Error creating token via softhsm2 as non-root user "Could not initialize the library" - pkcs#11

Whilst initializing a token via softhsm2-util as a non-root user I receive the following error:
$ softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label "test" --so-pin 5462 --pin 8764329
ERROR: Could not initialize the library.
How can I fix this?

Whilst initializing token as a non-root user, we invariably try to access the default /etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf which points tokens to be staged under /var/lib/softhsm/tokens whose ownership/permission is limited to be used by root and its associated groups.
Changing ownership/permission of /var/lib/softhsm/tokens doesn't solve the problem as we cannot access /etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf in the first place given the access limitation, so we should be doing this instead:
cd $HOME
mkdir -p $HOME/lib/softhsm/tokens
cd $HOME/lib/softhsm/
echo "directories.tokendir = $PWD/tokens" > softhsm2.conf
export SOFTHSM2_CONF=$HOME/lib/softhsm/softhsm2.conf
$ softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label "test" --so-pin 5462 --pin 8764329
The token has been initialized.


If condition to check file is rewritable as different user

Is there a way to check if a file has chmod -R 777 set to that particular file with shell as a different user? i have a script which will dynamically run as a different user when it gets deployed to different environment
Static shell script which will be used as it gets deployed to higher environment e.g
chmod -R 777 /home/job/test.json
When it first gets deployed to dev environment . its working as expected. no error. but as soon its deployed as dev2 user using the same files but only as a different user,
it will throw chmod: changing permissions ... operation not permitted
For an example, files are initially deployed as user 'Test1'
-rwxrwxrwx | test.json
this are working as expected. Now we switch user to trigger some script as dev2. since test.json is originally created by dev1 . it will throw operation not permitted error eventhough it has chmod 777 . Reason being is because its trying to rerun chmod 777 as a different users
Is there a function we can use to determine if the file is rewrittable ? for an example
if [ -f /test1.json ]
then echo "check if this is -rwxrwxrwx" && echo " ignore condition "
else echo "do nothing"

What parameter(s) do I have to pass `gsutil` to access a Google Cloud local storage? (storage-testbench)

For test purposes, I want to run the storage-testbench simulator. It allows me to send REST commands to a local server which is supposed to work like a Google Cloud Storage facility.
In my tests, I want to copy 3 files from my local hard drive to that local GCS-like storage facility using gsutil cp .... I found out that in order to connect to that specific server, I need additional options on the command line as follow:
gsutil \
-o "Credentials:gs_json_host=" \
-o "Credentials:gs_json_port=9000" \
-o "Boto:https_validate_certificates=False" \
cp -p test my-file.ext gs://bucket-name/my-file.ext
See .boto for details on defining the credentials.
Unfortunately, I get this error:
CommandException: No URLs matched: test
The name at the end (test) is the project identifier (-p test). There is an example in the of the storage-testbench project, although it's just a variable in a URI.
How do I make the cp command work?
The gunicorn process shows that the first GET from the cp command works as expected. It returns a 200. So the issue seems to be inside gsutil. Also, I'm able to create the bucket just fine:
gsutil \
-o "Credentials:gs_json_host=" \
-o "Credentials:gs_json_port=9000" \
-o "Boto:https_validate_certificates=False" \
mb -p test gs://bucket-name
Trying the mb a second time gives me a 509 as expected.
More links:
gsutil global options
gsutil cp ...

How do I add a user and group using Yocto?

I'm getting an error when I try to create a user and add them to a group:
inherit extrausers
EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = " groupadd radio; \
useradd -g radio -p '' elton;"
I've also tried variations using usermod with similar results. The error log states:
NOTE: Executing set_user_group ...
DEBUG: Executing shell function set_user_group
NOTE: petalinux-user-image: Performing usermod with [-R /home/kenny/Desktop/radio/build/tmp/work/plnx_zynq7-xilinx-linux-gnueabi/petalinux-user-image/1.0-r0/rootfs -P root]
Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN
-c, --comment COMMENT new value of the GECOS field
-d, --home HOME_DIR new home directory for the user account
-e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE
-f, --inactive INACTIVE set password inactive after expiration
-g, --gid GROUP force use GROUP as new primary group
-G, --groups GROUPS new list of supplementary GROUPS
-a, --append append the user to the supplemental GROUPS
mentioned by the -G option without removing
the user from other groups
-h, --help display this help message and exit
-l, --login NEW_LOGIN new value of the login name
-L, --lock lock the user account
-m, --move-home move contents of the home directory to the
new location (use only with -d)
-o, --non-unique allow using duplicate (non-unique) UID
-p, --password PASSWORD use encrypted password for the new password
-P, --clear-password PASSWORD use clear password for the new password
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR directory to chroot into
-A, --prefix PREFIX_DIR prefix directory where are located the /etc/* files
-s, --shell SHELL new login shell for the user account
-u, --uid UID new UID for the user account
-U, --unlock unlock the user account
-v, --add-subuids FIRST-LAST add range of subordinate uids
-V, --del-subuids FIRST-LAST remove range of subordinate uids
-w, --add-subgids FIRST-LAST add range of subordinate gids
-W, --del-subgids FIRST-LAST remove range of subordinate gids
ERROR: petalinux-user-image: usermod command did not succeed.
I'm using Petalinux 2019.1 which is using Yocto/Thud.

How to setup gsutil to run from Anacron?

As user, gsutil works nice.
gsutil works nice when called from crontab (user).
As root, gsutil says:
Caught non-retryable exception while listing gs://....: ServiceException: 401 Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket ...."
gsutil does not work when called from Anacron (root).
Other scripts called from Anacron run nice.
The ~/.boto file contains credentials, and is located in user HOME directory.
So maybe that is causing the exception.
I tried setting BOTO_CONFIG, but it didn't change results:
$ gsutil -D ls 2>&1 | grep config_file_list
config_file_list: ['/home/wolfv/.boto']
$ sudo gsutil -D ls 2>&1 | grep config_file_list
config_file_list: []
$ BOTO_CONFIG="/root/.boto"
$ sudo gsutil -D ls 2>&1 | grep config_file_list
config_file_list: []
How to setup gsutil to run from Anacron?
$ gsutil -D
gsutil version: 4.22
checksum: 2434a37a663d09ae21d1644f64ce60ca (OK)
boto version: 2.42.0
python version: 2.7.13 (default, Jan 12 2017, 17:59:37) [GCC 6.3.1 20161221 (Red Hat 6.3.1-1)]
OS: Linux 4.9.11-200.fc25.x86_64
multiprocessing available: True
using cloud sdk: True
config path: /home/wolfv/.boto
gsutil path: /home/wolfv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/platform/gsutil/gsutil
compiled crcmod: True
installed via package manager: False
editable install: False
Command being run: /home/wolfv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/platform/gsutil/gsutil -o GSUtil:default_project_id=redacted -D
config_file_list: ['/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/redacted/.boto', '/home/wolfv/.boto']
config: [('debug', '0'), ('working_dir', '/mnt/pyami'), ('https_validate_certificates', 'True'), ('debug', '0'), ('working_dir', '/mnt/pyami'), ('content_language', 'en'), ('default_api_version', '2'), ('default_project_id', 'redacted')]
export BOTO_CONFIG worked for the terminal:
$ sudo -s
[root] # export BOTO_CONFIG=/home/wolfv/.boto
[root] # gsutil -D ls 2>&1 | grep config_file_list
config_file_list: ['/home/wolfv/.boto']
[root] # vi /root/.bashrc
add this line to end of .bashrc:
export BOTO_CONFIG=/home/wolfv/.boto
open new terminal and test the new BOTO_CONFIG in bash.rc
$ sudo -s
[root] # gsutil -D ls 2>&1 | grep config_file_list
config_file_list: ['/home/wolfv/.boto']
Unfortunately export BOTO_CONFIG in /root/.bashrc did not help Anacron call gsutil.
The backup log shows that Anacron called the backup script, and the backup script call to gsutil failed.
Does it matter in which initialization script sets path BOTO_CONFIG?
To make the path permanently accessible to Anacron (root), in which file should set BOTO_CONFIG?:
My credentials are now invlalid, probably from some change I made.
Here is my attempt at houglum's suggestions for BOTO_CONFIG.
First authorize login to get that out of the way:
$ gcloud auth login
Your browser has been opened to visit:
Created new window in existing browser session.
WARNING: `gcloud auth login` no longer writes application default credentials.
If you need to use ADC, see:
gcloud auth application-default --help
You are now logged in as [edacted].
Your current project is [redacted]. You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
Defining BOTO_CONFIG inline does not work:
$ BOTO_CONFIG=/home/wolfv/.boto gsutil ls
Your credentials are invalid. Please run
$ gcloud auth login
Exporting BOTO_CONFIG does not work:
$ export BOTO_CONFIG=/home/wolfv/.boto; gsutil ls
Your credentials are invalid. Please run
$ gcloud auth login
Sourcing bashrc does not work:
$ ls /home/wolfv/.bashrc
$ . /home/wolfv/.bashrc; gsutil ls
Your credentials are invalid. Please run
$ gcloud auth login
My credentials work if I remove my credentials from .boto, and use auth login instead (based on Your credentials are invalid. Please run $ gcloud auth login)
$ gcloud auth login
WARNING: `gcloud auth login` no longer writes application default credentials.
If you need to use ADC, see:
gcloud auth application-default --help
You are now logged in as [].
Your current project is [redacted-123]. You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
After using auth login, gsutil works from the terminal:
$ gsutil ls
And the backup script that calls gsutil also works from the terminal:
$ ~/scripts/backup_to_gcs/ in progress ... completed successfully
However, fails when called from crontab.
How to run gsutil from crontab?
This is in my anacron file:
1 10 anacron_test_id BOTO_PATH=/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/ /home/wolfv/scripts/backup_to_gcs/
anacron runs the script as expected, but the backup fails.
When script is called from command line, it works fine.
Probably because gsutil runs as user, but does not run as root:
$ gsutil ls
$ BOTO_PATH=/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/ gsutil ls
$ sudo BOTO_PATH=/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/ gsutil ls
sudo: gsutil: command not found
$ sudo gsutil ls
sudo: gsutil: command not found
Two days ago root was able to run gsutil.
Since then I used dnf history rollback to uninstall a different software.
Could that have effected gsutil authentication?
I followed the instructions on
$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/home/wolfv/REDACTED.json
Activated service account credentials for: []
But still, root could not run gsutil:
$ sudo gsutil ls
sudo: gsutil: command not found
$ gsutil ls -la gs://wolfvtest/test_lifecycle/
CommandException: You have multiple types of configured credentials (['Oauth 2.0 User Account', 'OAuth 2.0 Service Account']), which is not supported. One common way this happens is if you run gsutil config to create credentials and later run gcloud auth, and create a second set of credentials. Your boto config path is: ['/home/wolfv/.boto', '/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/']. For more help, see "gsutil help creds".
The help referse to a page that no longer mentions "auth"
So I have one too many credentials:
$ gsutil -D
config_file_list: ['/home/wolfv/.boto', '/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/']
Are any of these credentials used by root (for anacron)?
They are not in the root directory.
Should credintals needed for anacron be in the root directory?
I tried again after installing Fedora 26 on How to authorize root to run gsutil?
When you execute BOTO_CONFIG=<value> in the shell, you're not actually defining an environment variable, but rather a local shell variable (see this thread for more details). You want to either define the variable inline with the command:
BOTO_CONFIG=/path/to/config gsutil ls
or first export the BOTO_CONFIG environment variable, then run the gsutil command:
export BOTO_CONFIG=/path/to/config; gsutil ls
I just noticed that in addition to your own $HOME/.boto file, you're relying on gcloud's credentials that get set up from gcloud auth login. When you run this, gcloud creates another .boto file for you, and when you run gsutil from gcloud's wrapper script, it loads that .boto file first, followed by whatever .boto file(s) you specify with either the BOTO_CONFIG or BOTO_PATH environment variable.
If you want to run as root (which the cron job does) and use both those .boto files, you'll need to instead use the BOTO_PATH variable to list them, separated by colons, also making sure the BOTO_CONFIG environment variable is not set (BOTO_CONFIG takes precedence over BOTO_PATH... the gsutil docs mention this briefly):
BOTO_PATH=/home/wolfv/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/REDACTED/.boto:/home/wolfv/.boto gcloud ls
1) When you get the error "sudo: gsutil: command not found", it means that the root user cannot find the gsutil executable in its PATH. You should use the absolute path to the gsutil executable instead -- from your post, it looks like this is /home/wolfv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/platform/gsutil/gsutil.
2) When you activate service account credentials, the gcloud wrapper for gsutil will create a separate .boto file (with a path containing legacy_credentials/myproject#appspot[...]), and prefer to use this one if it's present. It contains the attribute gs_service_key_file, while your other .boto file probably contains gs_oauth2_refresh_token -- loading multiple .boto files with multiple credentials attributes like this will result in the error you're seeing.
If you want to use gcloud to manage your auth credentials, you generally shouldn't put anything under the [Credentials] section of your $HOME/.boto file.

sudo -l for a different as root

Hi all am trying list all the sudo command a user has access to as a root , obviously we can see that in sudoers file but if there are a lot of user/command aliases it becomes difficult
i am trying to do sudo -l for a different user as root
i have tried using -u option
sudo -u testuser -l
throws command usage message
sudo -u testuser sudo -l
prompts for testuser's password (i dont want password prompt as i am doing as root)
su - testuser -c 'sudo -l'
gives me below error
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
please let me know how to go about this
As per man sudo:
-U user, --other-user=user
Used in conjunction with the -l option to list the privileges
for user instead of for the invoking user. The security pol-
icy may restrict listing other users' privileges. The
sudoers policy only allows root or a user with the ALL privi-
lege on the current host to use this option.
you're using -u, which is something completely different:
-u user, --user=user
Run the command as a user other than the default target user
(usually root ). The user may be either a user name or a
numeric user ID (UID) prefixed with the '#' character etc...