Getting nested group members via Get-ADObject - powershell

I have Universal group with distribution scope and there are contacts and groups and users which are members of this DL. I am trying to below command but not getting details of groups or users with powershell. Those groups have groups nested within them that contain users.
How can i export nested group members and users from distribution group from AD Powershell cmdlet?
Group A
Members = asmith(Contact), jbloggs,Group B (member = kbrown)
Here is my code :
$memberof=get-adgroup -Filter "Name -like 'IT*'" |select -expandproperty distinguishedname
#$distinguishedName = $memberof -replace "(CN=)(.*?),.*",'$2'
foreach ($memberof1 in $memberof) {
$distinguishedName = $memberof1 -replace "(CN=)(.*?),.*",'$2'
Get-ADObject -Filter 'memberof -eq $memberof1 -and (objectClass -eq "user" -or ObjectClass -eq "contact" -or objectclass -eq "group")' -properties *|select name | Export-csv -Path "C:\temp\$distinguishedName.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Either use Get-ADGroupMember with the -Recursive parameter switch:
$AllMembers = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'IT*'" |Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive
or use the special in-chain operator in an LDAP query filter for the memberOf attribute:
$GroupDN = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'IT*'" |Select -Expand DistinguishedName
$AllMembers = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$GroupDN)"


Powershell to get group, members and member of details

I'm trying to use powershell to get a list of global groups in an OU and output the global group name, the members and the domain local groups the global group is a member of, so far I have the output below, but how do I get the output for the "member of" details
$OU = 'OU=Role Groups,OU=USG,OU=Groups,OU=xxx,OU=xxxxxx,DC=xxxxxxx,DC=xxx'
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $OU
$Data = foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive | Select-Object #{Name='Group';Expression={$Group.Name}}, #{Name='Member';Expression={$_.Name}}
$Data | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\FolderPermissions.csv"
Why not take a more direct approach as defined in the help files?
Get-ADGroup |
Where-Object {GroupScope -eq 'Global'} |
$OU = 'OU=Role Groups,OU=USG,OU=Groups,OU=xxx,OU=xxxxxx,DC=xxxxxxx,DC=xxx'
Get-ADGroup -Filter "GroupScope -eq 'Global'" -SearchBase $OU |
Get-ADGroupMember | Select-Object -Property SamAccountName

Remove all groups withen a specific OU

I'm attempting to make an AD cleanup script that will go through a terminated OU and verify all users are removed from specific OU's. currently if I run it it will remove all users in the terminated OU from all OU's. I might just be blind but is there an easy way to have it only remove groups from selected OU's?
$OUs = "OU=Terminated,OU=####,OU=####,DC=####,DC=####"
$results = foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
get-aduser -SearchBase $OU -filter * -properties MemberOf | foreach-object {
? $_.MemberOf -like "*OU I want removed*" | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members $_.DistinguishedName -Confirm:$false -whatif
$results | Export-Csv '.\Users groups have been remoed from.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I thought it would work, however all it gives me is:
Where-Object : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPropertyValueCollection'.
At C:\###\###\###\accounts script.ps1:8 char:13
+ ? $_.MemberOf -like "*Distrobution Lists*" | <#%{$keep -n ...
Given that you have a separate OU for groups, you can iterate over the groups that a terminated user has and see if any of the groups belong to that specific OU. If thats the case, then remove all those groups.
$results = ""
foreach ($ou in $OUs)
$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou -Filter *
foreach ($user in $users)
$groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User | ? {$_.distinguishedName -like "*OU I WANT TO REMOVE FROM*" }
foreach($group in $groups)
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user -MemberOf $group -whatif
results += "$user removed from its Groups: $($groups | % { $ })\r\n"
results | Out-File -Append C:\temp\new.txt
$groups will have members in this format. You can use distinguishedName as a filter type and use something like "OU=Groups,DC=this,DC=com" instead of "OU=Groups" that might be considered broad.
distinguishedName : CN=GroupName,OU=****,DC=****,DC=****
GroupCategory : Security
GroupScope : Global
name : <Name Of The Group>
objectClass : group
objectGUID : <Object Guid>
SamAccountName : <Name Of The Group>
I like to keep the variables so i can use them to log what changes are being performed.
NOTE: I used -whatif to make sure it doesnt do what you intend to for testing reasons. Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership also updates user with one group.
Another Way to go about it
foreach ($ou in $OUs)
$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou -Filter *
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $DecomOUGROUP
foreach($group in $groups) {
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $users -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Find security and distribution groups with owners whose account is disabled

I'm looking for some guidance on creating a powershell script that will check security and distribution groups from specific OU's and see if the owner is a user who's disabled.
We have lots of old groups in our AD created by ex employees that need to be cleaned up.
This is what i've started with.
$managedByGroups = get-adgroup -filter 'groupCategory -eq "Distribution"' -SearchBase "OU=SydExchangeGroups,OU=SydGroups,OU=Sydney,DC=my,DC=org,DC=biz" -Properties distinguishedname, managedby | select sAMAccountName, managedby
$disabledUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $false} -SearchBase "OU=SydDisabledUsers,OU=SydMisc,OU=Sydney,DC=my,DC=org,DC=biz" | select distinguishedname
foreach ($group in $managedByGroups){
if($managedByGroups.managedby -eq $disabledUsers.distinguishedname)
There are a number of issues with your if block:
you are looping through $managedByGroups, but you are never using that variable (it should be $group.managedby)
you are trying to compare 1 element with a list of elements, in this case consider using -in operator instead of -eq.
you should treat the case when there is no value for managedby attribute, in case you do not get the desired results.
An alternative to your code may is below.
I'm first getting the list of managedby users, then i'm looping though each entry, and if it is not null, we try to do a get-aduser filtering by enabled status and the distinguishedname.
$DisabledManagedBy variable will contains ADUser objects which are disabled.
$grp = get-adgroup -filter 'groupCategory -eq "Distribution"' -Properties ManagedBy,DistinguishedName
$DisabledManagedBy = foreach ($item in $grp.ManagedBy) {
if ($item) {
Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $false -and DistinguishedName -like $item} -Properties DistinguishedName
I worked this out eventually by doing the following:
$myDisabledUsers = #()
$date = get-date -format dd-MM-yyyy
$managedSydGroups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties * -Searchbase "OU=SydExchangeGroups,OU=SydGroups,OU=Sydney,DC=my,DC=biz,DC=org" | where {$_.managedby -ne $null} | select name, managedby
$disabledSydUser = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=SydDisabledUsers,OU=SydMisc,OU=Sydney,DC=my,DC=biz,DC=org" | where {$_.enabled -eq $false} | select -ExpandProperty distinguishedname
$disabledOwners = foreach($group in $managedSydGroups)
$managedByString = [string]$group.managedby
if($disabledSydUser -contains $managedByString)
{$myDisabledUsers += $group}

how to make this group filter script only for active users

I was wondering if this script could be changed into one for only active users?
import-module ActiveDirectory
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\test\teetest.txt"
$groups = Get-ADGroup -filter {(name -like "runners*") -or (name -like "helpers*")
foreach($group in $groups)
$countUser = (Get-ADGroupMember $group.DistinguishedName).count
Write-Host "The group $($group.Name) has $countUser user(s)."
Any help would be appreciated.
If I understand your question correctly and by active users you mean groups with at least 1 member(i.e. greater than 0). You could just filter out results using Where-Object cmdlet. Like so:
$groups = Get-ADGroup -filter {(name -like "runners*") -or (name -like "helpers*") -Properties Members | Where-Object { $_.Members.Count –gt 0 }
Yes, you can add a filter to only get the number of active Members in the Group.
Since Get-ADGroupMember doesn't supply all properties for the Users you have to do another lookup for each of them:
$countUser = (Get-ADGroupMember $group.DistinguishedName | % { Get-ADuser -Identity $_ -Property Enabled | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $true}}).count
% { Get-ADuser -Identity $_ -Property Enabled - Get the Informations for each User found in the Group with the Enabled Property added to it
Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $true} - Filters the users that are enabled
I think this may be because the Get-ADGroupMember not just returns user objects with a limited set of properties, but can also return groups and computers.
Since you are only looking for users that are direct descendents of the groups 'runners*' or 'helpers*', it is better to limit the objects returned by the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet to be users only.
Below I do this by adding Where-Object { $_.objectClass -eq "user" }.
Next, to ensure the .Count property can be used I would suggest to enclose the thing in a #() so the returned value actually is an array and therefore has the Count property.
For a script like this, I also suggest NOT to try and put it all in one single line, because that makes spotting mistakes (like forgetting a closing bracket) more difficult.
Try this:
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\test\teetest.txt"
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {(name -like "runners*") -or (name -like "helpers*")}
foreach($group in $groups) {
$countUser = 0
Get-ADGroupMember $group.DistinguishedName | Where-Object { $_.objectClass -eq "user" } |
ForEach-Object {
if ((Get-ADuser -Identity $_.DistinguishedName).Enabled) { $countUser++ }
Write-Host "The group $($group.Name) has $countUser user(s)."
Replace the $countUser statement alone with below example.
For only Enabled User Accounts
$countUserEnabled = (get-aduser -filter *|where {$_.enabled -eq "True"}).count
For only Disabled User Accounts
$countUserDisabled = (get-aduser -filter *|where {$_.enabled -ne "False"}).count

How to get multiple users membership groups from AD using Powershell script?

I got a list of 150+ users and I want to know which group they have membership for?
I just started using PS. I can query for 1 user, but not for a list of users. Would like
to know exact command??? I got :
(get-aduser -identity "username" -properties memberof |select-object memberof).memberof > c:\temp\ss.csv
Read your user list into an array and check if your AD users are contained in that array:
$userlist = Get-Content 'C:\your\userlist.txt'
Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties memberof | Where-Object {
$userlist -contains $_.SamAccountName
} | ForEach-Object {
$username = $_
$groups = $_ | Select-Object -Expand memberof |
ForEach-Object { (Get-ADGroup $_).Name }
"{0}: {1}" -f $username, ($groups -join ', ')
} | Out-File 'c:\temp\ss.csv'
Replace SamAccountName as appropriate if the user list doesn't contain the account names of the users.