need of password.So anyone can change this line who can access local machine.
So, Is there way to password protect our database even someone change pg_hba.conf to trust
( I want to create offline app and need to protect client database,I need something like ms access, once we set the password it always ask for password )

As long as client has root/administrator acces on the computer you can't do much about pg_hba. You could make it read only but root can overyde anything. You could mount config file on read only file system but this is too complicated.
Solution can be only at database level(not OS or application): crypted data and triggers where you implement supplimentary security.
I don't think postresql is the answer for your requirement, maybe SQLite is the right one.


In PostgreSQL, how to accept *any* password for the user "postgres"?

I'm working on many projects simultaneously, and some have some passwords defined as default, which can vary along projects. I've got postgresql installed on my (Ubuntu) laptop and of course I'm only using it locally for devving.
I know it's horribly insecure, but I don't expose postgres remotely. So to make things easier I would like the postgresql server to accept ANY password it is given for the postgres user. Is there any way that I could do this?
Set trust for all you local connections in pg_hba.conf like e.g
local all all trust
After editing, restart the postgresql service.

Postgres Data Encryption at Rest Using LUKS with dm-crypt

We are trying to encrypt Postgres data at rest. Can't find any documentation to encrypt Postgres data folder using LUKS with dm-encrypt.
No special instructions are necessary – PostgreSQL will use the opened encrypted filesystem just like any other file system. Just point initdb to a directory in the opened file system, and it will create a PostgreSQL cluster there.
Automatic server restarts will fail, because you need to enter the passphrase.
Of all the ways to protect a database, encrypting the file system is the least useful:
Usually, attacks on a database happen via the client, normally with SQL injection. Encrypring the file system won't help.
The other common attack vector are backups. Backups done with pg_dump or pg_basebackup are not encrypted.
But I guess you know why you need it.

How to ensure data security even if postgres data can be accessed

I am installing postgres along side a intranet application. The data folder of postgres can be accessed by the user. I have seen here how one can reset the postgres user password and thus compromising data security.
Am I correct in understanding pg_hba.conf is data specific?
Is it possible to lock down modifications to pg_hba.conf or hard code the configuration somewhere so that one cant follow the steps described to the question linked above?

Force postgres_fdw to use password?

I have two databases set up as part of the same Postgresql 9.4 database cluster, and I'm trying to access a table in one of them from the other using a postgres_fdw. I have it all set up and working as a superuser, however when I try to access the foreign table as a normal user, I get the following error:
ERROR: password is required
DETAIL: Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password.
HINT: Target server's authentication method must be changed.
Now I understand that this is because I have the server set up with trust authentication for certain subnets, including Its own. However, in the 1 USER MAPPING I created, I did specify a password, with the hope that doing so would force it to use password authentication. No such luck apparently.
As such, my question is if there is any way around this somewhat onerous requirement? Is there a way to force this connection, or a specific user, or the like to use password authentication? Or some way to disable the requirement? Or is my only option to change the configuration to require passwords, and deal with whatever that breaks?
As Nick Barnes pointed out in a comment, pg_hba allows different authentication rules for specific users. As such, the solution to this issue was to simply create a user specifically for these FDW connections, and set that user in the pg_hba.conf to require a password. That way my trusted web apps on the trusted network can continue connecting as usual, but the FDW can get the password request it requires.
You can't force FDW to use a password: the server on the other end must request the password. the usual default for local socket connections is no password.
Try connecting via TCP instead of using local sockets: add host=localhost to the connection parameters, that will usually fix it.

What is the default username and password for PostgreSQL?

I am working on an open source application that has PostgreSQL as its default DBMS. Now when I install it on my system, its configuration is so that PostgreSQL also gets installed with it.
My problem is with getting access to the installed PostgreSQL database. The database that gets created during installation is named iviewdb.
I read at many forums that the default superuser is postgres, but when I try to get access to the database using this username through a command prompt, it prompts me for password that I don't have.
I wanted to know from where in the PostgreSQL installation directory
the default username and password with the port number to access the database is stored. I have even tried changing the pg_hba.conf file, but that creates a problem with the application and it won't start then.
How can I find the password for this database? I am working in a Windows environment.
The password isn't stored in an easily recoverable manner, and if you change the password, the application may not be able to access the database properly. You may find the password in the application settings or documentation, though.
If you decide to risk changing the postgres user's password, stop the application and PostgreSQL service, and then edit pg_hba.conf. Add (or change if it already exists) a line (if it doesn't exist, add it before any other "host...." lines):
host all all trust
And restart the PostgreSQL service. That should give you access from localhost, where you could change the postgres user's password, or add yourself another user with the permissions you want. Then set the pg_hba.conf file back the way it was and restart.
I've encountered this similar problem, and I noticed that the default being set for PostgreSQL upon installation in my case is as follows:
username = postgres
password = ' '