Kafka and IIDR CDC - apache-kafka

I am trying to build a CDC pipeline using : DB2--IBM CDC --Kafka
and I am trying to figure out the right way to setup this .
I tried below things -
1.Setup a 3 node kafka cluster on linux on prem
2.Installed IIDR CDC software on linux on prem using - setup-iidr- file . The CDC instance is up and running .
The various online documentation suggest to install 'IIDR management console ' to configure the source datastore and CDC server configuration and also Kafka subscription configuration to build the pipeline .
Currently I do not have the management console installed .
Few questions on this -
1.Is there any alternative to IBM CDC management console for setting up the kafka-CDC pipeline ?
2.How can I get the IIDR management console ? and if we install it on our local windows dekstop and try to connect to CDC/Kafka which are on remote linux servers, will it work ?
3.Any other method to setup the data ingestion IIDR CDC to Kafka ?
I am fairly new to CDC/ IIDR , please help !

I own the development of the IIDR Kafka target for our CDC Replication product.
Management Console is the best way to setup the subscription initially. You can install it on a windows box.
Technically I believe you can use our scripting language called CHCCLP to setup a subscription as well. But I recommend using the GUI.
Here are links to our resources on our IIDR (CDC) Kafka Target. Search for the "Kafka" section.
An example of setting up a subscription and replicating is this video
Management console and access server can be obtained from IBM fix central.
I have installed MC/Access server on my VM and on my personal windows box to use it against my linux VMs. You will need connectivity of course.
You can definitely follow up with our Support and they'll be able to sort you out. Plus we have docs in our knowledge centre on MC starting here.... https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSTRGZ_11.4.0/com.ibm.cdcdoc.mcadminguide.doc/concepts/overview_of_cdc.html
You'll find our Kafka target is very flexible it comes with five different formats to write data into Kafka, and you can choose to capture data in an audit format, or the Kafka compaction compatible key, null for a delete method.
Additionally you can even use the product to write several records to several different topics in several formats from a single insert operation. This is useful if some of your consumer apps want JSON and others Avro binary. Additionally you can use this to put all the data to more secure topics, and write out just some of the data to topics that more people have access to.
We even have customers who encrypt columns in flight when replicating.
Finally the product's transformations can be parallelized even if you choose to only use one producer to write out data.
Actually one more finally, we additionally provide the option to use a special consumer which produces database ACID semantics for data written into Kafka and shred across topics and partitions. It re-orders it. we call it the transactionally consistent consumer. It provides operation order, bookmarks for restarting applications, and allows parallelism in performance but ordered, exactly once, deduplicated consumption of data.
From my talk at the Kafka Summit...


Custom Connector for Apache Kafka

I am looking to write a custom connector for Apache Kafka to connect to SQL database to get CDC data. I would like to write a custom connector so I can connect to multiple databases using one connector because all the marketplace connectors only offer one database per connector.
First question: Is it possible to connect to multiple databases using one custom connector? Also, in that custom connector, can I define which topics the data should go to?
Second question: Can I write a custom connector in .NET or it has to be Java? Is there an example that I can look at for custom connector for CDC for a database in .net?
There are no .NET examples. The Kafka Connect API is Java only, and not specific to Confluent.
Source is here - https://github.com/apache/kafka/tree/trunk/connect
Dependency here - https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.apache.kafka/connect-api
looking to write a custom connector ... to connect to SQL database to get CDC data
You could extend or contribute to Debezium, if you really wanted this feature.
connect to multiple databases using one custom connector
If you mean database servers, then not really, no. Your URL would have to be unique per connector task, and there isn't an API to map a task number to a config value. If you mean one server, and multiple database schemas, then I also don't think that is really possible to properly "distribute" within a single connector with multiple tasks (thus why database.names config in Debezium only currently supports one name).
explored debezium but it won't work for us because we have microservices architecture and we have more than 1000 databases for many clients and debezium creates one topic for each table which means it is going to be a massive architecture
Kafka can handle thousands of topics fine. If you run the connector processes in Kubernetes, as an example, then they're centrally deployable, scalable, and configurable from there.
However, I still have concerns over you needing all databases to capture CDC events.
Was also previously suggested to use Maxwell

Running Source Connector on Demand and Not Based on poll.interval.ms

I have a table that is updated once / twice a day, but I want the data to be pushed to Kafka immediately after the table is updated. Is it possible to avoid running the connector every poll.interval.ms, but rather to run it only after the table is updated (sync on demand or trigger the sync in some other way after the table update)
I apologize if this question is stupid... Can sink connector be running on one Kafka cluster, but pull messages from another Kafka cluster and insert them into Postgres. I'm not talking about replicating messages from Cluster A to Cluster B and then inserting messages from Cluster B to Postgres. I'm talking about Connector running on Cluster B but pulling messages from Cluster A and writing them to Postgres.
If you use log-based change data capture (Debezium, etc) then you capture changes as soon as they are there, without needing to re-query the database. If you use query-based CDC then you do have to query the database on a polling interval. For query-based vs log-based CDC see this blog or talk.
One option would be to use the Kafka Connect REST API to control the connector - but you're kind of going against the streaming paradigm here and will start to find awkward edges in doing this. For example, when do you decide to pause the connector? How do you determine that it's ingested all the changes? etc.
Using log-based CDC is low-impact on the source system and commonly the route that people go.
Kafka Connect does not run on your Kafka cluster. Kafka Connect runs as its own cluster. Physically, it can be co-located for purposes of dev/sandbox environment (this ref arch is useful for production). See also this talk "Running Kafka Connect".
So in your example, "Cluster B" is actually a Kafka Connect cluster - and it would be configured to read from Kafka cluster "A", and that is fine.

Kafka Connect instead of Flume Ingestion

I have been looking into the concepts and application of Kafka Connect, and I have even touched one project based on it in one of my intern. Now in my working scenario, now I am considering replacing the architecture of the our real time data ingestion platform which is currently based on flume -> Kafka with Kafka Connect and Kafka.
The reason why I am considering the switch can be concluded mainly into:
But if we use flume we need to install the agent on each remote machine which generates tons of workload for further devops, especially at the place where I am working where the authority of machines is managed in a rigid way that maintaining utilities on machines belonging to other departments.
Another reason for the consideration is that the machines' os environment varies, if we install flumes on a variety of machines , some machine with different os and jdks(I have met some with IBM jdk) just cannot make flume work well which in worst case can result in zero data ingestion.
It looks with Kafka Connect we can deploy it in a centralized way with our Kafka cluster so that the develops cost can go down. Beside, we can avoid installing flumes on machines belonging to others and avoid the risk of incompatible environment to ensure the stable ingestion of data from every remote machine.
Besides, the most ingestion scenario is only to ingest real-time-written log text file on remote machines(on linux and unix file system) into Kafka topics, that is it. So I won't need advanced connectors which is not supported in apache version of Kafka.
But I am not sure if I am understanding the usage or scenario of Kafka Connect the right way. Also I am wondering if Kafka Connect should be deployed on the same machine with the data source machines or if it is ok they resides on different machines. If they can be different then why flume requires the agent to be run on the same machine with the data source? So I wish someone more experienced can give me some lights on that.
Is Kafka Connect appropriate for ingesting data to Kafka? yes
Does Kafka Connect run local to the data source? only if it has to (e.g. reading a local file with Kafka Connect spooldir plug, FilePulse plugin, etc ).
Should you rip out something that works and replace it with Kafka Connect? not unless it's fixing a problem that you have
If you're not using either yet, should you use Kafka Connect instead of Flume? Quite possibly.
Learn more about Kafka Connect here: https://dev.to/rmoff/crunchconf-2019-from-zero-to-hero-with-kafka-connect-81o
For file ingest alone there's other tools too like Filebeat too

Kafka design questions - Kafka Connect vs. own consumer/producer

I need to understand when to use Kafka connect vs. own consumer/producer written by developer. We are getting Confluent Platform. Also to achieve fault tolerant design do we have to run the consumer/producer code ( jar file) from all the brokers ?
Kafka connect is typically used to connect external sources to Kafka i.e. to produce/consume to/from external sources from/to Kafka.
Anything that you can do with connector can be done through
Readily available Connectors only ease connecting external sources to Kafka without requiring the developer to write the low-level code.
Some points to remember..
If the source and sink are both the same Kafka cluster, Connector doesn't make sense
If you are doing changed-data-capture (CDC) from a database and push them to Kafka, you can use a Database source connector.
Resource constraints: Kafka connect is a separate process. So double check what you can trade-off between resources and ease of development.
If you are writing your own connector, it is well and good, unless someone has not already written it. If you are using third-party connectors, you need to check how well they are maintained and/or if support is available.
do we have to run the consumer/producer code ( jar file) from all the brokers ?
Don't run client code on the brokers. Let all memory and disk access be reserved for the broker process.
when to use Kafka connect vs. own consumer/produce
In my experience, these factors should be taken into consideration
You're planning on deploying and monitoring Kafka Connect anyway, and have the available resources to do so. Again, these don't run on the broker machines
You don't plan on changing the Connector code very often, because you must restart the whole connector JVM, which would be running other connectors that don't need restarted
You aren't able to integrate your own producer/consumer code into your existing applications or simply would rather have a simpler produce/consume loop
Having structured data not tied to the a particular binary format is preferred
Writing your own or using a community connector is well tested and configurable for your use cases
Connect has limited options for fault tolerance compared to the raw producer/consumer APIs, with the drawbacks of more code, depending on other libraries being used
Note: Confluent Platform is still the same Apache Kafka
Kafka Connect:
Kafka Connect is an open-source platform which basically contains two types: Sink and Source. The Kafka Connect is used to fetch/put data from/to a database to/from Kafka. The Kafka connect helps to use various other systems with Kafka. It also helps in tracking the changes (as mentioned in one of the answers Changed Data Capture (CDC) ) from DB's to Kafka. The system maintains the offset, in order to read/write data from that particular offset to Kafka or any other database.
For more details, you can refer to https://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/index.html
The Producer/Consumer:
The Producer and Consumer are just an end system, which use the Kafka to produce and consume topics to/from Kafka. They are used where we want to broadcast the data to various consumers in a consumer group. This kind of system also maintains the lag and offsets of data for the consumer groups.
No, you don't need to run any producer/consumer while running Kafka connect. In case you want to check there is no data loss you can run the consumer while running Source Connectors. In case, of Sink Connectors, the already produced data can be verified in your database, by running their particular select queries.

two kafka versions running on same cluster

I am trying to configure two Kafka servers on a cluster of 3 nodes. while there is already one Kafka broker(0.8 version) already running with the application. and there is a dependency on that kafka version 0.8 that cannot be disturbed/upgraded .
Now for a POC, I need to configure 1.0.0 since my new code is compatible with this version and above...
my task is to push data from oracle to HIVE tables. for this I am using jdbc connect to fetch data from oracle and hive jdbc to push data to hive tables. it should be fast and easy way...
I need the following help
can I use spark-submit to run this data push to hive?
can I simply copy kafka_2.12-1.0.0 on my Linux server on one of the node and run my code on it. I think I need to configure my Zookeeper.properties and server.properties with ports not in use and start this new zookeeper and kafka services separately??? please note I cannot disturb existing zookeeper and kafka already running.
kindly help me achieve it.
I'm not sure running two very memory intensive applications (Kafka and/or Kafka Connect) on the same machines is considered very safe. Especially if you do not want to disturb existing applications. Realistically, a rolling restart w/ upgrade will be best for performance and feature reasons. And, no, two Kafka versions should not be part of the same cluster, unless you are in the middle of a rolling upgrade scenario.
If at all possible, please use new hardware... I assume Kafka 0.8 is even running on machines that could be old, and out of warranty? Then, there's no significant reason that I know of not to even use a newer version of Kafka, but yes, extract it on any machine you'd like, use perhaps use something like Ansible, or preferred config management tool you choose, to do it for you.
You can share the same Zookeeper cluster actually, just make sure it's not the same settings. For example,
Cluster 0.8
Cluster 1.x
Also, not clear where Spark fits into this architecture. Please don't use JDBC sink for Hive. Use the proper HDFS Kafka Connect sink, which has direct Hive support via the metastore. And while the JDBC source might work for Oracle, chances are, you might already be able to afford a license for GoldenGate
i am able to achieve two kafka version 0.8 and 1.0 running on the same server with respective zookeepers.
steps followed:
1. copy the version package folder to the server at desired location
2. changes configuration setting in zookeeper.properties and server.propeties(here you need to set port which are not in used on that particular server)
3. start the services and push data to kafka topics.
Note: this requirement is only for a POC and not an ideal production environment. as answered above we must upgrade to next level rather than what is practiced above.